Democrat Daly Gets Endorsements from Fullerton’s Democrat Left Leaning Ladies

Way back in March 4th District County Supervisor candidate Tom Daly announced that Sharon Quirk and Pam Keller were invitees to his annual fundraiser. We wondered aloud how come Fullerton’s two liberal ladies would be hitching their wagons to this generally faded star given the fact that Anaheim’s Lorri Galloway was rumored to be giving thought to running here. We felt they might be shortchanging an up and coming female politician.
Since then we have learned that Galloway has indeed claimed that she is running and is determined to grab Daly’s endorsements. Mercy! A dynamic, liberal woman politician in Orange County! Why, you’d think the heavens themselves had opened up and celestial music was playing. But apparently Galloway will now have to work to swipe Quirk and Keller. According to a press release that went out the other day these two worthies have given Daly their official endorsements. So has Art Brown, of Buena Park.
These endorsements of Quirk and Keller are clearly intended as a slap at Fullerton’s own Shawn Nelson, their council colleague who is also running; but not unexpected given Nelson’s independence and intelligence, and their lack of same. On the other hand Nelson is a Republican and they are Democrats, so what the Hell. Still, it seems they are giving short shrift to Galloway and even Rosie Whatshername from La Habra.
We can just skip over the endorsement Art Brown, the bearded, antiquated, and brain-dead Mayor of Buena Park who has never met a bureaucrat he didn’t like. But here’s a quote from our own blog-hating Pam Keller:
“I know Tom Daly will be a great Supervisor. He’ll help our families by making the County an active partner with the communities of the 4th District,” said Fullerton Councilwoman Pam Keller.
Families. Community. Partner. Whatever this blather means, we know what it doesn’t mean. It doesn’t mean accountability and fiscal conservatism. It probably means boohoo liberal social spending with no one responsible. But we’re just guessing. Here’s one from Sharon Quirk:
“I am proud to support Tom Daly to be Fullerton’s next representative on the County Board of Supervisors,” declared Councilwoman Sharon Quirk. “The people of Fullerton can count on him to listen to our concerns and deliver results for our community.”
Ah, more “community” nonsense. Can’t these gals ever say anything intelligent or insightful? No. This is just outfall from a lifetime of indoctrination in empty Dem-speak. It means Daly will retroactively spike employee pensions if he gets the chance.
The release also includes some pearls from Daly himself that will be the subject of a follow up post as we try to discover anything intelligent in them. When and if he ever creates a campaign website we will be sure to harvest it for fun stuff to share with the Friends.
Who wants these endorsements? Their fans would never vote for Nelson anyway. The DTS and hard core Republicans will likely decide this.
By the way, anybody know why there is no Daly website? That’s pretty weird.
Quirk is just showing off her independence. You can’t pin her down!!! Go Sharon!!!
#2 There’s no doubt that Quirk has gotten a whole lot better of late, but she was starting so low that she had no place to go but up. But really independence? Can’t pin her down? That’s a bit much.
If anyone supports a candidate just because a couple of Fullerton City Council members endorses them then they would be considered morons.
Does Nelson have stock in this website?
I’ve heard that the Norb is the Harpoon. If you are, come clean, and bring Chris Thompson with you….
Comment by “Lisa” does not meet our extraordinarily low propriety bar.
I don’t take credit for the Harpoon. It’s not me.
If it were, I’d know that Art Brown is NOT the current BP Mayor.
Blogging under my own name, here!
Hey, Mr. Norby, as long as you are here, can you please comment on the Art Brown entry into the County Clerk race? Is is legit? What do you think about it? What do you think about that Nguyen guy getting some pretty impressive endorsements?
Also, as County Clerk what would you differently than Tom Daly? Would you keep the Fullerton office open?
Come on, give FFFF the scoop!
Yeah. Sure.
Hey Norby, it was the Daly press release that claimed Art Brown was the Mayor of BP. Nice try though.