An Eye for an Eye? The Anatomy of a Beat Down
We are in receipt of this video from Kelly’s Army. Is Ron Thomas correct about the actions of FPD Corporal Jay Cicinelli? I don’t know. You be the judge.
Friends For Fullerton's Future
FFFF supports causes that promote intelligent, responsible and accountable government in Fullerton and Orange County
We are in receipt of this video from Kelly’s Army. Is Ron Thomas correct about the actions of FPD Corporal Jay Cicinelli? I don’t know. You be the judge.
What does Dr. Ott say?
yaz whaz dies german zink?
People with power left to themselves become the most vile of creatures. The Old Testament laws may still be applied in prison. No coincidences here.
It’s hard for me to understand how any Judge could allow this rabid animal to walk freely amongst us.
I can’t watch it because my cell service is Mexican PCS. đ
Seriously though, can someone give a brief synopsis for those who can’t see the vid?
It certainly is ironic that Cicinelli beat on Kelly’s left eye. Did he do it purposely as revenge? I suppose it’s possible, and plausible.
Someone that would do that to an innocent person, ESPECIALLY someone who’s job it is is to prevent MURDER, is a morally bankrupt, unethical, uneducated fool.
Pat McKinley let mentally retarded man who had been shot in the eye patrol the streets of fullerton. REMEMBER THAT EACH TIME YOU LOOK AT PAT MCKINLEY!
Kelly looked like he was beaten by a male chimp. That should tell you a lot about Cicinelli’s state of mind.
Fuck all of them! They all belong in prison and Pat McShithead shouldnt be allowed anywhere near a position of power.
not necessarily uneducated.
If by education you mean a GED, then it is possible.
I am glad that FFF posted the latest segment from Kelly’s Army. I think we have moral obligation to never forget what happened to an innocent citizen at the hands of the FPD.
It had never occurred to me that the injuries to Kelly’s left side of his face, including his eye, were more severe because a cursory glance of the picture of his injuries makes them appear brutally consistent. When I examined the picture more closely I realized that the left side eye was beaten far more severely. I really think you’re onto something here because even in the few posts on this thread, a few of the comments smell of troll…
It also seems to me that if Ron Thomas’ assertion is correct, and that Cicinelli was seeking revenge, than Cicinelli carried out the murder with intent. Does anyone else think that this theory undercuts the DA’s assertion that he filled the correct charges (manslaughter) against Cicinelli?
He could have beaten Kelly without a conscious understanding of what he was doing. Kind of like a psychotic break.
I don’t believe it was involuntary however. I think Cicinelli carried around that anger for a very long time. He was a pressure cooker waiting to pop.
Ron Thomas says he found it disturbing that witnesses have come forward to tell him Fullerton Police Officer Cicinelli had a hisoty of beating detainees in the face.
And again, I ask this question. Hometown, self-professsed civil rights advocate, CEO of the tax supported Orange County Human Relations Commission whose mission is to mediate and improve relations between OC communities and the police, report civil rights abuse committed upon the community by law enforcement, including Fullerton, whose sister, Sharon Kennedy, editor of Fullerton’s “only independent newspaper” the Fullerton Observer that frequently prints articles concerning civil rights of locals and often lauds her brother’s civil rights activism in her newspaper, where was the one and only Rusty Kennedy of Fullerton when Fullerton Police officers systematically violated the civil rights of Fullerton’s community?
Maybe he was too busy collaborating with his colleague who sat as the only member of law enforcement on Rusty Kennedy’s Orange County Human Relations Commission, then Fullerton Police chief Pat McKinley and now Fullerton city council member.
Justice for Kelly fan ,Donny Hopkins, credited for chasing down the homeless killer (& recipient of the 5,000 reward)
Isnt he the guy who got pulled over for excessive honking by Barry Coffman?
Another interesting video indeed.
Everytime I see Kelly’s face, it simply brings up more questions.
The citizen witness in this video has an interesting theory indeed. But eye witnesses testimony will vary. It is what it is.
Ron Thomas has an interesting theory too.
But that’s all it is, just like some of my theories and other bloggers.
If you want to confirm that theory, then we would need to LOOK into Cincinelli’s personnel file and training files to find the answers, or at least confirm our theories are on the right track.
Absent of that, the theory will remain moot.
Theories MUST be supported by EVIDENCE. NO ONE can go into court and obtain convictions based on THEORY.
I know that is not going to make some people happy, BUT it’s part of the judicial system and we must work within it.
The key to proving that theory is if Cincinelli has alot of USES of FORCE in his files.
Some would call it a pattern of conduct.
FPD like any other police department, SHOULD have every use of force their officers are involved in documented, if nothing else for civil liability purposes.
The second area of concern is HOW MANY lawsuits does FPD have pending, or have they settled on use of force issues say in the past 10 years?
Most of what I just said will ONLY come out in the civil aspect of this case. This is where the REAL mud slinging comes into play if at all.
Who has access to those files I mention, the DA,FBI and maybe Mr.Gennacco.
But none of them can simply walked into FPD and say let me see them. If FPD is not being cooperative in showing those files, I think a court order will be needed.
If FPD is above board they will say sure, and allow certain people from those agencies I mentioned to look at those files, IF they don’t want extra heat brought down upon them.
Transperancy is the key to FPD not being put on a Federal Decree program. If that’s even being considered at this time by the Feds.
Unfortunately a cops personnel and training files are CONFIDENTIAL and are protected at ALL costs.
This issue has been challenged countless times by many lawyers, and legal groups over the years in the courts. Little head way has been made in favor of public scrutiny.
If the DA hasn’t looked at these files, there is a “red flag” right from the get go.
If the DA has looked at these files and DOES see a pattern of Uses of Force by those involved in this case and IGNORES all that, another “red flag”.
If those involved have a pattern of using force to make arrests, it needs to be looked at closely especially if many of those uses of force involve injury to the suspect.
NOW before the cop trolls comment, THINK before YOU speak and set aside your ass kicking mentality.
An above average amount of uses of force whether LEGALLY justified or not, STILL tells a story.
It might tell a story about ONES ability to COMMUNICATE with people versus fighting with them.
You make the comparison using other officers within the department and compare the amount of arrests or citizens contacts each have.
If one cop makes alot of arrest and has little or no uses of force, and the other cop has a much lower and sometimes equal amount of arrests but lots of violence in the arrest, “red flag”.
Now if the DA does have some dirt on these guys from their files and does attempt to use it to paint a picture, YOU will see the defense lawyers fight like hell to keep it out of the trial.
I know it as pre-trial motions. Those sitting in the courtroom will see that. If both sides go into the Judges chambers you won’t.
Any dirt found may be used if Ramos and Cincinell and some others, get onto the stand in their own defense to impeach their credibility if they attempt to say they are, “honest”, “clean” hard working cops when their files say othewise.
If there is alot of dirt on these guys, I don’t think you’ll see them get on the stand.
If their files are clean, and they really have no worries from the past, you might see them get on the stand.
You won’t see them on the stand at all.
In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if either one of them is a “Brady” cop, maybe they both are. That may apply to Wolfe and Blatney, too. If so, none of them ever take the stand.
We already caught Hapmton and Nguyen cooking up a story about Veth Mam, so good ol’ Nenton may by on the shit list now, too.
Say how many Brady cops do we have in Fullerton?
…enough that the District Attorney’s office refers to the Fullerton Police Department as “the Brady Bunch”.
I know “Scooterman” and he is one of the nicest and sincerest human beings you would ever want to meet. He has worked tirelessly night and day throughout the past six months here in Fullerton to maintain Kelly’s memorial site.
Can any of us imagine the grief and helplessness that “Scooterman” must have experienced by watching his friend get beat to death by the same people whose job it was to protect him?
Please keep my friend “Scooterman” in your thoughts and prayers, as he has gone through a lot since Kelly’s death.
agreed…one of the nicest guys ever-and has been there promoting justice since the very first minutes this murder started…..
Excellent Point.
Your only going to know at THIS time how many Brady cops FPD has is if the DA brings it up in court.
The defense attorney’s ARE NOT going to go there.
We heard the DA talk the talk, now WE ALL need to see if he walks the walk.
If the DA takes out ALL the trash, YOU all will know it from the get go once the trial starts, there should be NO doubt he’s doing his job.
release the video….
“We heard the DA talk the talk, now WE ALL need to see if he walks the walk.”
You could count on this DA to”pussy-foot “” the walk.
This is the best and first witness coverage Ive seen. If you havnt seen it, you should. FFFF and Chris is interviewing what seems to me, is a very credible witness. I couldnt believe what he said at that time. (Uploaded to YouTube July 12,2011) That was before most media, and the hospital picture came out. I feel an outside honest agency needs to make sure all the brave citizens remain safe from FPD, sniffers, and all authority.
This man says he witnessed the beating death of Kelly Thomas by Fullerton police on July 5, 2011. Here are the notable claims:
“The police officers were shouting “stop resisting” while the homeless man lay still and cried out for his dad.
There was video taken by a local real estate agent, but the police wanted to look at it and now nobody knows where it went.”
The beating was very bloody, went on for 10 or 15 minutes and stopped when man went silent.
The man was Tasered several times during the beating
Approximately 50 people witnessed the beating, but they were reluctant to give police a statement on what they saw.
“like PIRHANA”
“It was LIKE a feeding frenzy on national geographic.”
The “stop resisting, stop resisting” is usually meant for the “tape recorder” your wearing on your belt or the unknowning citizen who doesn’t realize the suspect IS NOT resisting.
That is taught in most academys.
Smoke and mirrors is some cases.
the video shows Cissinelli striking in ” measured blows “.
Will the “Official” video of what happened actually be made public? Sadly, probably never.
Will Federal charges be filed against FPD and the offending Officers?
Thank God for FFF and the Kelly Thomas Activists. If not for them this story would be a forgotten 30 second segment on CNN.
It will be made pubic when it is played in the courtroom, I doubt before hand.
Folks, I know that many of you want to see this video NOW.
It isn’t going to happen for one simply reason.
IT WILL inflame the public even more and TAINT the jury pool worse that it already is.
IT is what it is and there is plenty of case law out there that supports the decision NOT to show this video.
If they showed this video, you can BET the defense attorney’s will ask for a change of venue to another county if that happens.
It truely could cause this case to be moved WAY up to central California.
It’s possible the defense attorney’s could ask for a change of venue at this point. A couple of reason why they might do just that.
Let’s hope the court allows the media to cover this case like they did the OJ trial. LIVE TV camera’s in the court room.
If not we have to hope the media will accurately report the daily activity of the trial.
At #29 again. The Feds will WAIT for the DA to do his thing with those who stand accussed.
If the Feds are NOT happy with the outcome, then they could file “civil rights” violations against the two and maybe even the other 4 cops who were at the scene.
At this point I think it’s fair to say the Feds are satisfied the DA is on the right course.
If they weren’t they could have taken this case away from the DA at the blink of an eye.
Again time will tell. BE patient.