When Opportunity Knocks

Fullerton Police Capt. Geoff Spalding, 52, a 32 year veteran with the Fullerton Police Department, was hired to become the Police Chief of Beaverton, Oregon, on Monday. The Oregon town has a population of 85,000 and 132 sworn officers. Fullerton has 160 sworn officers for a population of 140,000. In a prepared statement, Beaverton Mayor-elect Denny Doyle indicated it was a difficult decision to select a chief, but (Spalding’s) experience and his history of involvement in his local community will serve Beaverton very well.

Raised in Fullerton, Spalding attended Woodcrest Elementary, Wilshire Junior High, Sunny Hills High, Fullerton Collage and Cal State Fullerton where he earned a degree in criminal justice. He also holds a master’s degree in emergency management from Cal State Long Beach. He and his wife have two sons, ages 18 and 20. He was involved with the Cub Scouts at the Fullerton Kiwanis Club for 8 years and is a volunteer for several other local civic organizations. He was a proponent of a new “gang intervention” program with Fullerton “at risk” youth. Spalding will be trading a salary of $153,000 plus benefits for Beaverton’s salary of $118,836 plus benefits. Because of CalPERS, Spalding will also receive 90% of his final “retirement” salary. The Fullerton City Council recently hired a search firm to the tune of $40,000 to conduct a search to replace retiring Chief Pat McKinley next month.Spalding spent Christmas day, what perhaps could be his last day on the force patrolling Fullerton streets so the younger officers could spend some holiday time with their families. “I would have loved to have become the Chief of my hometown” Spalding said.Oddly, the Fullerton City Council would save tax payers over $1.5 million over the next ten years if it were to happen.

4 Replies to “When Opportunity Knocks”

  1. We will miss him. And naturally the City Council will choose some dumb-F like McKinley who spent all his time playing with his “cop vest” invention and looking the other way as his Rotary buddies created a mess in downtown Fullerton.

    And now that I think about it somebody needs to connect the dots between Chris Meyers, McKinley, Joe Florentine, and Jack Franklyn (everybody’s hero).

  2. FGC, good point. Although Jones and his elected ilk are responsible for creating havoc in downtown Fullerton, (mercifully) ex-Chief McKinley turned looking the other way into a full-time job. The question is whether or not his replacement will uphold the law or turn a blind eye to politically connected law breakers.

  3. By the way, what’s the deal with McKinley’s body armor? Of all the police forces in all the world, he just happens to sell it to his own first? How does that work?

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