The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight? Or Worse?

The crapola gets even deeper! Check out these sources:
OC Register: Fullerton PD: ‘We may have arrested the wrong guy’
KTLA: Video Ignites Another Controversy for Fullerton Police
LA Times: Fullerton police review video, acknowledge arresting wrong man
FPD spokeshole Andrew Goodrich is now peddling bull so fast it has crept up over his hip waders and into his britches.
His latest rasher of shit is the story that cop Kenton Hampton roughed up and mistakenly arrested the wrong guy last October. He and his buddies cooked up a story in their reports and had the DA prosecute Veth Mam for obstruction of justice. Of course the jury saw the same video we posted here and acquitted Mam.
Goodrich’s latest fib is that the cop accidentally nabbed the wrong guy – someone who didn’t jump on a cop’s back. But anybody viewing the video knows that’s just bull. Check it out. You can see Hampton roll up and confront the crowd. Hampton clearly had no knowledge of anything that happened previous to his arrival. He set his eyes on a guy he saw video recording the altercation and hit him in the face, then starts throwing him around like a rag doll.
Goodrich wants us to believe that in the chaos of the moment the brave boys in blue picked on the wrong guy. Well that’s just a bald-face lie.
Now Mam has a lawyer. The same lawyer as the dad of FPD fatal beating victim Kelly Thomas. FPD is looking at assault and false arrest; and Fullerton’s self-insurance fund looks to get even smaller.
For some reason the DA hasn’t prosecuted the FPD liars including an officer named Frank Nguyen, for perjury, but that charge may be coming soon, although the incompetence of DA spokesholetress Susan Schroeder does not inspire confidence. Let’s hope somebody impresses upon our do-nothing DA the importance of being honest on the witness stand. After all, isn’t he telling us we can’t see the Thomas murder video because it might taint witnesses. Hah!
P.S. The DA supposedly had the video in their possession a month before the June/July trial and decided to try this dog of a case, anyway. I don’t know who made this expensive decision, but here’s the roll call of DA personnel who worked on the case at one time or another:
Susan Lee
Rebecca Reed
Stephen Cornwell
Andrew Bugman
Elizabeth Zuber
Does Goodrich ever speak the truth. I think he’s been lying so long that he is unable to step up and tell what actually happened. Goodrich and his venomous lies needs to be stopped.
Did these officers suffer from broken bones too? Oh the humanity!
hamilton is hiding sompthing. He seems tight lipped and holding back
some skelitons from within the dept. I don’t understand why so many people are behind him. He was seen walking around the fulleron market at wilshire tonight trying to create good will.
but results is what we need. We had enough cover up.
More food for thought. See link for some insight.
Understanding the dynamics of sudden in-custody deaths
… should be taken in every case of the forceful restraint of a violent or combative person, especially one who evidences “super-human strength,” bizarre or schizophrenic …
I believe he was a distinguished expert marksman with his duty weapon. That’s as good as it gets.
Dont most people only use one eye to shoot?
Long range? Yes.
Skilled CQB shooters? No.
This is a repost from
Due the individual law departments’ inability/refusal to hold rogue officers, prosecutors and other public officials accountable,a new federal law seems to be in order requiring settlements to be paid out of the appropriate department’s pension fund. That would include prosecution misconduct and persecution. They could then have the choice recover to funds from the guilty party. I am confident that the “good” officers might then be compelled to grow a pair and display loyalty to their oath to law instead of the “thin blue line of crime”. Immunity from personal civil lawsuits only encourages police brutality an other criminal behavior. It contributes NOTHING to the public safety and the rule of law, and in fact, violates the constitution by creating a protected class of citizens, thereby violating the civil rights of ALL other citizens.
Is that an ongoing test? In basic training (1969) Ft. Bragg NC an expert marksman (who was a Concientious Objector) tested for a physically incapable Philly professor draftee who wanted his future position as an officer assured. They switched shirts etc. winked at by the drill sergeant to give himself better numbers. it’s routine. it’s not what you know etc. p.s. I can hit a can at 25yds with a dirt clod as long as it never moves. target shooting ain’t all that
Putting this together with the Thomas case it is increasingly obvious we need a Department of Justice investigation of the Fullerton Police Department and Orange County District Attorney’s office. Not just these particular cases, but a pattern of police brutality, false arrest, witness intimidation, and perjury.
I’ve been following this case for a while. Besides OC DA not prosecuting the cops with the false testimony for perjury, now the FPD is blatantly lying – inventing a story – to try to cover their asses.
YEA 2 cases warrant the feds to come on, great deduction. The feds like this site will only be after political wins.
Another incoherent point. Yawn.
But here’s some info worthwhile. See link.
Understanding the dynamics of sudden in-custody deaths
… should be taken in every case of the forceful restraint of a violent or combative person, especially one who evidences “super-human strength,” bizarre or schizophrenic …
Maybe the FACT the DA will not prosecute on duty crimes has something to do with it… Tony Ra ca ca only prosecutes drunken, rapists, drugged up off duty cops… when they have that badge on he is on his knees giving the union a happy ending,,, yeah we all know it.
Take these cases out of the hands of the cops on both local and federal
Levels. Commence a Federal Grand jury to indict these clowns in their crimes!
They just keep diggin the hole deeper….excellent!
eww who takes the duty of spokeshole for the fullerton PD? thats gives you an idea of the sick mind in that dept
HI Merijoe. Probably one of the sites wives. Waiting for your intelligent and thought provoking comments 🙂
Hey outraged thanks for the compliments The website authors should only be so lucky, and so should you
Spokesholes are those at the top of the Peter Principle list. Once you have reached the top level of your incompetence, you become a spokeshole. Goes to the old adage, those that can’t do, teach!
Yeah but can the DOJ connect McPension DIRECTLY to the corruption? Yeppers, they can. Didn’t Ol’ Patty design a vest on city time and then sold the vests to his employees??? Maybe I can make my employees buy their gear from me.
Lol @ that vest. I love how cops these days are trying so hard to look like soldiers. That is almost as bad as the cop wearing a tree tux whilst hiding in a bush waiting to tackle pedophiles on “To Catch a Predator”.
The feds only motivation is POLITICAL like the FFFF. SO as I said if it doesnt warrant political gain, they wont care. Welcome to the real world.
Government crimes require political solutions.
What government crime are you refering to? You citizens want the police to protect you and your property but you scuff at them if you get pulled over for unsafe driving, dui or texting while driving. Police are your public safety. It’s not an easy job and most of us don’t want to do it. They deal with the worst in society. Most citizens in their whole lifetime may only get a traffic ticket from police. Most of you will never even deal with police IF you follow the law. If you choose not to follow the law, well I don’t know. I guess you’re deciding to be arrested. If you fight them, they will fight back. Difference is they’re allowed to and YOU are not.
Ummm, let’s see… wrong, wrong, and WRONG. I don’t see anyone on this site “scuffing” at them (if that’s an English word) for writing a ticket or pulling over a drunk driver. I DO see many upset about unnecessary force, excessive force, and total perjury. But I’m sorry, are they “allowed to do that” also, dumbass??
By the way, the young man in question here WAS following the law, and he had his cellphone smacked out of his hand, his body thrown to the ground, a false police report filed, taken to jail, forced in a jury trial, etc. — all because the cops in this case lied and misused the system. In other words, genius, a “government crime.”
@outraged “What government crime are you refering to? You citizens want the police to protect you and your property but you scuff at them if you get pulled over for unsafe driving, dui or texting while driving.” I haven’t read any posts that suggest “you citizens” scuffing (do you mean scoffing?) at those laws.
EVERYONE has a reasonable expectation that sworn officers will protect and serve, even those who violate the law. That means: no sucker punches, seat belt checks, brake checks, finger breaking, rib cracking, theft, or other corrupt actions by any law enforcement officer even if the victim jay walked or broke into a car.
You say we are not allowed to fight back against an unlawful or unwarranted arrest? Yes we, the People, are allowed to resist. Read the 5th Amendment.
Don’t get crazy now. sucker punches, seat belt checks, brake checks, finger breaking, rib cracking, and whisper names in their ears has to allowed. That’s the fun of it all. 🙂
“They deal with the worst of society.”
Usually in the FPD locker room.
Yeah, these same hypocrites who cite us for texting, DUI, not wearing seat belts, are the same assclowns doing what they cite us for. I think we the people ought to start demanding citizen arrests on cops caught in wrongdoing, and reporting these clowns via official complaint for policy violations.
Like YOU pay taxes.
COVERING every damn thing. And that’s they’re f-ing job that I pay for out of my taxes, so damn right they need to come when I call but Im not paying for them to Cover turds, fart in my face when I call them and beat me when they pull me over because they have a suspecion I maybe the one they’re looking for based on a call from Sally Sue from some bar down the street who called in a report, but arent sure.
Hey what if I lose the lotto and I do have to deal with the Po-lice? and have done nothing. Im now at the mercy of the big arrogant chip on his/her shoulder phony bullshit, “stop resisting, stop resisting”
Here’s your simple answer. When you lose the lotto and are walking the streets, don’t try to open car doors and when the cops approach you to question you, just lay down and give up. If someone I know would have done that he would be alive today. Fact!
Do you have this kind of mouth all the time? I feel for your husband, partner, dog, cat “Animal” or who ever else is close to you.
You citizens
That said it all…go to jail corrupt badge boy…. Which one are you? Cicinelli, Hampton ????? have a nice time in the SHU….
federalist paper # 28 affirms the right of the citizens, confronted with illegal action and assault by corrupt officials(specifically cops) to take up arms or whatever means needed, to end the injustice. that means that any civilians witnessing a crime in progress( aggravated assault & battery of Veth Mamby, aggravated assault & battery/murder of Kelly Thomas) by corrupt leo has the constitutional RIGHT to draw down on to stop said criminal activity and use such deadly force as needed to force compliance to cease criminal activity. to put that in simple words for the EXTREMELY STUPID 6 (and their few defenders posting under NUMEROUS names) ANY witness to the MURDER of Kelly Thomas would have been LEGALLY justified to stop the BEATING-TO-DEATH of Kelly Thomas by BLOWING THE HEADS OFF OF ALL 6 MURDERING THUGS. LAW AND ORDER RESTORED. very simple and LEGAL.
I love how all the smurf trolls on here pretend to have this cynical world-weary fatalstic attitude. Don’t try to do anything – nothing will change is their mantra. That’s reality, that’s the way of the world, don’t try to fight against it.
What they want is public apathy. What they fear is public outrage. Too bad smurfs. We’re already outraged and we’re going to continue to focus that outrage on FPD.
Question: Can a higher official (i.e. Attorney General) file charges against, or remove an elected District Attorney because of corruption?
You can do a recall on ruckababy!
Why don’t you ask Jay Santos.
For those of you who know Jay Santos, I’m seeing a lot of evidence his policies are being used by FPD. At least with Jay it’s funny.
Do the Mexican cartels own the Fullerton PD?
It has a very high percentage of officer, supervisor and even chief corruption.
The Fed needs to close the FPD.
You can do a recall on ruck!
Goodwrench also claimed they only got the video a few days ago. Ron Thomas said he gave it to them a month ago.
Who do you believe?
I believe the FPD watched that video on this blog when you guys posted it in early July.
Absolutely. Goodwrench and Co. troll this site all the time. They knew the arrest was bogus four weeks ago – which curiously enough corresponds with when Mam was exonerated by a jury.
Goodwrench is a damned liar.
Show the entire video!!!!!!!
Go on youtube and watch the entire video!!!!
This website is a joke and one-sided!!!!!!
Tony, you need to get a life.
Cool it the the explatives also. Try to get beyond buddy.
Tony Bushala you are a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why didn’t you paste the link.. I guess you are condoning him smashing some guy in the face because he was legally videotaping a crime scene?
Seems like he would be doing them a favor gathering valuable evidence
I’ve seen the entire version of the video. What’s left out here is the events Veth Mam was filming, and to tell you the truth, it’s much worse for Hampton and Co. than this short version. In the longer one you see the cops punching the original arrestee in the head, and scuffling with him. Then it appears as though the altercation is over and all that’s left is to load the guy up and go. It’s at this point that Hampton appears to escalate the situtaion by smacking Veth Mam to the ground for the high crime of recording video of the arrest.
I agree. The longer version of the video makes the cops look even worse.
I’m still in disbelief of the story Hamilton and co are trying to pass on about “the other guy” they MEANT to arrest instead of Veth Mam.
Lol @ “explatives”!!!!!
But hey, we!!!!
really get!!!!
what you’re!!!!
trying to say!!!!!!
by using a Batman!!!!!!
decoder ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you are a useful idiot!
I agree, this does indeed look like another bald-faced lie from the FPD’s Goodrich.
It’s clear in the video what happened. Hampton didn’t like that Veth Mam was shooting video of the rough arrest, and he smacked Mam, knocking Mam and his camera to the ground, where it was picked up by another bystander (you can briefly see his face as he bends down and grabs it) who continued shooting footage, this time of Mam being flung to the ground and dragged around by his cuffed arms. The video also shows clearly that Hampton was never struck by anyone, nor does it show any other officer being attacked.
The thugs here were the cops and they wrote a false report, and now that the story has gone public in a big way, the department is grasping at straws to explain away what happened, and to restore at least a shard of Hampton’s shredded but sorely needed credibility.
“Fullerton Police”
“Officer Goodrich”
“Officer Cicinelli”
“Officer Hampton”
An obvious situation where you have knucklhead resisting the police and a crowd gathering around. Gives the cops a bit of a reason to be concerned!
Then rocket scientist with is phone gets too close to the officers. During the altercation the first guy is resisting. count how many cops are per crowd there at that time. NOT MANY!!!!!! You can also see the arresting officer get forced on his back!
Rocket scientist is told several times to get back WHICH HE DOES NOT!!!!!!!
Fear alone is not sufficient reason.
For what?
For smacking a phone out of someone’s hand, roughing them up, effecting an unlawful arrest and then falsifying the police reports.
Gotta love how Officer Jersey Shore was in such a balls out struggle that he could have the resistor in a headlock with one arm while speaking into the rover with the other.
Concerned about what? Cowards!
Huh? Another non sequiter from the peanut gallery. Concerned about dirty cops overstepping their authority and acting with impunity. But that’s right, that makes me cowardly. Ok, tough guy, you got something to add to the debate other than ad hominem attacks?
Animal-Nazi’s dramatically cluching of pearls and yelling loudly into their audio recorder at the unconcious man, so actions can be covered later -“stop resisting, stop resisting” or punching a small drunk man who’s not doing anything but stumbling about, in the face – hard like sugar ray leonard in the ring -surrounded by the blue bully thugs
disgusting lying anmals-you wont get away with this horseshit
One cop’s Monday morning quarterbacking, is a citizen’s demand for transparency and accountability by government officials. You’re not the boss, we are. Loser.
Yeah.. dang these “Monday Morning QBs” — they weren’t there when the six men brutally killed Kelly Thomas or slapped this bystander around. Six or seven officers is “NOT MANY” when you have a 140-lb. unarmed homeless man to deal with or a small Asian gentleman to throw around like a rag doll. You’re soooo correct (moron)!!
Based on your shouting, ALLEN WRENCH, you must be a cop with rage issues, like most of the FPD.
So to follow your logic, the fact that HE DID NOT back up (even though he was legally standing there and not interfering) gave the officers a legal right to: slap the cell phone out of his hand violently, toss him around, arrest him, drag him to jail, file charges, write false reports, lie, perjure themselves in court, etc.
OK Anonymous, do you have a legal right to remain in a burning building? Sure you do. Is it the smart thing to do? I think you know the answer
Ok, NOW I got you. In other words, the officers were not acting LEGALLY, but they were being “smart” when they used excessive force, wrote false police reports, abused this man, murdered Kelly Thomas, etc., so we should just cut them some slack, no????
Do you see a police report on this video? have you read it? were you on the jury? I think not.
This is my favorite of the popular and repetitive cop avoidance techniques. Well you didn’t see the report so you don’t know..,.na na na na. And you have the report, you wrote the report, and you won’t let us see it. The report should be posted online at the PD website so we can all read it and decide.
you had 1 true, accurate statement that sums you up in three words : you think NOT!!
Ask someone that was there not the people that drempt they were there.
Allen/Justice: Were you there? Were you there for the Kelly incident?
The rest of us are basing what we know on the only evidence in the open source (i.e., the video, along with the fact that the Dept. itself has admitted that it screwed up) because the foxes are guarding the hen house. Pardon us if we aren’t exactly willing to take the officers at their word on their reports. Perhaps if things were a little more transparent, we wouldn’t be as quick to assume somebody is covering up wrongdoing
“Drempt.” And we’re paying good money and bennies to guys this uneducated and trusting our lives and safety to them? All this and logic too! So, no case can ever be prosecuted unless every juror was there at the time of the incident? Is that correct, Officer Drempt? And cops would not be allowed to testify in cases where they were not present for the incident either, right Officer GED?
Guess what Officer Quarterback, we’re the owners of the team. We get to make the decisions we want. Sure you corrupt union goons have gotten a lot of power and it will be hard to turnaround, but turn it around we will. Requiring cops to hold a college diploma would be a good start.
well at least no one is beating the fuck out of me or slapping me in the burning bldg- smart-er to be in the burning bldg
Come on Allen (comment #27), I been in situations like this before and Hamiltons actions are inappropriate. Yes, it is exciting as you rush to the assistance call and you see all the people around, but that doesn’t give you the right to do what he did. Then to FORGE THE REPORT AND TAKE IT COMPLETELY THRU TO TRIAL is torture for Mam. Hopefully Hamilton will soon find out what it’s like to be tortured by “the law”.
I take it you’re a police officer?
Hi Allen…
I want to correct my previous comment to reflect Officer Hampton instead of Capt (Acting Chief) Hamilton. I got their names transposed.
Yes, I am a retired officer and have been in these situations many times. I have responded to calls like this before. I have had to take people down for resisting. I have been a member of the “blue wave” that responds to an officer who needs help. I know these things can be chaotic. I’ve felt the adrenalin that surges through your body when that call for help goes out from one of your buddies in which you hear the struggle in his voice. As the responding officer, you don’t now what to expect, but you have to prepare for the worst. Are there guns, knives, pitchforks threatening you fellow brother? These things go through your head as you prepare for arrival on the scene.
BUT, when you get there and no weapons are present, your fellow officer has his arrestee under control and the crowd is present, you go into defense mode. You defend the officer and his arrestee. YOU DON’T go on the offence with the crowd. THAT NEVER TURNS OUT WELL! We would get into situations in the housing projects that would bring out a crowd. The last thing we would do is incite the situation.
Officer Hampton over reacted and was heavy handed. He should be disciplined. But after taking this all the way to court and a full trial, people need to lose their jobs. I don’t know the particulars of the case (who actually arrested whom and who wrote reports or testified to what), so I’m not convinced that is 100% on Hampton’s shoulders. He does own the excessive use of force, but I believe people in the DAs office and FPD need to be held accountable.
I appreciate you voicing your opinion to give another perspective as debate and public discussion of governmental powers and activities is the root of our county.
david bailey uses his own name on this site! Now that’s a man with integrity (and I’m completely serious…)
spot on mr. boo, David Baily is a man with integrity.
OK what should you Do???????????????????? just hope you don’t get jumped???
You do what you are paid to do, arrest the violator and move on. You don’t attack somebody in the crowd for recording video of you doing your job. Veth Mam was no threat to Kenton Hampton or any other officer, he was busy capturing video, not battling the police, not even directly threatening the police.
Ok, so I take it that you, with all of your experience, can come to that conclusion in a split second? Buddy, you need to get real here!
So he slapped the man’s cell phone away, threw him to the ground, arrested him, write a falsified report, got him charged and sent to trial all in a “split second”??? Really??? I think you are the one who needs to get real…
He forced him back because he was too close. After repeated orders to GET BACK!
yeah, uhuh, he consistently told him to get back-orders which he obeyed only to have the roid raging thug continue to advance on and assault him. a non-threatening and non-resisting citizen.
As an officer, you are primarily concerned with your safety in situations like this. Many officers are killed due to complacency and you do your best to keep yourself alive and in one piece.
In this situation, you can see they have the arestee under control. From this point on, you can control the crowd to keep the officers and arrestee safe. You don’t need to attack them.
For me, I used to take the “Nothing to see here, move on” approach and set physical boundaries such as “Please step out of the street onto the curb” or “Stand over here until we are done”. I have even created a circle of officers around the arresting team to keep them safe.
I would also be aware many people are under the influence of alcohol at 2AM and adjust my approach accordingly by being clear, calm and give specific directions (stand on the curb, backup past that tree, etc).
If you really wanted to arrest the guy because he “jumped on an officer’s back,” why do you need to hit him and throw him to the ground? Can’t you just grab him in a control hold and walk him to a patrol car? Heck, Hampton is HUGE. He really doesn’t need to throw the guy on the ground.
How about follow your training and arrest the only one who actually broke the law (rather than become an abusive law-breaker yourself).
How about NOT filing a false police report on a citizen who DID NOT “jump you” or any of your fellow officers…
I’m sorry, but is that too logical (and actually legal) for you to understand??
Ok? based on what you see, what law was broken to begin with? Lets asume public intoxication. The guy starts to resist, then what?
Which guy?? The one peacefully filming the incident with his cell phone?? The one who committed no crime?? The one who was thrown to the ground, taken to jail, charged falsely with leaping on someone’s back, taken to court, etc., etc.??? Is that the one you’re referring to?
No you bozo, the one resisting the K9 Officer – they guy who forced him on his back!
I like you you say “Peacefully Filming” Thats a real good one!
Funny officer Allen. What was he doing? Filming in a hostile manner? The reason Officer Jersey Shore gets all hot to trot is because he knows that the camera is catching something the coppers don’t want getting out. Filiming a cop is not a crime. As much as the cops would love if it were — because that is what is going to keep them honest in the future.
Yeah and that also claim Kelly Thomas was just “chillin” minding his own business when six cops approched him and beat the crap out of him for no reason.
Thats a good one too. It’s like they have nothing better to do than make crap up in their pinheads.
When an officer feels threatened, they will protect themselves. In a crowd of that size, most of them drinking, actions are unpredictable.
How is writing false police reports and lying in court weeks after the incident “protecting themselves??”
Also, I realize that crowd behavior might be unpredictable, but shouldn’t the behavior of trained sworn peace officers be somewhat predictable???
Absolutely. They are trained to handle these situations. We ARE NOT. So how can we criticize? What would we do in that situation? Well unless we are trained officers, we wouldn’t know how to handle it.
I do not condone false reports and perjury, if that’s the case.
Go home or go to jail?!! Total bullshit. Who declared a curfew, Officer Dooughnut?
So just because they are “trained” to deal with situations like this doesn’t mean they won’t do the wrong thing. It’s people like you that are naive to think that police are always the good guys. Wake up to what’s actually going on. It’s clear through multiple occasions that they are using excessive force, perjury, etc. Just realize it so we can make a difference.
And it is. You don’t obey when they tell you to back off, you go to jail. Simple. Listen to the actual tape and you will hear why they needed to back off. Numbnuts didn’t listen and got his camera whacked and he got whacked too. I think he deserved what he got, but the reports need to be right too, if they actually weren’t.
Well, they weren’t. That’s why he was acquitted. That’s why his lawyers are saying that Officer Nguyen perjured himself by making up stuff that didn’t happen. That’s why Hamilton made up the BS about “we got the wrong guy.” That’s why the bigshot lawyer took the case.
I’m glad at least you approve of the principle of filing accurate, truthful police reports.
and I, as a woman, feel threatened at times in a crowd – but if I took ou a stick and started beating everyone because they were “unpredictable” I would get my ass thrown in Sibil Brand with a gloved hand up my rear-and not in a month either
Not having any luck on the dating sites huh?
Allen, Im with you. Realize they don’t care if an officer gets hurt. They do not support the police.
This guy sure has a lot of time on his hands, and seems to be suffering from enough anxiety to cause him to post 50 times a day on this blog.
Must be one of the 6.
Thanks – we are definately in the minority…
That’s not true. Some of us just don’t support the police when they get out of hand, and that’s what appears to have been going on in Fullerton, OC and too much of the rest of the country.
like I SAID you dont support police. People are starving in Africa right now.
and what are you doing about THAT? getting a pedicure?
Find one single post from me that has been anti cop.
Then quit, we did not ask you to beat on us.
Which of the six cops who brutally murdered Kelly Thomas was hurt, exactly, outraged??
I know you have a very small brain, but do you think you can wrap it around the fact that it’s possible to SUPPORT the police in general but totally NOT SUPPORT police brutality, perjury, etc.??? No? I guess not…
Yeah, right.
In the case of this particular murder. THERE IS NO OTHER SIDE
When there’s no proof of murder? Then what will you say? Will you admit you were wrong? The coroner has yet to state that he died from injuries.
The coroner has yet to stamp the multiple doctor’s reports stating clearly that he died from blunt force trauma and lack of oxygen to the brain. The coroner’s stamp is a mere formality and will count for nil in a trial.
Nice try though.
I think “outraged” is the lady that spoke in SUPPOPRT of the three soon-to-be recalled Council members on Tuesday night.
She doesn’t like homeless people. One of them came close to her once, and it scared her. She still has nightmares about it. Those creepy unwashed clothes he was wearing. that straggly hair… shudder…
The brave Officers had to do what is right and exterminate the vermin. Its not pretty but it had to be done to keep the city safe for its most privileged (and thus important) citizens.
And you were probably the one who told her to watch her back
More of the same, you don’t have all the facts crap. We have enough. We would have more if your side wasn’t hiding the reports, video, autopsy, etc. from the people these public employees are supposed to serve and who pay their fat employment packages.
No more arguments about we haven’t seen the reports. Turn them over, let’s see what they say. Please, cop bloggers, get them for us. Let us see the light. Many of us are not Catholics and we don’t need T-Rack to guide us in our interpretations. Turn them over now; all the witnesses have been identified. The cops have written and rewritten the reports. We’ll have all the fact, we want all the facts.
But it is not legitimate to withhold the facts from the public while in the same breath claiming we don’t know all the facts.
You still don’t get it? You know the DA has everything and the PD isn’t turning anything over. As this brilliant lawyer you claim to be I would think you at least understand that part.
So yes you don’t have all the facts. I do. Deal with it. You aren’t getting anything.
Yeah, taking up the cause for 6 guys with guns, tazers, mace, clubs and badges who couldn’t take a 160lb. unarmed homeless guy into custody without killing him sure seems like the noble thing to do. Good luck with it.
I thought he weighed 140? or was it 135? The truth has been so screwed up, this blog isn’t even quotting the same facts from the beginning anymore. Get your facts straight and then we’ll talk.
The wheels are really coming off his bus now.
No one will be talking to you. Highly unlikely your family will even visit you in prison once they learn the truth about what kind of person you aren’t.
Also what difference does it make how much he weighed? The point still stands.
His weight doesn’t matter unless you’re comparing it to I think the report said 250lb 6’5 cop…then it sounds like David vs Goliath. So in that case, it would matter. Just can’t remember which one of the six was that size. Anyone remember?
actual weight has always been 135. the 160 misinformation by the spokeshole to attempt to spin that 160 would make Kelly a scarier threat to the terrified 1500 lbs of roid raging murderers. keep digging, when the dust clears those directly culpable will be blowing “bubba” or a bullet, and those that supported them will be pariah.
Answering a question with a question is just a long-winded response of admitting defeat. It is also a lazy tool for a weak mind, just so you’re aware.
No, I’m not the one defeated on that one LOL!!!
Um, comparing a crime committed by an officer to standing in a burning building is considered a logical response to you then?
Not only is it not in the same ballpark, it’s not even the same sport. Yes, you were defeated and you admitted such subconsciously.
Congratulations on not being able to notice, I guess.
OK Anonymous
if it makes you happy, you got me on that one!!!
What I am saying is that it is easy to criticize when you do not have that job. We can all make assumptions and stereotypes on how people are but how much of that is true?
I realize you are trying to have me disclose details to compare notes or check my credibility. But, I do not have to prove anything to you because we are on a blog. So freedom of speech gives me the right to say what I want. I cannot be bullied or manipulated but I assure you the truth will be exposed and then FFFF will be too. 🙂
Well put outraged!
Stop trying to pretend you know some information nobody else does.
Based on everything that has come out about this case, and if you want exclude everything thats been written on this site, fine, you have still come to the most ridiculous position possible.
Which is what?
outraged: I design large commercial buildings. So by your logic, when a building i designed falls apart and people die, I just say “You don’t know how to design a building so you can’t say I did it wrong”?? Not so much! Let me dumb it down for you, I don’t need to be a professional basketball player to know that the Pistons suck…
I think your response was meant for me. That makes no sense!
Outraged said “What I am saying is that it is easy to criticize when you do not have that job.” My response was to him. It makes sense if you have more than a GED.
so, officer outraged, in your vein of “logic” the only people qualify to sit on a jury for a murder trial would all be required to have committed murder-or be cops- which it appears to be the same thing in this case.
We evaluate people in fields different from our own all the time. We don’t need to be or have been cops to evaluate them. That’s absurd.
You just clarified everything. You are close to God in your own eyes. Makes sense now. You really have no clue.
California Penal Code 118.1:
Every peace officer who files any report with the agency which employs him or her regarding the commission of any crime or any investigation of any crime, if he or she knowingly and intentionally makes any statement regarding any material matter in the report which the officer knows to be false, whether or not the statement is certified or otherwise expressly reported as true, is guilty of filing a false report punishable by imprisonment in the county jail
for up to one year, or in the state prison for one, two, or three years. This section shall not apply to the contents of any statement which the peace officer attributes in the report to any other person.
…Knowing the facts, how come the DA hasn’t charged Officer Kenton Hampton with this?
And why is Kenton Hampton using the alias Francis Johnson?
So you can look up a CPC. You can also read minds and know what a persons intensions are by reading their minds. You must be superhuman
Because T-Rack is as crooked as the FPD.
Please learn to spell at at least a 7th grade level, Officer Drempt. What are “intensions.” Is that two events in conflict with each other, like opposing tentions? I guess you mean Intentions. Like, intentional. Just like drempt, this is a non word.
Studies show cops with a college degree tend to be less abusive and do a better job. We certainly pay enough in this economy to make that a requirement of employment in Fullerton and elsewhere.
You know quite well that “intentions” are inferred all the time by cops and prosecutors alike, as well as ordinary citizens in everyday life. You guys really need to find better arguments if you want to be persuasive – and avoid hypocritical examples. I know you’re accustomed to less cerebral persuasion techniques, which explains why you fare so poorly when you need to use words instead of brute force.
You really like this spelling game don’t you. Shows what a child you are. Open you eyes. Spelling or not you are getting what you are because you don’t run the show. We do. Get used to it.
Even if, and its a big if, forcing him back was justified, slapping away his camera wasn’t. Throwing him to the ground wasn’t. Arresting him wasn’t. Falsifying police reports to try to convict him wasn’t. Perjuring himself on during the trial wasn’t.
This is going to be one of the biggest slam dunk lawsuits against a Police Department EVER FILED.
Search you tube for the actual tape of this incident, not the attorneys tape. It’s total chaos, refusal to back away, etc. They got what they deserved. The wrong guy? Listen to the real tape. Entirely possible.
Mam was acquitted. I know you’ve heard that word before. Probably more than most of your fellow officers I bet.
When you have a person running for DA and bragging about police endorsement, Think twice ! it’s not because he’s tough on criminal but it’s because the police unions have the DA in their pockets so they can cover up and get away with misconducts and criminal activities.
The only exposure is you trying to obfuscate and cloud over police brutality in your city.
The officer never has the right to walk over to someone and strike them with their fist knocking them to the ground.
Those cops always make it worse by using excessive force. It gives the crowd the right to stand up for ones of its citizens.
If the cops want to be our citizens they might want to treat us like citizens of what we hope they consider to be a respectful and peaceful town
This was not a casual contact as you can obviously see. Try to get over the question with a question thing.
If someone unknown to you walked in your front door, he is intoxicated, you tell him to leave 10 times and he doesn’t. would you try to reason with him or would you protect your family??
My guess is you would try to reason and then morn the loss of your family. Be realistc!!!
Wow, you suck at creating logical arguments!
1) The public square is not anyone’s private home. Someone trespassing on your property is already committing a crime and a threat, by definition (a peaceful citizen taking a phone video is not trespassing in your home).
2) Not leaving when asked does not EQUAL killing your family (but nice try). By the way, I would mourn (not morn) if they DID kill my family.
3) Nobody is threatening the officer’s family.
4) My family is not armed, armored, and well trained as an entire group of officers is.
Be realistic and make analogies that make some sense!!!!
Buddy, try to come with something better than “you suck”. IT IS ALL RELIVENT!!!
Relivent? Haha…
Go get him Anonymous!
In point number 4, my opinion is the “well trained” part may be a stretch.
Trained? Yes.
Well trained? No.
These cops clearly give 100%…of the minimum.
@If someone unknown to you walked in your front door, he is intoxicated, you tell him to leave 10 times and he doesn’t. would you try to reason with him or would you protect your family??
I would put a gun to the back of his head and pull the trigger …to protect my family. This is what all law abiding citizens should do to protect their family and wife/property.
And cops do the same at times.
well put!
Boy, Officer Drempt. Your education level is truly pathetic. A public street where you are trained to protect and serve is now equivalent to inside your private home. Did you even make it past 7th grade? If so, I guess the dumbing down of the union-run public schools is even worse than I thought.
Again? Really that’s all you have is spelling? Come up with something better. It’s old. Your city hired us. Deal with us. Hopefully we beat your perfect spelling ass next.
Okay fair enough, if you have all the answers, why don’t you form a volunteer police staff and keep control in downtown Fullerton on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights with all the drunks that want to fight.
Why do we need volunteers? After we fire the FPD there will be millions of dollars available to pay good, decent people to police our city.
Great!!!! and You can hire them!!!
What will keep you from complaining about them too?
Lol u ain’t fitting no one. Keep dreaming.
LOL good one!!! He can form the “Citizen’s Auxilliary Police and be a police watchdog…
They could fire everyone, hire all new cops, have the same thing happen again, and then they would want to fire everyone again.
By the way. Go to Fullerton bar area on a Friday or Saturday night when the fights break out. You will see cops can’t sit there and say excuse me please stop please leave please go home. Crimes are being committed by drunk idiots and it’s time to kick ass.
I have been hanging out in those bars when fights break out and it’s crazy.
Here’s the force I recommend from my safety:
Merijoe, Fred, Insider, Anonymous, Admin, Johnny Donut etc.
But wait that’s only about 3 or 4 people. I guess that will have to be enough.
Definitely not enough to keep you safe from those vicious 140 pound homeless individuals that you deem so threatening.
You forgot schizophrenic off of his anti-psychotic drugs.
As per Kelly’s dad, Ron.
What difference does that make?
oh!!! What a good analogy!!!! keep it up anonymous
@anonymous…. you keep going there about “140 pound homeless individual” Lets put you in a room with a 140 pound homeless guy who is clinically nuts and when his adrenalin shoots up to higher than yours or mine could ever, lets see how you fare. We’ll even through in a few of your friends to give you a hand. Piece of cake right? No Sweat. Sure, that’s what you think but after you have been there and done that then you have the right to talk. Until then take it to shutty town.
Please stop insulting my intelligence by pretending that you know me.
It would be like me insulting your intelligence by concluding that you’ve never been to school when you write stuff like “We’ll even through in a few of your friends to give you a hand”.
I have been there and done that, armed and unarmed. I wouldn’t want to bore you with the details concerning my use of force in a professional manner though.
Thanks for playing though, tough guy.
@anonymous, you say to stop insulting your intelligence by pretending to know you YET, you are doing the exact same thing by pretending to know what you are talking about when it is painfully obvious that YOU DO NOT. And as far as been there done that, I highly doubt it. If that were the case you would not be so ingnorant.
Good try though, tough guy.
Painfully obvious, huh? I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.
You: Beat ’em ’til they stop breathing.
Me: Apprehend, subdue, and apply handcuffs.
And I’m the ignorant one?
Wrong. You work for us, not the other way around. We don’t need to do a job to evaluate how well it was done. If that were the case, we’d keep rehiring the plumber that ripped us off and didn’t fix the leaky sink. It’s pretty easy to spot lousy teachers, lawyers, doctors, what have you. There is no prerequisite of any kind of first holding that job yourself.
That dog doesn’t hunt.
Keep drempting. You don’t have a clue and you have made that clear. No one works for you or anyone else.
I’m sure they’ll be arresting that other guy any day now. Just curious though, does anyone int the trial transcript of Mam’s trial mansion anything about someone jumping on a officer’s back? Are there any witnesses who recall this acton from that night? What does the patrol car camera show?
Outraged and Allen make irrational and illogical comments in regards to the actions of Kenton Hampton. Hampton should had not engaged with any other persons who were standing there. There is no excuse for him to put his hands on a bystander, throw him on the ground, and falsely arrest him. Hampton should had continued to secure the scene and assist the arresting officer. That is the job of a responding officer, not to go find his own bait. Hampton was on a mission to get somebody. As for the report and all the cover-up and deceit and lies is absolutely ridiculous. The D.A you see is doing favors for the P.D’s if they are going to ignore the fact that report was falsely written and STILL pursue trying MaM. The D.A and those officers involved should be severely punished. They are there to protect the law and if they can’t be truthful then get them out. There should be no tolerance for people in their position if they are going to lie.
Perjury for Hampton. Get him out of there. I would have loved to see what he had to write about Kelly Thomas if didn’t see the video first.
ThinBlueNonsense for Police Chief!
Clearly the OC DA cannot be trusted and now they should hand off the prosecution of Kelly Thomas’ killers to the state Attorney General.
And then when they find reasonable force and file no charges? Feds no charges? Then Obama?
That’s just more overtime for the cops you hate. And they get to beat you all and take you to jail. I think that’s what they want not what you want.
Once in a rare while, this cop speaks the truth. Weird.
Yes, a riot will do more harm than good. What will be good is a recall, a totally new city council, fire most of FPD and raise the bar by hiring intelligent, reasonable, humane professionals. Rather than meaty goons who just want to “kick azz.”
I don’t want it. Based on how you are responding on here though, I believe you when you say you do want it. Just be careful what you wish for, there will be no winners in that scenario.
Your comment is very telling though, It’s obvious you and your friends live to beat on people that you believe to be weaker than you. But without your back-up and all your fancy armor, gadgets, weapons, and gambit of laws written to save your corrupt asses, I suspect you and your fellow cops (which yes, I hate every last one of you worthless piles) are really the weak and the frightened.
The new blood would most likely be higher educated…i.e. not be so inept that they’d have to hire someone at $260 an hour to tell them how inept they were.
Proficiency in wristlock and handcuffing techniques. A skill clearly lacking in the current group.
Just to name a couple.
Now you are a trained outside analyzer as well. Is your name Ron Thomas? I think one of his lies was that he trained cops. LOL what a joke.
Word is Ron was Fired….. Has had a vendetta ever since
You miss the point entirely yet again…shocker.
Face it. You will still complain when the next thing happens, just like a spoiled kid that doesn’t get their own way.
The O.C. DA is and has been covering for the FPD we need an investigation by the State A.G into the corruption in the DA’s office.
Call Obama. See what he has to say. LOL
Yep. Now how do we make it happen?
Feds need to investigate the whole department. Officer Ren was convicted for an off duty incident of Illegal detention and assault of a minor in Riverside County, because he thought the kid had “tagged” his wall at home on another day, assumption, no witness(s) to incident. It was determined the minor was walking home from scholl and had no involvement. The minor reported the assault to his teacher who notified the sheriff’s dept. He pled to misdemeanor and is on currently on 3 years criminal probation and assigned to the Fullerton Police Gang Unit. WTF!!
…It just keeps getting worse.
Anything against the police – you agree. As to their exoneration? Well, we know that answer…
Exoneration? from? did you see the pictures of Kelly? do you think he was beat or do you think he ran into a bus? If you think he was beaten do you think he deserved that kind of beating? even if he did run?
what is it you are thinking that makes you think we are all crazy and youre not?
Seeing this on this blog, I can only imagine how much of this is made up. Maybe 5% of what this says is true? Standard.
Thats about right but 5% may be pushing it. They just need something to be upset about so they can feel important.
Most cops are secretly filming anyways. Ask em.
#126, it’s a fact!!!!
I can’t wait for the riots to start. I just hope your slumlord king, Bushala will be leading the charge.
I can’t wait to see him get his ass kicked by the bullies in blue on you tube.
Bushala won’t be anywhere close to the riot. nor will all the tree huggers on here. They are all undercover. They will do something or make something up to get some of the black and hispanic people into Fullerton. They will let them do the rioting and the looting.
Bushala will pay the little gang bangers and the wetbacks to riot.
Hamilton is no better than Sellers or McPension for his defense of the outrageous practice of allowing cops to view video of an incident to “refresh their memory” is anyone accused of a crime by these thugs afforded that option ? Kamala Harris dispatch the investigators
You know that is done statewide? Maybe US wide? This isn’t something done by this department.
Why pick on Tony ? do you suffer from testicle envy because he has big balls ?
He doesnt have big balls, he looks for opportunity to fatten his wallet. He’s just a grandstander
He jumped on the bandwagon because he could find some support for his political agenda. Remember he is a “Real Estate Mogul”..his words.
He doesn’t give a shit about Kelly. Bushala is a DIRTBAG.
He does this for his own agenda.. don’t you dumb people get it??
Now you are finally talking how the people of Fullerton actually do talk and did talk prior to this incident. Get rid of them all.
So, you’re basically saying that the tone, if not the exact order came from the voters – keep our town clean of the riff-raff, and you boys were just folllowing orders?
Justice Will Prevail…. “GUILTY” for being not only an a-hole but obviously a complete racist.
By the way, officer, being concerned about police brutalizing citizens does not make one a “tree hugger” — it makes one a human being with empathy and intelligence.
Where was the empathy or intelligence when the cop’s addresses and telephone numbers were published on this website? What was the purpose then? I suppose non-violent protesting at their house? Just wondering.
I see on the news they are receiving death threats. One if one of them or their family members are hurt because of that information being put out there? Is that ok?
they didnt arrest the wrong guy because there never was any other guy…liers and falsifying police reports. isnt that enough to get fired at fullerton pd. i guess not…
Soooooo, you read the police report????
You should be ashamed to call yourself a marine
@158 allen ………MARINE and proud of it…allen you scab ahahahhaaaaaa by what you say on your post ur an idiot just like goodwrench fullertons spoke hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Semper Fi…….!
Very intelligent!!!!!
Probably good enough to be a marine though.
#144 pardon me I should have been more specific. Go to Santa Ana to the O.C. DA’s office and ask why no action was taken in the Mam case fora start with then put a microscope on their entire corrupt operaton
At least 10% of the FPD is currently on some kind of leave or criminal investiagtion. What does that tell you about how the department operates.
Every 25 years every police department goes through a dark time. It happens, it blows over and they move on..
Nice to see all the supporters seeking justice for Kelly Thomas and other victims of legalized thug justice. For the three people who repeatedly advocate blindly submitting to police authority or risk being attacked/murdered, trying forming logical arguments backed by empirical evidence. I know that is not possible since all of the facts in the case speak to: excessive fatal force, attempted cover-up by FPD until they could not keep the story under wraps, attempted bribery of Ron Thomas, which inadvertently suggests city officials know these oficers violated Thomas’ civil rights and want to settle out of court, publicly condoning the double standard of letting officers view the tape of the murder to falsify reports while arguing the public can not see these videos because witnesses may be tainted, removal of Chief Sellers from office under the guise of vacation after he did nothing in regards to the murder, insensitive comments by the mayor talking about how he’d seen worse injuries (I’m assuming he was referring to dead people), etc., etc. Perhaps if some of these police supporters could lay out some facts there could be an intelligent debate. But since they have no facts to stand on, I guess we’ll just have to keeping reading their attempts to misconstrue information and make blanket statements like “you don’t know what it’s like to be a cop.” While I’m sure most cops are good people who want to protect and serve, that does not condone the actions of a few bad seeds. Regardless of how much the FPD. DA, mayor, etc., try to prevent these officers from facing murder charges, the city is going to have to dole out a whole lot of money (hopefully for the Mam case as well), which comes out of taxpayers pockets. So for the tiny minority condoning the FPD’s reprehensible behavior, keep supporting police brutality and enjoy paying for these officers crimes against humanity.
Witnessess cannot see the video because anyone watching the video on TV and report that they were a witness. Police are not the witness, they are the involved party. Therefore, it is OK for an “involved party” to view the video because that is was actually occurred. a “complete” video shows the truth. not an incolmplete video and certainly nota witness who watches the video vs one who was there.
That is the difference. Police are the involved party. it will show escessive force or it will exonerate them. My guess, maybe a little of both – but we wont know for sure until we see it.
last week, I forget her name, an assistant OC
DA, when describing the video showing Kelly thomas and the FPD, she fought back tears. I don’t think the video will exonerate them. on the contrary, it will convict them and thus the city of fullerton, and that is why the FPD and city council don’t want people to see this video.
Perhaps because some of us were there and are part of the 6?
Allen- FORCED HIM TO GET BACK- why? he didnt look THAT close to me. He was trying not to get his face or his gestapo on video, lying sperm donors- dramatic cries of “stop resisting, stop resisting” to Allen
like AL PACHINO’s character Coronal slade in the movie scent of a woman would say: ” what a sham!!! what kind of a show are you running here fullerton pd? if i was half the man i was 5 years ago i would take a flame thrower to this place”. ahurrah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very sad to that you were part of one of our heroes now making a terrorist threat to a symbol of justice.
Mabye you should turn in your service medals
Bottom line… I file a false report I get arrested! This cop thinks he’s above the law and can write anything on that official police report…. well I guess you should have asked for this video so you could review it before writing the report, that way you wouldn’t get caught lying. You should be arrested, suspended with no pay,and face the music!! How does the D.A. not prosecute the cop when you watch the video and compare it top the police report? No excuses on this one Tony!! Now you sir need to be investigated for your office not looking out for whats right but giving the O.C. Police Depts the go ahead for excessive force!!
Thursday, Aug. 18 2011
To: Mr. o.c. DA Ra-COCK-us enough of this
giving the police union blow-jobs all day long,
if you fear getting killed by the Fullerton police union terrorists, then resign, i am sure there is
an armed, public servant willing to PROSECUTE,
so the dirty cop terrorists with “police powers”
can be executed for the Murder of kelly thomas.
Smells like bacon in here big time!!!
Thats real original. You said this same comment under another blogger name a few days ago. Do you think noone will notice.
lots of anti-cop loosers in here. WOW!!!!
What is a looser?
Watch this steaming pile of dung disappear when they finally lock up the murdering punks.
I’m looking forward to reading about their wives leaving them. Probably mid-trial….
I think their wives like to suck, gargle and swallow. That’s where all the rage they take out on the citizens of Fullerton comes from. That’s also in the 6 cops future.
Your porky ass will soon be BBQ!!!
Disguested, go smoke your peace pipe and join the other sheep on saturday. bring your kids with you to.
Allen, Go try to get a new job. You won’t be getting your old one back porky.
oink oink – try to be a little more modern buddy – go get high, smoke your meth, what ever gets you off, but you will never ever have anything to do with my job,
Beaing the homeless is not a real job, Porky!
Bring his kids? Gonna move on to beating easier targets there Al ?
Must be getting soft sitting on your lazy ass while on your “vacation”.
Lol!!! Where did you go Porky? Sooooweeee!
He changed his screen name to “free spirit my ass” and is trolling one of the other posts now.
Sad little piglet. Soon he will be unemployed.
Hi Sean, are you “close” with Fred? or is it Tony? maybe Travis i.e. Joe because again with the “troll” comments. Really?
Ya Really. And don’t say hi to me like you know me, you don’t have a clue who I am.
Now to answer your question; I don’t know any of those names. My connection to this case has been mentioned in here, but you need not concern yourself with that. Whatever your reason for trying to justify the actions of these cops, are yours to bare and I could care less. In any event, every time you or any of the pro-cop people on here open your mouths to defend these monsters, you not only sound devoid of any semblance of intelligence – but it is just obvious you are all very bad people at the core. And I feel sorry for all of you. There is no objective side to this, Kelly was murdered and there will be a reckoning. Maybe not at the hands of the justice system and our elected representatives and public SERVANTS. But there is a toll for Kelly’s soul that must be paid. That is all outraged.
PS – I saw you make a comment on here about people hiding behind their screen names? So you are not just a coward, but a hypocrite to boot. Your parents must be so proud.
We are our own worse enemy ..Fullerton never have enough treachery, terrors, abuses, lies, coverup, and corruptions..
We wonder how Fullerton citizens living these days.
So you’re the dumb b*tch that spoke at the council meeting?
NOT ME> I don’t have to be visible or in front of this crusade to be identified.
I just have a more logical approach, which is when all the evidence comes out, we will know what truly happened.
I refuse to believe hearsay, some informant who will not disclose his identity, this site or claims made by witnesses.
I personally like to make up my own mind once all the facts are in, ALL THE FACTS> plus I, unlike some of you, have NO AGENDA.
Why use the passive voice about facts miraculously “coming out?” Why not demand that the citizens be provided the facts now? That is what usually happens in criminal cases. The withholding of facts is an important fact in and of itself. It is quite logical to form an opinion about someone’s guilt based on less than 100 percent of the facts when that person holds the remaining percentage and refuses to allow the public in on the government secret.
You are the one being illogical.
You have your own agenda and that is obvious. Assume in the absence of the facts being withheld from you, that the police must be justified.
Or if I was there?
Because you have no right to it and wont get it. Face up to it. You aren’t God like you think.
God will punish you. If not you, your spouse, girlfriend, parents, siblings, children, nephews, nieces, cousins, and so on. Make no mistake about it, you will be punished one way or another. When it happens, just remember, you will have no one to blame but yourself.
The legal framework in this country, treats police as a higher class.
For example, people who assault or kill police receive higher penalties than those who assault us “ordinary” people. This makes no sense, should killing a teacher, charity worker, or an ER doctor who has saved hundreds of lives really less of a crime than killing a police officer? Especially a police officer like the ones who murdered Kelly Thomas?
In addition, police receive civil immunity for many actions they take in the course of their employment.
For example, if an ordinary person is negligent and injures you, you can sue them.
If a police officer is negligent and injures you, he cannot be sued (for the most part) if he was “doing his job.” This makes no sense –
many people do noble jobs, but most people do not get absolute civil immunity when they screw up (e.g. doctors, nurses).
The system also regularly lets police off because they have “served the public.” Again, this makes no sense.
So if someone who ran an animal shelter for strays was found to have murdered someone, she should receive no punishment because of her alleged past good deeds?
Although I disagree with you, I think this is the most well thought out blog you have posted on this site. over the past week. GOOD JOB!!! You do enjoy using the word “animal” though. I can only guess.
shut up allen – you lover of the animal-and there is nothing to disagree with, this is all true and you know it
@allen wrench,
oink oink oink all the way to the slaughter house
Real insight here.
@Anonymous #232 I agree, their brown eyes are going to get slaughtered.
Is it just me or is anyone else noticing a swarm of posts trying to defend the cops actions even though theres hard VIDEO evidence?
What a joke.
And to top it off, none of them can spell.
Thats cuz they are suspended cops!
If it isn’t cops, POA, DA, etc., then my mind is completely blown. I find it hard to believe that any informed, rational human being could see that something just isn’t right in Fullerton. There was 1 lady that spoke out at the city council meeting the other night, so who knows. It only makes me want to be more active & vocal. If they are trolls, you’re doing a great job motivating me. I need to see justice. I will see justice.
she’s just one of the groupies that typically sit in the court room for the entire trial of a serial killer and then write love letters and give conjugal visits right up to the day they get the needle. she’s probably watched the video at pd headquarter over and over and then done all 6 of her killer lovers. repeatedly.
yes, but much like the cowards they hero worship, there are many that are 1 person hiding behind many different names
you call an audio and people coming off a bus with narration HARD video evidence?
with GEDS
Passing by the slimmest of margins.
Because the police union wouldn’t allow it. They HATE competition.
now, Fullerton city council members will have to spend $70,000 more tax dollars to retain another Gennaco to whitewash another mistake and falsifying of evidence done by the fullerton police. thanx Fullerton council member and retiured fullerton chief of police, Pat Mckinley for forcing another increase in water rates, city taxes so to pay for your poor judge of character.
I think the title of this blog should be renamed
“The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight or Spell? Or Worse?
Fe, Fi Fo, Fum.
I smell Akerman.
The Fullerton Puppetmaster,
Lobbyist for Developers for Affordable homes.
Hey all you FFFF losers… I hear it’s going to be kinda warm this weekend, have fun with your signs out in the street trying to get people to honk. Yeah, that’s real porductive. haaaa haaaa haaa
Let’s see here…
Line by line, sentence by sentence:
“Hey, all you FFFF losers…”
I’m far from being a loser. I won, actually. But that’s just me, and I’m on Kelly’s side.
“I hear it’s going to be kinda warm this weekend”
kinda. You sound kinda like a GED failure. We love the sun in SoCal. We’ll be there.
“have fun with your signs out in the street trying to get people to honk.”
We will. Thanks for the support.
“Yeah, that’s real porductive.”
Thank you for proving, once again, that you are irrelevant.
Porductive. Heh…
“haaaa haaaa haaa”
That sounds about right.
Thanks for breaking it down SDLocal, sounds like you have it all planned out. You have nothing better to do than follow the circus leader Thomas, and spend your time walking in the circus parade. Yeah, sounds like a winner to me.
what are you going to do saterday besides think only about yourself.
Something to ponder, check out link.
Understanding the dynamics of sudden in-custody deaths
… should be taken in every case of the forceful restraint of a violent or combative person, especially one who evidences “super-human strength,” bizarre or schizophrenic …
Yeah take heed cop lover, it gets warm in the yard after 23 hours of lockup… but you can pace around in your little cage,,, would not want the bangers to shiv a dirty cop, gotta keep em in protective custody….. hope to see em on lockup on AE… ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Don’t you know they are paid protesters bussed in from who knows where, led by some woman with a blow horn, NOT Fullerton residents…
I agree. Our side needs to follow your example and hire our own lobbyists. We do have our own news source, so that is a good start.
CNN? Lol only cause they are bored. Hire all you want. Please riot. We need overtime and we need to gas and rubber bullet some morons like you.
Hey genius the word your looking for is productive. Learn to spell, and by the way our efforts have gotten national attention. I think that qualifies as being productive.
#174 by mean machine marine on August 18, 2011
like AL PACHINO’s character Coronal slade in the movie scent of a woman would say: ” what a sham!!! what kind of a show are you running here fullerton pd? if i was half the man i was 5 years ago i would take a flame thrower to this place”. ahurrah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mean Marine I hope you never called the guy with birds “Coronal” I could help you with your spelling if you stop your killing.
Coronal. That must be cop GED-ebonics for a cardiac “infraction.”
Spelling. Wow you are good. No wonder you are an ex lawyer. Talk about the case. Oh wait all you know is rumors from the activists.
Ok, now for something of real importance.
Am I the only one who thinks that police uniforms should only be made up to a 40″ waist? First of all it’s wasting money on all that material, secondly if you lack the self control to keep your fat ass out of 50″ pants you shouldn’t be on the force anyway.
Obviously self control is no problem with the FPD, only when it comes to iPads, blows to a suspect’s head and making amazingly stupid posts on blogs.
I was going to say 36″ tops – 6’4 and 250# holy shit thats a disgrace for that line of work as are the other fat fucks in the dept-how can they run without doubling over every few steps?
Mean Machine Marine
I read you posted that you are proud you killed those nice little people on the dang twat province or some thing like that. Those little people sure opened a can of woop ass on the capitalist pig who were sent to kill them.
Like i said before let it go no one here is impressed by how many women and children you killed.
Seems like the police lovers are getting scared… if it was a slam dunk “not guilty: the wives and criminal cops” would not be adamant… hey girls, when hubby goes to prison you can get a job dancing at the Rhino, they like people who sell themselves. You can put money on ole hubby’s prison account so he can buy sodas and chips to keep his behind from being penetrated,,,,, the really tough bangers like chips and sodas and will give you protection. To bad this is not a death penalty case, O would try to get in and see the needle get inserted. Cops who lie should die.
oh hope they have a taste for tossed salad-and hope bubba whispers “stop resisting” in their ears
Sounds like you are a woman of experience?
Whats wrong Allen? Is your world shattered now that perjury and false arrest charges are gonna send your big daddy to prison, hope he brushes up on his MMA fighting and makes a shiv proof girdle out of newspaper… lying azz cops do not fare well in prison. maybe he can be siisynelis other eye and look out for the bangers who hate cops. Cops who lie should die… hopefully these killer lying cops will get some justice in prison…Shampton tried to send an innocent guy to prison….. should be a death penalty, to bad it is not.
Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy on Officer Drempt. This was his first post with no spelling or diction errors. And he didn’t go out of his comfort zone by attempting another logic argument.
the BMI for that 250 pounder is 30 thats completely overweight-nobody on a police force should have a very unfit, flabby, huge BMI
yes, even for the Messiah’s in blue
thats from all that free fried shrimp and beer they get from their butt kissin friends
Allen if this site and the people that post here are not relevant then why are you wasting your time? I am sure taht all the negative comments about Boosh only motivate him to turn up the heat. I certainly do not agree with some of his views but that is because he sometimes mistakes social causes with political causes. The current economic turmoil in our country was caused by bad political decsions that were motivated by the greedy bastards that control our politicians and it is time for the working class people to take back control of our Country from the Corporatists and their Lackeys brgining with Jones, Bsankhead, and McPension
These real-time HD head cameras would be a step in the right direction for restoring public trust.
I was also thinking that maybe the city could hire an independent agency to start auditing police and city employee interactions with the public, by sending us out follow-up surveys (anonymously of course) to residents that rate our satisfaction with officers or city employees.
actually, that is a really good idea.
I am totally in favor of making police officers accountable to the people who pay their salaries.
Again as I stated, you have to work and pay taxes to be a part of that group.
You don’t want both of those. With both it would catch what actually happened and then you wouldn’t be able to lie and make up stories to get people to listen. Anonymous surveys are garbage. Put a name and it’s good. Just like police complaints.
See, this is what I am talking about…one person using three different blog names. See #258, 260 and 261. You’re caught. I told you there are only about 4 to 5 real individuals here, using many blog names.
You just figured that out?
No but someone called me paranoid and now there’s proof.
Speaking of names…there’s this group of six loser cops that the most of the media won’t mention the names of simply because government officials haven’t confirmed the names. So what? They work for us, not the other way around.
We are all on the beach in Newport. Come find us yourself. We like to party. 38th street on the beach. Enjoying you paying for our vacation.
You don’t want both of those. With both it would catch what actually happened and then you wouldn’t be able to lie and make up stories to get people to listen. Anonymous surveys are garbage. Put a name and it’s good. Just like police complaints.
You don’t want both of those. With both it would catch what actually happened and then you wouldn’t be able to lie and make up stories to get people to listen. Anonymous surveys are garbage. Put a name and it’s good. Just like police complaints.
So, uh, the fact you just posted the same thing 3 times with 3 different names….
Weird. I did the first one as I was on the toilet at Wal Mart. Said error so figured that name was blocked. Tried the 2nd and it worked. The third wasn’t me, someone copied and pasted.
Hey Sissynelli and Shampton….. your going to prison… deal with it.
corrupt-I would like to correct you on the cop wives comment what you should have said was can these women get their old jobs back at the Rhino
Good one, probably stuffed a few bucks in their g-strings….
Oh, lookie here, “speaking into the rover”. Do we have a LAPD groupie on the board?
Nah, not a groupie, nor LAPD.
Just terminology I had picked up in another job. If you couldn’t tell, that prior post was dripping with sarcasm.
The snowball is rolling and they cannot stop the momentum. They are going to prison.
Looks like the DA is on the radar now as well.
I think most of the FPD pigs are corrupt and worthless steaming piles. This case just proves it.
Sissynelli and Shampton… strike a deal now with A&E so that they can put some money on your prison account…. gotta buy off those bangers… you know your checking this site out….. ha ha ha .. enjoy the little clear plastic T.V.
Yeah I am an azzhole who got a bullshit ticket… and if I am on the jury you will pay for it….. along with beating an unarmed guy to death…. absolutely no aquittal if I am on the jury….. or anyone I know if they get picked…… cops who lie should die.
Corrupt-did you get permission from your probation officer to use the computer?
Thank you and the other 10 people who post on this blog. It’s very entertaining!
Speaking of which Wwjd, are you on your 4th or 5th handle now?
Try that sometime. You will only try it once.
Once is all that’s needed, ;).
Ciao bambino.
exactly! with a 12ga 3.5 in magnum slug between the eyes there’s not much left for a second round. even though an extended magazine holds 8 plus 1 in the pipe-those shells are expensive and i hate to waste good money on bad rubbish.
@corrupt….. what’s the matter? You broke the law and got a ticket? waaahhhhh want a little cheese with that wine?
I think corrupt is Tony Bushala. All 5 of them have several screen names to make it look like 15 people are outraged.
All except merijoe. She’s to stupid to figure that one out.
Yes merijoe, your a fat cow. mooooo!
Yep… and if I am ever on a trial where a cop is accused of a crime…. he is going to pay for that ticket. Think about that the next time you go in front of 12 peers. At the rate cops are going it wont be long until one shows up at the defendants table. They like to pick me for juries been on a few. To bad all I got to send to prison were perverts and drunks, a dirty cop would make my day.
Yea cops go on trial so often. Idiot.
COPS WILL LIE WHEN THEY KNOW THEY HAVE A BUST. Pulled me over for no front plate and a trailer ball blocking my rear plate? Passenger was illegally searched and arrested. Dog was brought in after passenger was cuffed and in the cage. Keeped telling me I was going to jail because there were drugs in my car. Damm stupid dog keeped hitting on the left front tire. Nothing was found. I was let go, no drivers license in posesion, suspened registration and no insurance and no citation? Police report statted that “I told them my passenger had drugs”. She’s been busted before, hang’s out at Bananas. I have been pulled over now FOUR FUCKING TIMES since this incident. Each time I’m let go with no citation. They are fishing for for something, are they violating my rights. What can be done about this? I’m sure a lot of other Fullerton residents have this happen to them all the time.
Maybe stop being a loser? Record it. It’s the cool thing to do. Then you can’t make up shit anymore either.
Get a front plate and lose the trailer ball, genius.
FACTS….. Kelly Thomas died as a result of his own choices and actions. It was Thomas’ choice to not take his meds. It was Thomas’ choice to live on the streets. (although he did try to sleep on the porch at his parents house and they CALLED THE POLICE BECAUSE HE WAS VIOLENT.) It was his choice to break the law and it was his actions of resisting arrest and fighting the police that caused his adrenalin to rise to abnormal levels that caused him to have super strenth. Now the police were doing their job to the best of their ability. Sadly, Mr. Thomas died during that altercation. You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
“You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas” So that means when another person is trying to help another they are just as bad you dumb fuck? Been clean and sober for years. Maybe with a little more understanding this world would be a better place.
you weren’t there . your speaking from your own bias about police. Where did you hear that he had super strength? stupid comment you just made up?
Again a little research. See link below.
Schizophrenia – Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
Many schizophrenics feel they possess extraordinary powers, superhuman strength, or superior insights. They may believe that their thoughts are being controlled by others …
O yea and they turn green and swing from tree to tree
get the fuck outta here with that hog wash
“Many schizophrenics FEEL they possess extraordinary powers, superhuman strength, or superior insights. They may believe that their thoughts are being controlled by others …”
Yes, the schizophrenics FEEL they have them, they don’t actually possess those powers. Idgit.
@outraged, Sheesh, you must have slept through your NAMI training class….or maybe you just called in sick that day. If you would actually learn and understand the TRUTH about mental illness you wouldn’t be so terrified of the mentally ill folks that you are supposed to “serve and protect.” Oooh, that’s right, I forgot, they are not good enough for you and don’t deserve your protection. I also forgot that you are selective in your decisions about who is worthy to live.
Pay close attention in NAMI training (or on this blog) and you will learn that threatening someone with a club and saying that you are going to “kick their ass” really does not calm or reassure anyone, especially not someone who is already mentally ill/ paranoid.
And, If you threaten someone with a beating, you have to expect that they are going to try to run away. People have a right to defend themselves from police brutality.
Kelly Thomas was beaten to death by police officers in Fullerton. The rest of the information you cite describes his status at the time he was beaten to death. The only dogs Kelly was with that caused his death were the Fullerton PD and he certainly didnt lie with them. Rather, they attacked him because he walked away from them.
Power trip gone insane by arresting officers who have such bruised egos and are so insecure the thought of a whacked out homeless guy not doing exactly as told was too much for them to handle. Even the former chief said on national tv there is no restraint technique that involves controlling a suspects head.
The cops involved f’ed up by using over the top force AND by not reigning in their buddies that lost control. For that they are all going to pay on a sliding scale of criminal charges, job loss and or diminished career.
The only people who wont admit that at this point are union thugs and the officer’s family and friends.
To think someone would spend the time to write this is so stupid what a tard. This cop lover has some time on his hands….ever wander what goes through the mind of a troll I mean really is there a more bigger POS i think not
He has lots of time on his hands. I hear he’s vacationing in Arizona.
Can anybody say: EXTRADITION!
Soooo…. You kinda just said being a retard is a bad thing…..?? I thought we needed to be sympathetic towards handicap people…?
No, probably just dirtbags like you.
I was referring to The General’s post.
@The General… you said they pulled you over for no front plate and a trailer ball blocking your rear plate. So you had a front plate and the trailer ball was NOT blocking? Because if those two things were true then they were not violating your rights in any way because you were breaking the law. And your complaining because they let you go without a citation? I think I’m missing something here.
Front plate is on, all things current and I still get pulled over. Ball will remain on becuase it is used daily. My complaint is that the report stated “I told them my passenger had drugs” this was fabricated by lie by FPD. Just another one of thier lies ……
Lose the ball cuz its illegal and stop hanging out with drug users and maybe you won’t get stopped.
Thanks for the advice. As for “hanging out with drug users”, I have helped a lot of people get off the shit, and I’ll never stop.
“stop hanging out with drug users”
Hmm. Not bad advice. Does that include FPD DUI stalwart pill-popper and credit card thief Officer Major?
@The General….. my favorite saying…. lay down with dogs, get up with fleas. Seems to apply a lot on here.
so wake up and put some calamine lotion.
look at a RAT COP and become worm food.
youre a real piece o work
@The General…. I think that’s great that you have been clean and sober for years but when there are drugs in your vehicle, even if not yours, even if on somebody you are trying to help, you will go down to. Is it worth it to help? That choice is yours but you can’t be upset when you get busted for it.
All you rauncy bloggers are overlooking the facts. Ron Thomas should be sued for twenty million dollars for putting the FPD in the position of having to defend themselves against Kelly Thomas. If Dad Thomas would have been just a halfway decent father to his son none of this would have happened. What did Dad Thomas say? “I wash my hands of you!!!” He never wanted to see him again or be responsible for him, or to help him in any way. Until he saw dollar signs!!!!
These blog comments are ridiculous, don’t you people know arguing over the internet is quite possibly the most useless thing you can do these days? Set aside what “side” you’re on, quit wasting your time with each other. Everybody’s the know it all, the big tough guy, etc. over the internet.
Tony, if you’re reading the blog comments, can you please moderate these a little?
I think we can safely say that there are only a couple of trolls here who are making the comments that support the FPD cops. And we can also be pretty sure that “I Love Cops,” “Reality Is,” “Outraged” and “Allen” are all the SAME person using multiple screen names.
In fact, I’m willing to bet money on the fact that their IP addresses all match.
“Reality Is” has already been caught posting the same comments with two different screen names.
This happens all the time. I’ve been on other message boards where people start to catch on to the fact that a troll is posting under multiple screen names, to give the illusion that other people are backing them up. Nope. You look at the source HTML code for the webpage and you see that they all have the exact same IP address. It’s ONE person.
And I’m almost positive that is what’s happening in this case.
Like I said before, Ignore “Reality Is.” He’s a troll. And so are “I Love Cops,” “Allen” and “Outraged.” It’s all the SAME person. And for whatever reason, he’s trying to clog this message board by posting provocative comments. Maybe for his own amusement, maybe because his friends or family are cops. Maybe he knows Jay Cicinelli. Who knows.
Let’s stay on the topic…exposing police corruption and getting justice for Kelly Thomas.
No way. Let him post comments. It’s too hilarious. The stoopid GED blather never changes. There’s no argument, no defense. Attack the victim, attack the victim’s family and do so with your fifth grade level command of the language. HaHa!
Chris, you’re about as smart as a ROCK.
Would you like to make that wager? I’ll make it even better. I’ll bet you that Reality Is isn’t any of those names! 🙂
Hey Chris, you are willing to bet money on it huh? Well go ahead, you will LOSE, LOSER.
And it’s “I ♥ COPS” not “I love Cops” get it right loser.
And yes, let’s stay on the topic, you have no PROOF of murder re: Kelly Thomas so quit making accusations. This was not murder, the DA said so himself. Don’t you think if he had something to file on he would have done so already? THIS WAS NOT MURDER, THIS WAS AN UNFORTUNATE END RESULT TO CHOICES KELLY THOMAS MADE.
You misquoted the DA. He said there was no proof of an intentional killing. He expressly did not rule out 2nd degree.
The only thing filed will be a minor charge for PR purposes. Just to appease the tree hugging activists. Standard process. Get used to it.
As far as spokesman Goodrich is concerned… I believe it happens that citizens can be charged with “lying to a policeman”. Sounds like a double standard doesn’t it? We may need a local ordinance making it a crime for city employees to lie to the public.
He eats at Ted’s of Beverly Hills!
With Herb Sewel
Right…so he arranged to have the “Fullerton 6” beat him to death.
Nicely Put Dr. Zillman!!!!
So now you’re saying the Fullerton cops are paid assassins?
Wow, that’s really creepy.
It’s beginning to look like more are speaking out against Ron Thomas’ quest to become a millionaire over his sons death. Tony Bushala and Ron Thomas are self centered rebel rousing thugs who are wasting the taxpayers money.
Ron didnt care about his son – he abandoned him years ago. He might have a small conscience and regrets his failure as a father and he is lashing out.
If it were me, I would have done whatever it took to keep my son off the street. Now Kelly is gone while Ron and Tony are pointing their fingers
Let’s just say for sake of argument that any of this garbage were true. So what? Kelly was murdered. If he were hospitalized he wouldn’t have been murdered. But more proximately, if the cops hadn’t murdered him he wouldn’t have been murdered.
Man, you’re an idiot.
Yeah, and it is getting more and more difficult to tell if they’re trolling or if they really are that stupid.
I’m really starting to think that there’s something else going on with these guys…like breeding to close to the gene pool.
Allen, take a break from this, go outside, get some sun.
WTF? first of all you are the one wasting everyone’s time with you strange comments
secondly-you dont have any idea what the relationship between father/son was-there must have been some sort of relationship as you hear Kelly calling out for his dad, not his mom, not his friend, not you and not to mention he was 37 years old. not 7 years old
third-what does any of that have to do with a murder of a man that was beatened to death
Allen or FBI or Jim or whoever you are today
I guess you drempt up the phrase “rebel rousing,” dumbass. I know you only have a GED, but can’t you even use the online dictionary? Dumb, lazy, cocky. What a combo!
Spelling again. Wow. Up you are brilliant. Keep drempting ex Pat.
I hope I am not the only one here appalled by the troll’s abysmal grammar and spelling. Is this what a 6th Grade public education produces these days?
You’re not the only one.
I hope those that are defending the police (in EVERY situation, seriously?) realize how delusional they sound. Police officers are trained, they don’t have free reign to be violent with people just because the people around them are drunk or in a large group, they are taught various ways to handle and diffuse situations with minimal use of weapons or force. There is NO excuse, especially when there are multiple police units on scene, to use excessive force against a person or go into a crowd and cherry pick spectators doing nothing wrong and beat them. They are trained officers of the law with multiple weapons at their disposal to facilitate a clean and legal detainment of a criminal. If they can’t contain someone with training, weapons and other officers at their disposal they shouldn’t be police officers and if you are the type of person to defend an officer, even in the clear event of a gross misdeed, I feel sorry for you and the karma that is coming your way.
I have noticed that Sgt Goodstench has no problem feeding the local media his bullshit as if he knows they will unquestionably swallow whatever it is he is shoveling no matter the stink. He seems to draw the line at the national media…no comment same with PBS.
Local media should be ashamed, looking at you OC Register especially.
Holy shit. They are actually going to try and claim this was not intentional. The cop clearly went after the bystander for No Reason. You can youtube the video and hear more of the audio. Before the cop attacks the innocent bystander holding a video camera, you can hear the other bystanders saying “this is excessive, wow, this is way excessive, make sure you get this on video….”
how stupid do they think the general public is? No question this is Police abuse.
Interim chief Hamilton and Goodrich made a public appearance at the Fullerton market last night, just kind of hanging out and schmoozing with the people. A friend of mine had a 20 minute conversation with Hamilton and said he was very forthright and realizes the anger and frustration that many people have around this situation. He had to end the conversation to kind of nudge Goodrich away from a guy who was apparently not very happy with him.
Goodwrench needs to be put on leave or demoted. He is an embarrassment and nothing out of his mouth has any grain of truth. Its time to start cleaning house FPD and rebuilding credibility. We are on to you. We will not tolerate brutality, lies and corruption any longer.
A citizen was killed by six other men. All six men are known to the police. There are multiple videos of the killing. There are multiple eye witnesses to the killing. It’s been six weeks. No arrests have been made. WTF?
Access denied to this article cause you have be a verified officer to view articles on policeone, which is a website dedicated to the mob in blue. I do not and will put any cop on a pedestal.
The Police are not legally obligated to protect the people, only property. They can’t prevent crime because they can’t be at every location a crime is committed, so when they claim they are here to keep us safe, don’t believe it. If there have been several reports in your neighborhood of break ins with assaults and someone is breaking into your home in the middle of the life which of the two following choices is the best option to protect you?
1) Call the cops and wait
2) Pull out your gun and shoot the bastard so long as he is inside your home.
I’m taking number 2 and that is exactly what I told an Anaheim cop who claimed they keep us safe. BS, they write tickets and generate revenue for the city.
Besides, one only needs to look at the thousands upon thousands of videos of cops beating the brains out of people ( then imagine all the videos there are of the cops outright killing people) to figure out people should never call the cops and never talk to cops. They are only good for police reports for insurance claims.
Feds need to investigate the whole department. Officer Ren was convicted for an off duty incident of Illegal detention and assault of a minor in Riverside County, because he thought the kid had “tagged” his wall at home on another day, assumption, no witness(s) to incident. It was determined the minor was walking home from scholl and had no involvement. The minor reported the assault to his teacher who notified the sheriff’s dept. He pled to misdemeanor and is on currently on 3 years criminal probation and assigned to the Fullerton Police Gang Unit. WTF!!
I reposted this because this guy has also lied on many police reports and continues to work the street. This guys is an absolute joke and a danger to the citizens of fullerton.
One has to wonder if the bad elements in that force bully the good ones
Sounds as if Fullertons “finest” are as inept as Barney Fife…I bet Barney could do a better job.
#386, yes, it’s a good ole boy department. There are supervisors there that are a joke and officers get away with just about anything, if your connected. Like officer Ren, etc. If FBI was to probe the department, they would be shocked to find out that several officers years ago several officers were found out to have embezelled thousands of dollars from a federal grant for the Orange County gang Task Force. The chiefs were all called in including Mckinnley. The officers admitted to the theft and were demoted, but not fired. One of them now is a OCDA Investigator. probably working this case too! Interesting!!!
US wide. Standard. Keep focusing in Fullerton for now.
FPD should be the next South Park
“Respect mah authoritay”
a Felony for a citizen is a “Just Showem Muffa Fukkas WHOSE TEH AUTORITAE around here’s”
Good Ol Boy vs Declaration of Independence and Constitution
You just realizing cops don’t have college educations and use short hand? Short hand the only option on phones. 🙂
Syllable spelling. Wow. I would use dempt on a phone too. Big deal. I think you are as brain dead as the tree hugger activists. How is everyone doing on getting the video and reports? Lol I thought so. Keep drempting. 🙂
Most of you want to take the blame away from where it belongs… right at the doorstep of Dad and Cathy Thomas. How could they kick their son to the curb? Oh, he wasn’t perfect! He needed them and they were not there, and did not want to be there for him. My heart breaks for how he lived knowing that his own flesh and blood wanted nothing to do with him when he needed them most. They are directly to blame for his death.
So you’re saying if Ron Thomas was at the scene, witnessing his son being bludgeoned into a coma while hearing screams of “Dad” over and over, he would not have intervened? How about right at the point his son became unconscious and the beating was still in full effect, still no intervention by Mr. Thomas?
Keep on drinking the kool-aid my man.
And while we’re on the subject, should Gary Ridgway not be held liable for all the runaways that he murdered?
I mean, it’s Mom and Dad’s fault after all.
sounds like somebody hit a nerve-touchy touchy, but man, you are one UUGLY dude!!! just admit it. we understand you have unresolved daddy issues , but i hear that’s pretty common out there. get help.
Cops are on this board threatening violence against their critics. I believe that violates the law.
And you are threatening them in a spelling bee.
Just don’t threaten me with a good time for coming out of the closet.
Have your seen man with a snake tongues, hundred snake heads, and no dick: Never mess around with the Invincible FPD spokeshole Andrew Goodrich…
It’s beginning to look like more are speaking out against Ron Thomas’ quest to become a millionaire over his sons death. Tony Bushala and Ron Thomas are self centered rebel rousing thugs who are wasting the taxpayers money.
No it is really looking like you are scared that Ron has a case.. and WILL get millions…. I will gladly give my tax money to Ron… because his son was “beaten to death” by tax taking cops whom I pay not to do this… The millions he gets might bust the bank on a corrupt city and police force…. good try but we DO NOT care how much money Ron gets….I hope it is alot and he uses it to go after bad cops… or spends it on hookers and beer… because i do not care as long as the murderers go to prison and the city is brought to its knees for allowing this to happen.
Sorry, only got the first part of your comment via email, and since it wasn’t in quotes, I didn’t realize you were criticizing the comment until I got to the site.
These LEOs who lack logic have no recourse but to turn to red herrings, such as the ones you point out about Ron Thomas. We see that their definition of “thugs” is both over and underinclusive. It includes peaceful protesters protected by the constitution, but excludes law breaking cops.
I see you cut and pasted your prior comment with the invented term “rebel rousing.” Don’t your realize that blatant misuse of English makes it clear to all you are an uneducated LEO? Admittedly, your handle does the job equally well.
Actually, I think they made an accurate freudian slip in admitting to resentment for rebel-rousing as in: rousing people to rebel against the oppressive criminal action of the “occifers”. (see: LIBYA)
Hey “I love cops”
Kelly was mentally ill, you inbred halfwit. Look up schizophrenia on line before you open your filthy hole. Kelly was mentally unable to make any choices or decisions, hence he did not cause his own death. Your logic is quite irrational, are you sure you don’t have some pressing mental health issues that need immediate attention? And yes, asshole, I know what I am talking about, I have worked in the mental health field since you were tearholing small mammals as a child. I apologize if you are a women in which case you used a dildo to tearhole small mammals as a child. Now go back to BJing, handjobbing, and allowing trips up the old hershey highway with your beloved boys in blue and let those of us with IQs above 70 attempt to have intelligent exchanges of ideas. Oh, would you like a little smegma with your cock? To all other readers of this blog I apologize for the profane language, but I believe one needs get down to ” I Love Cops'” level inorder that he/she can understand what I am trying to convey.