Okay, This Is Starting To Get A Little Embarrassing

What's next? "Former Hippies For Ackerman?"
What's next? "Former Hippies For Ackerman?"

The other day one of our Friends, an entrenched member of the Green Party, got a spam e-mail at his GP address from: drum roll…..Linda Ackerman.

Now there isn’t a chance in hell that this guy or any of his kindred spirits are going to vote for a Republican, let alone one that lives in Irvine; especially when they have a perfectly fine Greenie in Jane Rands.

We have already related how Mrs. Ackerman has tried to court non-Reeps by slithering out from under her own Repuglican rock; only to alienate local Republican stalwarts. She’s still trying to scrape the elephant dung off her shoes after that misstep.

We have also been told that Ackerwoman is advertising on cable TV during the day. Well there’s a no-brainer. And we mean that literally.

I gave Probolsky fifteen grand so I guess I'll buy another vowel
I gave Adam Probolsky fifteen grand and he told me I look good on TV

4 Replies to “Okay, This Is Starting To Get A Little Embarrassing”

  1. I saw a commercial today on local prime cable…that insinuated Chris Norby is a sob. Team Ackerwoman has changed hit tactics to cable TV.

    Problobski must have determined that the best bank for the buck is cable TV.

    $14K = deliver the goods or else::::::::: finito-la-musica

  2. Since TV is the LEAST focused way of attracting the attention of likely voters (esp. in a low-turnout SE) I think we may now assume the turkey is cooked and its time to take it out of the oven.

    I wonder if all those donors regret tossing their cash into this rat hole.

    1. I don’t know about that. The consultants do charge a % of mail maybe they do it with TV ad costs, too. What it really means is that Ackerwoman still has money left for somebody to get their hooks into it.

      Something tells me this is going to be the highest cost per vote total ever (if you count the IE – and why not?). $40-$50 a vote?

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