Hilda Sugarman Reads Our Blog!

The well-read Mrs. Sugarman
The well-read Mrs. Sugarman

FSD Trustee Hilda Sugarman, one of the masterminds of the district’s $1500 laptop flop actually reads our blog, as evidenced by the following e-mail string. The funny thing is she thought she was sending an e-mail to somebody else (the Superintendant?) when she was actually sending it right back to us!

Our own Travis Kiger, author of the laptop post, politely notified Mrs. Sugaman of this fact, courteously invited her to correct any errors in his post, and promised to publish them. Hilda is right: Travis is a lovely person!

Sugarman has yet to respond but we’ll give her some time to get a response written for her by district staff. If and when she does get back to us, Travis will be sure to post these “corrections” – whatever they may be.

You see, unlike public agencies we always welcome correction and are not afraid to admit it if we get something wrong!

Here are the e-mails:

From: Fullertons Future <info@friendsforfullertonsfuture.org>
To: Hilda Sugarman <hilda_sugarman@fsd.k12.ca.us>
Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Subject: Re: [Friends For Fullerton’s Future] School District Still Forcing Parents to Buy $1,500 Apple Laptops

Hilda, I believe you meant to forward this email to someone else, but instead you replied back to us.

I am the author of this story. If there are errors in the story please send them to me and I will add a postscript – or feel free to reply in the comments.

Travis Kiger

From: Hilda Sugarman <hilda_sugarman@fsd.k12.ca.us>
To: Fullertons Future <info@friendsforfullertonsfuture.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Subject: Re: [Friends For Fullerton’s Future] School District Still Forcing Parents to Buy $1,500 Apple Laptops

REad the article.  Do you know who this lovely person is?  Do you think it is worth correcting the errors?

On Jun 3, 2009, Fullertons Future wrote:

Hello,You may be interested in this article:

School District Still Forcing Parents to Buy $1,500 Apple Laptops
Posted On June 3, 2009

As another school year comes to an end, the Fullerton School District is telling parents that it’s time to pay $1,500 for a brand new laptop for each of their children. Included in the presentation is a reminder that if they don’t get a laptop, the school district will ship…

View the rest of this article at http://www.fullertonsfuture.org/2009/fullerton-school-laptop-program/

12 Replies to “Hilda Sugarman Reads Our Blog!”

  1. Ha! That’s a good one. But don’t hold your breath waiting for those so-called corrections!

  2. Of course she reads this blog. I don’t think you guys understand how far the word has spread.

  3. Classic Sugarbooger. Maybe one of those kids with the fancy laptop can teach her how to avoid the embarrassment of responding to the author of the post rather than the district offices.

  4. No comment on whether or not there’s consensus regarding her claims that Travis is a lovely person. I don’t want to cause competition between him, Harpoon and Shadow, but I’m going to vote that he is probably the loveliest.

  5. Not speaking for The Shadow, I can say unequivocally that I am not a lovely person. And I am getting unlovelier with each passing day.

  6. No. I don’t want to offend the Shadow and her old man, Joe. He wouldn’t like that at all.

  7. I smell a bitter “Chris Thompson” in this post. Maybe because he lost when he ran for School Board. My two boys Kalil and George Bushala have been part of the computer laptop program. I want to thank Jackie Pearce, Hilda and Fisler for the great opportunity to provide this program to my boys. It’s amazing how much they have taught me and my husband Tony Bushala, specially when he was trying to get his power points ready for City council meetings. I’m sure he cannot thank the boys enough for their help! Our future is in technology! without the knowledge on computers you can’t get a job almost anywhere. I wonder how many of you “bloggers” specially the ones that are hiding behind fake names? have children in school? I bet most of you negative bloggers have nothing to do other than attack people that are trying to help our children. Keep in mind nobody is perfect, but at least they are trying to do something positive for the community. Unlike these negative post that just bash people. Dave Zenger are you behind one of those names or maybe two or even three? Or maybe Mr. Chris Thompson aka Mr. Hooka?
    Come on guys COME OUT OF YOUR CLOSET don’t be afraid!!! We want to see who is behind the “names”?

    Maybe Hilda was BUSY getting ready for the event?
    Travis how many kids do you have? Get your price right on the computers. It is less than $1500, but i will let you research it.

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