Attorney Jim Lacy Stands Up For Little Guys

Orange County lawyer James Lacy has leaped into the breach to defend Art Pedroza’s Orange Juice blog from the intimidation by legal monster Jones Day – reportedly the fourth largest law operation in the nation. Here is Art’s post on the subject.
You may recall that Art, like us, received a threatening letter from Jones Day lawyer Thomas Reed Malcolm (who just happens to have been at the same college and law schools at the same as Dick Ackerman. Hmm). Malcolm, it seems, is representing one Desiree Mouzoon – who was the subject of a KCAL investigative piece by Dave Lopez. Several local blogs were targeted (including ours) for merely passing along news of an event that occurred in our city.
Lacy has also agreed to defend FFFF against potential legal harassment, although we never took down the post.
So our thanks to Mr. Lacy for doing the right thing. If the political machines – republican or Democrat – can deploy their pals in big law firms to bully and harass their opponents, then we’re all in big trouble.