Keller Fundraiser Targets Ex-hippies

Fullerton Council member Pam Keller is having a fund raiser with a “Woodstock” theme. You may not remember Woodstock, and that is forgivable since many of the people who were there can’t remember it either. Or you may be too young. So we’ll help out a little: musicians bombed out of their minds, mud wrestling in the rain, and a whole lot of LSD making it bearable, and totally, you know, psychedelic, man.
A fitting end to the irresponsible 60s many up-tight squares would say.
Since Pam is 46 or so, she must have been seven years old when Woodstock went down so it’s sort of an odd theme – unless one stops to consider her target audience – hippies turned multiple-Volvo liberals who are now pushing or have pushed the 60-year mark and can afford to be Jimi Hendrix Fan Club members at $1000 a pop.

We do wonder how many dee-velopers of the sort that foisted Jefferson Commons and Amerige Court on Fullerton will just mail their checks in. We’ll find out when financial reports are made and let you know.
Well, anyway we like Pam okay, and so we pass along this free plug for her fundraiser. It probably won’t be as much fun as the real Woodstock, but who knows? Just keep your eye on the punch bowl. Mr. Peabody may be there.

Cute. Dress up like 60s flower children.
You hit the nail on the head with the limousine liberal tag. I listened to Keller’s campaign claptrap in 2006 and decided to give her a chance.
Then she sold us out on Jefferon Commons, and even worse on, on Amerige Court. I realized she was just full of it.
I will PROTECT Fullerton from special interest developers that want to influence our future. I have not and will not accept developer contributions to get elected. I support vision and growth that is driven by the residents of Fullerton.
Hey, Pam Keller’s Website, Pam’s done a pretty crappy job PROTECTING Fullerton from special interests so far.
Please share with us which residents of Fullerton pushed for Amerige Court and Jefferson Commons. Oh that’s right – Pelican Laing and Steve Sheldon. Out of town developers. And let’s not for get the City Redevelopment staff that is desperately looking for something to do.
Maybe next time instead of hearing empty platitudes and hollow campaign slogans from Pam Keller’s Website we can hear from Pam herself, explain just what kind of “vision and growth” she supports.
Groovy. Far out. Out of sight. Ohhhhh – the colors!
The only ‘special interest’ I intend to represent is you, your family and your neighbors. You can count on me to PLAN, PROTECT, PROVIDE and PRESERVE Fullerton!
Hey, Pam Keller’s Webiste. More empty slogans. please explain what you HAVE done – not meaningless political catchphrases.
Explain who wanted Amerige Court and Jefferson Commons and why you think those projects have anything to do with PLANNING, PROTECTING, PROVIDING AND PRESERVING.
My God, this is just PATHETIC.
Sorry, Pam. I gave you your chance and trusted you with my vote. You sold me and my family and my neighbors (near downtown Fullerton) out.
Good post, guys, and thanks for the right-justified text!
Think nothing of it.
She should have done a bicycle themed party. Then they could all wear safety helmets and Pam could put her Helmet Adjuster Certification to work.
What part of Amerige Court was driven by residents of Fullerton?
Although we are not of the same political party, I think Pam Keller has done a good job helping Fullerton achieve its development potential. I intend to support her re-election. Developing the city is good for business, and yes, developers are good people, too!
Look forward!
I’m sure you will support her, CS. You’ve found a kindred spirit.
koool, if i pay a thousand dollars for keller’s love-in will someone paint daisies on my face and not laugh at my interpretive dancing . What does woodstock have to do with responsible government? Absolutely nothing but who cares about logic its woodstock all over again
What Pammy doesn’t realize is that there was plenty of corruption, stupidity and violence even within the Hippie movement of the 1960’s.
So what she’s referring to is a very nostalgic and fake version of Woodstock. Instead, i think Pammy would be better off adopting the Teletubbies for that hand holding kumbaya moment she pretends to want.
Well. let’s not be too harsh. It’s just a party. And it’s not a bad idea for a costume affair. Anybody can raid the closet or the local thrift store for next to nothing.
Still, the idea of dropping acid with Minard Duncan is pretty disturbing.
I really do have to wonder who will cough up $1000 to join the Jimi Hendrix Fan Club.
Harpoon, “We’ll find out when financial reports are made and let you know”……………….well we are waiting.
Looks like a gloomy Saturday.