Another Day, Another Plop

This post was written by Joe Sipowicz and we just received it by e-mail. Joe seems pretty steamed up so we’re posting it immediately. We reproduce it unedited.

If only I knew what I was talking about I could be relevant...
If only I knew what I was talking about maybe I could be credible...

It’s getting a little weird – not cyber-stalking scary, but pretty weird, nevertheless. Poor Matthew Cunningham seems to have developed an unhealthy obsession with your blog. Everyday brings a new charge against FFFF and its proprietor of some misfeasance, lawbreaking, or general attack. It’s true you have been pretty frank in displaying your dislike for political sycophants and stooges, and have singled out Mr. C on more than one occassion as an example of the type. But still. He seems bent on a vendetta!

Today on his blog he accused Tony Bushala of cyber-squatting on a URL address in violation of campaign laws. Here’s what Clarence Darrow Cunningham had to say:

Yesterday, I came across Section 18320of the California Elections Code, known as the “California Political Cyberfraud Abatement Act.”

It says:

Political cyberfraud includes, but is not limited to, any of the following acts:

(D) Intentionally preventing the use of a domain name for a political Web site by registering and holding the domain name or by reselling it to another with the intent of preventing its use, or both.

And wouldn’t you know it — who appears to be in violation of that section but noted election scofflaw Tony Bushala of Fringe for Fullerton’s Future. In July, he reservedthe domain name “Tom Daly for Supervisor.” Since Bushala has an extremely negative view of Daly, it’s fair to assume he reserved it with the intention spelled in subsection (D). But almost I forgot — it’s Bushala and his pals who are cleaning up politics, restoring the dignity of the Republican Party, etc, etc, blah, bah. Who has time for nuisance’s like election laws? 

The only problem is that Cuningham’s comprehension skills have obviously been stunted by asphyxia. It is crystal clear that Tony is using that site for (drum roll, please) political speech! As a matter of fact, Cunningham undercuts his own effort to play attorney by helpfully providing a link to the site (Tony, remember to thank him for the advertisement!) showing a political statement.

Tony is not “squatting” on it to keep anybody from using it. And he hasn’t sold it to someone else to do so. Cunningham’s precious subsection D remains unviolated and the Republic can still muddle along. 

As far as cleaning up politics I have never read anything on this blog that stated such a noble purpose. But cleaning out rats like Cunningham and all the other political parasites in the Orange County Republican machine would indeed be a public service!

Joe Sipowicz, Jr.

12 Replies to “Another Day, Another Plop”

  1. Good letter, Joe. It’s always a little iffy to play lawyer when you haven’t been to law school.

    This guy’s made several outright and completely unsubstantiated accusations of illegality in the past few days.

    Shall we call Jones Day?

  2. What is it with these “Repuglicans” and their hatred of free speech?

    The 1st ammendment doesn’t have to belong to the Democrats and the Libertarians. If these dopes would sack up and support the entire Constitution, we wouldn’t have to bash them so much.

  3. In the comments, Cunninham conceded that the law is likely to be unconstitutional.

    But then he proceeds to tell Bushala that he should obey the law while challenging it in court.

    Matt, you idiot. the only way to challenge an unconstitutional law is to BREAK IT.

  4. #3, they just do it when it fits their purpose.

    Let’s consider the State Constitution. It clearly says you have to live someplace a year before you can run for State office. Does Mr. Virtue T. Cunningham take Linda Ackerman to task for violating the law? Noooooo! He says that law is “unenforceable,” meaning, presumably that if no one can make you obey it, it’s not a law!

    Joe S. is right on. The sooner we clean these self-serving slimers out of politics the better off we will all be. Will someone please call vector Control. We have a rat problem.

  5. Has Daly complained about this?

    If not, what the heck is Matt crying about? It’s none of his business.

    If he representiung Daly, simply say so.

    Besides, Tom Daly of Stow, Vermont has long been considering a run for supervisor. He and Tony could be old friends.

  6. Kudos to Sipowicz Jr. for writing up what we were all thinking.

    We are so glad that the FFFF watchdog is alive and well–not a shill for the highest bidder like Red Klownty.

    Also, the focus on hAckerman has been nothing but stellar. FFFF is changing a lot of voter’s minds with the light shedding on the truth. I know this first hand.

    1. It wasn’t a “Desiree” post. It was a Dave Lopez connecting the dots post. We never took it down!

  7. I’m no lawyer, but sometimes I read what lawyers write. Even if it was constitutional (it’s not), and even if the domain acquisition did count as cybersquatting (it doesn’t), Matt’s statute was written so poorly that it appears to only apply to websites that urge the support of BALLOT MEASURES. Not candidates.

  8. How can you read anything on the Red Klownty anyways? Its basically bought blogging, that’s it.

    Matt will say whatever you pay him to about whatever subject–this is how he makes his money. It doesn’t matter if it right or wrong, or something he stands for, if you pay him he will blog it. Look carefully and you can see who is paying him…and often.

    If Matt is backing Daly, will Daly be backing Matt’s wife, Laura Cunningham, for Clerk-Recorder? I wonder if they have a little deal worked out in advance…

    Matt is a true SHILL!

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