Hilda Sugarman Apparently Not Sweet on Friends for Fullerton’s Future

Anybody home?
Anybody home?

A while back (6/3) FSD Trustee Hilda Sugarman inadvertently sent us an e-mail meant for someone else in which she directed this person(s) to read our post on the FSD laptop flop, asking whether it was “worth it” to “correct our errors.” We replied via e-mail and invited her to share these supposed errors with us. See? We’re nothing if not open to correction.

On 6/4 our intrepid Travis followed up with another e-mail, this time to the entire board, asking for additional specifics about the laptop program to help clarify points of confusion he encountered when talking to parents. Well over a week has gone by and so far nothing but a deafening silence from  the biggest cheerleader of this coercive governmental shakedown scheme. We realize that the well-lubricated FSD bureaucratic machine is hard at work extruding “knowledge creators” for the 21st Century.

Make sure to cut them off the right length
Make sure to cut them all off the same length...

But not even a quick post correcting our so-called “errors”? That doesn’t sound so hard, does it? Maybe they can assign the task to an 6-year old for extra credit.

Okay kids someone come up with something creative. Mr. Hovis can't write for beans.
Okay kids. Someone come up with something creative. Dr. Hovis can't write for beans.

C’mon Hilda, we’re waiting! And how about the rest of the FSD crew?

One Reply to “Hilda Sugarman Apparently Not Sweet on Friends for Fullerton’s Future”

  1. I am offended by your mean attacks on this wonderful woman. She just gives so much we are blessed to have her and we love her. So what if Dr. Hovis can’t write good. It’s not like he was a real doctor or anything. If you get sick you don’t go to him so what if his letter was the way it was? Computers are good because they represent the futur and we need the futur.

    Finally i say you mean people should go get a job and stiop this attak on good people.

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