Norby Throws Hat In Ring


The word of Mike Duval’s resignation has spread like a wildfire. I just got off the phone with soon to be termed out Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby and according to Chris even though he’s only had 30 minutes to think about this he told me, “I believe this is an opportunity I have to take”! “Opportunity”? Hell, this is the Red Sea parting.

Everyone who knows Chris’ avowed principles knows that he would better serve the public by being in Sacramento and advocating for Redevelopment reform than by hanging around Civic Center Drive and Broadway recording “vital” records. There’s no better place to advocate for Redevelopment reform than in Sacramento.

Goooo Norby, we’re behind you 100%.

10 Replies to “Norby Throws Hat In Ring”

  1. Hey, both these guys need a job, how about a swaperoo? Norby goes for Duvall’s seat and Duvall runs for county clerk. Except Duvall’s going to have to go against Hugh Nguyen, that could be pretty rough…

  2. Chris Norby has advocated for reform and more governmental accountability in many areas other than redevelopment agencies, although he is most well-known for that. Education is still a big issue in California, and not an issue for most city councils or county boards of supervisors, but Chris Norby has been a public school teacher in a suburban area. The question is: will the rulers in the Sacramento statehouse permit a Republican teacher to be heard? Stay tuned….

  3. yes, steven greenhut for the assembly seat. Having read many of greenhut’s articles, I know he is an intelligent, articulate person who hates big government. I’ll support his election campaign .

  4. I hope this blog will still poke Norby every time he screws up. I don’t want to read some stupid shill blog that’s afraid to tell the truth. Please keep it real, FFFF.

    1. What? Are you kidding? He’s still got a huge target on his back as far as I’m concerned. Nobody gets a pass here.

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