Yesterday somebody calling himself/herself “Pam Keller’s Website” came a knockin’ and started spamming Pam’s 2006 campaign slogans all over our Friends. We had some fun with it. But underlying the humor is the very real and important issue of comparing what politicians promise, and what they do. Words are pretty cheap, especially when minted by a campaign for public office. The actual record speaks volumes.
Several comments on the thread raised the issue of large development projects that Keller has voted to approve, that included vast wealth-creating zone changes, corporate subsidies and other entitlements, and that would necessarily dump the negatives – like traffic and infrastructure overuse – onto the rest of us. So how does her approval of the abominable Jefferson Commons and the equally atrocious Amerige Court square with her campaign website promises? How does her support for the development engendering Redevelopment expansion square with that; or the project now unfolding on Euclid Avenue?

We see a big disconnect.
Whether or not Pam thinks her 2006 slogans will still work in 2010 remains to be seen, even among her usually unreflecting, left-leaning adherents. If she does think so, she may have another think coming. Below we share a comment from a new Friend – “Disillusioned Ex-hippie” – who voted for Keller last time, is affronted by her voting record, and who won’t make the same mistake again:
“I sure hope Pam doesn’t think that garbage is going to fly anymore. Notice how nobody has explained or defended her unforgivable support for Amerige Court and The Jefferson Commons monsters? Come on, Pam, let’s hear it.
Okay, I’ll help define the campaign slogan:
PLAN (on more massive development), PROTECT (incompetent redevelopment staff), PROVIDE (for developers profits), and PRESERVE (my council seat).
Okay. Got it!”
Now that’s PLENTY PITHY – if we do say so ourselves!
On Amerige Court:
I hear moans and groans in the audience. I’m moaning and groaning louder myself. I just… I’m. I’m. You can see I’m standing right here on the fence. Half of me wants to go to this side and half of me wants to go to that side. The people that came up here tonight I respect. The majority of them very much. I have had long conversations with many of you. Um… I think I would like this project to go forward this evening and I think I will be supp…. I do not think. I will be supporting it. I’m going to have to take it back if Dr. Jones kisses me again.
I don’t think those moans and groans are going to be reliable Keller voters this time around.
Good God! What blathering nonsense!
Thanks for the plug, Shadow.
You are quite correct. My husband and I aren’t going to go along any more. Once bitten…
This association is doing our product a disservice. Please cease and desist using our product in a negative manner. Spam is tasty, nutritious, and full of brain cell-building protein!
Please post more transcripts so people can read for themselves how foolish Pam sounds
Pam moans and groans “louder” than any of us. AND THEN SHE VOTED FOR IT!!!!!!
I like what you did with that Spam-Pam thing.
I don’t expect everyone to be articulate, but Keller should at least be able to sputter out some kind of reasoning to support her vote. In this case she talks over and over about what a tough decision she has to make, but then pulls it out of thin air like a kid choosing what kind of candy she wants for dinner.
Too funny #1. All her blather about community based planning blah, blah, blah. Then she plops one on her own supporters who are sitting out there groaning in the audience.
She said she respected them. Evidently she respects the Redevelopment staff even more!
Are you sure this is Pam Keller’s transcript, it sounds more like Julie Sa?
What date was that meeting on, I’ll do a youtube clip on her babble if it’s OK with admin?
my pleasure Tommy T, Travis the date please.
Amerige Court was approved by council on 8/19/08.
Shouldn’t the amount given to the Fullerton Collaborative by developer’s interests be public record?
Funny that you should mention this, Garden Hose. Questions are being asked, even as we write. Since Keller has made such a big deal about this charity she runs it’s time people in Fullerton got a glimspe of what it is and what it does.
And the question of who gives it money (i.e pays Pam’s “salary”) is profoundly important in this endeavor. If any of them are d-velopers, then oopsy!
Follow this. Let’s say we’re a non profit and we support good works here in the community. The ED brings in developer donations. Now the collaborative has a lot more money. But what happens when the ED is also on the city council, responsible for voting on projects as well? What happens when the ED has told developers she doesn’t accept donations from them, but they can give to the non profit organization instead?
What interests do any of the collaborative members have in any of the massive, multi-million dollar redevelopment project such as Jefferson Commons –if any?
We’ll be generous and say none –for now. But it might pay to look at the votes she’s tossing into the yes bin, and also whether or not any monies from the developers have gone to the collaborative.
Because if this is the case, then their name is forever tied to some boondoggles and waste. But oh well. If their boards haven’t seen fit to do this, then they’re not interested in avoiding even the hint of impropriety. This might not be surprising though, as at least five of the organizations below are funded in part by governmental monies.
* Easter seals
* Orange County Congregation Community Organizers
* City of La Habra
* Orangethorpe United Methodist Church
* Orangethorpe Learning Center
* Saint Jude Medical Center
* Fullerton School District
* Fullerton School District- After School Programs
* Project Access
* Fish of Fullerton
* Minard Duncan
* Pat Trotter
* Chris Lamm
* Karen Rose
* Jeanette Contreras
* Colleen Townsend-Thomas
* Pam Keller
* Diane Montano
* Tammi McIntyre
* Marion Shane
Pam the ED and also a Board Member, that’s weird.
Yes, Dawg. I noticed that, too. Unless she’s somehow out of it she’s negotiating and receiving the benefit of the FSD contract with the Collabotaive. Not good.
what’s with that smile?
Am I missing something here? I’ve never heard of the “Fullerton Collaborative” so I looked at their website hoping to find some clues as to what they actually do, and I’m still at a loss. I clicked on their “Faces Flyer in English” and all I saw was a PDF file with a collection of puzzle pieces that clearly make no sense if they were ever to be assembled. I looked at their “Events” calendar and apparently they have nothing to do for the rest of the year. Just who are these people? How is it that they’ve glommed together? What are they after?
Okay, sorry, after reading their “Membership Benefits” page, I now see what they do:
That really clears things up.
The Fullerton Collaborative is a cooperative of executive directors, educators, activists, community service leaders and volunteers dedicated to building and supporting a healthy cohesive community. As an alliance of non-profit organizations and individuals who enjoy making “good things” happen for the community, we are able to provide community assistance where we are needed most. Our unique partnership allows us to help each other accomplish goals. We encourage our members and the Fullerton Community to “think collaboratively”
The “Collaborative” lost money in 2007 and Pam’s salary is the biggest expense! “Good things” are happening for Pam!
Pam Keller’s Transcript: Opinion On Amerige Court:
……” I’m going to have to take it back if Dr. Jones kisses me again.”
This is what she does best. She tosses in asides. Either it’s provocative, cutesy or a little bit mean. It’s done to throw people off and deflect them from what’s going on.
Humor? Sure, we’re all for humor. But this was an important decision, and even so, she didn’t state what she wanted very well. So she tosses this in, because even she’s not convinced of her convictions, and then undoubtably she cracks a little smile, maybe wrenches her voice up a little bit and wants a little giggle.
I think anyone who listens to this stuff should be incredulous that she gets away with it. Her supporters should start questioning both her ability and vision. Her style, is as repetitive and bad as Dick Jones’ corn pone.
She didn’t state it very well because she couldn’t – she wanted that monster to be approved but knew it would alienate some of her worshipers (and it did).
I’m not sure which is worse, the way she sold out her friends and the “community driven plannin” she promised, or her complete lack of articualtion. Yoou’d think she could have a t least had a little speech prepared explaining the sellout. Maybe she did but lost her nerve when the moment of truth came.
Where’s Chamber Star now?