Just How Bad Was the Norby E-mail? You Be The Judge

A few days ago County Supervisor Chris Norby sent out a solicitation for contributions to his County Clerk campaign. Nothing unusual there. But apparently some of them were sent to County employees at their work e-mail addresses. County employees are forbidden to use their computers for this type of activity so even if the e-mails were sent from a private computer (they were) it raises problems for the recipients thereof.
Others have raised the seemliness and propriety of a supervisor asking for money of employees during a time of layoffs. The issue of coercion seems to be the focus.
Chris is getting roasted alive by just about everyone under the sun for this transgression, including apparently the good folks at KFI. The upshot of all of this remains to be seen, but so far the fallout hasn’t been too good for Norby.
Anyhoo, we got a hold of a copy of the offending e-mail. Here it is:
the June 2010 primary. I’m the only elected official so far to
declare for this seat and current incumbent Tom Daly is vacating to
run for Supervisor.
Please visit my website at www.Norby10.com for my goals, list of
supporters and campaign updates.
I’ve already raised over $140,000 for the campaign and hope to
double that in the coming months. I ask for your support and your
help. Contributions up to $1,700 may be sent to Norby for
Clerk-Recorder / 214 N. Yale Ave. / Fullerton, CA 92831.
I stand on my record and experience in Orange County government and
look forward to serving in this new capacity.
— Supervisor Chris Norby
Candidate, OC Clerk-Recorder
Fallout not too good? That’s the understatement of the year! What a way to launch a campaign! Can’t manage a campaign, can’t manage an organization with 100 people in it.
Go Hugh!
Imagine if this went to Daly’s employees. They would feel compelled to give to Norby or risk being laid off…
Sounds like the kind of B.S. shakedown we can all expect care of John Lewis
After this Norby debacle the Supes will put a Charter Amendment on the ballot to make this job appointed.
Finger to the Wind:
Which finger are we talking about?
Go back to teaching………………I think
Well if he can raise money by sending out an email, I’m doing it too, though for no apparent reason other than to get money.
Tom Daly would be a welcome change from this guy if you ask me.
The question is: Is the Norby campaign, and its’ manager sloppy or dumb? Either way, not a good sign for a potential guardian of the “vital records.” What are the vital records?
I do agree with PantheraLeo. Norby must get his act together if he is going to go to Sacramento. But I know Norby, because he’s helped a group of us
Fullertonians fight the absurd plans for the Fullerton College football stadium – next door to the high school one- and he’s genuine. He needs some finessing, but will be an excellent Assemblyman. His fiscal conservancy, clearsightedness in distinguishing between needs and wants, good-heartedness, and good sense of humor will do him well in Sacramento.
The e-mail mentioned in this discussion is not all that objectionable given the low standards of all politicians. I’d say it makes Norby about even with the the rest of them. If you want low life politics take a look at Ackerman’s repugnant black mailer. That mailer is orders of magnitude worse than the subject e-mail from Norby.