No Stems or Seeds That You Don’t Need

Recently Fullerton’s Redevelopment Director, Robert Zur Schmiede (who also serves on the planning commission for Laguna Beach) decided to channel his inner MD for an impromptu prescription to the Laguna Beach City Council to ban all medical marijuana dispensaries from the city. An OC Register article detailing the issue is available here, but here are a couple of noteworthy quotes:

“While acknowledging the needs of ill patients to access marijuana, I will not support — and will, in fact, vehemently oppose — the allowance of collectives in the city,” Commissioner Robert Zur Schmiede said.

“Why anyone with a grain of sense thinks this is something we should do is beyond me,” he added, to some murmurs in the audience.

Father Schmiede Knows Best
Father Zur Schmiede Knows Best

Let’s get this straight:

  • the majority of voters in California elected to legalize marijuana for medical use 13 years ago
  • Zur Schmiede is fully aware that there are ailing citizens who have a legitimate medical need for the drug
  • Zur Schmiede does not have a medical degree

Despite all that, he actively seeks to deny patients access to a drug that a licensed medical doctor has recommended for treatment.

Hmm... No medical marijuana for you!
Hmm... No medical marijuana for you! Trust me. I'm not a doctor.

Does Zur Schmiede really have the public interest in mind here? Can we expect this sort of reefer madness to echo in Fullerton? Or can we reasonably expect our city staff to uphold State law?



We have delved deep into our photo archives and have uncovered this image. And so continuing in the Robert Young leitmotif  we share it with our Friends.

But I'm sick and need help! Nein! Ve vill never approve this pprescription!
But I'm sick and need help! Nein! Ve vill never approve zis prescription!

23 Replies to “No Stems or Seeds That You Don’t Need”

  1. Wow, Zur Schmiede can’t even get a break from this blog when he goes off duty.

    More proof that the “I know what’s best for you” attitude permeates our city.

  2. Mr. Peabody, great innaugural post! JAG is right, but the problem is universal. These pin-head planners are so f-ing arrogant, but have so little to back it up.

  3. Too true. You take a bozo with a 108 IQ and a degree in “urban planning” from some lame ass diploma mill, and suddenly you’ve got an all-knowing genius on your hands.

    The worst thing is that with their even dumber accomplices on the city council these little land-use Nazis can do real damage to a city as they foist the latest master plan on the rest of us.

  4. True, Joe, true.

    Who was crucified and left Zur Schmiede reigning divinity? Who cares what this person thinks about medical marijuana?

    “Why anyone with a grain of sense thinks this is something we should do is beyond me,” he added, to some murmurs in the audience.

    To paraphrase His Holiness: why anyone with a grain of sense thinks we should expand Redevelopment and put this jack ass in charge of it, is beyond me.

  5. Jeepers, pop only sold insurance and one job was plenty for him. How does Mr. Zur Schmiede manage to find time away from Fullerton RDA to help out those nice folks in Laguna? That’s awfully swell of him!

    1. Good point, Billy. How can Zur Schmiede find time to do all the work necessary to be on another city PC, be Redevelopment Ditector in Fullerton, even as he tries to double its size.

      Of course, judging by his comments he’s not puting a whole bunch of thought into it.

  6. Does this mean that we won’t be getting any subsidized spleefs? The law breaking booze venders downtown get their CUP applications payed by Redevelopment but our city wont even hear an applicant for a medical dispensary.

  7. Nanny zur schmeide suggests taking a spoonful of sugar instead of marijuana to make the medicine go down

  8. A Laguna Beach planning commissioner as our RDA czar? No wonder he sees Fullerton as blighted!

    No industrial parks or strip malls in Laguna! Hey, this is how the rest of us live!

    His medical marijuana reflect the authoritarian mindset of the Bush-era ATF, about which we’ll doubtlessly reading nothing in the Observer. Any breathless “Q & A” on this, Sharon?

  9. How can he “acknowlege the needs of ill patients” and then deny them access to medicine in the same sentence? Zur Schmeide is exporting the ol’ Fullerton Doubletalk to Laguna Beach.

  10. RobZ should have met with Pam Keller before he stuck his foot in his mouth on this one. I see the Friends are featuring Pam on the blog this week, but don’t forget she got it right on the medical weed issue so give credit when it’s due.

    1. Hoss :but don’t forget she got it right on the medical weed issue so give credit when it’s due.

      Uh, yeah. That’s because no dee-velopers were lobbying her about it.

  11. “Today Attorney General Eric Holder announced formal guidelines for federal prosecutors in states that have enacted laws authorizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Those guidelines are contained in a memo from Deputy Attorney General David W. Ogden which was sent to United States Attorneys this morning.”

    Read the memo:

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