Being Dick Jones; The Sequel

A couple of days ago we shared this post about our favorite punching bag, Dick Jones. We pointed out that we had been criticized during last year’s campaign for producing a creative version of this classic moment; so we shared the original, unedited film.

And now we would like to present, once again, our original art film version that was nominated in 2008 for the prestigious Orson Welles Award for Excellence in Political Satire from the Teddy J. Brinkerhof Multi-media Institute in Nanty Glo, Pennsylvania . We didn’t win, but we have high hopes for 2009. 

We have to admit it was tough competing with the real McCoy, but we did our best! Decide for youself which version is more entertaining.

5 Replies to “Being Dick Jones; The Sequel”

  1. That’s a pretty good film, but I have to admit that it’s pretty hard to improve on the original.

  2. Enough of this old news. Lets get to the fresh stuff. Didnt you report that there was a new Dick Jones all time moment at the Vector Control Board a week ago?

    Lets get some highlights post haste.

  3. Spoke to Dave. Clerk @ Vector(Vicky) told him he had to put request in writing and she had up to ten days. She also told Dave she was already satisfying a request from a Friend of Fullertons Future for the tape and they would have it before he could get it.

    Dave also said Jeff Esquibel would volunteer to go pick it up when ready so call him if you need the assist.

    Any word on Jan’s dog?

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