Fringe Alert!

Yes, Dear Friends, it is that time of year again. Well, not really “again” because we’ve never done it before. And whether we ever do it again will depend on whether Fullerton’s politicians and decision-makers quit doing and saying hare-brained things. Aw, momma, that’s a lead-pipe cinch.
Whoa, there, you say! What in the world is JFD going off on? Is somebody putting weird stuff in his kibble?

No! What I’m going off on is the First Annual FFFF Fringie Awards. That’s right. We will recognize the most recognizable 2009 behavior by our political lords and masters/mistresses by awarding recognition for it. Several categories will be included, as well a special life-time achievement award.
Stay tuned as we announce the nominees! And don’t hesitate to make your feelings known. The Academy will take all views into consideration.
What do the winners get?