A New Wrinkle On The Ackerwoman’s Carpetbagging

A Friend has alerted us that over at the Red County blog, Ackerman, Inc. apologist Matt Cunningham has come up with a new argument to mitigate the obvious truth that Linda Ackerman is a merely an Irvine carpetbagger who doesn’t live in the district.
He claims that Ackerwoman’s larger number of Fullerton contributors (compared to Norby) belies the the claim that she has no support in her adopted district. Hence, the carpetbagger label doesn’t stick quite so well. Apart from the obvious problem of arguing points that nobody has ever contested (typical) his post betrays a fundamental lack of understanding of Fullerton politics.
Let’s just dispense with the real issue first: LINDA ACKERMAN LIVES IN IRVINE.
Of course Ackerman, Inc. has some support in Fullerton – but among a pretty narrow and shallow tribe, that includes a few Repuglican Women, Dick’s old Rotary buddies, and some fading Chamber of Commerce types. These people participate in politics and they are the people whom Ackerman, Inc. has hit up for campaign contributions. These folks are like the insects that skim across the top of the pond – and are not indicative of much of anything going on below. Due to the influence of Ackerman they have never really supported Norby at all. Their support of Ackerwoman, far from being unusual, is in fact, perfectly predictable.
So to get a few dozen contributions from these people really indicates very little. The election will be decided by tens of thousands of voters, many of whom have already indicated their disgust at the attempt of Dick Ackerman to hang on to power through the conduit of his wife.
Fart boy!
“Apart from the obvious problem of arguing points that nobody has ever contested (typical)…”
Thanks for letting me know I’m only allowed to post about points other people make! Your stand for free discussion — as long as it’s about what you want to discuss — is truly inspiring.
And glad to see you’re so confident in your interpretation (I’ll put it charitably) of my post that you fail to link to it (whoever you are).
Oh no! Another incomprehensible blurb from Ackerman’s car detailer.
“Your stand for free discussion — as long as it’s about what you want to discuss — is truly inspiring.”
And you don’t stand for anything except your own self-promotion though the backing of liars and carpetbaggers like the Ackermans. Or do really believe all the shit they threw at Norby? Do you really believe they actually live in the 72nd District? Around here we figure you do (or pretend to) or you would have taken a stand for Chris. But you never will.
Jerbil is as Jerbil does.
Jerb, you just have no idea why people think you are such a boob. I admit it is funny at first but after a while it just becomes shameful. You are the kid none of the others in the neighborhood want to play with but you keep thinking everyone is just putting you on and they really do want you hanging around.
Earth to Jerbal: we dont want you. You dont make the discussion anything but irritating. Please let us have our own discussion. We will call you when we need you. Until then, go sit quietly by yourself over at your own site.
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
Ya don’t say…
Say there, Matt. How about a post over on your blog about Dick Ackerman illegally lobbying the legislature to make a bundle for himself and his OC Fair buddies?
Whatdya say? You were real quick to call Bushala a law breaker when you had absolutely zero evidence. How about it?
Just, watch Jerb poke his pin head in at Norby’s victory party and act like he’s part of the V.
Lets get one thing strsaight, Jerbil is NOT welcome at the election night party for Norby.
Oh come on. The Jerb needs to start getting back in Lewis’s and Norby’s good graces after sitting on his hands. Times are tough.