Corruption. Bent As A Dog’s Hind Leg: The Tricky Dick Ackerman Legacy

We’ve got it on really good authority that former city councilman, State legislator, and current Irvine resident, Dick Ackerman is going to be heading up the anti-recall effort for Fullerton’s Three Blind Mice: Jones, Bankhead, and McKinley. For those of you who don’t recall the name Ackerman, run through our FFFF archives to discover what sort of moral fiber that this individual is composed of. We busted The Dickster cooking up a fake address in 2009 for his incompetent wife to run in our Assembly district although they actually live in Irvine (note: the Mrs was endorsed by Jones, Bankhead, and McKinley). We caught the old lady operating a fake charity for lobbyists so she and Dick could get free trips to Maui. We also cheered when the Voice of OC finally uncovered the smoking gun that tied Ackerman to illegal lobbying on behalf of the crooked OC Fair Board as we had been reporting all along.

Only a few days ago we shared a notice for an upcoming country club event in which Ackerman will hold forth on how to manage a lynch-type mob.

Well, now you know the sort of character we’re dealing with here. But what you might not know is that Dick Ackerman, who works for The Nossaman law firm was recently gifted with a huge windfall by his old pals Jones, Bankhead, and McKinley. See, on August 16th The Three Blind Mice ignored their own professional staff’s recommendation, and instead presented Nossaman’s client, St. Anton Partners a multi-million dollar subsidy on a 60 units per acre low income housing project on Santa Fe Avenue! No wonder Dicky Boy was hanging out at the Council meeting all night and had to endure outraged citizens attacking the incompetence and stoogery of his three puppets on the council for three long hours.
Just for added fun here’s Ackerman’s blurb from the Nossaman website:
He assists companies, individuals, groups, and public agencies in their interactions with governments at the local, county, state, and federal levels. In addition, Mr. Ackerman assists clients in dealing with government and special districts on how to get through the political process.
In layman’s parlance, Ackerman is a political fixer, an influence peddler, and a lobbyist. Just the sort of guy who would spring to the defense of his trio of myopic rodent pals on the Fullerton City Council.
Here’s the page from the staff report listing the scores of the various “developers” seeking official City endorsement that will pave the way for millions in taxpayer subsidies. Check out Ackerman’s crew, St. Anton. Eighth freakin’ place! And yet Jones, Bankhead and McKinley decided to award millions to the guy who will be running their recall campaign. Stink? Much?
The second most ironic thing about this sad but illuminating story is that when he was on the city council in the 1980s, Ackerman was the most steadfast opponent of publicly subsidized housing in Fullerton. Well, that was then and this is now. See, when you’re a ‘puglican and money’s at stake, principles go right down the toilet. The most ironic thing is that in 1994 Ackerman also championed the cause of three incompetent buffoons who were being recalled. He lost that one, too.
As a thoughtful commenter reminds us, below, McKinley, Bankhead, and Jones were so eager to accomodate their pal Ackerman that they pushed through a vote and then had to rescind it because they never held a public hearing. Another example of Three Blind Stooge FAIL.
12 time lewzer Dick Ackerman is in charge of defending the recall? That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.
What a scumbag.
This thing is like an onion. When you start peeling away the all the layers the tears come. People are waking up. The citizens need to shake the basket and watch WHAT falls out. Please pay particular attention to my choice of pronoun used here.
From one Dick to another… The dais is surrounded by Dicks. Pure, unadaulterated Dickory.
Hickory, dickory, doc,
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, doc
It’s almost ONE.
these people STEAL money from your children and families and don’t give a fuck
What a joke. Shame does not exist in government and anonymous is right. This money could be put to better use for the citizens of Fullerton.
Although it may be a little off subject, I have to say, guys, that as someone who grew up in Fullerton and then held a business licence in Fulleton for 31 years, I don’t know what y’all are doing.
After 30 years of trying to work with you, Chevron is proposing to build 760 units on a couple of square miles, leaving the majority for open space. This is a project that would have met all of the pie in the sky environmental criteria 30 years ago. But each time they come up with a plan to please you, you move the goal line.
Yet you are talking about developing downtown Fullerton at 60 units per acre and think that there will be no environmental impacts? Rememeber that Harbor and Commonwealth was chosen by the Amerige brothers as the center of town because it was the most naturally productive land. And besides the environmental cost, what about the human costs?
What trouble will 760 families living in the West Coyote Hills cause? What trouble will 60 families per acre (X 40 acres 2400 rat packed familes) cause. And we are told that a similar four-story ratpacking is planned south of the college area.
It is going to take a legion of Cicinellies to patroll this population. You fools are selling the Fullerton I grew up in out to Lexipol in the false name of environmentalism.
Fools. Raca. Sorry for the sin.
The protest should be moved to Dickerman’s house.
That’s in Irvine.
VD: EXCELLENT IDEA!!! My sign is in the car, what’s the address?
lets go protest at dickermans house. i agree!
Sorry ray, Ackerman lives in a top-secret gated community in Irvine. They won’t let you in.
However, the address is 2 Mineral King.
Gotta love those unbiased witnesses out there dontcha?
Ackerman ran the anti-recall effort in 1994, too. FAIL!
Best news all day!
P.S. The only thing keeping Ackerman out of jail is a dishonest and utterly corrupt DA.
Also I should mention that the Three Blind Mice just handed the Recall campaign another outstanding issue: doing a HUGE favor for the creep who is going to try to keep them in office.
Recall Jones, Bankhead, and McPension!
“trio of myopic rodent pals”
Jebus O’ Jebus. Those are three of the biggest rats I’ve ever seen.
New Witness In Thomas Case Defends the Police!!!
Tony we need to do a better job of screening, the bloggers do not need to see this kind of propaganda.
It seems like he wants really a witness to anything, and was far from the scene and possible high.
Didn’t it seem strange that McPension couldn’t wait to vote for Ackermans apartment proposal? I mean, he really jumped at it and didn’t even wait for public comment. I was always under the impression that council members are not supposed to make up their minds regarding a vote untill they have heard from the public. Yet, Jones and McPension couldn’t wait to approve that deal for Ackerman. Now he’s running their campagne. Sounds like a major conflict on all fronts…
In case any of you are wondering who the 3 Blind Mice are, they are the 3 council members in the middle that look like extras from the ‘Night of the Living Dead’ movie.
Why can’t old farts like Ackerman enjoy what retirement life has to offer: quiet times, lay at the beach with a pina colada and do what other Grandparents do: spoil Grandkids.
Nooooo….Lets assume that Ackerman has too much free time on his hands wants to get dirty again in politics.
The likes of Ackerman amazes so many of us.
i can’t wait for the recall. it’s amazing still no arrests and no release of the tape. these governmental employees are criminal not only they brake the law but they use tax dollars to cover it up and pay themselves outlandish salaries for little or no real work.
Ustedes forgot to mention that Hackerman is pals with Jerbal Cunningham, and anyone who is is immediately a fool.
@Gustavo Arellano
Whats up bro. How is everything by the Glorieta. The one down the street from the Alameda. Is the Club DE Leones still by the Jardin. Good times at the Jardin on the weekends. Glad to see you posting on here.
@Gustavo A.
I’m proud of you for what you have accomplished and wish you continued success. You will figure out who i am. The other day i was remembering the poso across the rio.
No. They are not “friends” mi amigo. Cunningham just washed his Bentley a few times back in 2009.
The “developers” are supposedly non-profit (but of course they get paid rather well). However, their lobbyists are puglican greasers like Ackerman and the odious Steve Sheldon.
How do you like your tax dollards going to line the pockets of these so-called conservatives? Angry yet?
I may have to do a post on this!
Time to let John and Ken know about this fool. Maybe they will host their show by his house.
There’s no telling what they will do, no doubt about that.
I remember when they were outside Scott Peterson’s house with a bullhorn demanding an interview. Heh…
I love John and Ken. Sometimes — often — they’re all we have.
Dick Ackerman, the Cat and his old pals Jones, Bankhead, and McKinley, The Three Blind Mice, are enteprise criminals.
You got exactly what you voted for. Time for change and how can we prosecute these criminals for good?
Good ol boy club at it again. Stealing ,lying, cheating. Hob nobbing with each other @ their cocktail parties. Laughing all the way to the bank. Rolling their eyes at people in a condescending way at meetings. THEY DO NOT CARE ANYMORE! They are old and set in their ways and will not change their ways unless they are forced to change their ways. Connect the dots and follow the money I’ll bet these good ol boys ride deep. And are we the suckers? Not anymore! Park poor still is Fullerton and corrupt up to its neck! They gotta go! Period.
There should be daily protests atthe DAs office in Santa Ana until they pull htier heads out of their ass and charge these clowns and place them in jail until trial. Also the paychecks for these ass clowns shold be held back and put into an escrow account for the sttlement to the thomas family.
I do believe all of us here have our heads up Fedup, but the problem is, the Gov’t has it’s HEAD UP IT’S ASS.
I’d also like to know where those developers are from… because I’m sick of seeing my tax dollars go to Newport Beach contractors who live in Newport Coast/Crystal Cove.
We should use good contractors that live in Fullerton, mostly… anyone from painting contractors to plumbing contractors and framing ctrs. so the money is recycled back into the system in Fullerton and not to buy a Porsche for some asshole in Newport… or any other city for that matter. This will promote the overall betterment of the economy in Fullerton: PATRONIZE FULLERTON BUSINESSES if you live in Fullerton. It will come back to you, in one form or another (i.e. more tax dollars for roads, schools, etc.).
Justice for Kelly Thomas: We wont forget!
#32 by Reaganomics (by Poor Richard) on August 29, 2011
I’d also like to know where those developers are from… because I’m sick of seeing my tax dollars go to Newport Beach contractors who live in Newport Coast/Crystal Cove.
We should use good contractors that live in Fullerton, mostly… anyone from painting contractors to plumbing contractors and framing ctrs. so the money is recycled back into the system in Fullerton and not to buy a Porsche for some asshole in Newport… or any other city for that matter. This will promote the overall betterment of the economy in Fullerton: PATRONIZE FULLERTON BUSINESSES if you live in Fullerton. It will come back to you, in one form or another (i.e. more tax dollars for roads, schools, etc.).%0D
Justice for Kelly Thomas: We wont forget!
Now you’re starting to get it.
We don’t work for the City. Never have. Never made a dime off of Redevelopment either.
Posted by admin 10/06/11
“How dumb do the out-of-town anti-recall clowns think the people of Fullerton are?
Very, apparently.
On their laughable website they put up “proof” that I have taken money from Redevelopment. How so, you ask? By sharing the resolution approving my 1992 lease at the the Santa Fe Depot. These chowderheads highlight a paragraph indicating the Redevelopment Agency’s commitment to contribute 18% to the renovation of the depot. Thanks guys for proving my contribution to renovate the City-owned building was a whopping 82%, or $340,000!! Now does that sound like anybody gave me a dime?”
$61,200 redevelopment funds.jpg
Okay, I get it. The second picture is Ackerman. Who is the guy in the first?
#1 Ackerman’s backside.
#2 Frontal glam shot.
As a resident of Fullerton and a graduate of our schools, I will expose Bushala construction to the associations and organizations I have contact with. It is obivious that you are putting much of the phony garbage in this blog to build your business in the future.
Knock yourself out Ray (or was it ray). Bushala Brother’s has never worked for the City. Ever. Never will, either. You’ve been slurping too much Dick Kool Aid.
“Dick Kool Aid”
Tony your ego has gotten too big for this town little man. There are many people working behind the scenes right now to expose everything about you. Your hypocrisy will bite you in the ass!
Hypocrisy? I don’t abuse the power of government to cause harm to anybody.
Expose away. I’m not the issue here as much as you and Dick Ackerman will try to make it so.
Oh little man, it’s good that you have this blog because you’ve never been able to speak. That stu-stu-stu stutter gets in the way, you become disheveled.
When this investigation is over and punishments are handed down to the one maybe two officers responsible, GAME ON! People are sick of you little man!
Really? Hmmmmm. I’m wondering how many people are just waiting in the wings for this to be over to run the “real Tony” PR campaign. Should be interesting to watch.
It’s been known from the start this whole thing is a Bushala political and business ploy. They want the old out, and the Bushala in. I’m sure they will succeed too.
Hey the man doesn’t do business with the City. How can it be about him?
Use some common sense: If he were interested in business with the City the easiest and cheapest path would be to grease the 3 blind mic – not try to get them recalled.
And the units to be built in the middle of a bar district aren’t even affordable.
When ever you hear the word non-profit BE AFRAID, very AFRAID!!! I have met with several of these developers…they are skilled at getting government money…one of them offered to do “manager training” at a place I was working with tenants. I asked who was going to pay for that…she said, don’t worry, I know how to get money from the government for that.
follow this on facebook. tell your friends. don’t rest. stay up to date.
Oh Henry Lipton! Henry Lipton! Have they got you fooled. Protest away. Do you think they care what you protest and where you protest. Hold back their pay??? Com’on Henry Lipton. You be dreamin’ The Thomas family would not settle for a measley bit of money such as the pay of those guys. They want big bucks. Thomas needs money, lots of it. 20 million of your money!!!!
Whatever Ron Thomas gets the blame will lay squarely on the Three Blind Mice who let a Culture of Corruption take hold of the Fullerton Police Department.
Apparently that corruption extends to doing favors for their political allies.
Hmm, interesting. As I understand it, the Fullerton City Council actually approved two projects on August 16th, one is the St. Anton project mentioned, the other by the Richman Group. What the Richman and St. Anton projects have in common is not Dick Ackerman, no, the salient feature they share is a rather low ‘per unit cost.’
Richman plans to build 95 units at $97,000 per, and St. Anton will build 148 units at $77,703 each. If council had instead approved the highest scoring project by Squier Properties, taxpayers would have been on the hook for approximately the same amount of money as with the St. Anton project, but for only 1/3 as many units. Squier’s top rated proposal called for just 55 units at a whopping $206,363 each.
Looking at it another way, the two approved projects and the top two scoring projects cost roughly the same to put up, about $20 million, but the approved projects result in 243 units and the other two, the ones FFF implies should have been selected, would have resulted just 110 units being built.
Oh, and St. Anton is successful northern California-based development, construction and management firm, with nearly 50 properties and more than 5,000 units in its property portfolio. For comparison, top scoring Squier has 2,000 units.
This is St. Anton’s first foray onto the So Cal housing market, after opening an office here last year with the goal of building some 3,000 units in the region by 2015. Hence the hiring of locally connected representative’s like Dick Ackerman. As Tony Bushala knows full well, that’s how it’s done.
What I would like to know is this: how much is Dick Ackerman being paid by the three blind mice to manage their anti-recall effort? If he is working for free, or for an obviously token fee, then FFF might have a real story here, but as it sits all FFF has is innuendo. FFF has thrown up some smoke, but despite the old saying, where there is smoke there isn’t always fire. Show me the fire.
Uh huh, sure thing, Dick.
So why did the #8 guy jump all the way into foirst place? A political payback to Ackerman for services rendered, and yet to be rendered.
“So why did the #8 guy jump all the way into foirst place?”
Perhaps, as I have already indicated, because the #8 proposal was a 300% better value than #1?
Look, this isn’t a basketball game, the score of the NOFA Review Committee doesn’t determine the winner. I know if I was on the council and Ackerman appeared before me and argued that the company he represents was offering a 300% better value, I might also be tempted to give more weight to that important fact than some of the NOFA Review Committee’s other scoring criteria. Put simply, ’cause I think you need it, it would be very hard for me, particularly in this current economy, to justify spending $11 million for 55 units instead of $11 million for 148 units.
I have posted cold hard facts, while FFF has offered up nothing but innuendo, starting with its entire premise. It should be noted that FFF says it has only heard that Ackerman has been hired by the three blind mice to run their anti-recall effort. I’d like to know more about their “really good authority” for this information. Did it come from Gary Squier or one of the other losing bidders? As Tony knows, this is also how it works. Losing bidders routinely cry foul, and whisper campaigns are de riguer.
Let me be clear, I strongly support and admire Tony Bushala for taking the lead in the effort for justice in the Kelly Thomas murder-by-cop. But I’m sure he already understands (or should) that along with the huge jump in traffic to this site will come more scrutiny of the positions he takes on other issues. Unfortunately, if his take on these other issues is as weakly supported as on this one, it can’t help but hurt the good cause.
I’m sure of the specifics in this case, but there could be another explanation. Sometimes when there are multiple bids, the following takes place. Company A bids $100,000, Co. B bids $200,000, and Co. C bids $300,000. The first two drop out of the bidding for X reason and the contract goes to Company C for $300,000. The next time around, they switch roles and Co. A or B gets the next contract. They just keep rotating like this and everyone eventually gets the higher bid contract. It’s a revolving door and they are all connected somehow to whoever is making the final decision on awarding the contracts.
I meant to say i’m not sure of the specifics in this case. My bad.
Of course Ackerman will be “volunteering.”
BTW, ask your pal Ackerman if he isn’t the guy really running the anti-recall show through his corrupt OC Fair buddy Dave Ellis.
And when that swine Ellis shows up in your city you know you have really and truly hit slimy rock bottom.
Is there even a “anti-recall show” already cranked up? And if you are truly ‘in the know,’ you must be aware of Dave Ellis’ losing record over the last ten years. From the El Toro airport fiasco through Ed Reno’s stunning loss to Rush Hill, widely placed directly at the feet of Ellis, old Dave has been on the losing end for quite some time now. Thankfully, the Dave Ellis show jumped the shark a long time ago.
Yes, now he’s milking the Fair and the rubes in the 909.
I agree. The team is weak and they will be defending the Three Old Chimps. Not much to work with. When the Recall gets done with Jones and Bankhead for approving years of illegal taxes and McPension for hiring one-eyed LAPD rejects there won’t be anything left but three grease spots on the downtown Fullerton sidewalk.
Let me get this straight. The city is putting the affordable housing units in the middle of a bar district? The guys in the suits that were standing outside mocking the public and it’s comments at the council meeting are pulling the strings? What the heck’s in Fullerton’s water? Tony keep this thing going!
“The city is putting the affordable housing units in the middle of a bar district?”
One of the NOFA Review Committee’s important criteria in scoring the proposals was the project’s proximity to the Transportation Center. Again, facts, not emotion and innuendo.
Yeah, right where FPD’s Downtown Goon Squad can keep a friendly eye on them!
Everybody knows where to find me.
I’m not sick of Tony. He’s a freakin’ Local Hero.
The only people who are are the parasites who feast off of the incompetent status quo.
Little Man, you don’t need to pretend to be someone supporting yourself.
We don’t need to hear about your sex life………..
Where do you live chiken? Sounds like a possible case of ‘I’ve got mine so screw you.’ Remember, we are talking about desperately needed (all over OC) affordable housing.
You mean the “affordable” housing that costs twice as much to build as the normal kind?
If by “we” you mean fake developers and their repuglican bag men, then yes I guess you are right.
“You mean the “affordable” housing that costs twice as much to build as the normal?”
LOL, sadly, this is always a problem with non-market forced housing, whether the pols are republican or democrat. The Town of Mammoth Lakes requires new and expanding big businesses to build affordable employee housing. The recent development of employee housing in Old Mammoth came in at more than $550/sq ft. I don’t know anyone in the business that couldn’t have gotten the same thing built in the free market for less than $250/sq ft. That being said, the $77-78,000 per unit price of the Ackerman-represented St. Anton project seems very low, even without knowing the square footage of the units. Even at a tiny 500 sq ft per that’s just $156/sq ft.
“If by “we” you mean fake developers and their repuglican bag men, then yes I guess you are right.”
Two points, one, if you don’t think OC is desperate for affordable housing you’re an idiot. Second, what’s a ‘fake developer?’ I noticed FFF implies something similar by putting the word developer in quotes in the OP. As I mentioned earlier, St. Anton is am integrated developer, construction and management firm with nearly 50 properties and more than 5,000 units in its portfolio and plans to expand to 10,000 units by 2015. What exactly is ‘fake’ about that?
Again, how about some facts, not fiction, innuendo mixed witha few tired old clichés?
A fake developer is one who has no personal financal stake or contribution in “his” project. The whole thing is driven by public subsidy – grants, low interest loans, etc. to people who won’t risk anything themselves.
OC isn’t desperate for “affordable” housing. The median income figure is bad enough; “affordability” creeps up to 120%. It’s a freakin’ joke – to everybody except the brainwashed boohoos and the ‘repuglican bag men.
P.S. in 50 years or so the grand kids of these “developers” will reap a huge wind fall.
P.S. How many projects in that portfolio were built without government subsidy?
Why don’t you address the issue of Ackerman jumping from #8 to #1 thanks to his cozy relationship with the Three Blind Mice. That was the point of the post.
Stick to the point? What part of “the #8 proposal was a 300% better value than #1” aren’t getting? And futher quoting myself in reply to “jail time:”
Perhaps, as I have already indicated, because the #8 proposal was a 300% better value than #1?
“…this isn’t a basketball game, the score of the NOFA Review Committee doesn’t determine the winner. I know if I was on the council and Ackerman appeared before me and argued that the company he represents was offering a 300% better value, I might also be tempted to give more weight to that important fact than some of the NOFA Review Committee’s other scoring criteria. Put simply, ’cause I think you need it, it would be very hard for me, particularly in this current economy, to justify spending $11 million for 55 units instead of $11 million for 148 units.”
“In the know,” thanks for your explanation. To me you are making a political distinction rather than one of business, and we might agree if what you are saying is that the government shouldn’t be in the business of subsidized housing in the first place. FYI, I know as many developer/democrats working that side of things, my ex-partner comes to mind, as I do republicans, maybe more.
Funny, this issue of republicans dominating, or even participating at all, in development of taxpayer funded housing, only comes up when things are tight.
Most of the time the ‘real developers,’ as you would call them, are busy doing other, bigger things in the free market. the $11 million here is chicken feed, you know? But now there is more competition for those dollars, and the dems don’t like it. “Oooh they’re such hypocrites” they wail. Whatever, it’s pretty weak. Get over it. Business, real business, is tough.
As for the grandkids of these developers, they are no different than the grandkids from every other successful developers. It’s a good gig.
The Declaration of Independence
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
In order to preserve this wonderful gift more than 200 years ago, we must hold these principles close to our hearts. Fullerton and Orange County politicans, unions and officials are disgrace to America and its people.
First Amendment – Establishment Clause, Free Exercise Clause; freedom of speech, of the press, and of assembly; right to petition
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Second Amendment – Militia (United States), Sovereign state, Right to keep and bear arms.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
Third Amendment – Protection from quartering of troops.
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Fourth Amendment – Protection from unreasonable search and seizure.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Fifth Amendment – due process, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, eminent domain.
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Sixth Amendment – Trial by jury and rights of the accused; Confrontation Clause, speedy trial, public trial, right to counsel
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
Seventh Amendment – Civil trial by jury.
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
Eighth Amendment – Prohibition of excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment.
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Ninth Amendment – Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Tenth Amendment – Powers of States and people.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Orange County and Fullerton cops, politicans, councils, officials, District Attorney, unions, leaders and management…You are FIRED.
We demand justice for Thomas Kelly and Unkown victims.
We demand Recall at all levels.
We demand a fair, unbiased, and just investigationi by Federal and FBI. If find guilty we must prosecute these people to full extend of the laws. Lead by example.
Vote your heart out…We got what we vote for.
The spirit of Kelly Thomas and our futures, we whoheartedly thanks to FFFF and your suports.
Forgot to mention-all the aforementioned items are still the law of the land.
yeah I’ve got mine. if you knew me youd see that thats not the case, and the point is you’re stupid and sos building new dwellings and having too many people like a ras in a cage. Stress
Oh how I’ve missed you my little chicken. Looking forward to all the politics fights once this Kelly fight is over. Gonna be straight out nasty!!
You obviously don’t have a clue as to how much of this corruption within the city is not going to go away and the imminent house cleaning that’s forthcoming. When this transpires I would strongly encourage you to come back and share what your reality is then.
I just find it odd that people think this is isolated to Fullerton. In terms of councils and politics, Fullerton is probably better off than most. Then even if everyone is run out of town, the new people end up the same way in a few years. I will be looking for the new “reality” in the future. 🙂
LOL!!! Where’s Jiminy? 🙂
Ohhhhh yeah……
I think Ron figured out its not about his kid…only Bushalas agenda now…..p.s. the cops didnt kill him…Daddy did when he pulled the plug a little early.
Nope – excellent point!
Wait for the autopsy, wait for the autopsy. There’s an in-depth “investigation” underway. Don’t rush to judgment!
Sick scumbag fucks!
“As a thoughtful commenter reminds us, below, McKinley, Bankhead, and Jones were so eager to accomodate their pal Ackerman that they pushed through a vote and then had to rescind it because they never held a public hearing. Another example of Three Blind Stooge FAIL.”
Actually this is a really good example of “even when we are wrong we’re right.” I’m sure the Fullerton Six feel the same way.
How much more dirt is there in Fullerton and this county????
Right. These so-called developers are just auxiliaries of the cities’ housing departments.
Here’s another possible conspiracy for you guys. The firm this terrible Ackerman fellow (lol) represents, St. Anton Partners, is wholly owned by two men, Steve Eggert and Peter Geremia. Yes, they specialize in building and managing affordable housing. And at $78,000/unit that sounds like a good thing, but here’s where it gets fishy: Steve Eggert is a Fullerton native whose parents still live in town!!!
(cue sound of whip slashing).
(begin sarcastic tone) I’ve got it on really good authority that Eggert’s fat cat repub… err excuse me… repuglican parents are connected to the three blind mice, joined at the hip in a giant conspiracy with Dick Ackerman, F. Dick and what the hell, Dick Cheney, directing the whole affair. CORRUPTION! HYPOCRACY!! TYRANNY!! (end sarcasm)
Not sure why you are defending any of this under “this is the way things are done BS.”
Ackerman is beyond “terrible.” He is a liar (Norby stories, residency, Fair lobbying) and a political fixer. Worst of all is that his support of cretins like Jones, Bankhead, and now McKinley has left us with a dysfunctional municipality run by and for the city employees: just recall the pension presents these allegedly conservative stalwarts have given away, (and almost gave away in 2008). I can’t think of a single redeeming thing about Ackerman.
So far it has been enough for Dicky to just meddle in our politics since he moved to Irvine. He now seemingly wants to profit off of that relationship with these boobs.
You may find it amusing. I don’t.
“I can’t think of a single redeeming thing about Ackerman.”
But that’s pretty much all you’ve got though.
Don’t get me wrong, Ackerman might be the worst person in the world, and yet I sure can’t tell from what I’ve read here. So his wife tried to carpetbag her way from Fullerton to Sacramanto. Big deal. If somehow you were able to remove all of the state legislators and congresspeople from office that have rented a room or an apartment in their district to qualify as a resident, government as we know it would come to a standstill. That’s just a fact. And besides, the system worked, the voters passed on sending her to the legislature. Isn’t that what democracy is all about?
Most of the rest is just kinda subjective, as in “he’s a liar and a political fixer.” And as for his supposed support of the three blind mice, it seems to me Ackerman is just one of those guys trying to make a living, if it weren’t these three it’d be another three. At the end of the day it’s the voters’ responsibility to elect better folks.
It’s the seemingly irrational demonizing of this guy, with very little hard evidence, that I find amusing. Like I said before, forget the smoke, show me the fire.
Ho ho! Make a living? He’s 70 and rich. Just addicted to power in Fullerton – where he got his start.
Not irrational. Based on two decades observation.
You haven’t heard the lies peddled about Norby? The illegal lobbying for Dave Ellis and the OC Fair Board thieves? Oh that’s right, your mantra: “they all do it.”
His support of brain-dead ‘pugs has put a stranglehold on any real independent and intelligent leadership in Fullerton for 20 years.
The zit is a lawyer. Used to do wills. Let him return to that if he wants to make a living. In an Irvine strip center.
Democracy is about getting a clueless carpetbagging woman foisted on us by her power hungry husband?!
Yes democracy worked in 2009, but no thanks to Ackerman who tried his hardest to bamboozle the public into electing his wife. Shameful that you should characterize that as in any way less than reprehensible.
I noticed some nervous anti-Tony posts above. Looks the same anti-citizen a-holes that have been attacking Ron Thomas for his son’s death. Hey, why don’t ya try blaming that on Tony too, you ‘nutsacks’. Too much “Knucklehead Proliferation” happenin’ with city of Fullerton officials.
Again, sincere props to Tony and company for their work in keeping the heat on the FPD in the Kelly Thomas murder.
Waiting for the toxicology report.
Were specimens and blood samples taken from the accused and were the same tests performed as is in the victims report???????
No. They can’t take blood samples. You could try to change laws though.
This disgusts me. I’m not talking about the Bushala family. I’m talking about these SICK SONS OF BITCHES who are trying to change the game here and make it all about Daddy and Mommy and NOT about mental illness. Or oh yeah, it’s all about the Bushala family! People in downtown are talking. They know and don’t say, but they imply to others who will raise an eye and know….. Even if you all get off scott free, there will always be that scorching, seething deep seated assholishness that the public will hate about cops. It’s amazing. The mindfucking. The assholishness on here by you guys MAKES ME SICK! We all know that Tony Bushala will have some sick fake charges brought against him because of this. Play the game, assholes! Play the motherfucking game! We all know…….
Glad I don’t know much about that side of it all. Your tone changed quickly so I can only imagine what you musta heard. Good luck.
RIP Kelly Thomas
FAKE NAMES… What’s up with you? Someone touch a nerve? Makes me sick how Dad Thomas comes in after the fact and tries to get all the glory he can for himself, saying he is a COP. Ha Ha Ha Puuuuuleeeeeesssss. Oh yeah, and don’t forgett he money!!!!!
Nope: I think you may be on to something.
Why so much vulgarity on this blog? Makes you look really moronish and uh.. like the low class you are.
well , i do second the idea that this is not about Fullerton , or Kelly or the shitty FPD, this is about allot more than little fullerton, this is about , power , freedom , personal sovereignty , the idea of a healthy and good society. Its about what do we want our future to look like.
And me personally see a choice, we either take the path that we have been on since the beginning of time, and continue forward towards a truly horrible future, or WE the people at least attempt to derail the train of the system and society before we go off the cliff we seem to be so bent on going over.
And i see the police and the corruption , and the killing of Kelly are all situations to help us each make a personal choice, about how you want the future to look like, and feel like.
to see the wrongness of things and do nothing and accept it seems to not be good
to see the wrongness of things and at least say , ya , thats fucked, what can we do , what can i do , shit , we got to do somthing, right , that seems to be better,
and even better seems to be to try to figure a way forward , to a successful life , outside of the system , or building your life , to be the change that you want to see, right , and thats the best i can think of for now.
and thats not talking about getting radical, thats just standing up for right in a system that seems fundamentally wrong.
and yes , i too believe that the level of corruption and shit and wrongness of people and situation in Fullerton , is tragic. BUT , it aint shit , compared to the many many many other police stations , or city councils , or other parts of the system out fucking over someone , the taxpayer, the blackman , the mentally ill , those with beards or whoever. , , and as a whole , the USA seems to always be out fucking over the world , for one reason or another.
it is the same thing , the USA is out occupying and dominating and manipulating , all the countries in the world, the great america talking so good about itself, while it is out there constantly raping, is just a big brother teaching the way to a vile and corrupt way of life to all who serve the system.
and its time to think about what is going on, and how to move forward.
not in my name
I’m with you all the way Chiken!
Chicken: You are not interested in bettering yourself, that starts with personal responsibility. How can you blog such vulgar words and then say you want to better the world, the community, the city, mankind? This vile and corrupt way of life you speak of begins with you.
oh , ya , fuck , you want to see vulgar and vile
thats about when the USA decided to infect Guatemalans with Syphilis ,
and also , HAHA ” how can you blog such vulgar words, when you want a better world” ,, how stupid.
it is communication , there are no BAD WORDS , like when your mother told you , hey little liven good , now you know we don’t say those kinds of words. but momma Jamie called me a butthead first.
your an idiot , and you don’t know how personally responsible i am , and if you think i am not personally responsible , or think that me saying shit , and fuck , and your moms a bitch , means that the vile and corruption in the world starts with me , then you should just get in your BMW and go to E V Free , and think about how your LIVIN GOOD
on the backs of the poor. ur an idiot
oh , just to show you how irresponsible i am
fuck shit cunt bitch slut cock anal vulgar fucks
oohh ,
so irresponsible
I’m with you all the way on fighting past and present wrongs, because that’s what people with a conscience do. However I think you’ll find that your doing yourself a great disservice by not learning to find forgiveness in for these same people who have wronged others. It’s the only way that I have learned to turn the page in the book of life.
yA , good advice , im all for forgiveness too,,
but what i am not for is just accepting the status quo.
things have to change , if they don’t , or cant , the not to distant future seems to look worse than mad max. and it doesn’t seem to have to be like that .
and i love the f word
WHAT MONEY YOU JAYCAT!!! Once again, Ron turned down your bosses $900K hush money offer because he was insulted for being offered a ridiculous amount, that would only be given to him if he agreed on paper that ‘there was no wrong-doing on the part of the officers and no more media contact. Oh yes, that demonstrates REAL GREED on Ron Thomas’ part, doesn’t it? You IQ challenged, poor excuse of a law enforcement officer!!!
In my time as an DEPUTY, I have known SOME on the dept. who were on steroids, but to be fair to all, let me tell you a little about my past.
Looking back many years ago, I took steroids for 3 MONTHS in order to enhance my bodybuilding in getting bigger and stronger. Well, let me tell you something, that was one of the craziest rollercoaster rides I have ever been on. I was not on the force while I was on them, however, I felt like I could kick anyone’s ass. They gave me an extreme feeling of euphoria, coupled with an extremely short fuse. I was getting pissed all the time, and although I knew why, I just could not control things, as my hormones were doing double-duty in God knows what universe. I quickly realized that these were not for me, and I ended them before damaging my health/marriage.friendships.
When I think back to those days, I cannot even imagine having to make decisions of life and death, plus dealing with all the different situations one goes through in law enforcement.
I do think ALL officers need to be tested for steroids, as these officers are not only armed, but carry such an incredible amount of authority. Clear thinking, fairness, and sound decision making are essential in this job; with steroids churning through their systems, this is virtually impossible.
Departments that want to operate with these steroid induced individuals know who they are and what they are on. This has been pervasive for years now. Alcohol is another powerful “crutch” in their lives, and many operate IMPAIRED.
Legislation will only do as good as the BRASS who is MATURE and RESPONSIBLE enough to clean up the problem, and make punishment severe enough to send a signal to all.
Repectfully Submitted.
Thank you for your input and honesty on this board. I hope you stay on as a regular contributor.
Wrong Guy: The only reason Dad Thomas turned down the 900 K was because he wanted more. He is greedy. And as for helping the homeless… well, we know that is not going to happen or he would have already been helping the homeless. KT needed help and his dad was not there for him when he needed him. None of this would have happened if KT had had some help with food and clothes, and a place to sleep. No, you will not convince me that he wants the $$$$ to help the homeless.
Jesus, do you any other tune?
I thought the FPCC still had an ongoing investigation, regarding his illegal lobbying over the Fairgrounds swindle. I have no idea whats taking so long , I’ve seen the invoices and the call logs….Ackerman was definitely lobbying , illegally, by every known definition. It even had hand written notes and times and what his calls were about.Every major legislator and supervisor in Orange County were contacted by him…..I can’t believe this guy is still plugging right along….so much for the rules.
Chalk it up to our do-nothing DA.
Gericault…Look at the Bell, Ca. fiasco. Same thing. Corruption at it’s finest. Things will keep plugging along like usual until people make a stand. We can no longer look to MOST of our legislators, as they are on the take, and are answerable to those with $$.
9c1copcar sounds like you worked with Ron Thomas
#121 by In the academy once on August 30, 2011
9c1copcar sounds like you worked with Ron Thomas
IN THE ACADEMY, I did not work with Ron, however, I did have the pleasure of talking with him this last saturday. He is a very decent person, as is Kelly’s mom . I had the pleasure of talking to her as well.
Yes Ana, we All Do!
Wrong Guy and Ana,
Thank you for the kind words. I will continue the input.