County Wants To Build Homeless Shelter On State College

Fullertonstories is reporting here, that the County of Orange wants to build a homeless shelter on south State College in Fullerton. They may be soon buying the Linder Furniture store for $3,000,000.

This may not be good news to the folks who live in the single family neighborhood across the street and who take their kids to the Commonwealth Elementary School which is virtually adjacent to this site. The folks I know over in the Chapman Park area have heard nothing about this venture, which makes me wonder whose big idea this was and why the neighbors have not even been informed.

Amazingly, it would appear from the article that the County’s “search criteria” only included that the shelter be on a bus line and moved away from Downtown Fullerton. Nice.

How much of this “plan” has already been secretly approved by our own City Council goes unmentioned. Has a deal already been work out with the City? It’s hard to believe the County would buy real estate without the approval of the City Council, or at least the City staff.

Apparently the County Board of Supervisors is voting on this purchase Tuesday. I wonder when the government plans on telling anybody about this.


138 Replies to “County Wants To Build Homeless Shelter On State College”

  1. 3 million for a derelict tear-down shell and a parking lot? Good God what idiot came up with that? And how come nobody knows about it until three days before the purchase?

    Somebody is making a killing on this deal.

  2. Rusty Kennedy should be happy. This will help complete his deflection of the Kelly Thomas murder from the FPD. Hugs all around.

    The hell with the neighboring residents and businesses.

    1. Wow. Not quite the homeless advocate we’ve tried to paint ourselves as being, are we, “Fred”? Kelly Thomas was happy to sleep indoors. If this shelter had been open, he might well be alive today. I’ll think I’ll stop there before I get cynical.

        1. Hello, van … uh, this is an article expressing NIMBYism about the placement of a homeless shelter. My comment speaks to that NIMBYism. You’re the one deflecting the fact that FFFF has just showed its ass.

          This appears to be the work of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Saying that they aren’t my “masters” is an understatement. Tony’s buddies with their Chair, though!

          1. Dear Mr. Diamond, I understand how the NIMBYism of FFFF prompts a negative gut reaction. However, the way this is unfolding does seem to have a complete lack of transparency.

      1. I’ve never pretended to be a homeless advocate “Greg.” I’ve been an advocate for citizens not getting beaten to death by the cops. The difference isn’t even subtle. You are a goddamned fool.

        1. As I don’t know who you actually are, chickenshit, although I know that you seem to be one of a few relative insiders here, I don’t know whether you’ve ever been part of the vibrant chorus of dismay over the treatment of the homeless. If so, then you were a lying hypocrite — but it was really good politics and I guess that that’s what counts.

          OK then — all of the homeless advocates here, tell Fred what you think about his lack of homeless advocacy. (Well, in this case it’s a presence of anti-homeless advocacy.) I’ll just be here listening to the crickets.

          1. Still deflecting, “Greg.”

            Bad location, no public participation, outrageous cost for the real estate. Oh, yes by all means, let’s be homeless advocates like “Greg” by wasting resources and ignoring the public.

            The perfect liberal formula. But oh we will get to call ourselves caring and “advocates” and feel ever so good about ourselves.

          2. Dimebag, you can shove the whole ‘I use my real name’ BS well, you know where. You use your real name because you are an attention whore and you crave whatever pitiful ‘notoriety’ may come with being a blowhard blogger.

            Using your real name is not a badge of honor, it’s your shtick. So fuck you and your fake sanctimony.

            1. It would be a lot easier here for me to use a pseudonym. I could be a lot nastier if I were wearing a hood and get away with more, as you do, without repercussion. If I stopped using my real name for posts, you’d be guessing that everyone expressing a similar point of view was me. Wait, you already you do that — so are attention pimps or something?

      2. You pretending to know anything about Kelly is a joke. You continuing to deflect the issue away from cop brutality is par for your course.

        1. Look, Profile in Courage: Homeless shelters are one way of eliminating cop brutality. We should certainly work on police not treating the homeless badly out of the streets; we should also work on them having another place to sleep than the streets.

          1. “Homeless shelters are one way of eliminating cop brutality.”

            Congratulations, you have just said the stupidest thing I believe I have ever read.

            1. Coming from you, that’s high praise. Are you sure that they took away your illusions and not your pre-frontal lobes?

              Anytime you want to go back to arguing rather than insults, let me know.

      3. Greg there is no doubt that Fullerton and for that matter every other city needs a homeless shelter. The shelter would have kept him warm on a cold night. However Kelly Thomas was bludgeoned to death and electrocuted by the FPD. The cause of death was not lack of shelter. Now in my opinion millions of our tax dollars are going towards sham legal proceedings rife with legal experts that will tell us that the paramedics killed him. This is about as Orwellian as you can get barring Bankhead’s, Jones’ and Mckinley’s images showing up on all the monitors in the checkout aisles.

        1. Kelly Thomas’s life included trying to figure out where he would be able to sleep. There are no shelter beds put around year-long for his demographic category. We have no idea how his life would have been different, and better, if he didn’t have to sleep in the streets most of the time like a dog. Hell, his life would have been better, in this case, if he’d just had a locker.

  3. I would have to speculate that the county probably discussed this plan with both our city manager as well as at least some members of our city council.

    Changing a property from Retail commercial to a housing development for the homeless should require the city approving a zoning change.

    However, maybe the mere purchase of the property by the County may take it out of the city’s jusisdiction and allow the county to do with it as they wish. I will be looking for answers and expecting our city manager and all of our council members to let us know where they stand on this potential project in our city.

    Our rights as citizens of Fullerton and the County of Orange should be spelled out to all of us.

    In any case I sincerely hope that there would be open city and/or county hearings conducted on this issue before any action is taken by the county.

    For to proceed with the project without first getting the residents opinion would be ill-advised at best.

    The bottom line is that there is a need for more shelters for the homeless. We the public should be made to be a part of the solution and not an onlooker without any say in the matter.

    1. Well said. I hope you will contact Whitaker and Seborn and find out how much (or little) they know about this. My guess is that the other three may be more informed. Or it could be that Felz is the only one who knows anything about it.

      There has to be a zone change and General Plan change unless the County just rams this in because they are not bound by Fullerton’s land use regulations. That could be happening even with the tacit approval of the City manager and Council who then won’t have to take any flak from the people living across the street.

  4. “This may not be good news to the folks who live in the single family neighborhood across the street and who take their kids to the Commonwealth Elementary School which is virtually adjacent to this site”………….. Hmmmmm

    By the same token, it will not be good news to the folks who will live in the single family homeless shelter across the street from “the homeless haters” and who will take their kids to the Commonwealth Elementary School too.


    1. I should add that there is well established unemployment insurance paid by the employer.

      Every time the employer fires the employee the premium goes up.

      Perhaps we should adopt similar concept in the rental industry.

      Landlord should be required to pay “homeless insurance” and every time he evict someone his insurance should go substantially up.

      The county would than use insurance money to house homeless in the existing houses.

      That would be much cheaper than building shelters or deal with homeless on the street.

      1. Stanley, that was the stupidest thing I’ve seen written it quite a while. You truly are a shining example of the dumbing down of America and the public education system

  5. The homeless want to be homeless. They are spending 3 million on a building that is going to be empty. Homeless do not like rules and be told what to do. That is why they are homeles. Get it?

      1. MICKEY HALLER is a “Twilight Zone” Troll full of it and has many online social issues. Just like a very bad dog or young child.

        The County and City Government are there to thumb their noses at you while they shirk their duty, bilk you, piss you off and F you, there is very little evidence otherwise.

        Synonyms for con,
        betray, bluff, burn*, cheat, chisel, con, deceive, delude, double-cross, dupe, entice, exploit, finesse, flimflam, gyp, have, hoodwink*, impose on, jockey, juggle, lure, manipulate, mislead, play, play for a sucker, rook, rope in, scam, seduce, shave, snow*, stick*, string along, suck in, take, take in, trick, etc etc etc.

      2. the fact that many of the homeless are mentally ill, more often paranoid schizophrenics that causes them to believe people are out to harm them. they don’t trust most people as their thinking is so distorted with paranoia.
        what causes you to believe that paranoid schizophrenic who is convinced all the people around them are malevolent presences will seek out communal living arrangements?

        1. The long lines in front of shelters convince me, van.

          If you want to thump former President Ronald Reagan for his tragic policy of deinstitutionalization, though, I’ll be right there with you. It’s been a disaster — but it’s helped to keep Tony’s taxes lower!

          1. Greg, my comments are not rooted in any presidential adminstration’s political philosophy. they are formed from my desperate to get out of poverty , I’ll take any job in my youth, so I worked in mental health for a few years experience.
            As an aside, since Reagan’s deinstitutionalization, taxes still increased and so did medi-cal fraud, especially prevalent in the nebulous practice of psychiatry and mental hospitals, but that is another story, another time.
            There may be long lines at homeless missions that hand out food, clothing. However, I frequently see, as I drive through the poorer areas of Los Angeles on my way to work, the mentally ill homeless sleeping unprotected on the sidewalks, in parks.
            At least once a month, I see the police scooping up a mentally ill homeless person whose delusions force him or her into the middle of traffic, or wandering the streets naked, jumping in front of cars and so on. and you still believe people this psychotic as the sun sets will come to their senses and seek out a shelter to spend the night in and thus reduce the nusisance they present to businesses in the area they call home?
            Using political polarities is another deflection tactic

            1. Yes, Reagan signed the Bill. But it was sent to him by a veto-proof super majority of both houses of the Legislature, acting at the behest of the ACLU, and the mental health community. The truth is sometimes inconvenient.

  6. The homeless congregate near the bus and train station in downtown fullerton. Why not place the homeless shelter where the need for it exists?
    I ask a rhetorical question. Because downtown fullerton is the jewel in the crown of myopic city council members’ redevelopment project that transformed an economically sputtering shopping district into blocks of booze courts where oodles of drunks puke, piss and fight. Just like many of the homeless people who hang around downtown Fullerton.
    Though building a homeless shelter in downtown Fullerton would truly benefit the homeless, it may ruin the ambience of this area and interfere with the profits of local bars and restaurants.
    Think of the public outcry Fullerton’s city council would have to endure if they dare place a shelter in downtown Fullerton. Why it would encourage the homeless to come and stay in this area. Wait a minute. Isn’t that where the homeless already hang out? So why not build it in downtown Fullerton?
    Well, the owner of the empty Linders furniture store will finally sell and make a profit off this decrepit building and the pillars o fullerton’s society will get a positive photo-op for their humanitarian efforts.
    And the wondrous gift given to the homeless by OC board of supervisors, the fullerton collaborative and the fullerton city council may or may not help the homeless.
    The true purpose of placing a shelter in an abandoned furniture store on the fringes of Fullerton’s boundary, is this big building will allow our benevolent, humanitarian civic leaders to hide their crime of protecting and promoting the culture of corruption within the fullerton PD.
    Only peculiar silence, in light of today’s facts, was the response from these same “good ” civic pillars when their police force systematically abused the civil rights of Fullerton’s community eventually culminating in the beating death of homeless Kelly Thomas in full view of the public at downtown Fullerton’s bus station by Fullerton PD.

    1. It does make a lot of sense to put shelters where the homeless actually hang out. But the downtown NIMBYism kicks in. By the way the residenial area by the Lindner furniture building is across the street and more towards Commonwealth.

  7. Three million bucks for that? Is that some kind of freaking joke? The building will have to be torn down and a new facility built. People can’t live in a freakin’ furniture store.

    Looks like graft to me.

  8. Someone should’ve issued a “head’s up” before I clicked on the link and was greeted in the corner with the “Mrs. Ed” head known as Pam Keller

    1. you need to google/click on “goofy” that undaunted, lovable big disney dog character. Its the big grin and 25 watt lit eyes that makes you want to vote for him or her

  9. Felz and Nelson conspired to push this through with no public input. It financially benefits a close friend of Nelson (follow the money). Felz has neutered the city council by taking policy and decision making on this issue away from them and giving it to the County.

    Felz and Nelso are not doing fullerton voters/taxpayers any favors.

    1. “It financially benefits a close friend of Nelson (follow the money).”

      Can you substantiate that statement? That would be helpful.

      1. He’s talking about Cameron Irons. There are very few significant transactions in Fullerton that this skeez doesn’t have a tentacle in.

    2. Who are you that you can’t follow the money yourself? YOU’RE ALREADY FREAKING ANONYMOUS! Just spill it, don’t be dramatic.

        1. What? There’s suddenly a shortage of realtors? Christ, the County has its own real estate department with 20 people in it.

    1. Too bad for China Village, Comfort Zone and LA Carpet & Rugs. We must sacrifice for the good of the County’s Master Plan. So long chumps. Start a new business somewhere else. It’s our good neighbor policy.

      1. Too bad it is INCONSISTENT with the Zoning Code and the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Neither can be changed without the Planning Commission and City Council’s approval.

        The fix is in.

    1. 29. Approve the purchase and sale agreement with 301 S. State College, a General California General Partnership for the purchase of property at 301 S. State College, Fullerton to facilitate a year-round emergency shelter and multi-service center for homeless families and individuals; authorize County Executive Officer or designee to sign related documents, make minor modifications under certain conditions and perform related actions; authorize funding not to exceed $25,000 to conduct due diligence investigations to comply with applicable County ordinances and best practices; approve agreement CT-080-13010503 with Vanguard Commercial Brokerage for commercial real estate brokerage services and authorize Purchasing Agent or authorized Deputy to execute agreement; direct County Executive Officer or designee to return to the Board in the event due diligence investigations regarding the real estate are not completed and the contingencies set forth in the purchase and sale agreement are not fulfilled; and make California Environmental Quality Act findings – District 4

  10. The last thing the homeless need is more “services”. Most of the homeless in Fullerton I see are under 30 with attitude problems. The ones who are mentally ill don’t need a shelter they need someone to help them find their family members / true charity not handouts.

    1. Amazing. Seven months ago you were practically starting a new religious cult over Kelly Thomas’s death, and now “the homeless should get less services.” Way to honor him, folks.

      1. You want to honor Kelly? Boy your views have sure changed Greg. Honor a disrespectful jerk. If he wouldn’t had fought with the police, his heart wouldn’t had exploded. He couldn’t breath, but he sure could scream.

        1. I don’t think that he should have died that day, Mickey. I think that the police — especially Cicinelli — handled it poorly. My views on that have never changed.

          If you read carefully, though, you’ll see that my statement was about the hypocrisy of the hive mind here wanted to honor him — seriously, were you here when it got quasi-religious around the time of the recall? — not about my desire to honor him. My feeling is that he represents a cautionary tale against excessive use of official force and against ham-handed handling of the mentally ill, and I know that many police officers agree with me on those points.

          I can think that Kelly Thomas deserves some honor — without believing that he acted entirely appropriately in the half-hour before he was killed. Many people don’t always do so.

  11. How about cutting services and letting the under 30 homeless crowd go to another city???

    Providing more services has historically INCREASED the homeless population of any given city. More services NEVER translates to less homeless.

      1. why do you choose to generalize form a norm of one when the momentum for FFFF began with this blog’s efforts and its commentors who worked so hard to expose the beating death of Kelly Thomas by Fullerton PD.
        FFFF is far from hating the homeless, in fact, this blog exposed the insidious prejudice Fullerton’s city council and its police force had towards those seen as an economic drag, the homeless

        1. You are a respectable exception to the generalization, van. Nevertheless, it’s generally true. “Fred” Alcazar flatly copped to it somewhere around the time you wrote this.

  12. I would think that Greg Diamond is so fond of this shelter idea and such a good man that he would have helped find a location in Brea, maybe right up the street from EV free for a homeless shelter.
    Fact is that he is just a shit stirrer..still not working enough to do much during his day but post on a blog he hates.
    As for the homeless, they are not all alike, some are mentally ill, some have been evicted from their homes, some like to sleep on a rock hard floor inside and some outside. Some can hold a good conversation and some just stare at you. They, like the rest of us, are all different with different reasons for being homeless.
    I think that the shelter should be placed in Santa Ana. They already have a huge population of homeless sleeping outside of the Hall of Admin offices. Humm, think that is why this is their new project? Maybe they are tired of the free room and board they have been providing on the park benches there?

    1. Don’t be fooled Diamond doesn’t care about Brea either. He is neither known or active in his community. Instead it provides a perch for him to meddle in everyone elses business.

      The guy has an opinion on everything that he seems to think is superior to the rest of us mere mortals.

      Shit stirrer is right.

      1. Oh, I *care* about Brea, but aside from being a legislative candidate and (for several terms now) a precinct captain here, I’m not that politically active here. As I’ve said many times, it seems light a well-run city, notwithstanding its Republican City Council. Pleasant place to live, vibrant mall and downtown, and not politically crazy.

        If Brea were the best place to put a homeless shelter, I’d be fine with it. Supervisor Nelson, who represents both, says that it’s Fullerton. So, OK, then!

        1. You do not own a home. You are a renter. That makes a difference in my book. All you have to do is give 30 day notice. So do not put Fullerton home owners down for protecting their home, that they pay the mortgage every month. That is just wrong of you. I am not saying renters are not residents. I am saying if you own it is different. Can you say they have invested in Fullerton. Your landlord invested in Brea.

  13. Greg Diamond :
    The long lines in front of shelters convince me, van.
    If you want to thump former President Ronald Reagan for his tragic policy of deinstitutionalization, though, I’ll be right there with you. It’s been a disaster — but it’s helped to keep Tony’s taxes lower!

    It was Kennedy not Reagan you Zionist liar-idiot-misinformer and Tatar.

    The Community Mental Health Act of 1963 (CMHA) (also known as the Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act, Mental Retardation Facilities and Construction Act, Public Law 88-164, or the Mental Retardation and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963)

    Why don’t you just quietly fuck off Golem to your communist OJB to print in compliance with the Zionist’s paradigm there.

    1. Vern Nelson aka Gröfaz come and get your lunatic mental defector Golem from your psycho blog, or;

      I will call Ramos pursuant to the section 5150 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code.

  14. I think its wonderful the OC board of supervisors , the fullerton collaborative and fullerton city council want to concentrate the homeless into a large buliding located on the outskirts of fullerton.
    they should name this new,big shelter “solutions” as it will solve the problem of the homeless issue for fullerton’s civic leaders and their crony pillars o fullerton society.
    (please, read this with sarcasm)

  15. Here is a better solution. why not rent out vacant store front properties where the homeless tend to congregate and turn them into shelters. Rent would be cheaper as the owner would desperately need to turn some profit on a place that has been vacant for too long. and if the homeless issue moves to another geographic area within the city’s limits, close up shop and rent another place for the homeless to receive services. I know Richman Park has a social services outreach center there. why not use that building as a homeless shelter. with social services outreach on site of a homeless shelter, the homeless would get a continuum of services at less cost to the community.
    those who opposse this notiion, may do so out of greed or his or her inability to think outside the bureaucratic box

  16. The “homeless” deserve nothing. Everyone is an individual. Why don’t we go case by case for services. Mentally ill get in, under 30 alcoholic get’s thrown out. I mean let’s get real people.

    More services translates to more “homeless” people that were evicted had to have a job to get the house in the first place why don’t they go get another job? I’m tired of working for everyone else.

    1. are absolutely right. Why should we take care of the homeless. Why is it our fault they are homeless. Yeah put them at Richman School. YOur are stupid. How about lets put them at Hermosa School or Rolling HIlls.

  17. Let’s gather all of the homeless sex offenders and give ’em a place to sleep right next to an elementary school. Great idea!

  18. Why hasn’t our bloated Supervisor weighed in on this? Or is because he’s going to steer the construction contract work to his handler, Mr. Booshala?

    1. No need for Nelson to weigh in. It’s a county shelter going into his district, we can assume that it’s his baby.

      Certainly he knew that the proper thing to do would be to notify the neighborhood.

      And giving the sales commission to his buddy is just icing on his big fat cake.

      1. A six percent commission on a $3,150,000 sale would be almost $200,000. Even if Nelson’s guy split it with a listing agent that would be almost a hundred grand for the buyer’s agent. Something stinks to high heaven here.

        Nobody ever put this one out to bid!!

        1. The worst part of this slimy deal is that the County pays full-time real estate people to do this stuff already. What a scam.

  19. The ADA requirements on that building alone would cost half a million; then add in structural upgrades, interior renovation, exterior renovations and your looking at four or five million.

    What a great deal. Well at least the realtor got a commission.

    What about this location for the new homeless shelter on basque and commonwealth. Its close by the armory and the areas where the homeless already stay and located on a direct bus line to the fullerton transportation hub.

    However the churches are already greatly filling the needs of the homeless in orange county. A government sponsered shelter would discourage those who are already providing well for the homeless in orange county. ☚

  21. Looks like the plan to remove any and all signs of real life from outside of the slidebar is working.

    They had this planned before Kelly was murdered.
    They had to murder one of the homeless to get this to move forward.

    Sick and Twisted, the way everything really works in Amerika.

  22. Has anyone driven past the Armory lately? This homeless shelter is right down the street from Pacific Drive. It does not appear to be that many homeless are staying there. I think they like the library more or DTF. I do not know what they provide for the homeless there? But most are just standing around outside or accross the street at 7 eleven. Maybe the church has had enough. This is such a big problem. I don’t think there are any right answers.

        1. What is wrong with you? Don’t you think I realize that there are bad humans? Most of us have all been victims of these types of humans. But, most humans would not beat to death another human, unless they are in fear of their lifes. So, explain why 6 well fed Peace Officiers, saw it right to beat another human to death? What is the difference between the humans you listed, and the FPD that did this deed?
          BTW, just waiting for some smart ass comment from you.

          1. “BTW, just waiting for some smart ass comment from you.”…….. Hmmmmmm

            Here I am!

            By making the above disclaimer, subconsciously you know that you are full of it, and know that it is cumming to you so you are preempting.

            Are you good or bad human cg?

            1. Oh Stanley, I consider myself a good human. Just trying to get through life, the best I can. I am a proud Mother, Grandmother, and Wife. I have been lucky. How about you?

  23. BTW, our little neighborhood homeless guy is still yelling at the telephone pole, everyday….I don’t what the pole did, but it sure pisses him off. So sad, but it we deal with it.

  24. The effects of opening a local homeless shelter is something I probably know more about than anyone here.

    Right or wrong, here’s what to expect:

    There will be much self-congratulatory handshaking and backslapping amongst those in favor of the shelter for all the great things they are doing for the homeless community.

    There will be much gloom and doom from those against the shelter.

    There will be an outcry from those who live nearby.

    You will see an influx of homeless people, even before the shelter opens, because word gets out to the “homeless underground” pretty quick.

    There will be an increase in crime in the area surrounding the shelter. Mostly so-called victimless crimes like drugs and alcohol, but a definite uptick in petty thefts, burglaries, and vandalisms.

    The shelter will reach capacity quickly, and those that can’t get in will mostly sleep in the areas immediately surrounding the shelter. This will result in lots of public urination, alcohol bottles, syringes, marijuana smoking, sex, used condoms, etc., in those areas.

    The shelter will initially buy Purell in the one gallon containers, but after a few months, will switch to the foam sanitizer after the transients figure out they can get drunk by drinking Purell. (Taste it, it’s not horrible.)

    The FFD paramedics will be dispatched several times a day to the shelter. FPD will be needed on every call to provide protection for the paramedics. FPD will receive their own share of calls, but not nearly as many as the paramedics. Mostly it will be for unnecessary B.S. because nobody whines louder than a drunken entitled transient.

    The downtown area will not rid itself of transients. There will be fewer downtown, but many will still come during the day, with a significant percentage making the bus depot/train station their daytime home. They all have bus passes.

    The city and the do-gooders will do their best to bury the complaints about the ongoing problems with transients and the rather large influx of new transients. The newspaper reporters will not write about it because they view themselves as conscientious do-gooders.

    The concentration and larger population of homeless in the area will itself attract more free stuff from other do-gooders, which in turn attracts ever more homeless.

    The mentally ill will not cooperate with treatment. They won’t get better. They’ll never go away.

    The only way all this works fairly is if all the surrounding communities also open up similar shelters. It won’t happen.

    The shelter will be a magnet.

    Calendar a date one year from the opening of the shelter to re-read this post. It will all be true.

  25. 3.1 million for that piece of crap building? What have we become, a society where we judge our selves by our good intentions?

    How could any do-gooder approve such a waste of money.

  26. I take it that this piece of property is located in a lower middle class area of Fullerton. You would never see them buy property in Irvine or such a purpose. There would be a huge blowback. But they can treat the lower middle class like peasants and get away with it. Nelson (being the Fullerton supevisor) must have orchestrated this and given it his blessing. I wonder what was in it for him??? hmmm?

    It can be reasonable inferred from that evidence (the video and preliminary hearing medical testimony) that by pinning Mr. Thomas to the ground for a substantial period of time, Officer Ramos contributed to the death of Kelly Thomas by cutting off the oxygen supply to his brain. It is also reasonable to infer that Officer Cicinelli’s use of the Taser gun also contributed to the death of Kelly Thomas by inflicting the injuries to Mr. Thomas’ face that led to aspiration of blood thereby inhibiting oxygen flow to the heart and brain. Both officers’ use of force could be determined to be proximate causes of the death of Kelly Thomas.he wrote, Ramos “ultimately said to Mr. Thomas, “Now you see my fists? They’re getting ready to f*** you up.” Within a few seconds Mr. Thomas stood up, causing Officer Ramos and Officer [Joseph] Wolfe to strike him with their batons. In response, Mr. Thomas began to run but did not get far; he was taken to the ground by Officer Ramos and Officer Wolfe. It does not appear from the recording that there was any justification for the use of deadly force.”

    1. Published: Jan. 11, 2013 Updated: 10:17 p.m.
      Kelly Thomas: Case against officers goes forward


      “SANTA ANA – An Orange County judge has tentatively declined to dismiss the case against two former Fullerton police officers accused in the death of a homeless man.
      A hearing on the motion by officers Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli is set for Jan. 18 before Superior Court Judge William Froeberg, who said in his tentative ruling issued Jan. 4 that “both officers’ use of force could be determined to be proximate causes of the death of Kelly Thomas…”

    2. Ramos was never on top of Kelly. What deadly force is he referring to? Trying to put the handcuffs on Kelly. Wolfe is the one who was on top of Kelly. I dont know which tape he was looking at. These fist are ready to f you up. What did Kelly answer..Start punching dude. Amazing…Oh yeah Kelly was really scared.

  28. Greg Diamond :Wow. Not quite the homeless advocate we’ve tried to paint ourselves as being, are we, “Fred”? Kelly Thomas was happy to sleep indoors. If this shelter had been open, he might well be alive today. I’ll think I’ll stop there before I get cynical.

    the only way kelly would be alive today if Jenette De mARco didnt call the pd and lie about him breaking in to cars, lets lay the blame where it belongs, the slidebar. Greg, kelly hated being inside, so again you are wrong. He would be alive today, good god man have you no filter? or does just lying come so natural?

  29. cg :Has anyone driven past the Armory lately? This homeless shelter is right down the street from Pacific Drive. It does not appear to be that many homeless are staying there. I think they like the library more or DTF. I do not know what they provide for the homeless there? But most are just standing around outside or accross the street at 7 eleven. Maybe the church has had enough. This is such a big problem. I don’t think there are any right answers.

    no one wants to stay at the armory, the rules are friggin lame number one, but did you know they get 300 bux per person per night, once they figured who was making cash off them, they decided fuck em, they dont like the armory, and they feel they are maiking money off them, which they are, frankly many of our homeless are morally based far better than those who live off the publics money, hmmmm bankhead? Pam keller? I havent seen keller out in the cold the last few nights helping anyone out, not a person who claIMS TO HELP THE HOMELESS WAS OUT THERE…EVEN WILEY DRAKE THE BIGGEST FRAUD OF ALL WASNT EVEN OUT FOR HIS FOTO OP!

  30. van get it da artiste :Here is a better solution. why not rent out vacant store front properties where the homeless tend to congregate and turn them into shelters. Rent would be cheaper as the owner would desperately need to turn some profit on a place that has been vacant for too long. and if the homeless issue moves to another geographic area within the city’s limits, close up shop and rent another place for the homeless to receive services. I know Richman Park has a social services outreach center there. why not use that building as a homeless shelter. with social services outreach on site of a homeless shelter, the homeless would get a continuum of services at less cost to the community.those who opposse this notiion, may do so out of greed or his or her inability to think outside the bureaucratic box

    solutions!!!, I dont agree will all you said, but hell its a start, exactly.OR LETS GET THE 100 churches to live up to their tax free exempt status, and if they dont oblige, theyhave to pay the tax rate we do.Either you help or you dont get your tax help. SOLUTION.

  31. Weighing In :No need for Nelson to weigh in. It’s a county shelter going into his district, we can assume that it’s his baby.
    Certainly he knew that the proper thing to do would be to notify the neighborhood.
    And giving the sales commission to his buddy is just icing on his big fat cake.

    maybe we will get lucky and that fat fuck nelson who has done nothing but harden his already weak heart with free meals off the back of the common man, how he even sleeps at nght, to me shows he aint human, he is a walkin talking hunk of shit.

  32. and so is his Jennifer Fitzy….a woman who wears a cross and feigns jesus, but prays for her own properity, a church that thinks if your prosperous you win, what a bunch of dicks, fake christians where money and politics involved-wow now thats new. PROSPERITY? praying for prosperity-while walking over the homeless to get to the free donuts, what world do we live in..NORBY and FITZY”S….world full of corruption and lies-how wonderful.

  33. HEy why not send the homeless to the FLORYS house at the river, those booze hounds go out on ly when its warm, FLORY GIVE UP YOUR HOUSE TO THE HOMELESS.

  34. You are right on with most of what you said here, but tell me why a phone call report to police makes Ms. De mARco the one who should be in jail? I am not sure that you can prove it was a false report can you? If that is the case she is wrong, but do not forget that if you are saying that she is the one to blame then you would also be saying that the three indicted cops up for trial should be let go. Nope they are the guilty ones, they need to be sent to trial.
    Unless there is something else in this story about the Slidebar and Ms. DeMarco that is hiding I think we all need to keep our focus on Ramos, Cicinelli, and Wolfe.

    1. Everybody involved was in some kind of duty shirking Fantasyland.

      Childhood can really F people up.

      “Only 3% of Americans grow up”

      About 3% are Psychopaths.

      California gets more than their fair share of them. 🙂

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