Not Quite Gone and Hardly Forgotten: Steve Greenhut Goes After Ackerman, Inc.
Our old amigo Steve Greenhut has taken a job up north in Sacramento to untangle some of the worst of California’s governmental pathologies, but he still writes an occasional piece for the OC Register. It obviously has not been lost on Steve that the current battle for the 72nd Assembly District is a pretty good symbol of an attempt by the entrenched GOP old guard to hold on to their influence and money apparatus – and that ties directly to the mess in Sacramento.
Over the week-end Greenhut dropped a devastating editorial scud on the Ackerman, Inc. machine that was both informative and entertaining. Read Steve’s piece here.

The OC Repugs don’t like the antiseptic light of day shining on their doings, so one can only imagine the consternation Greenhut’s editorial has caused. And they also don’t like their ideology questioned by anybody. Ideology is their purview, see, by which they whip up the stupider ranks of the rank and file and get them mobilized. But that’s mostly window dressing. When in office the ‘Pugs like to settle in and start milking their cash cow for all it’s worth.

Good story but it is a re-hash of what most people already know.
It’s a rehash of what the insiders know – those who oppose Ackerman Inc, and those who choose to look the other way.
That article was seen by tens of thousands of people, many of whom will be returning absentee ballots today.
I’m voting for any person who respects the individual more than big government. Linda Ackerman is the typical, opportunist who uses government as their personal cash machine. FFF where may I find a big poster that supports Norby for assemblyman for 72nd district. I want to post it, now, on my front lawn.
Contact Norby via his website and request a yard sign.
I think Van is looking for a red and blue sign. Can you say “no carpetbaggers”