Another Pellet Lands On Our Doorstep
On a post we did the other day about the Red County blog signing up a RINO, we received this choice nugget from our ethically challenged nemesis, Matthew J. Cunningham:
We’ll remember that when you faux conservatives on FFFF come out for Lou Correa next year.
Hmm. That was a pretty uninformed comment, even from our rodentine pal.

As readers of this blog know, our primary aim is to promote political representatives that are accountable to their constituents, and not to themselves, the bureaucracy, or to lobbyists. Many of us happen to believe that conservatism is more likely to produce that result than liberalism. But we recognize all too well that plenty of so-called conservatives are the biggest government supported parasites we can think of. Consider the money machine that is Ackerman, Inc.
Faux? Poor Mr. Cunningham. Dragged down by the pecuniary interests of his boss John Lewis, he is forced to step and fetchit for the Democrat Tom Daly, making him not only just about as faux as you can get, but a sorry flunky, to boot. And here we have hit the river bottom of the Repuglican food chain.

Lou Correa has his faults, to be sure. If a better candidate comes along we’ll be all for him or her. But if the alternative is some carpetbagging wacko Bible beater, seemingly backed by the same Repuglican machine that spit out Linda Ackerwoman, then Hell, it looks like a pretty easy call.
There were by the way a lot of Republicans at Lou’s Holiday Party yesterday!
Here comes the preparatory excuse making before FFFF becomes the unofficial “Re-Elect Lou Correa.”
Let’s see: you had to support Chris Norby or you weren’t a real conservative.
You have to support Shawn Nelson or you’re not a real conservative.
But you can support a tax-hiking, promise-breaking, pension-spiking liberal Democrat because the Republican lives a couple miles outside SD33 lines that are going to change in two years…and still be a real conservative?
This is the same kind of political cronyism Tony complains about. What a double-standard. What a load of Bull-shala Shit.
Hey lookit. Jerb has a new name, but I’ll play along.
Tony may or may not support Lou. I don’t know. But he has nothing to gain financially (directly or indirectly) from supporting Correa. The same cannot be said for the folks like you (Houlihan aka Cunningham) who supports people like Ackerman, Daly, and now this Perez nobody, for reasons of political or financial expediency. You keep up with the “double-standard” hogwash “boyo.” You’ll never wear us down.
The “Republican” is a no-name, Trinity Broadcast nutso, dredged up by the same Repugs who got on the Ackerwoman Love Boat, who doesn’t live in the 34th District and hence is a carpetbagger. I am probably not voting for Correa but neither Joe nor I will ever support your creepy candidate from the 33rd District.
By the way: do you support Daly or not? Come out and say it, Boyo. It’ll make you feel ever so much better!
What a come back. Accuse me of being someone else.
Whoever said Sue Perez is great shakes? but it’s comical to read Tony laying out the groundwork to justify supporting a taxer who made 3-at-50 possible.
Since carpetbagging is such a huge issue with you and Tony, does that mean you opposed Tom McClintock’s campaign for Congress?
If you aren’t the Jerb, I’m willing to bet he wrote your script.
There’s no script? That’s Correa’s record. It’s hypocritical for Tony to hold forth on who conservatives should and shouldn’t support when he is obviously going to support his old buddy Correa over the GOP candidate, who is clearly a conservative.
Correa promised not too vote for any tax hike. Correa was the deciding vote for a huge tax increase. He voted for another tax increase later this year. He carried the legislation that allowed the 3-at-50 public safety pension benefit.
But Sue Perez living just outside the district trumps all of that? What a joke.
Is there a name for the disorder that compels someone to post a bunch of random nonsense in several ancient threads?
We’re being spammed.
My late Uncle John, who litterally worked to keep the lights on in Sacramento in the 1960’s and 1970’s once said:
They’re all crooks and the higher up the get the more crooked the become”.
This is guy who drank Bushmills with Jesse and opened doors for Gov. Warren.
He was right. This kid, trying to blog his way into realativity needs a life lesson in work.
The scariest thing in Politics is when they start talking “Ronald Reagan”. That means they don’t have shit to go on.
What could be more republican than a man of the people?
Oh yeah Mike Corona.
McClintock was not a carpetbagger. House candidates don’t have to live in the district they run for.
But Linda Ackerman was a carpetbagger and so is Sue Perez. And neither one is close to being anything like McClintock.
As for Correa’s vote, the budget would not have passed without Republican support, period. So don’t blame him. He is a Democrat – but as Democrats go he is quite reasonable and moderate.
Perez is not qualified and she is a complete nutter. No thanks!
I dont know about supporting Lou Correa but if it comes down to Lou or a carpet bagger of any stripe the Republican party yet again has a credibility problem. As soon as an explanation is required as to how a candidate may be technically a carpet bagger but should be grated an exception for one reason or another I think most the public (and certainly me) is turned off.
If the Republican party has a candidate that ACTUALLY lives in the district I will be all ears. Until then it is just dishonest to support yet another (remember Lynn Daucher of Brea running ) poser against Correa.
Hi Jerb!
Correa gets a free pass on many issues of disagreement. He is there when a constituate needs help. He is a man of integrity and serves his District well.