A New Day in Fullerton: Friends Sue the Redevelopment Agency
Well, Friends, today it happened. Friends for Fullerton’s Future brought suit in the Superior Court against the phony Redevelopment expansion, and against the County’s disbursement of any property tax increment.
This morning our attorney C. Robert Ferguson filed the necessary documents in Santa Ana.
The basis of our law suit is simplicity itself: the findings of blight in the proposed expansion area are completely contrived, solely for the purpose of creating a tax increment windfall for the Agency at the expense of other agencies, and to the detriment of all property owners shouldering the burden of this encumbrance on their properties.

How do we know the blight findings were made up? Because we looked at their silly pictures of “blight”; because we noticed how property owners were casually deleted for no other reason than that they appeared to be vocal opponents, or because they were the necessary third vote to pass the expansion; because we heard Dick Jones, on numerous occasions, braying that it was all about “needing the money.”
So now let’s let the legal process unfold and see where it takes us.
hip, hip, hooray. FFFF protects the tenets of our bill of rights and constitution by forcing our legal system to recognize the rights of the individual are bigger than big government.
FFFF’s legal move is especially poignant for fullertonites who have for decades been oppressed by municipal big government driven by the small minds on fullerton’s city council.
Well done. It is a new day. The old smoke filled backroom where the deal is cut and handed out for dimwits like bankhead and Jones to read may be over. thanks for opening a window and letting some fresh air in.
However it plays out maybe this will cause the citizens to wake up (at least once in a while) and get their sovereignty back from the city staff, the developers and the brain-dead RINOs Ed Royce keeps sticking us with. And let’s not forget the brain-dead DINOs foisted on us by Fullerton BooHoo.
Someone has some serious cajones.
I would like to sincerely thank FFFF for standing on the basis of the ONLY issue that is relevant in the discussion, yet the one issue that was universally not discussed by the supporters. The city did not meet it’s threshold for a finding of blight. Their own expert all but admitted it and only two council members even understood what was being discussed (Quirk & Nelson).
Talking about how much money the city will get if they only ingnore the fact there is no blight is synonimous with talking about all the money one would save if he ignored the requirement to pay taxes. It actually works in both cases until you get caught.
Your action is really inspiring.
Your action to uphold honesty and renounce deceit is exactly the work which makes America a beacon for the entire world.
Congratulations. You are providing real LEADERSHIP at a time when the darkest forces of evil residing in our government are nearly sapping the strength of normal citizens who must fight off every kind of attack upon normal morality and personal responsibility.
Go for it and good luck. Redevelopment is very misused by many cities in this State. It is not like that everywhere. Accountablity is a good thing
Does anyone have a map of this “Redevelopment Area” I have been trying to get the boundries but no one can give me an answer?
Fullertonres, check out the map here:
Any truth to the observer’s claim that Supervisor Norby is a party to this suit?
Anonymous, Norby has nothing to do with this suit. If you like being misled, read the observer.
Right you are as substantiated by:
I’m going to say this only once.
I think the Admin has a unique perspective on the issue. As not only a property owner but a developer, he’s had the inside track for almost 2 decades and has gained a great understanding of how the system works.
And at some point, he just couldn’t stand it any more. His detractors will say he has cracked. Others will call him too scrappy. But when you boil it down, the Admin –after years of being “a player” finally had it and went with his conscience.
So while some might be very upset by both the approach of the blog, and Admins decision to press a suit, the truth is that there is much at stake here and we simply can’t proceed as if this were business as usual.
While everyone wants a “nice looking city,” it must go hand in hand with enabling people people to do business. Not just big corporations, but small businesses which are the back bone of the nation’s economy.
Personally, I can understand why Admin had “enough” during what could have been an easy and unchallenging career. There is a veneer of both complacency and privilege in this town with those who seek to control everything from redevelopment zones to mow strips and skylights.