Home For The Holiday at Harry’s (3rd District Abode)

We are in second-hand receipt of an invitation to a holiday reception hosted by Anaheim councilmember Harry Sidhu at his home “the Elegant Old Yorba Estate.” We wanted to pass it along as a public service, although we’re not sure who all was invited (we were not).

Sidhu_Holiday_Reception.12.11.09Just a reminder, Friends. The Elegant Old Yorba Estate is in the 3rd OC Supervisorial District. But Harry says he’s running to represent those of us who live in the 4th Supe District. Gee, Harry, nothing personal, but we believe we can find a representative among the folks who actually live in our district!

Anaheim Hills: Lakeview & Santa Ana Canyon Rd. @ 91 Freeway
Anaheim Hills: Lakeview & Santa Ana Canyon Rd. @ 91 Freeway
Santa Ana Canyon Rd. between Lakeview & Imperial

P.S. It would appear as if some enterprising Fringer placed a few Ackerman carpetbagger signs in Harry’s neighborhood – just as a not-so-subtle reminder of what was happening to the last out-of-town slummer.

13 Replies to “Home For The Holiday at Harry’s (3rd District Abode)”

  1. Why would you want Harry out of the race, he doesn’t poll well, he will split the Anaheim vote, that would be a good thing for Nelson, am I missing something?

  2. #4, those are excellent points. However, some of them could have been made about the Ackerwoman, too.

    I don’t see how we can turn the proverbial blind eye to Harry or Lorri here. John Lewis would love to have Harry out of the way so his boy Daly can get a bigger slice of the Anaheim pie; but we really, really don’t like carpetbaggers here at FFFF.

    Which is more evidence that we are not just Shawn Nelson stooges as has been claimed by some of our mean commenters.

      1. Oooh! Stinging rejoinder! Meanie!

        Obviously a sore Ackerwoman voter. Say, why don’t you and the rest of your 19% put it to music? Meanwhile be sure to volunteer to help pack the moving van.

  3. It is so easy to be “clever” in “conservative Republican” Orange County politics. Just be a phony and a liar and Oh! so earnestly desirous of becoming a member of the “in crowd” (government) and, then you’re just exactly like one of the Socialist big government Democrats, which you supposedly oppose (silently).

    That is how we ended up with a phony Republican Party which is just one fraction of an inch less sickening and big government-money-corrupt than the Communists of the Democrat Party.

    EVERYONE who has voted Republican in the last 25 years of elections has HATED the Republican Party nominee, but voted for him or her anyway, because the Democrat was (even more) demonic.

    The “hero” McCain was the zenith (or nadir?) of the HORRIBLE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE parade. The ONLY mistake he made in his campaign was to name Palin as his running mate. Without her, I suspect McCain would have gotten ZERO votes anywhere in the U.S.A.

    I think the days of actual conservatives (i.e. normal people) voting for the “non-Democrat” are OVER. Instead, a candidate must be principled (i.e. American principles rather than Obama-Communist idiology) and honest (which would include such complicated things as living in the district, being an actual American citizen, etc.).

  4. Want a true feel for who Harry Sidhu is? Show up for the party, and watch the way he treats the neighbors he inconveniences every time he opens “the Yorba Estate”. Pure nastiness. I lost all respect for him after I saw the way he talked to his neighbors during an event. Add that to the fact that he does not live in the 4th District, and he has burned his Anaheim bridges by selling out Anaheim residents who re-elected him to Council, and the man’s political career is toast. All that money is not going to help him next time.

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