Cops Love us!
Well, some cops, anyway, and not in Fullerton!
It transpires that the police union in the beautiful and high-toned town of Santa Barbra are unhappy with their city manager. “Joe” sez you, “so what?”
Well, it turns out that the City Manager of Santa Barbara is none other than James L. Armstrong, who used to occupy that job description here in Fullerton. The union has discovered our humble blog and shared some of our history lessons.
Although this stuff occurred a few years before my time, this blog has had some great fun recounting the myriad disasters that occurred during the reign of King James I. Things like Redevelopment boondoggles, general unaccountability, high-handed behavior, and the sort of arrogant bullshit that is normally reserved for those who can pull of the Divine Right of Kings gig.
Here’s the post on the website, just in case you’re interested in enjoying the SBPD union’s take on their beloved leader.
Well, we got rid of him, at least.
Update – the link is broken. Here is a back up copy.
Their loss is our gain.
Sure looks like they deserve each other up their. I remember when he cut out Armstrong’s excuse was that he wanted to live nearer to the beach!
“Things like Redevelopment boondoggles, general unaccountability, high-handed behavior, and the sort of arrogant bullshit that is normally reserved for those who can pull of the Divine Right of Kings gig.”
This description fits Santa Ana City Manager Dave Ream to a tee.
Well, the cops haven’t got the whole story. The Fullerton Police Chief during all of King James I’s reign was none other than your own current council candidate Patrick C. McKinley.
If the force was messed up, there’s your culprit.
Santa Barbara is the Mecca of fake McSpanish architecture.
Why doesn’t our cop union have a blog? That would be entertaining.
City of Fullerton and Domestic Violence
Fullerton residents, did you know: a woman is battered in the United States every 15 seconds? According to its official website,, domestic violence occurs in many Fullerton households, and can strike any home, regardless of income, age or ethnicity.
One-third of U.S. homicides are domestic violence-related. A kick or a shove, in many cases, can result in a fatality. Half of all U.S. women experience violence in intimate relationships. Domestic violence isn’t random, distant, or infrequent; it’s a fact, and it’s here in Fullerton.
Besides physical battering, domestic violence takes the form of verbal abuse or unwanted sexual assault. Domestic violence statistics, publicly available from Fullerton’s Police Department, aptly demonstrate; cruel words at home often escalate into dangerous, life-threatening physical confrontations.
Domestic violence victims often believe themslves to be powerless, filled with guilt for being attacked; they become financially, physically dependent upon their attackers. Domestic violence begins a cycle of hopelessness and despair where victims become unable to care for themslves, or their children.
Children who grow up in domestic violence households often carry their experiences into adult relationships, either as attackers or as victims. Even the mildest domestic violence transgression can leave deep, lasting wounds upon children in City of Fullerton.
Spousal abuse in California is a serious crime; domestic violence attackers–even, for a first time offense–can be sent to prison.
Fullerton residents: if you know ANYONE who is an attacker, or has been attacked, Fullerton Police Department will process all criminal reports through North Orange County Municipal Court for prosecution. If additional information is desired, you may contact Orange County District Attorney’s office at 714-773-4480, or Fullerton Police Department at 714-738-6715.
The SBPD post has been removed. Bummer.
Yep, it’s too bad nobody thought to save it. Oh wait, here it is: