New Blight Report: “Fullerton Airport Unsafe”

"Breaker breaker there's unsafe to land here, over"

Lawyers for the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency have a tough job in trying to defend the bogus blight findings that have been so effectively demolished by County Counsel Attorney James Harman and Friends for a Livable Fullerton‘s & FFFF Attorney Robert Ferguson.

They just came out with a weak 14 page response to the blight objections, in preparation for the scheduled hearing this Tuesday, June 16 (Item 14). If the council has any sense, they’d shelve this turkey project now.

"but we need the money"
but, we need the money

Imagine, Fullerton Council Members, some of whom have been in office since the 90s, spending public money to prove that blight in Fullerton is growing. Blight growing on their watch!

One Page 11 of the Agency’s response, the report reads “Significant improvements are needed at the airport and its vicinity, including safety upgrades. The airport is affected by the lack of safety upgrades…”


Admitting that its own airport is unsafe opens the City to serious liability. And if it is true, upgrades should be paid for by internal airport revenues (leases, tie-down fees, etc.) Property tax increment shouldn’t pay for airport upgrades, any more than for municipal golf course improvements. The airport is setup as an enterprise fund—self supporting.

The report clearly asserts that Fullerton Municipal Airport is blighted—and dangerous. If true, who allowed this to happen? If the airport has to be subsidized by redevelopment, than perhaps it should be shut down and sold off.

SoftLand met SoftLand TS 024.jpgOn Page 12 of the report, the crack Agency legal minds write: “Sam’s Club—This store is completely surrounded by properties with at least one significant condition of physical blight.”

Well, tell that to the Home Depot, which is adjacent to Sam’s Club, and one of the City’s biggest retailers. The City’s biggest home improvement center is now a source of blight!

The report is so full of blanket and sweepingly false statements that is difficult to fathom the legal minds behind it. But, then, if the facts aren’t on your side, you have to make them up!

10 Replies to “New Blight Report: “Fullerton Airport Unsafe””

  1. This new report will effect my property value. I’m pissed off to no end, thanks for the heads up Tony!

  2. if fullerton redevelopment agency wants to find blight then it need only look across the street from this airport to see the seedy, homeless/welfare motels. Another blight area is the parolee motel on commonwealth near brookhurst.

  3. Curious, Pam has decided that because she and her husband own some rental property close to the proposed expanded redevelopment area, she has recused herself from participation in the prior public hearings to avoid a possible conflict of interest.

  4. Be glad she’s recusing–that’ll make it tougher for staff to get 3 votes for this land-grab. BTW: If the Fullerton Airport IS unsafe, I hope they’ve told the FAA

  5. Funny how city politicians are spending so much of my money to prove that the city is worse off (more blight) under their control!

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