County Supervisor Wants To Take Budget Axe to Human Relations Commission

What is the Orange County Human Relations Commission? It is a County Commission whose mission seems to be get everybody to just get along. Calming the roiling waters of bigotry and racial insensitivity is one goal, seemingly a good one, until you start to realize that this operation has no way of demonstrating that is actually doing anything productive, and tracks a mere handful of incidents annually.
The taxpayers of Orange County currently give something called the Human Relations Council $300,000 a year to provide staffing for the Orange County Human Relations Commission. Confusing? Not to Rusty Kennedy the Executive Director. He pulls in his pension as a former County employee and gets paid all over again by us to do his good deeds via the office of the Council.
4th District Supervisor Shawn Nelson has seen and heard enough and wants to cut that down to $100,000 – just enough to cover some sort of police/community reconciliation program. Nelson seems particularly perturbed that in the wake of the Kelly Thomas killing Rusty Kennedy was MIA. I’m not surprised by Kennedy’s absence. FFFF posted about that, here, and here.
Of course when it came time to host a big collaborative boohoo session, er, I mean Task Force on Homelessness, Rusty was Johnny-on-the-spot, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Kelly Thomas’s main problem was not that he was homeless, but that he was the victim of a real hate crime. But Kennedy needs the cops to shill for his continued County-supplied budget, and it really wouldn’t look good if he started accusing the cops of hate crimes. Those letters of support would sure dry up in a hurry.
Anyhow, Kennedy’s contract is on the County Board of Supervisor’s agenda for next Tuesday morning and you can be sure all the squishy feel-gooders and race hustlers will be out in force – the very same church and synagogue pulpit preachers who were utterly mute after Kelly Thomas was murdered.
Something out of Nelson’s office average Joes and Janes can get behind. Unlike his new hair color =(
They should keep the $300k budget and redo the program. Fire him. That county is lucky to have access to $300k these days. Lose it you will never get it back. Bad focus. I guess the homeless don’t need $300k.
The homeless don’t get that $300k anyway. It goes into Rusty’s pocket.
True. So fire him and pay someone $50k and use $250k for homeless programs.
I can’t believe it…I actually agree w/ RI.
That’s because he brought up a sensible suggestion.
I wonder if he’s OK?
How can Rusty Kennedy retire from the county, take his pension and still do the same job for pay? Sounds like a double dip to me.
If he was hired as a “private contractor”, who receives 1099 income forms, it’s probably all legal – unfortunately
This from the previous FFFF post last August:
Orange County residents are starting to learn that the Human Relations Commission is a way for limousine liberals to live large on other people’s money while pretending to stand up for the principles that true liberals such as Ralph Kennedy actually stood up for.
Guess Ralph’s kids don’t get it.
Uh they get it just fine, every time they check their bank balance there IT is.
Clean house. It’s obvious that the everybody from police departments, to the city council, to the DA, to the Human Realtions Dept. are all incahoots with each other. I scratch your back and your scratch mine. The focus on the community has been pushed aside and has been replaced by greed and corruption. Why is it so hard for people to do the right thing? And when you mess up big, and I mean REAL big, and you lie, and cover-up…why are these people not losing their jobs? And have them be replaced with those who can do it right? City council needs to go back to being strictly volunteer.
I hope Shawn Nelson takes an ax to that program and while he is at , takes a whack at the Fair Housing Council. Go on the website of the FHC, look at the cases they boast about. A few cases on discrimination based on family status and not one on race! In orange county???What??
From Charges: “It’s obvious that everybody from police departments, to the city council, to the DA, to the Human Realtions Dept. are all incahoots with each other.”
Exactly. All the above have all chosen to be silent. ‘Silence = Guilt’ imo.
Rusty Kennedy is part of an elite group who advocate gross missuse of taxpayer dollors.
Exactly— Wrong Guy!!! the non-profits like OC human relations , FHC, OCCCO, or the affordable housing non-profits.All of them sell their souls in order to get funding. How do they get their funding?…by embellishing their accomplishments to their donors, about BS meetings they have with the police, or community actions/forums, which are nothing but publicity stunts. I volunteered for OCCCO for five years….I was encourage to go to meeting with their donors and embellish my work on sub-standard housing…they put the kabosh on my work on that issue because it was ruffling too many feathers with the other non-profits, risking exposing them as the shams they are. Go to any one of their awards banquets, its a whose who of non-profits, all supporting , or as I see it, in cahoots with each other.
Peruse the 990’s as they are eye opening. The guidestar website has them and it is free. Better yet here’s the link for Rusty’s outfit-
Even better yet walk to the office and ask for a copy, pay the 10 cents a page for copying which is all you legally are required to do. Ask some questions while you are there and ask to speak to the person who signed the 990. For the most part their books are open to public inspection by law.
Where does the commission get its revenue?
Across America today, bigotry and violence between diverse groups is taking center stage. As a human relations organization, our mission is to prevent hate from taking hold by investing time in building relationships among our diverse communities.
As Fullerton convulsed in reaction to the violent death of Kelly Thomas a mentally ill homeless man, many were eager to point the finger of blame for this tragic death at the police, city, city council, mayor…anyone but themselves.
Yet when Rev. Darrel McGowan challenged us to reflect on the current situation, we could see our individual responsibility. He asked, “When did it become acceptable that a severely mentally ill person be living on the street and when did we start to look the other way and accept this as normal?” We were able to think how we can all come together to better protect this vulnerable part of our community.
So these two horses asses, Rev. Darrell MacGowan of First Christian Church, and Rusty Kennedy of the O.C. Human Relations Commission, are saying that we need to look no further than ourselves, and NOT the Fullerton City Council, and NOT the Fullerton Police department, for the reason that Kelly Thomas died?
Well said.
nearly one and half million dollars in funding and the Rusty claims his HRC needs nearly two million dollars to function doing what? How much would it cost the private sector to present Rusty’s version of Miss Manners etiquette (civility) to school age children, hand out awards for community policing, like the one awarded to pat McKinley when he was fullerton’s police chief and rant and rave about tip of the iceberg racism when prepubescent boys spray paint a swastika over a unrinal at their junior high school? I wonder if the two million dollars in expenses is used to fund rusty’s salary,pension, health care benefits for him and his family, paid vacation and whatever is left over is used to buy shiny awards and “walk in my shoes” coloring books to teach civility?
Exactly. They need homelessness, poverty, substandard housing, ignorance. It’s their career. If it’s not there, they make it up.
I read about an NGO in L.A. proudly celebrating their 25 years of “doing away with homelessness.” Dude, if you’ve been “doing away” with this for 25 years, you have failed.
Ax it.
Many departments within the County have much worse waste. Nelson is moving in the right direction but there are much bigger fish with much bigger budgets being squandered.
Orange County Human relations best place for Shawn Nelson to cut his teeth on government fiscal reform
Kennedy is very selective in his outrage. When I wrote to him a few years back complaining about anti-Semitism at UC Irvine at the anti-Israel events put on by the Muslim Student Union, I got a nasty gram back from him because i criticized the University for their inaction. Then I learned he spent our money po attend the Durbin conference in S Africa that damned Israel and feted yasser Arafat for his Nobel peace prize.
Then I understood. Most recently, he gives his annual Rusty Award to Muzammil Siddiqi, the phony moderate imam at the OC Islamic Center.(2011). Thanks for alerting us to this
I hope Shawn Nelson doesn’t cave into the fear of most of our local politicians; being called a racist if he doesn’t outsource his ethics and morals and tax dollars to Rusty’s Human Relations Commission.
From the facts presented on FFFF and other media sources, it certainly smells like Rusty is double-dipping on our tax dollars.
And in return we get unfounded, inflammatory comments to the media about midnight,roving bands of hate-mongers in the OC when in fact it was a schizophrenic, fifty-seven year old woman armed with a can of spray paint. And what did we get from Rusty’s Human Rights Commission when Kelly thomas was beaten to death by six Fullerton police officers? After conspicuous silence and international media attention to this hate crime committed upon a disabled man, Rusty finally speaks to recommend Gennaco’s investigation paid for by the evil triad Jones, Mckinley and Bankhead. And McKinley requests Rusty head fullerton’s task force on mental illness and homelessness because Kelly thomas was not beaten to death by the FPD, according to Rusty, but murdered by Fullerton’s community’s indifference to Kelly’s disability (see Rusty’s letter admonishing us in his sister’s fish wrap “Fullerton Observer”).
and the six fullerton police officers would not have beaten Kelly to a pulp if they would have had one of Rusty’s sensitivity trainings .
In light of the facts what self-respecting OC supervisor would expose him or herself cowering before rusty’s threat to scream racist if they refuse to allow him to double-dip into our dwindling tax revenue?
Rusty tried to protect the Irvine 11 who repeatedly interupted the speach of the israeli ambassador over a 10 minute period.Rusty stated in a letter “The Commission would oppose the criminal prosecution of these students as excessive, and believes that the UCI Code of Conduct review process is the appropriate path for the review of this behavior. They where eventually found guilty by a jury of 11.
The mission at OC Human Relations is to promote understanding among diverse residents and eliminate prejudice, intolerance and discrimination. I think the jury did a much better job than Rust Kennedy to the ends of helping eleminate prejudice and intolerance and discrimination by actualy taking firm action against it.
Hell ya, anyone who opposes Tony Bushala gets the ax. Learned that little trick from T-rack did ya?
The money should be utilized for its original intent…you don’t just axe it because of corrupt/unqualified people. The commission needs to be revamped, and considering the state of things, this could be a good opportunity. Don’t throw out the baby w/ the bath water.
I agree. Here’s what the OC Weekly had to say:
“The only uncritical support from detractor Supes is for the continuation of funds in terms of the agency’s collaborative efforts with police departments. Sorry folks, but this county of ours is still chock-full of intolerance and hilarious haters, in case you haven’t noticed lately. There’s definitely criticisms of the commission out there, and this writer has his own, but at the end of the day, it needs to be preserved in a much more viable form than that. ”
So, the *collaborative efforts with the police departments* is what is being proposed to be saved, and the rest is proposed to be cut? Seems like someone has it all backwards.
The good things this commission do should be maintained. If the leadership is at fault then fire the leaders, rather than just slashing the budget by 2/3rds.
Also, this action by Nelson can’t be because of the Kelly Thomas case as he says it is, if, as the OC Weekly states, the budget is proposed for cuts every year. Also sounds like there already were major cuts last year and pension cuts as well.
Mr. Kennedy has an opportunity to promote good “human relations” in his home town of fullerton in a galvanizing case of inhumanity but wastes everybodys time and money instead by saying nothing when everyones waiting to hear sompthing. Its time to give someone else a chance who has a proven track record in human relations.
“Calming the roiling waters of bigotry and racial insensitivity”………. Hmmmmm
I like bigotry and racial insensitivity!
The money could be spent replacing the property of the homeless that Bushala has thrown away.
You dont seem to understand that not all peoples functions are based on any reality.
In political read (something like that), OC Human Relations Commision=
“nonOC inHumane Unrelate and Ommisions”, thats how you get a McShineling Brothers Circus.
Let’s face it. Rusty carries the water for the cops. He’s another puppet for the County masters. And the 4 supervisors who claim that he has value are dyfunctional members of the County government family who protect their own. Nelson hasn’t played the County game long enough to be dysfunctional. He’s like a straight outsider who moves in with a bunch of dysfunctional substance abusers and says “This is crazy” while the crazy ones look at him and say “What’s wrong with you?” And since Nelson is outnumbered 4 to 1 he has no power. Nelson will either quit or turn dysfunctional himself. It’s really hard to be forced to cooperate with dysfunctional people without becoming dysfunctional yourself. Good luck, Shawn. Thank you for speaking rationally and in the taxpayer’s best interests. Unfortunately you are working in a nuthouse.
Is Lit going to open up the show?
Right on. The DA is going to use that “ongoing investigation” baloney from now ’til kingdom come.
Fact is he doesn’t want to open the subject of collusion with the cops to get rid of Thomas. Too many worms in that can!
So the 4F Mafia claims it’s first victim! Poor Rusty, he was easy pickings for the Mafia. The three corpses aren’t even cold yet and the Mafia has jumped into seek and destroy mode. To think that Slim Nelson is doing this for any other reason than to punish a 4F enemy is fanciful nonsense. I know Slim Nelson was yukking it up at the victory party last week so I guess he and the Mob along with Kelly’s Platoon have drafted their hit list and they’re about to start picking them off one at a time.
Look for the new majority to start colluding to oust Felz. Sorry, Joey you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and you took some shrapnel on the job. The six figure settlement will soften the blow so buy a new boat and enjoy!
Can someone dig up then Councilman Nelson’s deliciously obnoxious and xenophobic taped comments boasting he would personally dispatch a graffiti removal crew to paint over the murals at Lemon Park. You know the ones our bloated, loud mouthed supervisor uttered when he derisively called the neighborhood where the murals have been a fixture for decades a ghetto. I wouldn’t call Slim Nelson a racist, but he certainly looks down on people of color. Maybe it’s his over inflated sense of self-importance, and an ego and arrogance challenged in size by only his waisteline that makes him come off as the smarmy shit head he is. Only a malignant douchebag like Slim Nelson could rail against pensions and then help himself to a healthy dose of public loot only to back peddle like a like a cartoon full of self-righteous indignation with his fat hand caught in the cookie jar.
Fuck you, Slim Nelson you pious blowhard. I hope to organize the very sizable Latino population you look down on in your district and throw you out on your teabagging ass.
Two questions out of curiosity:
1. If what you say about Nelson doing this as a favor to 4F is true why does OC Weekly say that Nelson tries to cut funding to this commission every year?
2. Do you think Rusty is doing a good job at the commission overall? Taking politics out of it, does his job performance warrant keeping him on at the current level of funding?
And to show you I’m sincere in my questions, here are the Nelson comments you mentioned:
mafia yeah mafia -well I guess it takes one to defeat one-and well… there you have it.
Amen to that brother. Where do I sign?
That was for Spanish Pantalones!!!
Here’s a crayon, ‘tard.
Spanish Pantalones…….you have cojones!
Looks like Andrew Goodrich is back under another alias.
I can’t decide if you thinking FFFF has this much power is a good thing or a bad thing.
Yes Joe was in the wrong place – a place that demanded integrity and strength. Instead we got cowardice and obfuscation and total surrender to to cops.
Organize Latinos? Don’t you mean beat ’em up and throw the wrong ones in jail? Do you even know a Latino?
SP, “poor Rusty”? No sale. If you’d learn to speak (in this case write) the truth; try “rich Rusty”, bloggers here might be more inclined to buy into your bullshit about Slim Nelson.
keep trying, rusty cling-on
My son currently works and lives in Germany and has many opportunities to tour this region. Recently he toured Dachau after visiting Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest in Austria. The stark contrast from grandeur, the Eagle’s Nest, to horror, Dachau, is testament to power without humility.
Hitler’s sidekick, Goebbel’s used literary archetypes in his propaganda to convince the German people they were not a defeated nation but a superior race. The us versus them belief prevailed and Dachau was born.
Humility forces people/nations to see their foibles. And it is this fact that links them to humanity.
We all are precious fools dependent on each other to dig us out of our holes.
And history is not bunk so you think people would learn from it. Many don’t.
Echoeing Goebbel’s rhetoric of “racism, xenophobia, class envy”(courtesy of Wikipedia)Rusty Kennedy uses these same elements to emotionally appeal and thus exploit those who buy into him.
Rusty Kennedy and his sad, unknown interviewer imbue themselves with their own archetypes/heroes: Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King to convince themselves they are on par with these truly humble heroes. Believing they are doing good works, these two men, Rusty and the interviewer, launch into the weak man’s argument of us versus them, the tyranny of the middle and upper classes exploiting minorities, working classes. The same elements Goebbel used only in the inverse.
The desired effect is the same; to inflame the senses of minorities, the poor, the immigrants and stir up guilt in the middle and upper classes in order to persuade and manipulate them for personal means.
but then this is my humble opinion
► 59:16► 59:16
Dec 28, 2011 – 59 min – Uploaded by SteppingForwardShow
Rusty is a man who comes from a middle class background in Orange County. He cut his teeth on marching
The fringe of the upper-middle class, by my definittion.
Did you see the El Monte death? Died in a hospital after a fight with police after a fight, taser, baton, punches. Crazily familiar story. Guy was a schizo. Wow.
“The officers demanded to see Le’s hands and pulled him from his bedroom, striking him repeatedly with flashlights, placing him in a choke hold, kicking him and shocking him with a Taser four times, the attorney said.
Some of the blows and electrical shocks were delivered as Le was already incapacitated, according to Tu and family members.
“The police kicked him several times while he was down on his knees,” sister Diane Le said.
Tuan Le said when he told an officer to stop striking his brother, who was not moving, the officer responded with an expletive before again kicking Khoa Le and shocking him with a Taser.”
“Wow” is an understatement. It seems that cops will just never learn that they are called to help, protect and serve, and NOT to murder.
I don’t think it is just a coincidence that cops are sociopaths. I no longer trust cops. Period.
From the article:
“On arrival, the suspect became involved in a physical altercation with the officers,” Deputy Benjamin Grubb of the Sheriff’s Headquarter’s Bureau said in the statement.
“During the detention of the suspect, they noticed he was having medical complications and requested emergency medical personnel,” Grubb said.
I don’t believe them. We’ve heard it before.
People never seemed to understand what motivated me at one time to seek a restraining order to prevent the Fullerton Police Department from ever responding to my home.
That was last year.
Your not only dumb, but stupid. I hope one day a burglar enters your house and robs you blind. Who you gonna call “Ghostbusters”.
Hey John Doe, I won’t call Fullerton PD. I will take action on my own so that burglar will no longer burgle. Why call the police? I have watched them time and again overreact to situations. You are one of them only you want your donuts and bloated pension like Pat McPension.
Thanks, I am sure FPD would be happy not to go to your house. Another punk ass they don’t have to deal with. Dont come crying when all your possessions are gone. Donuts and bloated pensions go together, like birds of a feather.
John, each citizen must decide when they trust or do not trust government authority. Look at what has been done throughout history in the name of government authority.
I think that in Fullerton the majority of common citizens are reexamining to what extent they should should trust government authority.
Right, Mr. Hughes?
I am going to pay a visit to the Le family today and give them some information about the murder of Kelly Thomas, and also give them Garo’s information.
Thanks JFA. I think the more cohesive and swift our response is to these attacks on mentally ill people, the sooner the human rights abuses will end.
Today, I had the priviledge of meeting, and visiting with the gracious and humble Mrs. Le, and with two of her beautiful young grandchildren. A little later on in the afternoon, Khoa Anh Le’s younger sister, Diane Le, called me. She came to meet with me and we visited for almost two hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Le are from Vietnam and they speak limited English; however, Diane and her older brother, Tuan Le, are fluent in both Vietnamese and English.
I believe that Diane and her family can use all of the support that we can give them right now.
Diane Le is very sweet and humble and she expressed her appreciation to me many times.
I have given Diane and her family Garo Mardirossian’s contact information, along with information about this blog and about the murder of Kelly Thomas. I will be meeting with Diane again tomorrow.
The El Monte police are already trying to sweep this murder under the rug and put out DISinformation to the media. I guess nothing surprises me anymore.
Please say your prayers for the Le family, or if you don’t believe in that, then send them your good thoughts.
The above post was written by me. Sorry for the confusion.
Thank you for doing that JFA.
Thank you JFA. Death by Cop has risen in L.A. dramatically per a recent study. This has got to stop.
Thanks to the violent world we live in.
Yes, R.I., It’s all so funny to you, isn’t it?? I can see that you are soooo concerned about the “unfortunate death” of Khoa Anh Le.
And, as we all know by now, the cops have learned to turn off their DARs, lie, re-write and re-write their reports, sweep brutality and murder under the carpet and hope it will just “go away,” perjure themselves in court, and cover for each other behind their blue line of silence.
I may not know all the facts; however, I believe that Garo Mardirossian would be able to help the Le family bring the facts to light and seek justice for their son.
Reality Is stated: “Family called the cops because the guy was uncontrollable and out of cOntrol.”
The family and sister have stated that Khoa Anh Le was already calmed down when the cops arrived.
“By the time two officers arrived at the home, Le had calmed down, Tu said. The officers, whose names were not released by authorities or known by Tu, confronted Le as he was sitting on his bed, using his computer in a small room built inside an attached garage where he lived, Tu said.”
I am fully aware that the Le family has already hired an attorney. However, they may not be aware of Garo’s expertise in these cases. They may wish to pass on information to their attorney, Hoang Huy Tu, or perhaps they may even wish to choose a different attorney who has more experience, such as Garo.
Reality Is stated: “I told you many times, police deaths will always happen. Independent investigation and transparency must follow.”
And, as I HAVE told YOU many times, I am not cavalier towards death and I am not resigned to “police deaths” as you are. I cannot, and will not, excuse these murders, even though you, as a card carrying member of the death wielding, thin blue line, work SO hard, and you are SO anxious and SO invested in doing so, and in maintaining the status quo.
I will no longer sit on my couch and just hope and believe in the “independent investigation and transparency” by LE, which will NEVER come UNLESS citizens continue to demand accountability from the brutal sociopaths who are now wielding badges, and who LIKE YOU, callously regard death as just part of the job and always inevitable.
LE has lost their humanity, their conscience and any sense of accountability. They have forgotten that they are hired to SERVE the community and to PROTECT the community.
The family called LE for HELP; they did NOT call LE to murder their son and brother. The sister, Diane Le, told the 911 operator that her brother was mentally ill. The El Monte police SHOULD have DE-escalated the situation, or called for a crisis intervention team.
Khoa Anh Le was UNARMED. Khoa Anh Le perhaps needed to be taken for a psych/meds evaluation to the hospital; he did NOT need to be murdered. Instead, he was kicked and Tasered even AFTER he was on his knees and even AFTER he was motionless.
“The police kicked him several times while he was down on his knees,” sister Diane Le said.
Tuan Le said when he told an officer to stop striking his brother, WHO WAS NOT MOVING, the officer responded with an expletive before again kicking Khoa Le and shocking him with a Taser.”
Reality IS, this is a case of police brutality and manslaughter. The only question is: Will the El Monte Police Dept. get away with murder, or will they be charged and held accountable?? In this murder case there is no video that I am aware of, so the El Monte police dept. may have an easier time trying to cover this up.
However, times are changing. The public IS slowly waking up. I am just one member of that public who is now awake. I am not willing to just sit down, and do nothing, in the face of yet another unnecessary, brutal murder.
Keep laughing Reality IS; there is a special place in Hell waiting for you.
Reality is-that he’s stupid, and a liar and is only here to stir up things, dont listen to that creep. He is the devil’s assistant and doesn’t care.
JFA-keep up the good work, El Monte is Los Angeles, correct? Steve Cooley is the DA there, I believe and he’s got a decent reputation. I’m here if you need assistance. I do have a friend who is vietnamese if you need translation, I know that some of the family members speak english but in case they aren’t available, I can ask her ro help.
@merijoe, Thank you so much for the offer of help. The family doesn’t know what to do, or even know where to begin. The Le family were very trusting of the police when they called 911 for help and now, of course, the family is horrified and in disbelief that the police who they thought would HELP them, tortured and murdered Khoa Anh Le, instead of helping him.
Mental illness is very difficult for families to deal with; however, when families call for assistance, the very LAST thing that they want, or expect, is for some power hungry, Taser and flashlight wielding, huge, fat, sociopathic, GED, brain dead cops to MURDER their loved ones!!
The Le family could use an army behind them. Perhaps we could talk sometime soon?
“Independent investigation and transparency must follow.” Excellent, all those type investigations should be done by an elected police commission investigator. It will reduce the cost of litigation and resulting awards. Great Idea!
LOL true. LASO is investigating lol. They aren’t corrupt lol nope.
LOL true. LASO is investigating lol. They aren’t corrupt lol nope. 🙁
@Reality Is, I don’t remember ever hearing anyone say that the LASO were NOT corrupt. You are one disingenuous, confused cop…trying to laugh and frown at the same time. Poor, Pathetic sociopath that you are, – you just can’t ever seem to get it right.
JFA you dumbass medicated 5150. That’s what I said. They are as corrupt ad it gets and they investigate all LA county deaths. I’m sure the investigation will be good though. 🙂 I think you are a sociopath whack job for sure. Take your meds please.
R.I., your ignorance is showing again; you don’t know the meaning of the word “sociopath.” But, no worries, just keep smiling, -Hell is still keeping a spot nice and warm with your name on it.
JFA it’s people like you that provide cops job security forever. They thank you.
No, it’s people like me who will help put sociopathic cops like you out of work, or behind bars.
True. You got lucky one time. Great record buddy. Keep it up.
I’m obviously NOT who you think I am. Sigh. I guess you’ll just never learn.
You dont trust cops here, then go live in a 3rd world county where you will have a reason not to trust cops. You all live in La La Land!
There is no reason to move. Just in case you haven’t noticed we are quickly becoming a third world country with tryannical LE; however, there are plenty of reasons to make changes and boot the tyrants out.
Fullerton is already a lot lot lot lot less brutal, they sent the older officers Downtown at night very early on.
Who makes this country to appear to be 3rd world is people like you. Who want to take things into their own hands. Its not call tyranny, its call democracy.
There is no clearer expression of tyranny in a “democracy” than police committing acts of brutality and then suffering no consequences for it.
@John Doe, your gross ignorance never ceases to amaze me.
Tell me again, who did you say wants to “…take things into their own hands?” SURELY, you DO realize that the cops who murdered Kelly Thomas are the ONLY ones who “took things into their own hands.”
The murderous cops acted as the jury, judges and the executioners of Kelly Thomas; an unarmed, mentally ill, innocent man was publicly LYNCHED by a mob of “public servants” who wore badges and uniforms.
These “public servants,” all across the U.S., who are abusing, raping, stealing, lying, perjuring themselves, and murdering citizens on almost a daily basis are PAID BY US to SERVE and PROTECT US; however, they seem to believe that they are now ABOVE the law. They believe that they can do whatever they please, including murder, with total impunity. That is NOT “democracy,” THAT IS TYRANNY.
John Doe, if you will recall, the good citizens of Fullerton have very successfully used our democratic system of VOTING to remove a few of the scumbags from the Fullerton city council. We have also used our Constitutional freedom of assembly and our freedom of speech. Our democratic court system is also being used in order to seek justice for Kelly Thomas.
I realize that you just can’t stand it when citizens actually use the democratic recall process of signature gathering and voting in order to get a few of the no good, complicit bums thrown out of office. Well, if YOU don’t like it, YOU can move to Syria, or Cuba, or Communist China, or to North Korea, etc.
I think you will feel right at home in one of those countries. In those countries the citizens are routinely tortured and murdered without the benefit of due process of law.
You are a much bigger fool than I had realized. Please keep going to school and keep reading and studying the U.S. Constitution. Perhaps, someday, you will begin to understand what it says.
Doe, you are stupid to the 10th power
I like the number 13 better.
My son currently works and lives in Germany and has many opportunities to tour this region. Recently he toured Dachau after visiting Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest in Austria. The stark contrast from grandeur, the Eagle’s Nest, to horror, Dachau, is testament to power without humility.
Hitler’s sidekick, Goebbel’s used literary archetypes in his propaganda to convince the German people they were not a defeated nation but a superior race. The us versus them belief prevailed and Dachau was born.
Humility forces people/nations to see their foibles. And it is this fact that links them to humanity.
We all are precious fools dependent on each other to dig us out of our holes.
And history is not bunk so you think people would learn from it. Many don’t.
Echoeing Goebbel’s rhetoric of “racism, xenophobia, class envy”(courtesy of Wikipedia)Rusty Kennedy uses these same elements to emotionally appeal and thus exploit those who buy into him.
Rusty Kennedy and his sad, unknown interviewer imbue themselves with their own archetypes/heroes: Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King to convince themselves they are on par with these truly humble heroes. Believing they are doing good works, these two men, Rusty and the interviewer, launch into the weak man’s argument of us versus them, the tyranny of the middle and upper classes exploiting minorities, working classes. The same elements Goebbel used only in the inverse.
The desired effect is the same; to inflame the senses of minorities, the poor, the immigrants and stir up guilt in the middle and upper classes in order to persuade and manipulate them for personal means.
but then this is my humble opinion
► 59:16► 59:16
Dec 28, 2011 – 59 min – Uploaded by SteppingForwardShow
Rusty is a man who comes from a middle class background in Orange County. He cut his teeth on marching …
Rusty stands in a long, long line of poverty pimps for personal gain. IMO he’s just another sellout. Not a bad word has eminated from his lips against the cops who battered a homeless man to death or the executive cops at Fullerton PD who enabled it to happen in first place. Rusty knows who owns him. He’s a good lapdog. Good Rusty. Good boy. Stand and dance for your treat, Rusty. Sing!
[Fri, 15 Jun 2012 16:08:06 +0000]
Moorlach, John
Moorlach, John
Fwd: MOORLACH UPDATE — LA Times — June 15, 2012
It’s great to have the LA Times covering the OC again. But, it’s not the old LA Times. I used to rave about the professional journalism at the old LA Times.
What sounds worse to you? A two-thirds cut? A $200,000 cut? A $100,000 cut? Or a 5 percent cut?
Did the Board of Supervisors eliminate positions from the Orange County Human Relations Commission or the Orange County Human Relations Council?
Do I support a $100,000 cut? Or a $200,000 cut?
Would a minor reduction in overall funding really “devastate” the services provided by the Orange County Human Relations Council?
Before coming to the County I was a partner in a C.P.A. firm, with a strong emphasis in nonprofit organizations. I prepared a lot of exempt organization tax returns (Form 990). The 2008 Form 990 for the Orange County Human Relations Council can be found at Now I know that it is a few years old, but it shows annual revenues of $1.5 to $1.9 million and assets (mostly cash) of $2.3 to $2.5 million. The Council (nonprofit) and the Commission (Orange County) are a joint venture, earning a combined $1.8 to $2.2 million per year. A cut of $100,000 on $2.2 million is only a 4.5 percent cut. I would hardly call that “devastating.” It certainly would not harm their mission of fostering “mutual understanding in order to make Orange County, California a better place for all people to live, work and do business.”
It is a joint venture, the reporter did not understand the differentiation. The County eliminated positions for the Commission (not the Council). And at Tuesday’s Budget Hearing, I recommended a cut of $100,000, not $200,000. Small details, I know, but the old LA Times focused more on precision than sensationalism.
The OC has a model of a County Commission that has been very successful in self-funding. I’m just encouraging the continuance of the migration toward independence. In an era where the County has not provided raises to its bargaining units (other than performance bonuses) for several years, and probably won’t for several more, it is proper to ask one division of a department to make a minor cut. The Orange County Human Relations Council has the wherewithal to make it up through fund raising, and has a proven track record of doing so. Now we need to replicate the Council’s success in other areas in the County.
Next time you get a chance ask Mr. Anti-Pension Moorlach how much his County monthly pension will be once he is termed out of the supervisor’s job. Ask him how much the cumulative pension benefit will be if he lives to age 80. My guess is that he would just give you the deer in the headlights look. But being a CPA naturally he has done the calculation forward and backwards and knows the answer right down to the nearest dollar. Moorlach is phony. He talks a good game when it comes to being an advocate for the taxpayer – but he only gives you half the story. He won’t talk about being one of the public pension gluttons himself.
Sadly, you probably are correct in your opinion. However, we, the good people, must have someone start somewhere if only to set the precedent for themselves
They should give Firemen proper weaponry, Im sure they do somewhere!
Ambulances keep a weapon, on the Bus, so I heard in the past.
Lifeguards are able to carry a firearm, and probably should.
I love my Low Lethal to death, I ALWAYS want to shoot someone 🙂
REPOST from yesterday.
#21 by Champion Master on June 15, 2012
I anything but condone any form of violence, thats why I had to comment this. Maybe because I had to say while I still can.
“The 3 Dried Out Lifeguards that didnt give a shit, but towtrucks are important!”
“A Lifeguard is responsible for you getting home safe and well!”
In my studies I ran across another really really really, bad day in Orange County, Huntington Beach Riots and AeroMexico Airliner Crash.
“Lets get it straight once and for all. The beach cops started the riot when they moved into the initial fight scene. They sprayed everyone with mace and hit inocent bystanders with their billy clubs. Everyone got pissed and the anger spread like a wild fire. I was in the middle of the whole thing and saw it unfold. If any of you were right there you would know what I know. After the cops pulled that shit the group around the fight chased them to the wall and then let them retreat back to the station. The crowd could have killed them on the spot but let them split. The crowd also let them leave the beach 8 or so in two cars before they took over the station. The cops started the riot. The cops started the riot. The cops started the riot. Get it?”
The Moorlach brings in the non-profit independent of the county contract to bust out the smaller percentage statistics. The reality is, when there’s a sizable cut to the public commitment proposed, the general fund of the entity as a whole, would indeed be affected (and already has in previous years). Resources would be shifted and inevitably shifted across the board. Private contributions and grants are on the decline (There’s a weak economy for non-profits in case you haven’t heard) This romantic notion of the entity being vibrantly viable outside of a county commitment is but a falsehood trotted out for unsound ideological reasons.
Resources would be shifted and inevitably *weakened* across the board. (edit)
Before OCHRC became a county entity in 1971, there were city-based versions, including here in Fullerton. The feeling back then was that these municipal entities needed to be centralized into a county commission and so it happened.
As it was being proposed, many prominent law enforcement officials were staunchly opposed to its creation (imagine that) Inclusion and collaborative work (which I don’t hear Supe criticism of) with police has brought them into the fold since the 80’s. That was controversial with commission circles itself at the time.
That being said, all I really hear these days from the critics is ‘crop and drop’ which is only substantial insofar as it is telling…
The real issue is what does this operation do but gin up racial segregations? When Claudia Alvarez made some dumb comment about Hitler then suddenly it became a Latino-Jew issue courtesy of Rusty Kennedy.
And Kennedy helped deflect criticism away from the murdering Cop Culture of Corruption in Fullerton by turning the issue into a sensitivity group hug with a homeless task force.
The hell with him. He draws a full $100K+ pension and another $100,000 as an ongoing salary from the non-profit.
Its about a commission, not one person. If the commission needs better leadership, give it some. As for the commission fostering racial segregation, that’s a pretty serious charge. Got a single scintilla of evidence for it?
I see the Orange County Human Relations Commission is nothing more than a facade for fascism.
based on…? If Rusty or others there built too cozy a relationship with police, that can be fixed by putting new people there and telling them not to network with cops. Fascism?
“Fascism” is an organized form of oppression as we’ve experienced here in Fullerton with the FPD.
” Facade” means a false hope that the groups such as the Human Relations Commission provide to those sheep who are easily duped into believing that those who are tasked with keeping the oppressors accountable for their actions will do so, instead of acting as if they have Stockholm Syndrome and instead become apologists for those same groups of people that oppress.
Yeah, I still maintain that a “Human Relations Commission” can do some good things if it is staffed by the right people, run as a non-profit, and has no connection to law enforcement and/or government. Publicly funded but autonomously run is a hard thing for govt. to swallow though. That’s why oversight committees rarely have teeth.
good point, if the head is rotted then the whole fish is rotted may not apply here. Like fullerton police chief pat mckinley whose leadership corrupted the FPD into thugs, rusty’s leadership of the OCHRC has corrupted its original intent into an entity that is much sound and fury to the public about hate crimes then turns around and hands out community oriented policing awards to pat McKinley and his gang of thugs.
just my humble opinion
i’m not anonymous in this comment
Syria was head of the UN Human Rights Commitee or Commision (Forgot 🙁 ) Now they are Bombing with aircraft, and shelling their own Citizens, POLITICS?,0,4935958.story
You just read it. Rusty turned the episode into Latino versus Jew. Once the lines were drawn Rusty could step in and solve the dilemma. It’s on Rusty’s fact sheet. And it’s pathetic Old Time Liberal race politics.
Cue Twilight Zone music.
The vote was postponed to next Tuesday. The deciding vote will be Pat bates. She wants to examine OCHRC’s spending involving payments and contracts to county retirees-double dippers.
Bates email is if anyone wanjts to email her especially if you have info regarding double dippers getting paid with OCHRC funds.