What Is It About Molly McClanahan And Football Stadiums?
Dick Ackerman, Fullerton Redevelopment boondoggle history, college football, and Molly McClanahan.
It’s not often that so many local topics intersect, so when they do this intersection should be scrutinized and at the very least enjoyed for it’s entertainment value.
And so Loyal Friends, climb into the FFFF way back machine and travel with us to the not so distant year of 1990.
Supposed conservative city councilman Dick Ackerman had just help orchestrate a fiscal finagle in which the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency would finance a football stadium for Cal State University at Fullerton. Councilwoman Molly McClanahan voted for this blatent abuse of redevelopment although titan football folded and the bogus fundraising program was exposed she was heard to take credit for “asking all the tough questions!”.

Fast forward now to 2009: a football stadium sits at CSUF with no football team in it. A stadium financed by the tax payers of Fullerton, all of whom are residents of the North Orange County Community College District of which Molly McClanahan is now a Trustee. The NOCCCD is caught red handed trying to illegally slip a new football stadium into it’s bond expansion plan at FJC!
Now, that’s ironic ! How many football stadiums will Molly McClannahan oversee before she wraps up her political carreer? And why can’t FJC’s football team use the CSUF football stadium for its 5 or 6 annual home games? Maybe Molly can answer that since she approved it in the first place. Let’s ask her. Molly?
Hey–UCLA has a team & no stadium. CSF has a stadium & no team. Why don’t they switch campuses?
Seriously, to build 2 public football stadiums across the street from each other is a waste probably equalled by no other city in Calif.
College, JC & HS teams share stadiums all over the USA–why not here?
College Park Pro :
Park Pro, “Seriously, to build 2 public football stadiums across the street from each other is a waste probably equalled by no other city in Calif.”, welcome to Fullerton, a town that elects and re-elects the biggest boobs in Calif.
Has Molly so much as uttered a peep about this hornets nest she helped stir up? (pun intended) Seriously, since this whole thing came to light she has been invisible.
Of course not, that would mean that she would have to talk about who’s accountable for it. Never in her life will she even come close to using the word “A” word.
Turn it into a gladiator stadium with lions and defunct city council persons and anyone else who greenlighted this ridiculous project.
My master supports ex-chief Q ball
bow wow