Time For Chris Norby to Dump John Lewis
Now that Chris Norby’s campaign manager John Lewis has not only come out in support of Harry Sidhu in the 4th Supervisor’s race, but is actually working for his campaign, it’s time for Norby to do the right thing – and fire Lewis.

Norby has endorsed and supported the candidacy of Fullerton’s Shawn Nelson, and his campaign manager has deliberately placed his own interest ahead of both Norby’s, and the GOP’s, but the entire populace of the 4th Supervisorial District, for that matter.

You’ve all seen the facts and the videos. Harry Sidhu is a perjurer, a carpetbagger, and an unintelligible buffoon, who is patently unqualified to be an ice cream truck driver, let alone a County Supervisor. But John Lewis needs a lobbying target and knows that Shawn Nelson isn’t for sale. See, for Lewis it’s all about money and influence, and principle be damned.
So what do say Chris? How long are you going to go with a guy who is working against you? Who’s the boss?
This should be a decision made by principle alone, the Republican party is yearning for leaders not followers, pull the trigger Chris you know it’s the right thing to do. Send a message to those who are only in it for $!
Yeah, right. Lewis has been pulling Norby’s strings for eight years – ever since he got Norby to run for Supervisor.
The funniest part is Norby thinks HE owes Lewis a favor!
When you really sit down and think about it, none of these clowns — Norby, Lewis or Sidhu — are worth our interest or respect.
Actually, you guys have it all wrong. John Lewis and Matt Holder are not working for the Sudhu campaign directly. They are heading up the independent expenditure effort of the labor unions against Shawn Nelson. There’s a lot more money to be made over there. They get a cut of the union PAC money spent on the mail. How’s that for cynical sellouts? Matt Holder forgot to mention all this at the Central Committee last week.
That’s interesting. I heard he’s just working for “free.” Which probably means on spec. In any case he wants a lobbying target later on. It won’t help Sidhu’s cooked. Third or fourth place behind Rosie Espinoza.
There is so much dirt on Lewis and his bottom feeder lackeys like Holder and Jerbal. It will come out down the road I am sure when Norby finally gets wise to these guys fighting for Sidhu.
Lewis is a crooked as they come, and Matt Cunningham is his understudy / employee.
Cunningham …OUT
Should I go on?
Norby has been fooled by some of the wrong people for awhile now, holding them in high esteem because they are Lewis groupies.
Man up Norby and stop being influenced by these slight of hand artists..
Breathing Fire, I disagree with you regarding Bilodeau. As an Orange Councilman, he’s been right on the mark on several important issues. And he no longer works for Norby and neither does Tsunoda.
By “working for his campaign” I assume you mean doing all he can to help, designing hit pieces etc. without actually tsaking money direct from Sidhu so he and his whipping boy Holder can claim they dont “work” for the Sidhu campaign.
Hey don’t forget about Tom Daly and all his big spending.
Tom Daly is a Lewis pet too.
John Lewis just takes any client on that pays him. Just like Cunningham, they don’t have ethics or follow any political guidelines. They simply go with whoever pays them the most.
This is the problem! I know he was representing Athens Waste Hauler (LA based) in the city of Orange against CR&R. Athens is the most corrupt in the business–even Steve Sheldon would pass them up to chase a contract they cant get…oh wait, maybe not…
Admin…I agree with you on Bilodeau and the Orange City council..but that is not what this is about.
As far as Tsunoda..he never really did much work for Norby when Norby was a Supervisor.
I am not a hater..just trying to point out some realities.
Andy, so true on Daly!
Thor, it just keeps getting thicker and thicker doesn’t it?
Where’s Ackerman in all this? He hates Sidhu & needs to get back into Nossaman’s good graces after that OC Fair caper. He needs to back a winner.
I’ve heard Ackerman also dislikes Nelson because he blew the whistle on the pension spike. And of course he’s got ties to Norby so that’s the kiss of death as far as Ackerman is concerned.