Joe Dunn Proposes Transparency for OC Lobbyists

Former State Senator Joe Dunn has submitted a proposal to the OC Board of Supervisors that would register and track the activities of lobbyists at the County, as reported in the OC Reg by Jennifer Muir.

In the article Dunn is careful to point out that his mission is to restore faith in government rather than to stem any specific corruption. Well we don’t have to be so polite: for months we have been complaining about the circles of influence and money that run things in the County. There’s nothing wrong about knowing who is paid to peddle influence and whom they are peddling it to. The only people who will try to make this look troublesome are the ones who don’t want a light shined on their activities.

Some of the items that Muir describes in the Dunn proposal are not necessary – such as a registry fee, and some of the information – like the amount a lobbyist is paid is irrelevant. The piddling stuff can be worked out. And let’s not forget that people like Nick Berardino and Wayne Quint of the OCEA and OCSD unions are paid lobbyists, too – paid by their members to get as many concessions for themselves that they can. They should be included in any program that monitors lobbyists.

The Repugz and their blowholes will probably be decrying their loss of free speech and will forecast a tsunami of paperwork and bureaucracy – which is pure malarkey. An on-line registry could be created and maintained for next to nothing, and could be accessible by the public all the time. The Supervisors have paid staff with hardly anything better to do who can keep their bosses activities updated.

For some reason Dunn is trying to get this on the Supervisor’s January 12th agenda at the last moment which seems sort of odd. If he gets no help from the BoS he says he’ll get it on the November ballot via petition.

Good luck, Joe. Ya gotta start somewhere.

5 Replies to “Joe Dunn Proposes Transparency for OC Lobbyists”

  1. Inanimate objects are transparent, people’s actions are honest or dishonest. setting up a website that shows the relationship between lobbyists and county government holds our representatives in government to a higher standard than a window.

  2. did you forget he Dunn was a CARPETBAGGER in the First District Special Election when he lost (didn’t even make the run off) to Janet Nguyen????

    Why not a mention of that? You guys HATE carpetbaggers…now all of the sudden he is some prince?

    1. #2, nothing like a misinformed loudmouth. Dunn never ran for supervisor. JanetN beat TrungN with the poor lonesome carpetbagger Tom Umberg coming in third.

      So go yell somewhere else you idiot.

  3. Dunn will be carpetbagging again when he runs for her seat again. He is turning on the campaign right now with this rabble rousing. Problem is he is shooing away all of the people who can get him elected. HAHAH

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