A Closer Look at the FPD’s Handiwork
KTLA has just released imagery put together by doctors hired by Garo Mardirossian. The reconstructed images show that Kelly Thomas suffered from a severely broken nose, a broken cheek, three broken ribs, taser wounds, a collapsed lung and a brain injury from lack of oxygen.

Wow…. guess the DA missed seeing this on the coroners report.
Has anyone considered contacting victims of brutality, in the area, to work things out together?
I recall, about 20 years ago, a local police department offering an underage male some sort of plea deal for drug violations.
This young man was murdered and his girlfriend raped by criminals after they found out he was an informant. I think he was found in a storm drain with his girlfriend not too long after he was pressed into becoming an informant by the local police, somewhere here in Southern California.
I remember his mother crying on TV, I wish that somehow, these people could help to straighten things out around here, like form a anti brutality union that writes and enforces better laws for these things.
These people could form an executive think tank for reform.
A panel of elected victims running things may be a wise way to go.
Yeah, That was in neighboring Brea, CA. Wow, what do you know, the same officer Detective Shawn Neel, who gave up the kid was the rifleman behind the murder of an unarmed guy last summer.
What irony, He’s the President of the police union!
Looks like the picture is getting clearer now.
Is anyone going to be able to make a case for all of this? Can anyone make a documentary of all this?
The good officers of the police union need to show the public they have complete control by electing a new Union president fit for the position.
How he fooled everyone is beyond me. The officers can elect a new president. I know there are good officers out there, 80 / 20.
Why would they do that? The union hasn’t made one statement in this or that case. If the PIO for the PD is making statements from the PD and the City, it’s from the City Manager, Council, and Chief. Plus, you have no say in any union matters and never will.
Uh, yeah the union did make a statement. They sent a legal letter threatening this blog for exposing bad cops.
Union members cast votes.
No say, yet they do cast a vote.
The situation is we have to rely on the good will of the union members, for our good officers are faced with an endless, no finishing, ugly job that has no end in sight.
These men would rather be led by an intelligent person with a clean track record, but as the saying goes, if an officer doesn’t ever discharge his gun then he may not be doing his job, or if he discharges his gun he’s trigger happy. Either way they are damned if they do, or damned if they don’t.
We have good people in law enforcement that are willing to weed out the scum in their organization, so we have to rely on them to clean it up on their side, and they will, when the powers that be let them, so start voting the right people with superb managing skills into office. They have to work for the idiots we elect, and that’s our side that we have to clean up.
God help us all!
There are many good cops but just as many bad. Guess it’s like life. Good ones need to stand tall.
The last cop who did that was Serpico. 1974 I think it was.
Fullerton Cakes Reality on September 7, 2011
….. you have no say in any union matters and never will.
Translation: WE can kill you anytime we want for whatever reason we want, or no reason at all, and there is NOTHING YOU can do to us because the union will protect us and we will protect each other to the death, preferably YOURS!
As far as I am concerned, these officers should NEVER see the light of day again!!
I agree!
************ Breaking News ***********
UCI Medical Doctor signed …
Death caused by: BRAIN DEATH
Due to: ASSAULT!
there it is. who could refute that. SOB’s
. . . and the Mayor still can’t figure out, “Why that boy died.”
WOW so FN sad… If only Ron Thomas worked this hard when his son was alive. Maybe he would be alive today.
I know all you vigilantes want lock up the cops and throw away the key.
What is merijoe anyway half women (meri) half man (joe) ????
I treat my dog better than Ron Thomas treat his son.
I agree with SAVE, disband the FPD
Disband and put Ron Thomas in charge.
Save the fullerton cops—to this suggestion that Ron Thomas made a choice not to take care of his son is rediculous. I have a brother that is severely mentally ill and at times he wonders. We can’t keep him because officials say he is free to roam, unless he is a threat to himself or others. It is so hard to get help for them, it is absolutely overwhelming. I can say this, my brother has been in situations like this and thank god, that our police officers weren’t narcissistic pysophaths as it appears these officers are. Believe me, my brother IS TAKEN care of to the best of our ability, and I know that Kelly was also. Unless you have dealt with the severety of a loved one with schizophrenia then you are clueless….so shut it!
let me go ahead and correct my spelling errors
Pshycopaths….and correct me on my grammar if you’d like, I’m not going to waste time with that….Just so you know I am not from Fullerton or Cali for that matter, I am an Amercian with real feelings and compassion for fellow human beings.
Dear SAVE, you just don’t get it and I feel nothing but pity for your weakness. Fullerton needs officers and elected officials with integrity and that is a trait completely absent in the officers present at the beating of Mr. Thomas, the Chief, and the D.A.
Definitely there has been a cover up going on..
With close to 100 witness statements, the image of his face alone, the DAR recordings and of course the sacred video tape, what the FU*@ is taking so long!!!
I agree Wrong. The people who did this are a danger to us all, and they should not be out on the streets. They should have been arrested that evening.
Lets watch out for a new candidate for DA, for the next election.
they have to wait until their industrial shredder arrives from germany
What about the back of his head? I thought that was where they repeatedly beat him with the Taser and where most of the blood was spurting from.
Wow.. handcuffs come with a DEADLY BEATING .. hmmm never knew?
From what I understand.. the SHERIFF is in control of the coroners statement or is the corner..etc…
She happens to support THE BLUE LINE beyond 110%.. . her quotes in a case you all have mentioned are very telling and FRIGHTENING as to what THE LAW means to her…
Citizens have a law they are held to..
Sheriffs deputies and LEO’s are only regulated by administration or commanding officers etc.. no courts or prison for her boys…
“I don’t appreciate those comments,” Hutchens said. “I don’t believe there is (a code of silence). If any of our deputies acted inappropriately, we will take care of it in an administrative manner.”
That quote right there.. said in no broken English
“get the fuck out of our internal affairs. If anything goes wrong here.. stay out and we take care of our own”
Maybe reading a lot into it BUT
SHE IS the Coroner in the Kelly Thomas case?? The autopsy report conveniently has not been supplied yet.. hmmm a<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
One of her top flunkies got Cicinelli his job with Mckinley at FPD…. she should recuses herself (and apologize for hating the 2nd Amendment).
These fuckers have drawn a red, white and blue line in the sand-Hutchens, Rawcacaass. McKinley, Sellars, Cicinelli and the rest now have to answer to the taxpaying citizens as they always should have- The “citizens” are not going to keep out of anything that is public domain…yes, like ron thomas said, this is war
Anyone know how long facism lasted in Europe?
How many of you remember that history question?
How did the government of Rome collapse?
All roads lead to Rome.
It fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1453.
Reading the US constitution seems to have been designed to allow collapses of gov. through elections in order to preserve itself, so vote everyone.
Before it found its home in the US?
Question for Travis or anyone who knows. I read somewhere that the Fullerton PD’s internal investigation was put on hold until the DA’s office finishes their investigation. Why?
I thought the point of different agencies doing different investigations was to come to their own conclusions. I have this bad feeling Fullerton PD will affirm the DA’s findings and come to no independent conclusion of their own. Besides, they don’t need criminal culpability to terminate officers’ employment.
You’d think the Fullerton PD could come to a quicker determination of guilt. Can’t internal affairs force the involved officers to talk because it’s an employment issue, not a criminal investigation?
I think that is standard procedure.
FPD’s internal investigation is really the lowest hurdle and would not affect much outside of employment repercussions and police/procedure changes within the department. When officers are looking at criminal charges, getting a reprimand in the HR file is the last thing to worry about.
Well, if the department could terminate employment based on violation of policy — not the criminal questions — they could end the administrative paid leave and save a lot of money.
That would make sense, but this is government and government is not interested in saving money or terminating bad employees.
Yeah, playing with the houses money. A must read: http://www.fullertonsfuture.org/2011/the-seven-walls-of-local-government-wall-7-playing-with-the-houses-money/
Is that it? I’ve seen much worse. A fight that results in this limited damage shows me nothing. It was the lack of oxygen, and that is common among people who have mental illnessess like KT had, and are involved in fights like that which he had with the Fullerton Officers. Case after case have been documented across the country in the past year alone. OK, case closed. The rest of you can go back to bed now. I’m sure no supportable charges will be filed. Thank goodness!!!
Please list all the cases of braindeath from runins with cops due to mental illness….. or shut your lying pie hole up. I have talked to mentally ill people (I am not a cop) and am yet have one drop dead from brain death…. you are an idiot.
I didn’t know death was limited damage.
– “Well, I got angry and did some limited damage to his neck.”
– “You mean you cut his throat?”
– “Sure, if you want to be sensational about it. But the actual area of damage was very small.”
You are an idiot…. how could you support criminals such as the shameful six of the FPD? These cops killed a man in cold blood only for the simple fact that he was an inconvenience and did not fit the “Social Norms”. These cops deserve the Death Penalty for murder……After all they gave Kelly the death penalty simply for being homeless….We do not forgive, We do not forget, Expect us 😉
I don’t know how you can possibly draw THAT conclusion. Well, yes I can but I won’t go into it here. Was one officer just cleaning his taser when it suddenly went off? I guess “Officer Knee-Drop” can use the same excuse as well. Which leads me to my next question; have you finished your police report yet or do you need a few more ganders at the tape that has not been released yet? C’mon, you’ve had over two months already.
Ummm, with six officers on the scene he should have been subdued and cuffed in under a minute without incident. Are you telling me that you… er… um.. the six officers were unable to contain a 137 lb man in that amount of time? If that’s the case you, I mean, those officers should have NEVER made the force. It starting to sound like a “Screw in a light bulb” joke.
6 cops didn’t fight him. He fought with two. The other 4 came as it was ending and over. Kelly ran and fought. He lost. No charges clearly. Game over.
Fullerton Cakes Reality/Save fullerton Cops/Finally the case supports the ofiicers….If I took a wild guess i’d say your the father of one of these dispicable *cops*.
I feel bad for you that your son is being implicated for the murder of a homeless man but I guess you should have raised your child better…..cause these dudes are going to do time.
Like Mike Corona is now.
I get the impression someone is getting their facts while flicking boogers at the TV screen
Then again, it could be his mother.
The fact of it is, it doesn’t really matter 1,2, or six. They murdered an unarmed man, game over for them, now. No person with a normal mentality can view this as “buisiness as usual,” and the cops were doing their jobs. That’s such a fuc*king moron to make a statement, that this is the punishment for running from police. They just thought this was going to go away, because apparently for them this was “buisinuess as usual.” What if that were you child, sister, brother, mother? If they could do that to a helpless man, they can and will do it to anybody. Sick bastards, and it don’t really matter what becomes of the case, they will pay in the end. I hope they are still as proud and boasterous as they were the night of the MURDER…Wow, they are such men….
So, the defense is that the cops were just completely incompetent? They were so lacking in training that they had no idea how to subdue a small guy without beating him to death? Wow, everyone should just go home then.
One cop should have had no trouble bringing him down and cuffing him. It should have been even easier for two to do it. If they weren’t capable, they shouldn’t be cops. Plain and simple.
You’re a complete moron ~ perhaps if this was your child you might feel compassion? I won’t bet on it, though. Loser
My comment was for Fullerton Cakes Reality ~ there’s always got to be knuckledragging trolls in these threads
Absolutely correct Abstract. So if no charges result from the beating/killing, they should all be fired for incompetence!
Was that taken from your ‘Police Bill of Rights’ Mr. Hitler?
Do we know if there was a heart attack also?
you fucking worthless mess of DNA.. sick creep
IT WAS THE LACK OF BLOOD that caused the lack of oxygen
how many times did they tase him you punk
I would love to watch those same 6 kick your ass.. .. you really took the cake .. sick sick bastard
Yes, I agree with you, Finally… someone who makes sense. Common broken nose. Common broken ribs. Taser marks that are consistent with taser marks…. (anyone who gets hit by one). Nothing that I see that would result in a death except for the lack of oxygen. Thank you for your common sense. I’m sorry that the man died, and I feel sorry for the father, but I don’t see what these officers did that was so wrong or grosely negligent. They are surely not “murderers” as many have called them.
A buddy of mine has an MMA club…. care to come down and we can perform the same injuries on you… heck we will even scream stop resisting if it makes you feel better… but you have to sign a waiver.
Nice corrupt. (Y)
This one is really reaching, has selective memory, or needs glasses to see, for when it goes to court, this one still won’t listen or see, just like Scott Petersons mother. She defended him all the way.
This looks like nepotism
Must be blind as a bat, or has a hidden agenda.
“For they have eyes, but do not see, and they have ears, but do not hear”
You are obviously overlooking the facts, OK. Are you telling me that it is protocol for it to take six trained police officers to spend several minutes and taser shots to subdue a 137 lb man? So what’s your contention here? Are you going to try to convince us that he received his fatal wounds before or after six police officers beat on him? So, we have “He was in a fight and got his ass kicked before we arrived”? Or “It was the EMTs and/or hospital staff that inflicted the fatal wounds, not us” er… I mean FPD Those are the only two other options unless we’re all missing something. Please share your infinite wisdom and enlighten us. We’re listening.
If it was the former of the two excuses, I’m sure he would be in no condition to take on one officer, let alone six. So I guess we’re back to “It was either the EMTs or hospital staff that inflicted the fatal wounds to Kelly.” Let me know how THAT defense work out for you…..I mean the F-6. 😉
2 cops. Get it right.
Are you saying he was already braindead and unresponsive BEFORE the other 4 cops got there? How do you know this information?
CNN just had a report from the news conference with the attorney and then had Ron on the phone. He emphasized that it was 2 cops, but said the other 4 are also culpable.
How were they culpable if he was already incapacitated?
By the way, there were a lot more than 2 cops there when Kelly was screaming for his dad on the video.
Then why were six of them that were there pulled off the streets? I got it right.
Because that’s normal when they don’t know what each person did? It’s being investigated?
Okay, That makes sense. Things still need to be sorted out. It sure is taking a long time though.
Barney Fife-“Oh golee gee. That makes so much sense now that someone spelled it out for me. No fatal injuries….EXCEPT that lack of oxygen thing.” It’s called anoxic brain injury caused by lack of oxygen from cardiac arrythmia ( I’ll help you out on that one-when the heart doesn’t beat correctly it doesn’t pump blood correctly and it the blood deliver oxygen. Splian it simple enuff fer ya?) a physiological occurrence or by physical force like say maybe possibly…a choke hold. ( I’ll help you out here again- external physical pressure keeping blood from flowing to the head). You are a moron who should not post about things you clearly know nothing about. Oh, I’m sorry. That was really unkind of me. You’ve had an anoxic brain injury yourself. Sorry:(
Yeah, fn A MeYou, you just ripped him a newin!!!
The Ethmoid plate fracture was probably from his face being slammed into the curd. I’d like to see the DA and OCDA try to sell this as anything other than murder.
Well you probably won’t have to wait much longer for them to do exactly that.
He and fell on his head. Duh. You should know the story by now.
Who said he fell on his head?
Oh yeah, and the repeated knee drops had nothing to do with it. >.< If he fell on his head, that would have been the perfect opportunity for the cops to put the cuffs on him right then and there and it would have been over, but they didn't. However, I believe we are going to find that he had help falling on his head. Help from a certain FPD officer.
dumbass. you think we don’t know both names are the same morally challenged idiot?
Oink oink?
I am SO PISSED, I could chew nails!! This was a clear LYNCHING in the streets by sworn officers who took an OATH to not only uphold the laws of the land, but to also ABIDE by them.
NO instructor in the academy taught anything like this. These officers totally abused their authority. I have seen many officers who abused their badge, and in some cases, the dept. did not cover them, as they violated department policies and procedures. That move alone left them without department backing or attorney coverage.
As absolutely disgusting as the pictures here are, I believe these officers should be afforded the right to have representation to defend themselves and their actions on the night in question, however, if they were smart, they would plead out to avoid a costly and embarrassing trial.
I think we all have to put a fire under the D.A.’s feet on this one. Public pressure will most likely insure that nothing short of LIFE will be accepted should they decide to plead guilty.
They whacked him out… mafia style!!
Ever notice, behind every Mafioso was his mother?
Mamas boys tend to be sociopathic, possibly from the coddling of their mother always protecting their sons from harm, so the son in his upbringing, misses a stage of development were he learns compassion through pain, thus being not acclimated to social queues, so the overbearing mother may be the root of the problem.
Some of the best officers out there are a man’s man, but in politics it seems that mothers vicariously live through their sons, if the relationship with the father is bad, in hopes of securing their future, at the expense of others of course.
We tend to see this from youth all the way through old age, were mothers control and oppress the son into politics, then, we see these politicians choosing likeminded staff.
Her is a trooper on the east coast, a prime example
Soooo right 9C1
Copcar you weren’t a cop very long. What class were you out of? Who was your academy Lt? Did you even graduate? Or got fired like Mr Thomas? Come straight. Your cover is blown.
How do you know these things? And why are you attacking him personally? If you disagree with him why not state why and back it up with logic and facts?
Man you are one disgruntled cop. Did you lose your job like Ron Thomas?
SAVE, I take it your job security is getting on your knees for cops. How sweet
Sooooo, what about his throat being smashed by somebody’s knee? Yeah, that’s what we all thought.
No charges. Case closed.
You are an idiot…. how could you support criminals such as the shameful six of the FPD? These cops killed a man in cold blood only for the simple fact that he was an inconvenience and did not fit the “Social Norms”. These cops deserve the Death Penalty for murder……After all they gave Kelly the death penalty simply for being homeless….We do not forgive, We do not forget, Expect us
They won’t be charged with murder. Two will be charged with assault. Just to appease the radicals. They will beat the charges. Kelly ran and fought and wouldn’t give up. Injuries and death happens. He fought by his choice until his fried brain really fried up.
Again, one cop should have been able to bring him down and put the cuffs on. Two cops should have been even quicker. Instead of cuffing him they CHOSE to tase him multiple times and beat him.
You make it very clear about your stance in the matter. You want us to believe that Kelly would have died whether he had an encounter with the FPD or not AND even if the FPD killed him, it’s okay because they were wearing badges..
Vernon Dozier,
Internal Affairs cannot force the officers to testify. They have the same 5th amendment rights as we all do.
How long ago were u a cop? IA can order an ofc to talk. If he/she is ordered to talk those statements cant be admissable in court therefore IA takes place last
Si, tu tienes razon. 9c1copcar could not possibly be a cop and not know this. Or maybe he’s just dissembling. Technically, it’s not “testifying” I suppose.
You weren’t a cop or you were a cop and got fired. It’s so clear. IA can force and always do force. Their statements after that can’t be used in the criminal portion if it comes up. Come clean. It’s all clear now why you are so anti police. You weren’t a cop.
Cakes, what are you, 12??? You seriously have the intelligence of a 12 year old, and that’s being generous
I know you GED cops ain’t got a whole lot of book-lernin, but lissen here fellas:
You have two options. Its watcha call a lose-lose.
1. Officers to go jail for a long time. Meanwhile we clean house in FPD and we will be monitoring you now.
2. FPD goes bye-bye. Hello OCSD. Know how easy it will be to pass a ballot ammendment shutting down your whole PD if these murderers walk?
There is no scenario where it is back to business as usual for you.
How about they all walk and you go sheriffs? That’s what all the cops want anyways. Then you keep the same cops or they can go to other cities if they want. Fullerton will end up with bottom of the barrel deputies because no one will choose Fullerton. The deputies will be the lowest on seniority and be placed there against their desire. Yes, do that. LOL
Incorrect. The OCSD can weed out all the rotten apples – thiefs, drunks, pill-poppers, DUI, kidnappers, killers, Brady cops, one-eyed goons – the whole scurvy the whole rotten crop McPension stuck us with. Let ’em go work for LAPD if they can.
Yeah like weed out Ron Thomas. I woulddn’t leave my dog on the street to die.
Another lie. Any honest (cough cough) Fullerton cops can stay on and not even have to do Theo Lacy duty. There could be a very long line of decent police. But they will be wearing green.
Seriously…. You have got to be kidding me. OCSD LMAO, lets Hire Corona to run the FP department, he can bring back all his thugs with him…… LOL LOL LOL
Gosh you people who are STILL defending this crime even after seeing this evidence are truly lacking anything that makes you human, you’re disgusting and have almost as special a place in hell as these cops. Unless, of course, you are these cops, in which case, I’d like to join in the chorus and tell you to go fuck yourself. Thank you very much.
the trolls are all about generating “threats” same old cop tricks pfft
Whatsa matta Nyc and Finally? Getting scared? We thinks you is….BIATCHES!!!
Umm ok…good comeback….
This is a clear case where the public needs to hold THEIR law enforment accountable for their actions. I do feel sorry for the GOOD officers on FPD. They are most likely under orders to be silent and not say anything to their spouses or friends about the case. These law-abiding officers who do their jobs in a professional and courteous manor, are going to be lumped in with the 6, no matter what they do. I do have sympathy for them.
Understandable. But how many tmes before has a blind eye been turned to equally sadistic but less horrific but still unnecessary acts of violence?
The truly pathetic thing is their arrogant refusal to understand just how buried this department is going to be. A lot of contrition is in order and none is being displayed.
They know the department and city will be the worst in the state for many years. Mass exodus already going on. Fullerton will end up with either sheriffs or all kids who applied just to get a job. Good luck.
Good. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, asshole.
Couldn’t get any worse. Good riddance to the thugs, crooks, liars, perjurers, assholes, and dead-beat dads.
thugs, crooks, liars, perjurers, assholes, and dead-beat dads, you must be describing the cop haters on this site, those are the ones who encounter the police and run. Since I am neither I don’t have a propblem with the PD, never been arrested or beat up by one. Sorry
Homeless people too. Sorry I left you out
…I’m sure that there are many other fine cities police departments here in Southern California will be welcoming them with open arms, and they’ll be sure to go to the front of the line when they see “Fullerton Police Department” on their resumes. ; )
Yeah. In these economic times, all the local departments are definitely looking for steroid-pumped head cases that might cost the town millions in lawsuits in the future.
Don’t worry they will not have a problem getting a job. Trust me.
But it is people like you and the others that have BLAMED everyone the City, PD and the DA. We will be worst off at this point. Everyone is getting lumped together and you protesters and vigilantes are doing it.
Say it again, Ron Thomas will sign a release cash his check and go away. DONE
Who cares if he does go away?
The fight for an honest police department is not Ron Thomas’ problem. It’s ours. And since the Three Blind Mice can’t/won’t do it we will start by getting rid of them!
You’ve proven again just how ignorant you are. I recommend that you spend more time in school and less time posting here (especially since almost every single post you have ever typed includes an insult of Ron Thomas and nothing of any substance about Kelly or the officers’ behavior on July 5).
First of all, the word is “worse,” not “worst.” Moreover, a “vigilante” is someone who takes the law into his/her own hands. For example, when the FPD acted as judge, jury, and executioners of Kelly that night, they were acting as “vigilantes.”
Every sane poster here is upset and frustrated, but I have yet to see a single posting of “vigilante” behavior — which would be something like a lynch mob with torches and pitchforks going to the homes of the officers and dragging them out.
If you are going to post offensive material, at least learn the freaking language and post intelligently. Thank you.
Save Us, thank you for Educating me.
Based on what the people are saying on this site? if you all could go the homes of these police officers YOU Would not only for them but for their wives and children too. So I will stick with Vigilante.
My thought on Ron Thomas has always been the same and will be the same. The truth is the truth, I have never heard Ron Thomas talk of how hard he tried to save his son from the streets or his mental illness. Protesting is kind of a mob mentality thing? Let me know.
Let you know WHAT, exactly?? That you are still ignorant? Check.
“If you could all go TO the homes of these police officers, you would not only GO for them, but for their wives and children, too.” (Do you even know how to write a sentence in English? I know you said you are a trust fund baby and “Daddy” took good care of you — whatever that meant — but did you NOT complete elementary school???)
You are basing that ridiculous theory (people on this site are vigilantes) on what, exactly?? First of all, I believe people HAVE posted the officers names and perhaps even addresses, and no one has tried to take the law into his/her own hands to punish them for their amoral, cowardly acts.
The difference between us (sane human beings) and you and the cops (sociopaths) is that we don’t try to exert power over others through violence. You can call people “vigilantes,” but it just shows you as either an ignorant under-educated twat who doesn’t understand the word or a liar who makes up wild fictitious beliefs with absolutely nothing to back them up.
The only violent vigilantes in this whole sad story are the “officers” who committed this crime against Kelly Thomas.
Don’t take this wrong, but there are local community colleges around if you want to brush up on your writing skills.
Is the Union hiring these types? Hiring people with little education and using mind control for collective bargaining, or something weird like that?
very very difficult to break the ethmoid plate by falling on a curb-this resulted from blows directly to this area not a fall against a curb
But add a 200+ lb man’s knee dropping on him at the same time might be able to cause it. Do you have another explanation as to how that particular injury was sustained? Go ahead, I’m listening…..
How about I try it on you and see if it breaks? That’s what I thought.
I guess that’s one thing we agree on. Knee drops can break the ethmoid plate. Thanks for clarifying.
Yeah you’d have to have your head turned sideways. This was a hand held object that did that.
The nose could have been smashed by a curb. However the resulting blood pouring down the throat and windpipe would have made calling out (Dad, Dad) almost impossible. I think the smashed nose happened near the end.
Excellent points Fred.
The cheek bone, nose and bone behind the nose are probably the damage done by the repeated hammering on the face with the taser and possible knee drop(s).
I agree, he was yelling out loud and clear until all the head trauma.
I can’t believe how much crap is being spewed here by the “pro-FPD6” goons. Its disgusting. What a sham.
I think about them a great deal myself 9c1. Must be tough for them every day since this blew up worldwide.
This is a clear case where the public needs to hold THEIR law enforment accountable for their actions. I do feel sorry for the GOOD officers on FPD. They are most likely under orders to be silent and not say anything to their spouses or friends about the case. These law-abiding officers, who do their jobs in a professional and courteous manor, are going to be lumped in with the 6, no matter what they do. I do have sympathy for them.
Sorry for the double post..Had trouble loading my post.
All those New World Order creeps hate something like this, because the citizenry is coming together as ONE.
Right again 9C1
Well, good night one and all.
Hard to breath with:
1. A smashed nose;
2. blood pooled up in the throat;
3. deflated lung;
4. delayed access to life support.
Exactly JD.
Keep it simple. Murder.
100% guaranteed not murder. Wager?
I don’t really think of police brutality as a wagering type activity. Unlike you I guess.
Delayed access to life support? What are you talking about?
He didn’t fall into the curb, his head was slammed into it by a cop. Big difference.
*correction: obviously I meant ‘PD’ and OCDA in my OP.
Let’s not also forget the Kelly’s black eyes. Also injuries on his forehead easily visible in the photo.
Here’s another witness video from KTLA
Claims Kelly wasn’t doing anything to cars. Just sitting on a bench when cops rolled up.
Im sorry to tell you this but black eyes are very common with broken noses, especially by one broken that bad. In addition to that broken nose, broken eye sockit and laceration to forehead dont cause death…cardiac arrest from taser; cause of death
Doesn’t the manufacturer of this Tazer specifically warn NOT to use the Tazer to the chest area?
What the heck?! Channel 5 cut out. The cover up continues.
Lmao…ktla class act..couldnt watch that gay reporters hair or eyebrows anymore…thank goodness those lies werent shown
Hmmm, you know they are lies before they are even aired, tu sabes? Did you get that from your crystal ball. Or have you had a chance to view them before the rest of us? So, what’s you medical and psychic background?
Epic fail KTLA. Epic Fail.
That’s creepy. Police trolls have invaded the KTLA news station.
Seems the OC Coroner needs to be charged in the hindrance of justice etc…
Yeah, because convictions of cop killers are about the easiest murder convictions to get. Convicting cops of murder by excessive force is at the far other end of the spectrum, especially for OC juries. The OC Coroner’s report has to really nail the cops.
I’ll say it again, this is going to be a tough one for the OC DA. Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable, particularly when there are a lot of witnesses. People here seem to think dozens of witnesses are a good thing, when it’s actually totally the opposite; the more witnesses the more contradictory testimony. We’ve already seen this among the few witnesses interviewed by FFF and others. Contradictory testimony = reasonable doubt, so forget the witnesses, they aren’t going to get the DA very far at trial. And you can forget about cop/witnesses too; see the People v. Deputy Christopher Hibbs if you need proof.
So now all we have left is the coroner’s report and the video. And guess what? So far the cause of death is ambiguous. Thomas’ cardiac arrest being the wrench in the works. It may seem obvious to many here that it was caused by Taser shots to his chest, but is this provable beyond a reasonable doubt? Not if the coroner doesn’t say it is.
And then there is the video. Hopefully it’s plenty shocking, and it probably is, but many here want the video to be made public right now. They forget that the Rodney King video was public for a year or more before trial, and look what happened: jurors had seen it dozens of times and it had been picked apart completely by both sides. By the time of the trial it had lost most of its impact and whatever outrage they felt upon first viewing had likely long since faded.
The OC DA has to keep the Thomas video close to his vest until trial to avoid the same fate. And the coroner has to step up… if you want to expand the protest, the coroner’s office is the place to do it.
Absent a favorable to the prosecution coroner’s report, and a blockbuster video kept under wraps until trial for maximum shock value, the cops are going to walk, and T-Rack understands this even if the denizens of FFF don’t. Think about it people, it’s not rocket science.
Well said.
The King video was released because it was shot by a citizen. Big difference. It was on a freeway overpass with no other witnesses too, but if it was a dash cam it wouldn’t have been seen.
Your story is very good though. Very true.
Exactly, if the Rodney King beating video had been shot on a city or other government owned camera I’m sure the LA DA would have used the same strategy as the OC DA is using in the Thomas case.
Of course if the public hadn’t seen the King video the officers are likely to have never been charged, and it’s worth noting that the King video cut both ways: The defense was able to point out times that King appeared to be resisting and the prosecution, focused on the beating.
All this was analyzed to the point of somnolence long before the trial. Is this really what those of us calling for justice want to happen also in the Thomas case? I don’t think so.
The coroner should be the focus of all protests, not the FPD and not the DA, who despite FFF’s charges, has and will try to prosecute officers for excessive force. The official cause of death is going to be key to getting convictions. The DA could try to run with the info Ron Thomas and his attorney are presenting, but remember, the OC jury will likely be looking for something to to hang its hat on in letting the officers “who put their lives on the line every day” walk. A wishy washy, ambiguous coroner’s report might provide the reasonable doubt they will be looking for to find the officers not guilty and still allow them to live with themselves. It’s not right, but it’s the way it is.
So how do we go about protesting the Coroner; who, as we all know is Sandra Hutchens – the County Sheriff?
Very True…. This is not war….
Ktla failure!!
no kidding. ktla sure has gone downhill…..
How do you know they were lies, tu sabes? You’re not really worth my time. I’m off to something else.
Whats a “seclusive?” I think they meant “exclusive”….
2 months nothing. His father has to investigate. Sad case for fullerton, ocda, coroners and all of oc for that matter. The DA needs to go as well. Are the three stooges running the show or what?
We the people, ie. Kelly’s army, Thomas Family’s attorneys need to run THIS show and that’s how all the TRUE details are going to be revealed.
We NEED to hear the cops DAR recordings from that night! That will reveal a slam dunk death sentence, I’m sure for a couple of those badged-thugs.
You ain’t hearin nuttin. Get used to it. That should be clear by now.
WOW!!! FCR you really are sucking on the teet of the NWO aren’t you. What you fail to realizes is if we as a society do not gain the freedom and liberty back from your handlers, yea I said handlers because that is what they are. They are controlling you as a stooge for their bidding and again what you fail to realizes is , once they are done with you, you’ll become one of us and be crying out for justice and liberty… I pray it doesn’t come to that and you better too.. Good luck kissing the butts of these scum.
probably workin a dui off for piggy
Begnaud needs to lay off the botox!!!! 34 minutes of my life I cant get back…goodnight, hopefully the press conference is better
And you need to lay of the donuts. That fat ring around your neck is going to choke you pretty soon.
Despite the warning on the tasers from the manfacturer, stating “Do not inflict in chest area. Can cause cardiac arrest.” Those animals shot him point blank in the chest. MURDERS!!!
SLAM DUNK!!! The ones who tased him should get life and the one or ones causing the facial destruction should get the DEATH PENALTY.
The bigger question is: “Why would they even need to tase him if there were six TRAINED officers on the scene?” Is it because they couldn’t subdue him? Six TRAINED officers? I need help with that one. Enlighten me… someone… please……
There wasnt six…there was two then one
Okay, fine. So there was one. Are you trying to tell me that an officer much larger than Kelly could not have subdued him in under a minute, after he was tased? Is that what you are tryng to tell me? If thaat’s the case, the officer who tased him should have been able to subdue him since he had no control over his limbs. What else have you got? I just eliminated five officers. So you contend that a solo officer had to tase him at least 5 times in oreddr to subdue him? It makes mewonder where YOU were in all of this.
I agree, “should of been able to”
Taser was after the fight kept going. Stop believing the BS. Two cops, chase, fight, continues fight, taser, 2 more cops, in custody. 2 more cops. Get it right.
And then there were none.
There wasn’t 6 officers. There was two.
the crying sets them off. gives bullies a boner. they should of tested their underwear after for spoogie.
I thought he was face down (smashing his head on concrete) knee on his back? how in the hell did he get tased on his chest?
If the DA doesn’t step up with some vital information or charges against the Fullerton 6, we have to picket at the DA’s office! I’m getting sick of the run-a-round.
Maybe he needs to be recalled too!!
Patience, Get Real. They are spending their time looking for exit routes. They’re going to run out of places to hide. It’s going to be interesting to hear how they are going to hear how it took six officers to subdue a 137 lb man…. WITH TASERS…..The first two officers on the scene should have had him in cuffs without incident in under a minute. Why did they spend so much time – meaning the time it took for the other officers to get there as well as the time they were there – to cuff Kelly instead of killing him? Sport? Small member?
Does anyone other than me question the psycological criteria of peace officers of Fullerton?
The BIG questions I want answered; Why SIX officers for a 137 lb man? and Why so long to subdue him? ’nuff said.
Someone needs to make a documentary of all the people involved, going back 20 years, and air it.
Every citizen ought to let go of their luxuries, study law, pass the bar, argue in court, flood the system with judges, and change our laws for the better.
Today out of 7 billion, worldwide, we have 3.1 billion people under the age of 30 now.
We need to prepare them for a new humane future, we need to teach them that the statutes of brutality need to be considered, and the comb of justice needs to rake through the past where brutality is concerned, so that justice is served to those who have suffered unnecessarily under the tyranny of blood thirsty sociopathic career people.
For those who have suffered, those responsible need to be used as an example.
All households should contain law books for the whole family to read.
I bring up “Worldwide”, because we are facing blowback, transparent national borders on a corporate level, and a lot of economic overlap that lies underneath and around all our local problems.
It appears, now that our society has become so sophisticated, we are in a labyrinth of technology never seen before, and no one is really secure on any level,
We need to watch for those candidates conceding to this fact, and support them on the path into the future.
The 1st step in recovery is admitting that one is powerless over the situation; we know most of us on this blog have had to admit that to ourselves. I’m sure that many victims of brutality, banded together ,maybe good guides in search for a new path when lost in the dark. Some may hold the key to a humane future.
I knew someone, very dear, that had a family member beaten to death for less than necessary reasons by a gang of officers. That someone picked up the kids, sold everything, moved, so the kids had a safe place to grow up without the shadow of their father’s death, and the people responsible for doing it, still out on the street working.
Look around, good people are crossing each other’s paths everywhere trying to find safe places.
We may be witnessing society imploding in on itself, the question is, where is the path? We know it’s not here if people are being brutalized by (fly by policy) employees.
It seems a law enforcement career is a concentrated solution of society’s ills resting on the shoulders of people that eventually turn on society itself for putting such an unbearable weight there in the 1st place. How are we going to, one, lighten the load and two, build a better system?
For one, Once that person, guilty or not, has had to kill anyone in the line of duty, then that person’s career would need to be terminated, so that society is free of any misperceived fears of tyranny. It may be that persons duty to end that career and go back to school, depending.
A draft of , strong healthy and responsible citizens might be a good idea.
they were waiting to make sure all the gang to show up. cant remember the little city right out there where the piggys had a special call to gather with bats and beat homeless people to death.
Yea do that. Waste more time. Do it on a Saturday too when he’s at his beach house.
To all Fullerton residents tired of waiting – you need an organized effort to get the Dept. Of Justice to investigate FPD, the D.A.’s and possibly the Coroner’s involvement in this complete failure of justice.
Hal Fishman was rolling over in his grave with that KTLA snafu.
Yup, RIP Hal and KT
YOU piglets need to stop sucking on the pigs teet.
those cops are guilty nuff said
Thats right, start counting down the minutes until you lose your freedom
Here, here nomad!!!
Keep dreaming.
Wonder where Jaynbond went to??? Could it be namad?
Anyways, pay attention:
“Cause of Death” – “MURDER By FPD Officers”
Stay tuned for that report, tomorrow at 11:00am…
Not guilty. You better hope they don’t charge murder. Easy charge to beat.
What?!?!….no mention of the crushed trachea injury that killed him????? Astonishing!!!!
Bcuz there isnt one…this poor reporting by botox boy answers nothing
I think the fpd6 and thier attorneys have been in a “wait and see” mode, in the hope that this incident would go away, clearly it is not! Now with the release of the medical report that has essentialy reported the cause of death to be due to injuries inflicted at the hands of fpd6, we will begin to see them turn on one another, the least culpable hoping to extricate themselves from this shitstorm they created. Perhaps the first one to come forward can manage to keep himself out of prison and spare his family some pain if not shame, law enforcement career is toast, though, at the very least. Congrad., you brought this on yourselves!
This is the attorneys presentation. It’s biased. Its done as a PR stunt. The true one will come out in court.
ball washer
PI attorney = ambulance chaser
No OC firm would touch Ron Thomas with a 10 foot pole.
I agree, the attorney never should have presented it. In fact he never should have had his mug in the report. They should have hired a medical expert to present it.
People have a natural distrust of lawyers and when this case gets to trial, its not going to be good.
“When this case gets to trial…”
Who do you think argue cases before juries (civil or criminal)? Circus clowns? Construction workers? Umm, I’m pretty sure it’s lawyers, dim-wit. Don’t blame the messenger. Yes, our paid public officials SHOULD have brought this information to us, but guess what? They haven’t, so I’m damn glad someone is…
Before speaking out of any more random orifices, I suggest you visit Mr. Mardirossian’s website (or do an independent analysis) and then come back and report on how successful or unsuccessful he’s been in a court of law.
Who cares what his records says or who he is. He is a hired civil attorney. He has nothing to do with the criminal case. He is on a public relations tour now because the more he can make it look like it’s his version of what happened, the more millions he will get from the OC pool of money that pays off settlements. Simple. He can say all he wants and it doesn’t affect the DA’s view of things or his plan on this case. It probably makes it worse actually. Sure, the attorney will make a good 4 million off the case and never see Fullerton again, but that doesn’t have any affect on this case. It’s a show right now. That’s part of the civil process.
Unfortunately, I think you are right. As much as public attention needs to be brought to this case, the lawyer doesn’t need to be bringing out a dog and pony show and making his entire case before it has gone to court. Perhaps some ego getting in the way. Would have been better off having a medical expert present the info. Or better yet, save it for the trial.
As much as I think trolls like Fullerton Cakes Reality need to be ignored (pencil-d!cks like him just like to get a rise out of people — all of the outraged responses only feed his little wounded ego), the only decent point he’s made yet was that this is a one-sided story from the lawyer for the plaintiff. It needs to be taken with a grain of salt. The defense will present their own slick, persuasive expert witness case to a trier of fact that will understand that there are two sides to the story. Another reason why plaintiff’s counsel should not have tipped his hand.
Are the words “blunt force trauma” and “assault”, as written by the doctor, biased?
That seems to be the only swift way to justice Nomad. Someone of the 6 must have enough of a conscience to come forward. Otherwise, there will be more ‘dragging of the feets’ from the DA…
Yep, “stick with us or when you ask for back-up, we ain’t gona show.” Cowards or lack of integrity?.
That’s what sucks the good cops back over the blue line o’ silence, Abstract.
One – call me “Echo”. Two – doesn’t it make you feel secure that people that got wedgies in school are now in charge of protecting OUR best interests? They have a vendetta on society as a whole. Case in point – officer Cyclopse beating the hell out of an innocent homeless man. ’nuff said. Call me closed-minded but I can’t see it any other way.
The one word is probably ‘suffocation’
Poor baby.
Kelly should be breathing and sitting on a bench somewhere enjoying the warm night..
That’s got to be the one word. Just wonder what the DA will end up saying?
I would rather a harmless homeless guy was drifting around the city than six murdering thug police officers any day.
Give it time for the realization that they may actually be faceing long prison sentences and the horrors that await an ex pd in prison. Perhaps thier family members can convince them to come forward or the need for self preservation will override the misconceived “wall of silence” ethic. There is nothing I would fail to do for my family, thier families will suffer because of thier own actions that night, unless they come forward and tell the truth. Now we will see what is more important to them, a missguided attempt to cover up for thier co-workers or love for thier own families. I would not be feeling to confident if I was a member of thier family though…..
No one is coming forward. No one did anything wrong. It’s two cops as the main players. The rest only saw the end. The two will beat anything the DA brings. They are all ready to go.
You better hope you’re wrong. If the cops walk from this one that is end of story for the FPD. We will disband the entire department.
thats a scary thought for them for sure..
i do sympathize with the families…
it would give me hope if they did come forward,
knowing they may feel some kind of guilt…
this whole thing is very sad, for all involved..
Nomad, the kind of people that did this to Kelly don’t see themselves in the wrong, they probably never will. It’s the arrogant, sociopathic and self-righteous mentality that made them capable of such a crime and will keep them from ever seeing it as anything to feel guilty about.
True. Cause they weren’t wrong.
Yeah, now how does that moral argument go again?
The police have the moral right to kill someone if that person is fighting back against them. Even if the person is unarmed, outnumbered, schizophrenic, homeless, and undoubtedly, terrified.
Then if 2 or 4 or 6 officers decide to beat on that person with fists and tasers, and tase the person in the chest, somehow killing him in the process, that is morally justified because THEY ARE THE POLICE.
That isn’t actually morality. It certainly isn’t any kind of Judeo-Christian morality or a secular morality I can think of. Its more of a position straight out of authoritarian fascism. “We have the power, we use force, you mess with us you’re going to get killed.”
This isn’t the wild west. The citizens of our fine burg are not asking for your brand of “justice.”
The bottom line is that anybody who thinks like you we just don’t need serving as police in Fullerton. I could explain why – the sadism, narcissism etc. but others have already explained this to you even though you don’t understand them.
I don’t really think you are a cop. But if you were, I wouldn’t care about your rank or how popular you were, or how long you’d served. I’d just demand your resignation.
FCR you are a real piece of work…. well a piece of somethin’. So I guess what you’re saying here is that as long as you are wearing a badge you have the right to beat the hell out of and/or kill anyone you damn well please under the badge umbrella. That’s what I get from what I’m reading. Man! You and Jaynbond must have been potty trained at gun point.
The “collapsed lung” reference makes me think that the cause of death was this.
@ the Troll fullerton cakes- People who know right from wrong will make sure they do time.
People who can’t tell right from wrong shouldn’t be wearing badges or holding public office.
Just like you demanded the video, demanded this, demanded that. You have no say in them doing time. Keep thinking you do.
If any of us are part of the jury we certainly will! You don’t get it. You and your fellow fuck ups don’t get it.
“Just like you demanded the video, demanded this, demanded that. You have no say in them doing time. Keep thinking you do.”
“He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.”
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
No worries you wont be on the jury…
Johnny Donut said (above) that Kelly Thomas died as a result of “delayed access to life support”.
Where did that idea come from? It’s completely false, I can tell you that.
Whenever there is an “incident” they will ask the fire department to “stage” out of the area. A lot of people have bled to death because the police department take so long to ask for the ambulance to come in.
There was no staging in this incident.
Fullerton Cakes Reality, you’re a sick sadistic SOB. I won’t read another word of yours. May you get your just dessert and may you shudder in awe in the darkness of your depraved soul.
LOL truth hurts?
…can you even begin to imagine what it’s like to be married to this piece of work? How about the poor child that looks up to Fullerton Cakes Reality as a parent?
@184 reminds me of the turd his own kid ended up shooting cause Pop told him thats how it should be
the tazer was used at point blank range. According to the report on the new the tazer should never be used near the heart region especialy at point blank range.
The police made two mistakes that night. first they thought because he was homeless he would not be accounted for. Second they didn’t think anybody really cared. he was accounted for by his family and someone did follow the ambulance to the hospital that night in fear that he would just be another homeless disapeering from the streets.
I thought the police knew who he was, so how could they think that? and
“Second they didn’t think anybody really cared” That they knew because his family lived in Fullerton and didn’t CARE.
Sadly, “We Are All One” you may be right, if that is the case, then they truely deserve everthing that is in store for them. They will have to face man’s justice and I don’t know if there is an Almighty, I sincerely hope there is, I would not want to stand before him with blood on my hands mumbling something about exited delerium…
think tank,
i got beat,
i got ideas
Thats the term I was trying to remember “think tank” thank you Mr. Chicken, Senor Gallo, this board is a great forum for the exchange of information and ideas. It has been derided by the trolls that post on this site, but in some small way I hope we have contributed to bringing justice to Kelly and his family by keeping his story alive. Keep up the good fight! Cheers….
Any lawyers on ths blog?
To Finally the case supports… I have been saying for two months that KT died from exactly what you said. It is called “Excited Delirium.” Talk with Fire Departments anywhere and they will know of cases of this nature. They deal with it often. Sadly, very common in schizophrenics.
Does excited delirium cause collapsed lung, broken ribs, and various other fractured bones throughout the head region? I read the Wikipedia article and didn’t see any of those listed as symptoms.
The Wikipedia article also stated that this diagnosis is very controversial, especially in the area of police brutality and subsequent coverups (which is pretty much the ONLY place that diagnosis is ever used. hmmmm…..). Wiki said: “excited delirium has been used to ‘excuse and exonerate’ law enforcement authorities following the death of detained subjects, a possible ‘conspiracy or cover-up for brutality’ when restraining agitated individuals.”
CBS says: You may not find the diagnosis “excited delirium” in a medical dictionary, but it’s popping up more and more around the country, especially when people die right after brawling with the police.
Excited Delirium is a pipe dream. It is not recognized by professional medical associations and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Kelly is not overweight, he was sitting on a bench according to reports, not doing lines of cocaine or even pounding vodka. Sitting on a bench. Not to mention, if police encounter a person who is extremely excited, they are supposed to stand back and calm the person down, only take down if that person is a direct threat to bystanders or other officers. You have poo on your breath.
Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.
Callous unconcern for the feelings of others and lack of the capacity for empathy.
Prone to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior bringing the subject into conflict.
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible.
Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as “their right.”
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt.
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others’ feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.
Need for Stimulation
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.
Other Related Qualities:
1) Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
2) Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
6)Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
7)Conventional appearance
8)Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
9)Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim’s life
10)Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim’s affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
11)Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
12)Incapable of real human attachment to another
13)Unable to feel remorse or guilt
14)Extreme narcissism and grandiose
15)May state readily that their goal is to rule the world.
…looks like you stole a page from the hiring criteria for the Fullerton Police Department.
That really is scary. It looks like McKinley intentionally surrounded himself with mirror images of himself. How ironic, Sellers was dumped by McKinley during the CNN interview.
“Would you have done what Chief Sellers did?”
(pregnant pause)
Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims.
One could almost feel pity for Sellers.
Great post WAAO!!! Let’s check that list to see what applies.
1) Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them. CHECK
2) Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them CHECK (“exited delirium”)
3)Authoritarian CHECK (respect my authoritay!)
4)Secretive CHECK (I plead the fif)
5)Paranoid CHECK (oh noes! threats!!)
6)Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired DOUBLE CHECK
7)Conventional appearance HALF CHECK (only half the standard # of eyes)
8)Goal of enslavement of their victim(s) CHECK
9)Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim’s life (or death) CHECK
10)Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim’s affirmation (respect, gratitude and love) CHECK
11)Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim CHECK (I’ll waive my rights because they’re just doing their job. I love those guys, they are heroes)
12)Incapable of real human attachment to another DEADBEAT DAD CHECK
13)Unable to feel remorse or guilt MONSTER CHECK
14)Extreme narcissism and grandiose EPIC CHECK
15)May state readily that their goal is to rule the world. no check (see #4)
Check check check!!
The most incredible thing this incident is teaching ALL of us is the state of mind of your average police officer.
It’s truly incredible. The trolls/cop-worshippers on here couldn’t do a worse public relations job if they tried. Its almost like they’re deliberately trying to sabotage ANY respect, admiration, or empathy we may have ever had for any of them.
Imagine instead if a bunch of FPD officers were posting things like this:
“This was a terrible incident and really reflects badly upon the professionalism and decision-making of the officers of our department.”
“I am ashamed of my fellow officers and pray for a just resolution to the tragedy they created.”
“I beg the public to understand that the individuals who committed these barbatic acts were NOT representative of the many good men and women who serve with honor in our department.”
“This is a watershed moment for policing in the US. Clearly, there is something very wrong with our training and our attitude towards the public we serve.”
“Our use of force policies would never condone an incident such as this. We cannot apologize enough to a community whose trust we have so violated.”
Had they looked into their hearts and souls and begged us not to judge them all for the actions of a few, they could have maintained at least some level of respect from the public.
Instead, Reality Cake and the rest have permanently destroyed the reputation of the entire FPD, and by implication, law enforcement officers in general.
WIth enemies like these, who needs friends?
J- Brown made comments about never seeing our state so polarized on the news this year.
What we have is bad upper management.
That sociopath definition was excellent.
That definition can be applied to most, if not every, corporation, bureaucracy, large organization, thus explaining the polarization. We all face this problem at all levels. There is no plateau to reach without the fear of getting pushed out of a position, so it is fear that may be the root of our problem.
We Are All One
Nice to see this indepth decription of the sociopath. Have had profession exposure to some with this condition. Maybe I am off on this but sociopathy seems to be more like a continuum. Some have a few of these symptoms, some more. Some of the ones that I have dealt with were rather high functioning and even charming. Unless one is a very good diagnostician sociopaths can be very difficult to spot. I question whether FPD has the ability to identify them. Well just look at Ted Bundy for example, articulate, intelligent, handsome, a law student and one time suicide hotline worker. A very healthy APPEARING man. His dark side though showed the true man, one with a savage and brutal mind, and with the emotional development of a reptile. A legally sane man though. As the old saying goes ” birds of a feather flock together”. I fear this may have been the case with some of the FPD 6. They may have actually believed that they were some how entitled to vent their homicidal rage on Kelly. Unfortutely there seem to be some who have blogged this site who suffer from this condition, namely Jaybond, who seems ” unable to feel remorse…, and is a narcissist with no empathy. Jaynbond, you wouldn’t happen to be one of the FPD 6? Well you sure act like one.
Meadow Muffin, you have to feel sad for Janie’s wife. She would be the one who suffers his abuse daily.
Sociopaths and psychopaths are often diagnosed with multiple disorders. Both conditions share overlapping tendencies, making diagnosis even trickier. The FPD 6 and these trolls appear to suffer both conditions, both sociopathy and psychopathy, imho.
All these revelations make it difficult to not fear for all citizens of Fullerton, but also causes concern for people in many communities across our great nation. There is a systemic problem in American Law Enforcement. How can this be be brought forcefully to the attention of those with the power to institute change for the betterment of our communities nationwide?
Is this diagnosis strictly for cops across the US? Or other people too? I’m starting to like my diagnosis. Just wondering if it’s just EVERY cop without exception or maybe some other people too.
Fullerton Cakes Reality
Now are you the pimply faced, frustrated, teen loser cakes? Or are you the regular cakes who is just having a bad day? I think you are the maladjusted shit stirring cakes who gets your jollies yanking other peoples chains cause you can’t get your groove thing going any other way. Come back when you have grown a set of balls.
We are all one: How do you get murder out of this? I am trying to understand how those of you who are saying it was murder, came to that conclusion. Please explain. Would it be murder in legal standing?
You’re that oblivious, seriously?
Might qualify for murder 2. I think proving m1 would be real tricky though.
Felony murder: Death caused in the commission of Mayhem.
Very simple. Even a socio-psychopath should be able to grasp it.
Very simple? Really? You can’t be serious. I don’t think you are serious very often but trying to figure out when is tough.
Xer: Felony murder: Death caused in the commission of Mayhem.
Even a socio-psychopath should be able to grasp it.
Fullerton Cakes Reality: Very simple? Really?
Xer: Oops, my mistake. 😎
Here maybe this will help? Or not.
mayhem 1) n. the criminal act of disabling, disfiguring, or cutting off or making useless one of the members (leg, arm, hand, foot, eye) of another either intentionally or in a fight, called maiming. The serious nature of the injury makes mayhem a felony, which is called “aggravated assault” in most states. 2) v. to commit mayhem is to cause gross harm in an uncontrolled fashion.
2) v. to commit mayhem is to cause gross harm in an uncontrolled fashion.
Erm… are you suggesting the gross harm to Kelly Thomas, multiple fractured ribs one of which must have accounted for the punctured lung, disfigured head from multiple broken bones, concussion and skull fractures from smashing his head into the pavement and curb, and repeated repeated repeated repeated blows to the face and head with the butt end of a taser, not to mention six taser electrical attacks at least one directly over the heart causing cardiac arrhythmia leading to interrupted blood flow to the brain, were not “in an uncontrolled fashion?” So, you are admitting it was all intentional even pre-meditated, perhaps?
Well, then I stand corrected by your first-hand experience in Kelly’s death. Clearly one of the monsters who killed him would know better than I whether it was pre-meditated of uncontrolled.
You can tell when I’m not serious by the twinkle in my eyes. Hint: At the moment they are not twinkling.
totality of circumstances. are we done yet @197
Wrong Guy: I do have to work sometime. But I am keeping up with you.
There you are jaynbond…Why all the senseless ‘trash talk’ rooting on these animalistic, saddistic so-called cops for beating a man to death? From your perspective, I would like to know how on earth you feel these officers actions were justified, or are you simply trying to be ‘different’ looking for a reaction from normal-thinking individuals?
Janie you are incapable of keeping up with Wrong Guy, or any other normal sane human being.
lol Besides, Janie, isn’t ‘working’ what you are doing here? 🙂
Montelongo: Where is your open mindedness? Can’t or won’t listen to another opinion that differs from yours?
Accusing others of what you are guilty of?
2) Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
scary isn’t it “we are all one”…
i was married to one, so i can totally relate…
but he died….. (karma)
i was lucky and so was the rest of the world
My family loves me. I’m gentle. Loving. Kiss me.
Hum, perhaps we could borrow Ron’s baseball bat to ‘kiss’ you with, Cakie?
Lightly please.
Since the last week of July I have made occasional comparisons here between the murder of Kelly Thomas by the FPD and the murders committed in countries like North Korean, Syria, Libya, Egypt under Mubarak, Iran and Iraq under Saddam Hussein.It was never intended as a joke, or in any way a stretch of the truth. My posts were purely and simply what my reasoned beliefs are based on available evidence. Each piece of new information that comes out supports my beliefs, this latest no less than any other.
Six fully armed Fullerton police committed a horrendous atrocity beating one defenseless homeless man to a MERCILESS bloody DEATH in front of many eye witnesses. The Orange County District Attorney is now a proven coward, too frightened to do his sworn duty–what he was elected to do–prosecute the guilty! I’m beginning to wonder if he wets his bed at night in fear of the police.
This is also no joke: In the last two years, where I live, two police officers have been saved by courageous acts of average citizens when the officers’ lives have been endangered. To my understanding it has happened three times in the last five years. Our police have made a few mistakes over the decades, but when that has happened changes were made to insure it didn’t happen again. We’ve got good cops where I live. They protect us, and we support them. When the chips are down we’ve gone to bat for them too, and even saved their lives. Personally, I would not hesitate to go to the aid of a local officer in need of assistance, or at very least immediately call 911!.
On the other hand, if I lived in Fullerton, California, and saw a member of the FPD in a bad situation, with gang members or ANY other type of danger, I would turn my back and walk or drive away. I would NOT get involved, I would NOT call 911, and I would sleep well that night because there is no way of knowing if that officer might end up beating someone else to death if he had the opportunity, just like the FPD 6 he or she is currently helping cover for. FPD are just another street gang and deserve NO support from their community as our police receive.
If the imaginary ‘good cops” at FPD don’t like it, they need to step forward, now, and earn the respect and support of their community by helping rid the City of six very bad apples. Otherwise they are dishonoring their oath to Protect and Serve Fullerton citizens, and ALL share in the shame of the FPD 6, McKinley who hired them, and Sellers who put them back out on the street the next day.
If I were a Fullerton police officer, I would be afraid to patrol the streets without community support, but then I’m not a violent psychopath like the FPD have proved themselves either. Maybe they really are as tough as they think, and need no community support? Chuck Norris once said, no one can keep his guard up ALL the time. And, boyz, Mr. Norris really is one tough guy even without a firearm. Are you guys tougher than Norris? What happens if someone gets your weapons away from you? How tough will you be without community backup?
How long will it be until we hear in the news about the Fullerton Police mistaking some oldster suffering Alzheimer’s for a homeless person and beating THEM to death?
I think like our troll says, the good cops in Fullerton are jumping ship. Who can blame them? Think about it, by their silence and failure to reign in the brutal behavior of their brothers they have turned an entire community against themselves. Why would you want to be police in a place where nobody respected you, trusted you, or liked you? Where you could see the hate in the public’s eyes every time you looked at them?
Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
ralphie boy and now rusty boy’s legacy for fullerton was creating an ethnically diverse fullerton police force that still efficiently killed a homeless, disabled man on the streets of fullerton. Here is a shout for creating an ethnically diverse monster for ralphie boy and for his son rusty boy
shout out
McKinley stated on CNN interview that there were 2 officers involved this “thing” and that 6 officers couldn’t have possibly beaten Kelly as there was not enough room. Well, this is BS as they could well have taken turns beating him. The new medical information just released seems to point to the fact that his brain was deprived of oxygen long enough to have put him into an irreversable coma. The anoxia was so severe that it affected his brain stem, and due to increased swelling of the brain he became essentially brain dead. I have trouble believing that not one of these 6 men present, one a Sgt., didn’t have the intergrity to say stop. I witnessed a young hispanic woman, who had shop lifted a $7 item, beset upon by 5 policemen and rent a cops. I mean that these guys were totally in an adrenaline frenzy, and had tackled her to the ground like in football and very violently cuffed her. SHE WAS NOT RESISTING! One policeman had his foot firmly placed on her neck while she was on the ground. She was obviously having trouble breathing. I immediately reasoned that this was wrong and that this woman was in danger. I went over to this woman, who was bleeding from a head wound, and announced to the officer that I was an RN and that it was my professional opinion that this woman was in danger of suffocating. I didn’t give a damned if they arrested me for interfering as I felt it was my moral duty to do so. At this point a crowd was forming and the officer took his foot off of her neck only after others in the crowd started protesting. I deeply felt that this 5 foot 120lb woman would have truly been in dire straights if this take down had occured without witnesses. My point is that the FPD 6 must have been so out of control that they just did not care about the 80 some odd witnesses and their pleas to stop the assault. Kelly was obviously savaged by a group of men who acted like a pack of wolves and that they were so focus on expending their rage that they murdered this poor man in cold blood. Also I have posted numerous time and nothing has happened. What is up with that?
Lesson = Don’t Steal
Save the Fullerton Cops
Your brevity seems to be admirable but I don’t know if is from a lack of vocabulary or as a result of a subnormal IQ. So you are trying to say that those who steal actually deserve to be assaulted by law enforcement? Do you actually read what you type or do you have some kind of impulse control problem and type whatever comes to mind? Lack of impulse control could indicate damage to the frontal lobes of the brain. Were you in some kind of accident which caused trauma to the head? Or did you, or are you now, suffer physical abuse to the head? Do you assault loved ones? Your judgment is truly suspect. You really need help. And if you are law enforcement do humanity a favor and resign on psychiatric grounds.
Your story about this shoplifting woman sounds so typical of these ‘Rogue-type’ cops with that kick ass and ask questions later mentality, if they’re still alive to talk.
Asfar the Kelly Thomas beating, it seems that the cops adrenaline was boosted by the onlookers as well as Kelly begging and screaming for his life. Like a pack of wild hyenas (check spell).
FPD is done anyway you try and slice this cluster fuck of a failed cover up. lol at the trolls.
then why were SIX PUT ON LEAVE coward
Because they don’t know what each person did and that’s why they have investigations? Coward this :—->
Very mature response, shows good impulse control… not!
Nobody cares.. we can beat the fuck out of homeless people if we want.. what the fuck are you gonna do about it bitches..
miserable police force found out FAST what a PISSED OFF CITY of how many??
140,000 citizens against 100 cops.. hmmm
Altercation –
Noun: A noisy argument or disagreement, esp. in public.
Arrest the Fullerton Taliban… NOW!!!!!!
Would this case qualify for terrorism under the patriot act?
Yea that too. Call Obama.
We may have to arrest them ourselves. WE as citizens may have to arm up and take over……
I personally have never owned or even shot a gun of any kind before but I may be purchasing one soon.
After all, our videos only go so far considering this event was captured on citizens’ cameras and the ‘authorities’ responsible for bringing these Cowardly cops to justice just don’t want to do it.
Go ahead FPD and DA trolls, report me as a terrorist you chicken-shit, good-for-nothing, do-nothing, psychopathic scumholes!!!
Just lean on the city council to disband the dept. Keep it civilized.
Relax, don’t do anything crazy!
I’m relaxed; just had to vent a bit.
It’s obvious to anyone who has a soul that this man was murdered. Looking at those photos made me cry. That’s a lot of blood.
We are being groomed for a totalitarian state. From the TSA sticking their hands down your pants, cops slashing homeless tent cities, DC cops busting lemonade stands, cops arresting people for feeding the homeless (i.e. food not bombs in Orlando) and other atrocities too numerous to mention.
What’s the common theme here? Federal and state employees abusing taxpayers.
These thug cops purposely picked a defenseless white, homeless, mentally ill man to beat up.
This man was an eye sore on the block and they wanted to send him a message.
These police would never even think of hurting a reality TV star, a sports star, a politician or someone they view as the VIP people.
Our leaders are only concerned with the bankers, Hollywood producers and the high tech community.
They are a gaggle of ruthless parasites that feed off the host until they collapse it.
The “elite” are really just stupid thugs with some help from techno freaks in their slave military service. The ultimate outcome of all this techno junk will be the stupidest so called rulers in earth’s history. Their offspring, what a word, are already into the dead jive of pop culture. Soon, these problem thugs will just stop breathing out of sheer terror – they know they are corrupt and imbalanced creatures and they fear everyone, even their buddies and cronies.
Don’t be terrorized just let the terror sink back into the brains and hearts of these so called world “leaders”. Let them finish themselves and their followers off.
What is so special about these people that they need protection?
If they disappeared tomorrow none of us would miss them.
They’re parasites.
I think it’s time the DA got arrested for being an accessory after the fact to a capital one murder. He’s not only dragging his feet to protect his criminal buddies he’s helping thugs get away with a homicide.
This happened one week before kelly was murdered…. and the killers have already been charged…. The DA is protecting the badge in Kelly’s murder..
“This happened one week before kelly was murdered…. and the killers have already been charged…”
Not a valid comparison.
Getting a conviction in a hate crime is a relative slam dunk. Cops will get on the stand and testify believably to the results of their investigation, and the jury will be on their side. The cops are the good guys, the perps the bad guys. Load the jury up with folks the same color as the victim and it will be a total slam dunk.
On the other hand, an OC jury is likely to view the Thomas case through entirely different filters. They are going to want to believe the good guy cops were just doing their job, and Thomas’ death was more of an accident than a murder, negligent homicide, or even manslaughter. That’s the preconception the Thomas justy will bring to court. Given the evidence in the medical records, Raukaukus will have to file charges, but he’s going to need an unambiguous coroner’s cause of death or the video is going to have to be even more shocking than we already think it probably is, or the FPD six are going to walk. T-rack is an elected official with future aspirations, he will bring charges, he just needs the necessary evidence, and it’s not going to come from civilian or police witnesses.
Again, the protest should be moved from the FPD to the OC coroner’s office. They are the holdup and their report will be key to getting convictions.
“On the other hand, an OC jury is likely to view the Thomas case through entirely different filters. They are going to want to believe the good guy cops were just doing their job, and Thomas’ death was more of an accident than a murder, negligent homicide, or even manslaughter. That’s the preconception the Thomas justy will bring to court.”
I hope you are speaking for yourself if you are a potential Orange County juror (i.e., likely to be called or have served in the past), because you don’t speak for me! Personally, I think if it does go to trial (and I hope it does) with charges against some or all of the LEOs there will be a request for change of venue.
My comments had nothing to do with you and me Paeches. I’m speaking of how it is generally here in the OC and just about everywhere else in the country. If you don’t recognize that reality you are a fool. Read some of the accounts of excessive force trials brought by the OC DA against cops and learn something before insulting my charcater for stating the fkn obvious, okay?
Here, I’ll make it easy for you with a couple links ’cause you probably need it:
People v. Deputy Hibbs
(be sure and read through page two)
And from the next one, reporter Scott Moxley wrote: “Orange County juries have a long, pathetic history of siding with cops, even obviously dirty ones. In one infamous case, an Irvine police officer disconnected the GPS unit in the trunk of his patrol car (so that dispatchers couldn’t track his whereabouts), tailed a woman outside of his jurisdiction, pulled her over on false pretenses, then masturbated and ejaculated on the shocked woman’s chest. DNA testing later matched this cop’s sperm with the sticky matter left on the woman, and yet a 2007 OC jury–mostly old, white men–couldn’t bring themselves to find the officer guilty of any crime.”
Fred Alcazar :
Yeah you’d have to have your head turned sideways. This was a hand held object that did that.
The nose could have been smashed by a curb. However the resulting blood pouring down the throat and windpipe would have made calling out (Dad, Dad) almost impossible.
I think the smashed nose happened near the end.
Excellent points Fred.
The cheek bone, nose and bone behind the nose are probably the damage done by the repeated hammering on the face with the taser and possible knee drop(s).
I agree, he was yelling out loud and clear until all the head trauma.
I can’t believe how much crap is being spewed here by the “pro-FPD6″ goons. Its disgusting. What a sham.
Indictments are forthcoming, but at what level?
How did Kelly breathe?
How much blood do injuries like this produce?
Is it possible to breathe with those kind of injuries if you are on your back?
Could he have drown in his own blood?
I thought Bunny said he was on his side when she saw him at the scene.
Why was he own his side?
Did someone place him there so he could breathe?
With the tenth anniversary of 9/11 coming up, I can’t help but think of what the Taliban thinks of our country now, due to this brutal death beating of an innocent man by the hands of our own law enforcement professionals.
Wonder if they have plans for the FPD and DA???
Possibly something to do with small planes…..?
Just a thought. Hope no innocent citizens are victimized if this occurs.
Well, we arent going anywhere DA, Trolls, friends/relatives of Cops and coplovers/defenders
so watcha going to do? keep holding up and stalling?
If need be there is a panel of judges who will make the DA release decision-called the supreme court
It will take years, by then Ron Thomas will be long gone with his money….
No, I was referring to all the recent revelations about FPD misbehaving. You can read all about it on these pages.
Possibly true. The malls are always looking for a few good men.
They will have to leave the country to get mall security jobs
Seriously ??
Won’t happen. They’re under-qualified.
im sorry to say , i dont blame these officers , i blame us , those who look away and support the cops regardless of what they do . i blame the juries that even when shown a video tape , ala rodney king , they aquit , i blame the judges that even when shown the police are lying refuse to insist on purjury charges. we created this enviroment by our complicity . the cops did what they felt the public would let them get away w/ . thus we r responible for K.T.’s death. thats the reality , its a hard pill to swollow but it is the truth. (sorry for the spelling
…should’ve stopped with “I’m sorry to say” and stopped talking and saved yourself the embrassment of exposing your ignorance in a public forum.
Wrong Guy. I’ve been promoting “Open Carry” on this site for 2 months. Look into California penal codes 12025 and 12031. If I could get some mutual support, I’d bring my weapon to work (I have a business near the bus station) tomorrow. Anyone care to join me? I’m not out to create trouble, but it’s time for all of us to exercise our rights and send the message that we will DEFEND ourselves from ANYONE (badge or not) trying to deny our constitutional protections.
Anyone care to organize in an open carry peaceful demonstration?
I support “open carry” but in Fullerton you may be shot on sight. Kelly Thomas had no weapons and he was still killed.
Before you organize an open carry event, talk to the current Chief of Police to make sure current officers will honor it.
Oh, the “anonymous” reply to Michael G. was me.
Uh George,
I did not slam than man’s skull open with the back end of a taser nor did I knee drop him in the face therefore, I did not kill him.
The Thugster coppers did. fin. period and you can overanalyze-and beard scratch all you want – this happened because of 6 pyschos and the people that are trying to cover for them
merijoe , have u ever protested police violence b/4 ? nor hv i . were u upset when rodney king was tasered and beaten and hit 56 times ? did u see rodney face ? what did u or any of us do to mk sure that it would not or could not happen to K.T. ? i don’t blame u , for i too am responible . always taking the police at their word has created this death. im sorry to say but they know as does the d.a. , that an all white jury from conservative orange county will let these guys walk .
George, we hear you clearly and it sounds like you share teh same sentiments with most of us ‘justice seekers’ on this site. However, I don’t think it’s our fault that Rodney King’s thug attackers were acquitted. it was then that I knew how f’d up our criminal court sytem is. Then the acquittal of O.J. in criminal court REALLY made me aware of how corrupt and wrong our criminal court system is. He happened to be a sports/movie star hero and had millions of dollars to buy a ‘dream team’ that made our L.A. County DA team look like 1st year law students and bought his way to freedom. If O.J. were an ordinary citizen, living check to check like many of us, he’d be doing life in prison.
Ever since then, I’ve been following police corruption cases. It has been stated for ever that our U.S. justice system is the best. That ain’t saying much, is it.
Today’s press conference with Ron Thomas and his attorney is streaming live right now on the KTLA site:
I can’t get either link to work. Is there another one that I could watch now?
Whoa, watching it now…
I have to say, the medical records may be enough, even without the coroner’s help.
Doctor’s said the cause of death was ‘brain trauma’ and that it was due to ‘assault.’
The cops are going down folks.
Have you seen the little piggies
Crawling in the dirt
And for all the little piggies
Life is getting worse
Always having dirt to play around in.
Have you seen the bigger piggies
In their starched white shirts
You will find the bigger piggies
Stirring up the dirt
Always have clean shirts to play around in.
In their styes with all their backing
They don’t care what goes on around
In their eyes there’s something lacking
What they need’s a damn good whacking.
Everywhere there’s lots of piggies
Living piggy lives
You can see them out for dinner
With their piggy wives
Clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon.
Oink lol
“…Thomas suffered a shattered nose, brain trauma, smashed cheek bone, broken ribs and severe internal bleeding.”
“Prosecutors are reviewing a security camera video of the officers’ encounter with Thomas, who suffered from schizophrenia.”
They must be up to one frame per day now?
Can the DA exert NO influence over the coroner’s office to expedite the process? Yes, clearly the coroner, a former police officer is complicit in a coverup. Who doest the coroner’s office answer to, the Mayor? Time to move demonstrations to the Mayor’s offices perhaps? Someone needs to give the coroner an enema to stimulate movement.
Thomas and Mardirossian showed blowups of the attending physician’s report listing the cause of death as brain trauma and the cause as assault. Very powerful.
This reporter David Begnaud is a complete douchebag.
KTLA reporter is preparing to interview Ron Thomas while press conference is wrapping up. Not sure it’s supposed to be going out live…
That guy is a loser.
“Kill the messenger” just makes you look like a fool, kook.
Well well well, this changes things a bit. That Kelly Thomas’ doctors listed his cause of death as ‘brain trauma’ due to an ‘assault’ is going to make it easier for prosecutors, absent a definitive and favorable to the prosecution coroner’s report, to argue to a jury that Thomas was murdered and that the coroner/sheriff are participating in a ‘blue wall of silence.” And make no mistake, there will be charges, serious charges.
Has anyone looked closely at the pics of bruises on the chest and how they correlate to the broken ribs! These guys beat the snot out of Kelly, literally and figuratively!
Yes he is. Quite the s&^tstiring douchebag.
And Ron Thomas needs to stop lying about his law enforcement “experience”.
Kelly’s paid Doctor means nothing in this. Just like his attorney and his show mean nothing in terms of the prosecution. The DA doesn’t even care what Kelly’s Doctor says. It’s all on what the coroner says.
Trollerton Cakes goes oink oink
“It’s all on what the coroner says.”
Nope. It’s all evidence for a jury to consider, and if the coroner tries to white wash his report that will just be more evidence of a ‘blue wall of silence.’ Remember, the OC DA is not afraid to call out law enforcement on this, the ‘blue wall of silence” were the prosecutor’s exact words in closing during the People v. Deputy Christopher Hibbs.
FFF has got people here thinking that the OC DA always goes soft on cops and never prosecutes excessive force cases, but that’s not entirely true, they just never win, even when the evidence is strong.
“Kelly’s paid Doctor means nothing in this. Just like his attorney and his show mean nothing in terms of the prosecution. The DA doesn’t even care what Kelly’s Doctor says. It’s all on what the coroner says.”
Actually, you have left the citizens of Fullerton and Orange County out of your equation. Just because juries in the past have sided with you hooligans out of fear for their own safety does not mean you can count on it happening every time. This time looks very likely to be the hole in your bastion walls. Keep squealing, little oink oink, it makes the eventual BLT all the more tasty. Hum…. maybe roast suckling? Anybody got an apple?
Wonder just what good that MA will do you in the big house?
Thanks for that. My Daddy is still alive and he would would never leave me on the streets especially if I was metally ill.
This is your father speaking, get off the internet or I will disable it again.
NO kids on this blog. Just radical activists and cops. No fullerton residents outside of that. It is what it is. Everyone knows this show is brought in from out of town and really has nothing to do with Fullerton. A transient that no one wanted in the city and a dad that abandoned his child.
how loud can you squeal piggy?
Loud. Oink!
What do you mean “if,” you horrible bitch?
Sociopathy IS a mental disease, and your father has done nothing to help you with it (or perhaps he is as amoral as you are). Furthermore, he certainly didn’t oversee your education — you have the reasoning and writing skills of a 1st grader.
Ahhhh you hit a nerve there. LOL. 1st grader. now the insults are flowing. love it.
Bring da Ruckus Bitch!
As I’ve said from the start and one of the many things I’ve said that will prove true. The other 4 won’t have any criminally liability, and the most they MIGHT have is some administrative liability. But they also did everything they were supposed to do at the scene and in terms of supervisor notification so I don’t see anything happening to the other 4.
Of course the other 4, the dispatcher who watched and did nothing, the chief of ‘police’, the da and all involved are liable for violating Kelly Thomas’ civil rights. No immunity is given in cases of homicide and murderous cover ups. That’s why they won’t release the tape. It proves ALL their guilt.
Come on. At least talk out of your mouth and not your ass. The dispatcher was supposed to reach through the radio or camera and let Kelly kick their ass? Get real. No one will be liable except the 2 cops if evidence shows they did something wrong.
In legal terms it’s referred to as either accessory before/after the fact and usually carries 1/2 the sentence of those charged with the original felony. My guess is that if the DA files 2nd degree murder charges, that he’ll use this charge as a motivational tool to drop a dime on the original instigators/perpetrators.
We are all sociopaths in this world. All of us. Cops, Doctors, Grocery clerks, attorneys, bloggers.
Fullerton Cakes Reality Sociopath
If the shoe fits… See ExPat ExLawyer web link below, nazi assmunch. You are just digging yourself deeper and deeper with every post. You are a disgrace to law enforcement and too stupid to know it. Hopefully your filthy hole will cause your downfall and you will eventually fall on your own sword. Then maybe you will become some $7 an hour rent a cop at the mall, playing pocket pool while looking up little girls dresses on the escalator.
Thank you.
Meadow Muffin is projecting their sick fantasies of, “playing pocket pool while looking up little girls dresses on the escalator.”
self describing much??
Truth The Way Yon Don’t Want To See It!! Hey inbred mutant crack ho what the hell does “Yon” mean? Look at your keyboard halfwit, the “u” is on the top row!! And thanks for the shattering analysis Dr Freud. What if I told you I have ovaries you useless sack of toe jam? Actually the rent a cop I mentioned is a real person. Worked in a mall in North Carolina, a retired cop. A crowd damned near lynched him before the police got there. Also muffin is singular hairmouth so him/her not their is to be used. And the word “projecting” I just love it. Did you get that one from the Reader’s Digest you muddled through while waiting in the doctor’s office to have your anal warts burned off? So just shut your filthy hole around that crack pipe and get a life.
Lol that was hot. Toe jam and hair mouth and anal warts. Yum.
The OCR just posted this story from the attorney news conference where the attorney stated the medical evidence supports head trauma as the cause of death.
Really, I am going to believe the Thomas Attorney Ron Thomas ???? I think ? NOT
What is 33% of 20 million ?
To: Save Us I am not good at math either LOL LOL LOL
I doubt if you are good at anything. And that would make you good for nothing.
“I am not good at x either LOL LOL LOL”
Solve for x:
x = logic
x = morals
x = being a human being
x = compassion toward the grieving family
“Really, I am going to believe the Thomas Attorney Ron Thomas ????”
Well, do you believe the doctors who treated Kelly? ASSAULT
Hope RT gets millions, sells his story and makes more millions and laughs at you “SAVE” on his way out of town.
*** Breaking News ***
UCI Medical Doctor signed …
Death caused by: BRAIN DEATH
Due to: ASSAULT!
Per the Doctors hired and paid for by Kelly’s team.
Kelly most likely didn’t even have insurance.
This is from the doctors at UCI’s critical care unit where he was transferred to after initially being taken to St. Jude.
It was determined that he was BRAIN DEAD upon arrival at St. Jude!
No matter how much BS you spew – it won’t change the FACT that these pigs are MURDERS!
The 1st step, prior to strapping on, would be for all members of the demonstration to meet at the FPD and announce our intention to open carry at a specific location and time-span. We will all have copies of the penal codes 12025 and 12031 in case we need to educate any officer on our rights. We need lot’s of video cams, stationed both near and far from the scene. The location cannot be within 1,000 feet of a school.
Any takers?
Yes do it. Please. That will really make this whole cause blow up with the community. Guns at a protest. Yes great idea!! Do it!! You will see how the community reacts. Bring in all your masked nut balls from out of town too. Make it a riot with guns!! Just remember to tell the kids that have guns that if they point that gun anywhere near a person they are going to be shot dead. All on video.
But you agree if they keep their weapons holstered, no problema, right?
No problems. The main problem with something like this is the people that aren’t educated in open carry. They have to know the laws, and that they can be contacted by police at anytime to verify the weapon is unloaded.
Sorry, you lose. There is a Catholic School you degenerate!
Ron Thomas is not a retired Sheriff, he only worked there 6 months.
Ron Thomas had a restraining order against his son for 5 years because he was a violent psychopath. Kelly choked his mother and hit his grandfather with a fire poker.
Kelly resisted arrest. 6 officers did not sit around and beat Kelly. When this investigation is done, 1 or 2 of the officers will be held accountable.
Ron Thomas is two faced and exploiting his son’s death for his own personal greed.
Objection. Relevance.
LOL ExPat!
Agreed the dad’s morals are irrelevant but what is relevant is Kelly’s history.
His violent history and arrest record show that he was not a gentle homeless man.
Wrong. What’s relevant are Kelly’s actions that night. Saying hi to people, sitting on a bench, etc. Doing nothing wrong or illegal.
…and Chief McKinley and the Fullerton PD are? Check out the story on page 4 …
Thank You…..
Explains a lot about law enforcement
Hope RT gets millions, sells his story and makes more millions and laughs at you on his way out of town.
“Kelly resisted arrest. 6 officers did not sit around and beat Kelly. When this investigation is done, 1 or 2 of the officers will be held accountable.”
And the ones who stood and watched and then altered reports are cowards and need to be outed.
You see Corrupt, it’s people like you who really don’t get it.
There weren’t officers sitting around watching it happen.
You will see when it’s all said and done.
How do you know?
Maybe because we were there?
Were you?
No I do get it…. sure all six did not beat Kelly to death. Yes it is likely the 2 we all think it is. But, what were the others doing? When the Sgt. rolled up how was it explained that a guy was beaten into a coma? The senior officer on the scene had the duty to deesculate the situation…. more than likely he was the one who pretty much caused the situation. When Kelly died, a death investigation should have ensued immediately. The chief went on vacation and the cops got to run around with their guns and their badges after having put a guy on a slab at the morgue… no I get it, only after Ron Thomas went public with the pics and started shaking trees did the DA decide to do something…. yeah I get it….. It is you who does not get it. Plenty of people were standing around watching this situation fester and they did NOTHING….. yeah I get it.
He was murdered plain and simple..there needs to be justice and it needs to come swifter….
blood on the city’s hands,
over and over again,
again and again,
costing the citizens millions because they people in supposed power cant handle themselves , in a decent manor
not to mention countless lives derailed and broken
your end is coming ,
are you ready?
vengeance is the lord’s
From the looks of the Trolls on this thread, only stupid people are breeding.
oh ,
and its ridiculous to entertain the idea that only 2 are guilty, you can wish with all your cake fart heart, but it will not help.
and its ridiculous to think that the Thomas family paid some doctors off, so their expert findings and understanding somehow is flawed, i dont think so.
I am an over weight, middle aged woman. I work in mental health and have for years. I am not allowed to restrain using weapons. I have no taser, no gun, etc. and….I restrain every day, never leaving even a bruise, much less killing someone. Ask anyone that works in mental health facilities…even secured facilities….it happens every day, without issue.
Be real folks….it’s just not that hard. What happened here was murder. Simple as that. I’m embarrassed for the police that are posting excuses here….if I can do it….SO CAN YOU.
Ah, but you’re not an “officer.”
These goons get to do anything they feel like at any particular time.
Well said, Angel.
The so called “PICS” were an annimation a reenactment… Not the real thing. You can put anything you want on a annimation.
Re: post #3. I’m curious why the murder last summer of Julian Collender in Yorba Linda by a Brea cop has not joined forces with Kelly’s Army. The murders are different, but do have similarities. It seems that murder by cop is OK in Orange County.
You speak just like jaynbond. A defeated looser, spewing out startled BS because of all the revealing evidence that’s comiing out. Keep it up. You guys are comical cowards.
Wrong Guy you crack me up! LOSER!
Attorney for family Garo Mardirossian and Ron Thomas presents medical records to provide unofficial account of transient’s death.
Yeah I believe these two guys, UNOFFICIAL
What revealing evidence
Fullerton Cakes Reality
You are correct. Open carry requires that you submit your weapon to a police officer upon request for an inspection. If you are in compliance with the law, which states that the weapon must be unloaded and unconcealed, the weapon must be returned immediately. This doesn’t mean that the weapon must remain useless. It’s perfectly legal to carry rounds on your person while the weapon is unloaded. It is also perfectly legal to load the weapon if you find yourself in a situation where a reasonable person would fear for their personal safety and physical welfare. This even includes the unwarranted and aggressive approach of a police officer. Carrying open IS NOT reason for probable cause or reasonable suspicion that a person has, or is about to commit any crime. As long as you comply with the reasonable instructions of the officer and allow the officer access to your weapon (I don’t recommend handing the weapon to the officer as you could then be accused of brandishing)
BTW, the officer would have no right to place you in handcuffs during the inspection, unless you are reasonably suspected of breaking the law. Which, you have the right to know what that suspicion is prior to being detained with handcuffs.
Lastly, who said anything about a protest. I suggested a demonstration. Will you EVER post a comment without twisting the facts?
Yes I teach a class on gun laws and open carry. You don’t need to tell me the rules.
With all the false information on this blog the last thing this group needs is to have a bunch of out of town extremists at a protest with guns. You will lose all of the ordinary everyday citizens and their kids real quick.
You are trying to organize a demonstration with open carry at a protest? Yes this Is a protest over no charges filed.
I say nothing but facts. Don’t pawn your twisted vision off on me. See you at the protest:demonstration. I will be the one with the gold bars and the loaded gun inspecting your gun.
You teach a class? let me guess: Abnormal Psychology?
Yes a pysch class too. Who better to teach pysch than a socio psychopath right? Chief Sellers is a teacher too. 🙂
Um, did you actually mean to just call Chief Sellers a sociopath?
Here’s a good one of Captain Cakemaster teachin’ it up.
You say nothing but facts? Twisted vision?
Did I say I would organize the demonstration to coincide with a Kelly Thomas protest? Nope…didn’t Did I say the demonstration might occur at the FDP? Nope…I didn’t
This is how twisted officers like you think you can make crap up to give you reasonable cause. BTW, when you approach me with your loaded weapon, do so peacefully and respectfully.
Try to stay with the facts.
Oh you are so tricky.
Always. Always recorded as well. 🙂
It is difficult, almost impossible to get a lying, corrupt police officer like Fullerton Cakes Reality to stay with the facts.
He is one those field cops that hassles high school kids, threatening them with him BS he calls laws. Bullshitin’ these young men into thinking he’s their ruler as he confiscates pot out of their backpacks, with no probable cause for searching them to begin with…
Pretty accurate wasn’t that FCR? And what kind of dumbass name is that and what names have you used before, you gutless poor excuse of a law enforcement officer?
Wow exactly. Amazing talent you have.
Probably works narcotics, steals meth in raids and smokes it by the lonesome light of his computer monitor as he fills FFFF wth inane comments each night.
I know now ‘take a hike’!!!
You guys have paid me to hike for months now. I’m bored. This beach is nice but I think I need to put my mask on and go protest.
Ah I see. “agent provocateur”
Another one of Fullerton’s finest bullying people again. Typical cop behaviour…
“Cakes” is the least effective spokeshole the police have produced yet. He is beyond counterproductive. Each time he opens his mouth he transforms 10 ordinary citizens into newly minted haters of the FPD. Goodrich must be green with envy at his talent for making the citizenry hate the police.
Kudos Cakes!
i often hear of muslums is that they do not critizise the attackers of 911, (which is not true for most ) h/e find me a cop that will attack a fellow cop for his actions . it was this very mindset that permitted other officers to stand around and not intervene even though they were witnessing the death of an innocent human being . we are americans and we need to continue to fight for that which made america great and permitting this atrusticity to occur on all of our watches is much like the germans who stood silent in 1939 germany .
I direct your attention to page 4 of this link for a little history lesson in the way that the Fullerton Poice Department used to deal with complaints…thank God those days are going to be history also.
That trash-talking bunghole wouldn’t go anywhere near the protests on Saturday, unless he was in his FPD patrol car driving by and getting booed at, cause he’s a badge-heavy coward!
Imagery! And a pic of KT with Betadine all over his face. Betadine looks like blood, why do you think Dad Thomas used that pic? Thought he could garner some more sympathy? Dad Thomas appears to be using all of you to advance his cause. MONEY!
What a disappointment after all of the hype, and none of it’s real.
Annimation, Imagery, Reenactment!
Brain dead due to trauma due to assault.
Can’t get much clearer than that. It in the UCI medical records.
You really are about 10 seconds evolved from a single-cell amoeba, aren’t you?
FYI, Betadine turns yellow when dry.
If none of this is real, then why won’t the FPD release their videos. What’s your name rank and badge number?
I’ll tell you what was real: Seeing the blowups today of Kelly Thomas’ “Brain Death Certification,” signed by his attending physicians at UCI.
Here is what the doctor’s reported as the cause of death:
Immediate cause: Brain Death
Due to: Head Trauma
Due to: Assault
Yes, that’s ASSAULT with a capital “A.”
OC Weekly has the documents:
And those TWO HUGE RED BLOOD STAINS that are still on the concrete, a full two months after Kelly was BLUDGEONED TO DEATH with the butt end of a Taser, by the Fullerton Police Department, are REALLY just from Betadine Solution?
And, those TWO HUGE BLOOD STAINS that I saw on the ground this last weekend, next to Kelly Thomas’ memorial, with my own two eyes, are REALLY just Betadine solution, animation, imagery and re-enactment?
And, the RED RIVERS OF BLOOD that poured into Kelly’s throat and lungs, from his smashed facial bones, that caused Kelly to choke and suffocate on his own blood,-THAT was REALLY all Betadine solution?
And, after Kelly’s lung was punctured and collapsed by his broken ribs after being brutally kicked, and his lung filled up with a massive amount of blood, thereby causing Kelly to be in respiratory distress,-THAT was REALLY just Betadine solution?
And, the HUGE POOL OF BLOOD at the crime scene close to the squad car tire, that was captured on the photographs that were taken by Bunny,-THAT was REALLY just a huge pool of Betadine solution? And, THAT was just animation, imagery, and re-enactment?
I didn’t realize that the FPD “peace officers” carried THAT MUCH Betadine solution around with them!! Isn’t that WONDERFUL?!!
You got to admit Jaynbond, things do not look good for you or your ‘thugbuddies’ at FPD…….
Only the ‘Guilty’ lie. Only the “Guilty” stay silent. Only the ‘Guilty’ make up lame excuses for deplorable and saddistic acts initiated by bad cops, such as blaming the victims father.
That is about as much of a classic as “we got the wrong guy.
It is to laugh..hahahaahhahhahahahhahahah!!!!!
“JT” I’ll see your “cakes” and raise you a “jaynbond”
Sometimes it is better to listen to advice than to give it… so maybe that is why the officers are keeping quiet.
Ripping off fortune cookies now?
The “officers” are keeping quiet because:
1. They killed a man for no reason
2. They have no honor
3. The are chickenshit cowards
4. All of the above
Take your pick.
The officers are keeping quiet because they have no logical defense for their actions. Plain and simple.
Sorry J. They are silent because of guilt.
John and Ken on KFI radio will be talking with Garo Mardirossian at the 5:00 hour. 640am.
Rudy, stop talking about yourself that way. Deflecting the issue does not make it go away!
Dad Thomas wants money, a lot of it, and fast!
“Deflecting the issue does not make it go away!
Dad Thomas wants money, a lot of it, and fast!”
OHHHH!!! So THAT’S the issue. I’m chuckling at myself and shaking my head because I thought for whatever reason that the issue was HOMICIDE. Silly me.
Will you be listening to the John & Ken show at 5:00 jaynbond? It’s in 15 minutes. It’s time you heard more truths.
sometimes it takes the lose of a great deal of $ for the city to wake up and change that which has been ignored. if u hit someone hard enough fincially they will change . unfortunately its taken the death of a young man and the potential exposure to criminal and civil liablity to awaken that which lives in most of us and thats civility .
The medical records from the hospital where Kelly was treated spell it out very clearly in black and white…he had multiple facial fractures and died from blunt force trauma.
What, is the FPD or DA going to try to say that somehow documents signed by a DOCTOR and neurologist at a hospital aren’t valid?
And what does “Janynbound” have to say now? She kept spouting off nonsense about “excited delirium” (which I’m sure is something she just looked up on Wikipedia one night) but the actual medical records from the hospital showed that he had multiple and severe fractures and died from blunt force trauma.. Actually, it was specifically listed as assault. Is that finally enough “facts” for you?
I don’t see how anyone can cover for the cops’ asses now. There’s no rational way to defend them. We all knew how Kelly died. But now an actual doctor’s report confirms it.
It’s going to look pretty darn ridiculous and suspicious if the coroner tries to claim that Kelly died of something else. The hospital has MRI’s and X-Rays which show that he had multiple, severe fractures and internal bleeding. Blood tests also showed that he did NOT have any drugs in his system. Not like that would have mattered any.
So what the hell can the coroner possibly say now?
I don’t see how they can get cover for the cops now. There’s no way around it. They’re going to have to charge them.
Ok. You say Kelly’s dad didn’t care. You say Kelly’s dad wants a pay check. Does that give you the right to beat a mentally ill homeless man into brain death? Stop trying to side-step and answer why you feel Kelly deserved what you did to him.
What is up with punk pieces of shit like you.. CREEP.. I have never felt this bitter towards such a useless bucket of DNA as yourself..
You really are a sick man or woman or thing..
You are one of those people whose goal is to get under peoples skin with behavior like you exhibit here. You also like to be dominated in the bedroom and have frequently asked your SO to tie you up and bring over a friend or two to put you in your place….
How do you look yourself in the mirror with all the hate you push off on a VICTIM.. I just wish your name was Kelly Thomas instead of him
You are upset because the truth hurts. I am not saying what happened to Kelly Thomas was right, or how it happened is justified. Kelly would not be on the streets had his dad or family helped this poor mentally ill fragile man in the first place. He was not lost or in another state, he was right where his family could find and help him. They didnt do anything while he was alive…..
@Save the Fullerton Cops,
I wish that it was as simple and straightforward as you seem to think it is to get help for a loved one who suffers from mental illness.
You obviously have no personal, real life experience in dealing with the tragedy of mental illness; therefore, your criticism of Kelly’s family only serves to reveal your extreme ignorance and belies the stark reality that is faced by millions of people.
What do I have to say? Excited Delirium!!!!
They never answer it
A THIRTY SEVEN year old man was murdered and these punks try to blame the father for his murder?
SADLY.. ^^^ is the wonderful stock of FPD forces.. ABSOLUTE HEARTLESS DOLTS
I wish you would say it while running in the middle of I5 during rush hour
wonder what Mayor Dick “Ive seen worse survivable injuries” Jones has to say about these
If my name was KT I would not have run from the police and would still be alive. You are forgetting the facts.
He did not comply with what the police told him to do. He fought against them and could not breathe properly which is the Excited Delirium.
I would not have been abandoned by my family and left on the street so the police had to be summond.
Maybe one of your 5 fucked up pro kids will run into 5 fucked up pros in blue- lets hear you cry about how they didnt run-, I’ll be the first one to yell that you are in it for the money
No alcohol, no drugs in Kelly’s system according to toxicology
Thank god, he was already a Schizowo without drugs and alcohol.
YOU know which version of KT I want you to be..
I want you to be the one the cops murdered.. so your fucked up professional children will be without such a miserable piece of shit to influence them any further..
Dick Cheney
all “Professionals”..
I will ignore everything you write from now on.. scum like you deserves no recognition
Poor thing you can’t handle other opinions.
Psycho Cyclops Sissynelli you are goin’ down!
Fullerton Cakes Reality
And, yet that is not what eye-witness said on the bus video, is it? Witnesses on the bus video said SIX cops were “BEATING this/that guy TO DEATH!”
It seems you have selective hearing just as you seek selective justice. Cops are exempt from ALL justice by you, correct?
Thought so.
Sorry, the post by Xer above this response was to a much earlier post. Started to reply and got sidetracked by work. By the time I returned and pressed Send the response had evidently fallen to here on the blog. So…. let me c/p what Half-Baked said that was replied to:
#41 by Fullerton Cakes Reality on September 7, 2011
6 cops didn’t fight him. He fought with two. The other 4 came as it was ending and over. Kelly ran and fought. He lost. No charges clearly. Game over.
Not sure how Half-baked comes to that conclusion. Even if only TWO cops committed a murder instead of SIX cops, which I disagree was the case, STILL charges should be filed. If Tony Rackauckas balls ever drop down into his sack, perhaps he will grow some spine too, and prosecute the murderers. Racauckas has about as much spine as a jellyfish, nah, I’ve seen jellyfish with more spine than he.
And also there should be a nice warm spot in hell for you braggin in the locker room-cici one eye
Wow you were in the locker room too.
The doctor’s report said that Kelly had multiple, severe facial fractures and that he died from blunt force trauma.
Look at it for yourself:
You are saying “excited delirium”…but the doctor says ASSAULT.
Seriously. Even you can’t be that stupid.
Yes he can. He is.
Xer Eye wits on the bus? Are you kidding me?
One said he was drunk, one said he was just chillin, one said he was dead, halfway. One said he was fighting the police, one said he was complying, one said he wasn’t complying. Get real!
Ron Thomas needs to shut up until he has real facts. He is a joke. Does he know what the word malice means? He is suckering all of you into doing his dirty work.
Keep it up!
Imagine he does.
Most of your posts are malicious, Janie.
Can I borrow a diaper?
Jaynbound….you haven’t explained yourself. The medical records from the hospital where Kelly was treated say that he had multiple facial fractures and that he died from blunt force trauma. The doctor’s report specifically says that the cause of death was assault.
So tell me, in your little world, is a doctor’s report from a hospital not “facts” ?
The HOSPITAL said that the cause of death was blunt force trauma from assault. Yet you keep making up this “excited delirium” nonsense.
Do you really believe that you know more than a doctor and a neurologist?
Like I said, even you can’t be that stupid.
You keep repeating “facts”…well, we have the facts now. Kelly died from blunt force trauma. The force was so excessive that it fractured bones under the nose and fractured his cheek bone. There was also internal bleeding, which caused him to suffocate on his own blood.
That, FROM THE DOCTOR’S REPORT, is what caused his death.
Explain that. Are you seriously that stupid?
(A) Immediate Cause: BRAIN DEATH
(C) Due to: ASSAULT
EtOH and toxicology screen, both negative.
I wonder if today was the first the officers involved heard of the attending physicians findings? Sleep well boys, it won’t be long before one or more of you will be calling the pokey home.
Told you you were scared jaynbond. What you know now is what we’ve all known all along.
Your hubby is a murderer!!! A cold blooded steroid-injected nutcase with a badge….
How does it feel when he beats you with his taser?
Your poor kids!!! Yikes. How abusive is he or has he been with them?
I don’t feel sorry for you one bit!!!! hahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha……..etc.
What do the wives and innocent children have to do with this ???
Thats is why you don’t have a proplem with Ron Thomas throwing his kid out on the streets like a dog.
Xer There are no facts to support what Dad Thomas is saying. All conjecture and opinion.
I wish one of you would be open minded to the real facts and not just opinions. These are not real photos. That is not real blood. (Betadine looks like blood!) Preliminary reports, not complete.
Dad Thomas said that he wants the DA to file charges but not piddley ass charges, real chartges. What does that mean? Make something up even if you don’t have anything?
If that were your kid wouldn’t you want the investigation to be complete and real and accuarate? Not rushed so that something might be overlooked.
The State crime lab takes a long time to process tox screens and that can’t be rushed.
Dad Thomas must be getting pretty desparate.
If I were going to charge someone with my kid’s murder, I would want to be very sure, very very sure, not a half assed job!
Now don’t tell me to shut up because I won’t!
“There are no facts to support what Dad Thomas is saying….”
These are the facts and the documents are here:
A) Immediate Cause: BRAIN DEATH
(C) Due to: ASSAULT
EtOH and toxicology screen, both negative.
“Dad Thomas said that he wants the DA to file charges but not piddley ass charges, real chartges. What does that mean?”
I think you know what that means: No slap on the wrist. Perhaps something along the lines of Penal Code 187 (a) PC, “the unlawful killing of a human being or a fetus with malice aforethought”….”When a defendant ‘with wanton disregard for human life, does an act that involves a high degree of probability that it will result in death,’ he acts with malice aforethought.”
Blunt force trauma to the head would certainly seem to qualify as an act that involves a high degree of probability that it will result in death. So yeah, how about murder charges? Sounds about right to me.
Keep dreaming….
Two months is long enough for any tox screen lab to process info. One wonders how long it took to send the samples to the lab?
Yes if that were my kid I would want the investigation to be complete and real and accurate just like you say. However, from what I have found out, 1. Not all the witnesses were interviewed and 2. They were not allowed to view the videos. 3. Fullerton police were allowed to change their original statements to new ones based on viewing the videos.
So the extra time is being used as a cover up. Thus I do not believe your statement on real and accurate shows your true feelings which is to continue the code of silence known as Omerta in the Mafia by allowing massaging of important information. Thus the quicker the better in this particular case!
The issue at hand is the brutal and fatal beating of a mentally ill man at the hands of 6 armed police officers. For the sake of argument, let us assume that his family did not care about him and that his father wants to sue for a large sum of money and that’s all he cares about. What difference would that make to the issue at hand? It does not justify the brutal beating that led to his death. If his homelessness was the fault of poor parenting, does that somehow make the beating less brutal or more justified? Is he somehow less worthy and therefore more deserving of a fatal beating? The arguments about how he was parented or his father’s motivation at this point are simply attempts to fog the issue, which is that six police officers beat him and he died as a result of that beating. It breaks my heart to think about how he sufferred, the pain he endured, to hear him calling out for his father while being beaten to death by the people who we should expect are there to “serve and protect.” Who were they serving and who did the protect?
When the arrest warrants for the fpd6 are finally served the first place I would look would be Newport Beach, I’ll bet they find, wait for it…. cici, by the sea shore in a sea shell! NO alcohol, NO narcotics, NO prescription drugs in the toxicology report. Death was caused by blunt force trauma!
The lawyer won’t name the cop who was beating Kelly and caused the skull fractures. But we all know who it was…Jay Cicinelli.
What is really giving me chills right now, after seeing those diagrams, is just thinking of the pain that Kelly went through in his last few minutes on Earth. After screaming “Dad, Dad, Dad!” he was silent because that was probably when he was choking on his own blood and finally went unconscious.
I lost someone recently, a little over a year ago. He was one of my best friends. He was almost like a brother to me. And he also died in a very brutal way. He was hit by a car. He was only 19 years old. I didn’t see it happen, but from what I’ve been told, he died fast, in less than a minute. After it happened, I kept hoping and praying that he didn’t suffer. I just couldn’t imagine him lying on that street, scared and in pain. I just hope that he was too incoherent to know what was going on. I hope he just felt like he was going to sleep. Now, at least I know that it’s all over for him and he isn’t suffering. He’s a spirit now.
I think Kelly Thomas suffered horribly the night he died. But at least the suffering is over for him too. That’s the only thing we can say – at least it’s all over for him now. He’s a spirit.
But he was taken from this world in a horrific way. And the monsters who killed him must face the consequences.
Cicinelli also known as Cyclops lost his eye in an LAPD incident. He was hired by Fullerton PD under the police chief who is now sitting on the City Council. He did not qualify to be hired by ANY official police force in California. He should have not been hired. Now you nice people of Fullerton, a self insured city, will be paying for the Police Chief’s mistakes.
Chris I am sorry for your loss.
Great article. Good combination of comments and opinions from both sides. Portrays the citizens of Fullerton well also, several that hate the PD and several that love the PD. Good job.
cakes , no one hates the police they hate what they have done , i hope u can see the difference
Does any one know if these 6 night maggots from FPD still getting paid leave? i heard some conflicting news items that they were not being paid while on suspension.
they are on administrative leave. They are always paid if on admin leave.
Yes everyone is being paid. The internal investigation is waiting on the criminal investigation. They will be paid until the criminal part is completed and the internal is completed. They can’t stop paying them until they find a reason to do so.
first amendment rights up date
LOL now that’s sexy!!
Enjoy it now FCR because if you really ARE a cop you ain’t gonna be one long and you won’t be sporting the arrogant attitude when this is over. But if you’re just an instigator who just gets off running his mouth… either way you’ve shown your true colors. You did however prove and continue to prove what a complete idiot you are with every post. Now the big question: Which one of the FPD-6 are you? Jus’ curious. If you’re so untouchable you should have no problem revealing your true identity or at least telling us which department you’re with.C’mon, if you’re so well protected…..
I love you.
That’s what I though.
I miss the smiley faces. C’mon, just one for old times sake! You know, back when you were Reality Is!
🙂 🙂
I miss Reality Is too. I wish someone didn’t hijack my name so much.
I urge you to google image betadine. There are a couple of photos showing what betadine looks like on the skin. Copy these images to a document and then copy an image of Kelly’s face in the hospital, and compare them side by side. The people saying his face is discolored due to betadine are stone cold liars.
So where are the medical records from the cops that were injured from “exited delerium”…. if he had uncanny superman strength and the cops had to beat him to death… show us the medical reports from the cops injuries….. oh my none were recorded, but they probably high fived each other other…. if I am beaten into a situation of “exited delirium” I will get a reallty good punch in (MMA Trained) your cops will at least have a bruise on their pinky finger…. if Sissynelli squares of with me or even the least of my club he will be on his ass and his glass eye will pop out… coward to beat on a guy who cqnnot defend himself… Marines do not teach you that guess the cop academies do.
Not ok
Cakes doesn’t deserve that until he rushes someone, only to find out they are breaking the law by carrying open but loaded, and take one where it hurts. Cakes… when and where…I’ll probably submit if your a good boy
Go easy on him Michael. He got a lot of wedgies when he was a kid……. and probably a few this week alone….. and it’s only Wednesday.
I’m learning wedgies and GEDs are pretty cool on here.
Sissynelli…= coward….. where is his kid to defend him?
Sorry, my bad. been a long day. FCR… I’ve been askin around.
No sweat, Michael.
FCR? I like that, Fruit Cake Royal? (chuckle)
Sissynelli, sissynelli… beating guys to death is my job, lying and paying off the DA to the mob. We pay the DA to lie, Victims families can cry. We do not care because we pay. The familes do pray. We pay of Racaca so we can collect from you all. To hell with Kelly he was Ca ca …. free drinks at the slide bar cheat on our wives is the mantra…
Kelly messed up the the free drinks…… no one has said that is a lie…
To all the wives… do not think Rialto was the only cop hang out with hookers….. yep
Hookers. That was hot.
The mindset is amazing!!!! “I need a long paid vacation…. I guess I’ll just kill somebody on my shift tonight and Tahiti here I come.” And when he gets back from vacation he’ll moonlight and make even more money.
ole one eye wanted to be a war hero….. but the real hero is geting the MOH next week Dakota Meyer.. a real hero who slings concrete and does not pretend to be a hero because he is … unlike cops and fireman today…
Yea ok. Kill. Like a book. Ok.
No, not okay. Kill like in murder. Clear enough for you now?
google Dakota Meyer and you will see a real hero…. he does not have a union, he does not have a da protecting him and he is a real hero….. Screw cop unions and all the crap they expose…. Dakota Meyer is a real hero…
Yeah corrupt, those guys (the Marines) are heroes. Whenever I call FPD heroes here it is sarcasm. None of the FPD, none, have even 1/10 the balls of our troops in Afghanistan. FPD are too cowardly to join the military and actually have to FIGHT. All they have the guts for is beating unarmed civilians at 6/1 odds. I’ll bet that yellow cake guy doesn’t even have the stomach for 6/1 odds, bet he needs 10/1 odds before he’ll get involved. What a punk.
What if I’ve done 3 tours along with being a Fullerton pig? 🙂 10 to 1 is too much. I like 1 to 1 or 2 to 1.
Which branch of the service and how many years did you serve?
He served in the Navy galley, trying to give his ship mate food poisoning, and thought it funny too!
Sissynelli= a hair on Dakota Meyers scrotum.
cat94925, it isn’t “people”…it’s only ONE person making the outrageous claim that the blood on Kelly’s face is betadine. That’s the user named “jaynbound.”
And actually, you shouldn’t even take anything he or she says seriously anymore. Look at her ridiculous post:
Look at how she’s reaching and grasping at straws. Now she’s saying the picture isn’t real! A doctor’s report from the hospital where Kelly was treated clearly states that he died of blunt force trauma from an assault. Yet Jaynbound still tries to say that everything is “opinion” and “conjecture.” A doctor’s report is not “conjecture.”
Judging from Jaynbound’s posts, I think we’re dealing with someone who has a very childish hero-worship of police. And he or she is incapable of believing that they could do anything wrong. It doesn’t matter what evidence you show, he or she will always defend the police. It’s obvious to anyone with common sense that 6 rogue cops murdered Kelly Thomas. But jaynbound can’t accept that.
Let’s try a psychological profile on jaynbound. If you look at jaynbound’s posts, you can tell from the vocabulary and immature tone that he or she is a kid. Especially the way that he/she seems to parrot what she has heard elsewhere, with very limited vocabulary. I’m guessing that jaynbound is a teenage girl, or possibly between 16-20 years old or so. She might be related to one of the Fullerton cops, or she might have a relative who is a cop. Despite a preponderance of evidence, she refuses to accept the fact that 6 cops were capable of beating someone to death. And she invents excuses to try rationalize it.
It’s also possible jaynbound might be a boy…maybe around 14-18 or so. (jaynbound could be “Jay inbound” like a screen name from a multiplayer game or something). Again, he probably has a relative who is a cop, and has a very childish hero-worship of police and is therefore incapable of believing that they can do anything wrong.
Jaynbound doesn’t understand any of the bogus rationale that he or she has tried to use to explain why Kelly died (“he died of excited delirium!” The picture shows Betadine on Kelly’s face, not blood!”) His posts show a desperate effort to grasp anything, no matter how ridiculous, to try to maintain his belief that the cops didn’t do anything wrong.
Don’t bother trying to debate with jaynbound anymore. You’re arguing with someone who has a very childish mind and it would be like talking to a brick wall.
I think you should look at Fullerton Cakes Reality’s posts, Granted jaynbond has his/her head up their ass and is currently wondering if they need to see a proctologist ot a psycologist to help remedy that problem. There’s more than one Chris. 😉
Excellent assessment Chris. Jaynbond must be a teen, provocative, exhibisionist, low vocabulary, parroting other blogs, immature moral development. It all fits perfectly. I just question the use of the word betadine, maybe he/she is addicted to CSI. If it has not been pointed out already, betadine, which I used on a patient just last night and have used for at least 30 years, turns yellow after it is applied to intact skin as a prep. It is not used on open areas so the iodine content does not enter the blood stream. Actually the use of betadine has decreased over the years and other antiseptics are generally being used instead. There would be no reason what so ever to use betadine on the face of this man. My point is that jaynbond has never worked in the medical field. He/she has blogged some very disturbing and pathological posts though. Just look at the excellent DMS IV description of the sociopath. There are indications that jaynbond may have some sociopathic tendencies. What really stands out is the total lack of empathy, sends chills up my spine. Worst thing to do to jaynbond is to just ignore him/her.
Paul: How many years has Cicinelli been on the FPD? Any problems?
Cakes… want to expose who you really are? I’m willing, if the terms are mutual…
c’mon, man up you brass barred weapon loaded puss ant. Let’s show everyone just how much you and your scum buddies can try to rise above the laws. You ARE the judge and jury. You ARE the better future of mankind. Who the F do you think you are? If you are ever on your back, looking at the stars, wondering if your next breath will bring you salvation from your suffering (death) or cause you to suffer even more (think Kelly Thomas). If you survive, you will HATE those who did this to you. It will change you. BTW… I don’t hate cops, but I also don’t think their job is that difficult, except on occasion. I once spoke to a 747 pilot. I asked him what his professional life was like flying a heavy aircraft. His response?
1) Big scary sense of responsibility for the lives on board
2) Hours upon hours upon hours of shear boredom flying the aircraft
3) All encompassed by the rare seconds of terror when something goes wrong.
Once and for all scumbag come real. Shut up or reveal yourself…I will
Oh hello there. I’m just a 12 year old kid messing with the activists. You should know that by now.
Ah, you FINALLY said something that makes sense. Now we can ignore your posts. You’re up past your bed time.
Chris: Thank You, but you need to get a different shingle. PROFILER didn’t work for you! Are you one of Tony’s lapdogs? Or is that the other Chris?
Well I never would have believed that OC would have a brutality case that rivals the old Chicago beatdowns given by cops. Boy was I wrong. These 6 sick bully’s with a permit need to do serious time. I wish I was in the area, I spent a lot of time in OC (Newport Beach/Costa Mesa) 5 years ago. Any citizen/resident who doesn’t show up and support punishment for the senseless murder of this young man should be ashamed of themselves. What a discrace they are to the human race. This story just makes me sick and I pray these sub-humans are punished and the town sued to the fullest extent possible. What a horrific nation we have become.
Cakes. I mean you no harm. Not a violent person by nature. Just want to see your sorry ass void of a real human being in person. Call it a lesson in my life’s learning. We can make friendly, hug, caress, stroke…
And pack the fudge (I aim too please ’cause I’m a giving kind of guy), of your not so 12 year year old poop shoot. When and where? Asking many times that question.
Michael: This isn’t a dating service!
No good is coming of this blog.
I can see your tail between your legs from here, jaynbond. Michael called FCR out. Or do you both feel more comfortable hiding in behind your keyboards?
No one is hiding. No one is scared. It is what it is. It’s a waiting game and then on to the next phase in life. Such is life. Part of the process. Part of life. I love the world. I love you.
A while back, in another blog topic, I had asked if anyone had heard of Jay Cicinelli being involved in other incidents either with the LAPD or the FPD.
Someone posted about 3 incidents involving Cicinelli, with very specific and detailed information. They gave street intersections where they took place. One of them involved a girl, who was 14 years old if I remember right.
Does anyone remember that? I’ll have to look back in the comments in earlier blogs and it will take me a little while.
I maintain that Jay Cicinelli has been psychotic for quite a while. But that’s the question. I wonder if he was always crazy and prone to violence, or if the shooting back in the late 1990’s is what made him crazy.
And I have a feeling that his violent tendencies aren’t just limited to when he’s on duty as a a cop. If he’s married or has kids, I’d be very afraid for them.
Does the Orange County Court system have any way of searching case information online? Most counties do. I would not be surprised at all if he has a record of some sort of domestic violence somewhere.
In fact, I’ll bet if we do enough digging, we’ll finally find out just what kind of monster he really is. The question is whether he was always that monster, or if he turned that way after the shooting.
It doesn’t really matter in the Kelly Thomas case (well, unless it can be proven that the FPD knew he was mentally unstable and kept him anyway). But it would still be good to know.
Somewhere, this guy has been involved in other incidents. We just haven’t found out about it yet.
If he is the aggressor and charged as such, I wonder if the brain injury will come into play as a trial comes up. I could see it playing a big part depending on the charges, etc.
Just FYI a domestic violence conviction makes it so you can’t be a cop anymore so I can guarantee there isn’t one of those on his record.
Personnel files are near impossible to get to. Maybe in this case they might come into play in a pitches motion related to the case. Not sure, depends on the strategy put into play.
That’s why it’s called a “Cover up.” I’ve personally witnessed cops helping my ex-sister-in-law take MY possessions out of MY garage because she used the words “Community Property.” I wasn’t even the one married to her!!!!!! When I tried to file a complaint to the NSD the deputy at the desk said “You can’t file a complaint for that. It’s a civil matter.” When I explained that I wasn’t her husband they said “It looks like you need to keep buying tools then.”
That’s possible. But don’t forget that it can’t just be a report or a complaint. It has to go to court and they have to be found guilty. Just like with everyone else, people make stuff up in the heat of the moment.
Even if you don’t want to open carry. Tell a friend who does to contact me on this blog. This can be a meaningful message to law enforcement that we want to respect them for their services, but we wont allow their protection to transgress into any area that is protected by our great Constitution.
I want a peaceful demonstration to remind everyone of our responsibilities as American citizens. If you want to have your rights, as are protected by the Constitution, you must always be ready and willing to defend them. Doing nothing when it matters, is tantamount to committing suicide to your admiration of it’s protections. Then?… Complacency…
How long do you think open carry will be allowed in California? I think less than a year.
Just because I so damn tired of murder by cop
and there is a huntington beach connection
please see about concealed carry laws in Nevada
I know your talking Ca and open-carry
Are you changing your tune? REEEEAAAAAAALLLLYYYY?
My tune has been the same on this blog since day 1. Base your opinions solely on facts, not on lies and deceit as preached on here. If someone did something wrong, then they should be prosecuted.
So no, never changed my tune from day 1 and never will. the only tune changed since Day 1 is when other people post from my ID though. It’s hard to keep an ID on here because people steal it all the time and before you know it, there are 100 posts from someone else under your ID.
Other than that, here I am just like everyone else on this blog. Right here, just like this, staring at the screen watching the letters go by. I go to the protests, I go to the bars and watch the nut balls. I express my opinion on things. I play the games everyone plays on here. I’ve seen it all, I’ve done it all, I’ll do it all. Life is good. Life is great. Let’s all make love and make Fullerton the best transient town in the world. I’m ready.
I will not steal your ID anymore dude. And thank you for becoming civil again.
Really? Long before anyone stole your ID one of you clowns started posting trash talk as Xer Cist. Wasn’t that YOU, you lying hypocrite? No you’ve never changed your tune here. From your first post you have made excuses for the FPD six and attacked Kelly and the Thomas family, Ron in particular and belittled everyone who has posted for justice. You sing and sing about how we should wait until the investigation is done (so your pals can complete their coverup), and you dismiss every piece of real evidence that comes along. No, you haven’t changed. You are the same morally bankrupt lying piece of filthy cowardly trash you’ve been from day 1. Leopards can’t change their spots, but cowards can never get the stink of fear off themselves either. We all noticed how you took the yellow way out from Michael’s open invite to meet. EVERYBODY here knows the stuff you are made of. When this has all been resolved and the FPD are imprisoned you will still need a bottle to get to sleep at night, and you will still contemplate suicide due to the emptiness of your life.
Who loves YOU, babycakes? you KNOW the answer, no one!
Not true. I’ve always said punish whoever has done wrong. I’ve said your opinion is just an opinion. It’s not right and neither is mine. You are biased. If someone committed a murder, then they will be punished. That will be decided by a jury of people like us. If they didn’t do wrong, and it’s proven Kelly did wrong, then the cops will walk. You can’t change that and either can I.
So babycakes, we loves me. 🙂
But your threats don’t scare me. We all know I could find anyone on here if I wanted and so could anyone else. It’s a blog. See ya at the protests.
Boo 🙂
Then why don’t you? Go for it!!!!! Will you really seeus at the protests? Are you going to show up and introduce yourself at these protests? Do you want a description of me so you can identify me easier? BTW – I can trace you too. 😉
I’ve been at all of them. I’ve stood right next to several of you listening to your conversations. Will I make myself known? Maybe sometime. Right now I might get killed. LOL
Yes we can all track and trace anyone these days. Not hard to do. That’s why I’m always locked and loaded at all times. Wild world we live in.
You’re changed, yet the same. Pretty cool. I never talked about whether they should be prosecuted or not. EVER, twisted mind. BTW, you need to stop trusting your mind or something scary might happen to you, because your “never was there for you, father”, will again be absent when you need him the most.
Now, go to work tomorrow, oh ruler of the needs of the many, and try to take down the least of the people willing to protect their rights.
Ultimately, we need to tell everyone that we are innocent until proven guilty. We have a rightful expectation to be treated as such. It is not ok to beat someone to death
disjointed. Sorry…
FCR, Not looking to harm. Just looking to understand what motivates you. If that’s not too intimidating, when and where?
Really, just want to speak… Life’s lesson
If you say yes, it’s going to be the most interesting, yet mind slowing, experience of my life.
Slowing my brain down……………. Ok, time for your response
Sorry… yawning
I too was at the protest last Saturday but afraid to trust anyone. From your blogs, don’t think you will take kindly to opposing views.
I too am sorry that KT died, but still… that does not make the officers murderers.
Remember to bring your protest sign to the D.A.s office this morning.
You prove it.
“I too am sorry that KT died, but still…”
No, you aren’t. You’re not even sorry the goons got caught. You are sorry we are all making such a big fuss over nothing.
I love you all.
Not to worry, Janie, NOBODY there is going to beat up a snot nosed 13 year old… well, except maybe the FPD.
I’ve learned that all cops are sociopaths. This blog has educated me. 🙂
Ooops my bad.
I wonder if the fact that at least 50% of cops are ex military has anything to do with that? I mean military have to have a kill to survive attitude right?
Then anyone that starts with the Sheriffs does 3-7 years in a jail dealing with all criminals everyday. I’ve always said that rots the brain quickly and affects how they deal with the public later.
Then according to you the rest only have GEDs.
Not true. You will see. The two that got there and helped cuff and then assisted with the scene won’t get anything. The two that arrived to help the fight, just depends on the timeline of how things occurred and who did what. The DAs report will have who did what and when.
Mine are green.
Cops will never say anything in a death or major incident investigation. Justvlike attorneys recommend citizens don’t either when they get arrested. Standard and normal. Just a right everyone has.
Yes, that’s true. The only difference is if this were regular civilian killers, the cops and DA would run to the media and say the suspects were “not cooperating” with the investigation or “hiding behind a legal technicality.”
You know, their regular hypocrisy…
🙂 ok
Any state that passes a law restricting our right to bare arms will be struck down by our ultimate constitutional watch dog. The U.S. Supreme Court.
You’re so right…
We can have BARE arms, we can have CLOTHED arms…
That’s what’s so great about this country!
Please keep your idiotic political rants to yourself. Thanks.
OMG… you’re so right.
Bear arms.
My bad.
What the heck? Posts 532 and 536 were by me. Not Anonymous.
Very strange
Injuries, pictures, video, witnesses, police reports, phone calls, etc. In many court cases the people charged dont talk.
Cakes is right. The right to remain silent and the right not to testify in your own defense are protected.
Not quite…
One can refuse to answer questions posed by a grand jury only if the witness can claim a valid privilege as the basis for doing so. The Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination is a constitutional privilege and, as such, can be invoked by a grand jury witness, as long as the requirements for invoking it (i.e., that answering the question would “incriminate” the person, in that the answer would provide the government with evidence it can use to prosecute that person for crimes). The government can deprive someone of their ability to take the 5th if the government gives the person immunity. The premise is that the 5th amendment privilege protects you from having to say things that can be used to convict you of a crime; if the government promises not to use what you say or anything derived from what you say against you (e.g., gives you immunity), then you can be forced to answer because forcing you to do so does not violate what the 5th amendment was intended to protect you from.
Outside the 5th amendment privilege, witnesses can invoke evidentiary privileges (attorney-client privilege, marital privilege, doctor-patient privilege, priest-penitent privilege, etc.) that are recognized in the jurisdiction where the grand jury sits.
I was at the protest on Sat. Spoke with some of you and then decided to play safe and keep quiet. Some I spoke with were not very well informed, just emoitional. Then I saw a protester in a yellow shirt jump in front of a passing car, and decided right then that I did ot want to be involved in an emotional confrontation with anyone so I left the scene. Won’t go back!
Yeah, right.
Admin: You ask questions of some of us and when we answer you say “Yeah, Right!” That’s a reason right there why I won’t go back to the protests. Can you imagine if I said who I was at the protest, what would you do then? You can’t have it both ways!
Comments posted in all caps is considered yelling or used by persons who refuse to turn off the caps when typing.
They are most annoying when the message is long and excludes paragraphs. However, I think you may know this.
The Union Rep is not the only problem with the FPD, it is widespread and rampant in all or most Police departments. To make the claim that union Reps are screw-ups and that’s why they are involved in the Union is speculation and adds nothing to this discussion.
If you want to make the case that the protection a cop receives is because of the union, then do so, but you really should try not to paint all union reps with a broad brush comment, because you do not know if that is the case.
Now, US Labor law mandates that a Union Rep represents a member and puts forth the best case even if the rep knows the member is guilty. If the member/employee feels he did not receive adequate representation failure he/she can file a lawsuit against the Union and the Rep.
Personally, I don’t think Police should have a union because of the work they are tasked with, which is supposed to be protecting the public, and there is a huge potential of retaining dangerous cops, which we are seeing on a large scale everyday in this country.
Judgemental1776, I use caps due to vision problems while on my laptop. Right now I am using my iPhone, and it’s a bitch!
As to your not wanting me to broadbrush cop union reps. Most union reps are worthless, mostly because they have no experience representing, or no college education in labor studies. I was a rep,and I wanted to know what the job entailed. I got an AA in Labor Studies from LA Trade Tech. I can assure you from my experience with classmates,that they became reps because of conflicts with employers, personal issues.
THe issue here is not if Ron Thompas is exploiting his son….The issue is A HUMAN BEING WAS MURDERED!
And so the beat goes on…in Los Angeles jails… Yes – Police brutality against inmates in California’s jails by sheriff deputies for no good reason.
Now a Federal Lawsuit has been filed against the County of Los Angeles Sheriff et al, by the ACLU.
The inmate in the pic below – by the looks of him, is lucky to still be alive!
Inmates should just have to serve their time, not suffer torture and bullying – in other words inmates should not have to suffer police brutality – cruel and unusual punishment by County of Los Angeles Sheriff Deputies.
The beat-ing goes on…in Los Angeles jails… Yes – Police brutality against inmates in California’s jails by sheriff deputies – for no good reason.
Now a Federal Lawsuit has been filed against the County of Los Angeles Sheriff et al, by the ACLU.
The inmate in the pic below – by the looks of him, is lucky to still be alive!
Inmates should just have to serve their time, not suffer torture and bullying – in other words inmates should not have to suffer police brutality – cruel and unusual punishment by County of Los Angeles Sheriff Deputies.
The link regarding ACLU Sues Sheriff Lee Baca & Undersheriff Paul Tanaka Over Long-Standing Deputy Violence Against Inmates on Jan 18th 2012 is here – disregard link above