Fullerton City Council to Decide the Future of Downtown Fullerton
The Fullerton City Council will make a monumental decision at this evenings City Council meeting. A decision that will impact the future of Downtown Fullerton. The question the Council must answer is: does the master plan for the Transportation Center include a First Class Railroad Attraction that could attract thousands of visitors into Downtown Fullerton or does the master plan call for more Morgan Group apartments to be built on public land. The Railroad Attraction would require a $22 million public subsidy.
However, the Morgan Group officials have raised thousands of dollars for Dick Jones who may be voting on the final plan. Railroad Attraction supporter and longtime Fullerton businessman John Phelps says “it should be all or nothing”.
Is the $22 million price tag supposed to scare us into supporting the apartment giveaway?
Travis: eventually, yes. The Redevelopment Bozos don’t want the rail museum (well, that’s a relief, anyway) but they do want their favored developer to build yet another apartment block on free land and with no environmental review. The dopey rail museum idea has just been a way to keep the hook in.
Kill it now!
We need a rail museum. This is our chance to keep up with Anaheim. Did you know that we could have had Disneyland, but instead ended up with Cal. State Fullerton. Now it’s Fullerton’s chance to keep up with our neighbors!
Dear Robert, I hope you realize that a rail museum would be nothing more than a money pit for the Fullerton tax payers. How often would you go and how much would you pay for the fascination of a rail museum?
Bob Root gave so much of his life for Fullerton, he was a man with real vision, he had roots here in Fullerton, his very name Root says it all, I know times are bad now, but the plan should point out Bob Roots vision! I did’nt mean that CSUF should have been Disneyland, it is just a shame this city has no vision. I dont believe that we are the educated community. If the council votes down the railroads plan we are the uneducated community.
The problem was that Bob’s “vision” was moronic. And nobody had the courage to tell him so. Rail museums go in places that don’t have railrods anymore (like Perris). Fullerton has a real, live, interactive railroad experience every day. Enjoy it! It won’t cost you a dime!
Joe, I believe the “vision” was Terry Galpins, not Bob Roots,RIP.