Donahieu Pact: Late Revenge for the Recall
Word has it that Don Bankhead has endorsed Hieu Nguyen for Clerk-Recorder, joining Dick Ackerman’s anti-Norby jihad. This is a slap in the face for the lone councilman who supported Don’s quixotic bid for Sheriff back in 1990. Ackerman supported Brad Gates, who easily turned back the Bankhead challenge.
Don was first elected in 1988 with the promise that he–like Norby–would back Molly McClanahan for Mayor (an Ackerman/Catlin/LeQuire triad had blocked her for years). That broke the annual mayoral controversy and restored the rotation that continues today. So Norby and Bankhead began as buddies. Norby even endorsed him as late as 2002, much to the ire of some longtime loyalists.
For Don, though, it’s still all about his being recalled by Fullerton voters. Norby opposed the utility tax passed by Bankhead, Catlin and McClanahan which led to their recall in 1994. He’s been sore ever since. Norby did not actually support the recall, but his later hiring of organizer Bruce Whitaker is a constant reminder of the utility tax/recall fiasco, foisted on Fullerton by then-City Manager Jim Armstrong.

Other Hieu backers with grudges against Norby include: La Habra Councilman Tim “Taxman” Shaw (mad at Norby for pulling his endorsement when he supported the 1/2 cent LH sales tax hike), State Sen. Mimi Walters (mad at Norby for supporting Harry Sidhu against her), Ackerman (mad at Norby for beating his hand-picked council candidates) and Cynthia Coad (mad at Norby for beating her for Supervisor in 2002). It ain’t no secret, the Republican party is the party of grudge holders.
The fact that County Counsel is actively opposing the proposed redevelopment expansion further fuels Bankhead’s bile. Perhaps, Bankhead thinks the County should just lay down and let the RDA steal the County’s money for that all-important Commonwealth blight fight. But, it appears the recall is what really keeps galling Mayor Donahieu.
Norby really supported Don for Sheriff? That goes back a ways!
Actually, Norby would probably have supported even Bankhead over Hutchens. Did he apply?
Cheap shot about Republicans holding grudges, though. Democrats can sure hold them as well–ever heard of the Clintons?
JJ, when it’s true, it’s not cheap.
I wish you people would all use your real names, this guessing who’s who in the zoo is making my head spin like a top.
If I told you my real name, you’d stop shaking my hand at Chamber meetings.
Who woulda thought that fifteen years after the successful recall of Don Bankhead that he would still be wreaking havoc on the Fullerton City Council? In spite of his “disability” retirement, support of redevelopment boondoggles and liberal big government stances he has been repeatedly propped up by Republican officeholders and voters who are misled about his record. Sixteen years ago, Tom O’Neil of the Fullerton Chamber of Commerce led a charge to “Wake Up Fullerton” about the threat of new utility taxes. The time is now to finally Wise Up Fullerton and send Don Bankhead and Dick Jones packing.
Where did you find that old Bankhead sign? I’m always impressed at the depth of the FFFF archives.
There’s a good chance Norby could lose and just be out of work and out of politics. I think more people will be getting on the Hieu train.
Travis, for some reason there are so few people in this town that remember the past. It’s amazing how much we can learn just from our past mistakes.
Anything’s possible, Ivy Leaguer, but first he’s gonna hafta to decide on a first name.
“The Hieu Train” If Bankhead’s on it, can Jones be far behind?
I heard Jones is going to support Rosie for Supe. Jones is still upset at Nelson because Nelson was the only intelligent one on the council that knew the employee union boss was taking Jones (and council) for a ride.
shame on all of you guys. How quickly people forget all the stupid things that Mr. Norby has done. I guess you can sleep on the job and sexually harassed woman and rent a room in a motel and pay the motel room with his own campaign money. This guys should never run for another elected office. I hope you never get elected again. You are a joke!!!!!.
I agree with Fullerton Citizen #11, seriously where do you draw the line? I’ts incredible to think that this guy got away with all that he has done. I too can say shame on all you people who are supporting this joke of a Republican, what an embarrassment to the community!
If politicians slept more, maybe they would end up costing me less money!
I suppose that’s true, Jay. Imagine if those dolts in Sacramento had spent the last 10 years sleeping in the park instead of running our state into the ground!
“No one’s money is safe when Congress is in session!”
–Will Rogers (and he was a Democrat!)
Who wants Bankhead’s endorsement?
Question for you Bro: How much money does the city/agency give to the useless chamber of commerce every year?
It appears the Chamber is the biggest pay to play group of useless donkeys in Fullerton. If fact, “they” sound like Dr. Jackass when they talk at the public hearings.
Admin, a video clip of the “group of usual chamber suspects” would be fun to watch and hear.
Bankhead and Jones both are retired in place and both need to be put out to pasture. Especially Bankhead all he does is take up valuable space in the city counsel meetings. He has no value to the city at all.