Who Watches the Watchers?

A while back Fullerton City Councilman Bruce Whitaker proposed the creation of an audit oversight committee, rather like the one they have at the County. His concern was that the City do more than just meet the bare minimum of accounting standards, but is actually doing the things that are legally required by some of our budget funds. This is called accounting for management. Are you curious to see how his colleagues felt about the idea? Enjoy this clip:

How entertaining! Bud Chaffee sees the proposal as bureaucratic metastasis and preposterously claims to want to reduce the number of city commissions! The proof of this big government liberal’s insincerity (okay, he’s a liar) can be found by counting the number of commissions proposed for elimination by Chaffee both before and after this escape of gas. What? You want a round number? How about the roundest number of all: 0.

Missus Flory chimes in with her generous offer to act as “interpreter” with her staff for Mr. David Curlee, who has actually uncovered evidence that the City government most assuredly did not want advertised: very possible misfeasance in the Brea Dam area accounting, (including out of fund transfers) that could actually jeopardize the whole enterprise. Apart from the fact that Flory couldn’t understand the illegal water tax ripoff in 2012, she is hardly qualified to discuss accounting issues at all. She is so drenched in venom; just look at the utter disdain she demonstrates for a “a few verbal allegations.”

Finally we see our Lobbyist-Mayor buzz in. She “hears” what Whitaker is saying but her retort is that Fullerton only hires “experts.” She includes the lamentable example of hiring Michael Gennaco to oversee the FPD Culture of Corruption, one of the most egregious examples of a cover-up anybody could possibly think of (she says she’s proud of it!). She too, seems to believe that the “expert” accountants the City hires to look at the financial documents do anything other than make sure the numbers all add up at the end, don’t ruffle any feathers, and collect their fat taxpayer funded fees. Of course Ms. Lobbyist-Mayor’s statements are just as phony as Chaffee’s. See, un-expert Fitzgerald herself sits on a citizens’ audit oversight committee – for the Fullerton Joint Unified High School District.

Well, Friends, there you have it.
Part of the problem is councilmembers who can’t or won’t dig for themselves, frankly. As somebody said – it’s a target-rich environment. I expect Whitaker and Sebourn to spend some time digging into this, too.
What needed is a top to bottom performance audit, plus an financial audit of all the the enterprise-type funds.
In the meantime, how about a policy that until the red ink is gone – no more junkets by city employees?
Flory is gone. Maybe, just maybe, Silva will see he way clear to doing the right thing. But don’t hold you breath.
Bad hair dye, Chaffee. But, not nearly as bad as Shawn Nelsons.
Chaffee’s one hell of a hypocrite and ranks amung of one of the worse council member in Fullertons recent history.
Oh, you’re just mad because you never got your Doug Chaffee City hall Parking Space reward.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
“as bad as Shawn Nelsons.”
That guy looks like a muskrat climbed up on his head.
This is another example of payback. Council will do the opposite of what FFFF, Tony, Travis, Joe, and Barry want. Easy decisions. Vote the opposite.
It’s called playing the Trump card.
Chaffee’s wife may wear the pants, but at least he gets the hat.
Councilman spotted ordering at George’s Hamburger’s…