On the Agenda: December 1st, 2009

Fullerton City Council AgendaThe Closed Session has something very interesting. Item 2 is noted as “Portion of Tentative Tract Nos. 15671, 15672, and 15673 – West Coyote Hills, Fullerton, CA”. Yep, more Coyote Hills for those that just can’t get enough.

Among other items on the consent calendar, Item 5 is going to change the appointment process for at-large commissioners.

Item 6 is so that the Parks and Recreation folks can apply for a grant that would be used for the Union Pacific Trail Phase II. The total cost is estimated at $1,345,000 which in one way or another comes from public coffers.

Hill Crest Park is 7th on the consent calendar. There is a 113 page back-up document which includes an agreement for landscape architect services. Also in the motion is a request to transfer $60,000 from Redevelopment to Parks and Recreation. (Ed.: One concern that has been voiced by many is the poor maintenance of the parks. Whether from vandalism or neglect, the parks and playgrounds are in need of some TLC.)

8th on the list is the landscape ordinance. In the name of water conservation, let city staff decide what plants are “aesthetically appeasing and environmentally beneficial”. The cost is shown as “None”. Shouldn’t it be a cost saver for the city? Otherwise, why implement it?

Want to know who will be our next mayor? The answer is in the council’s decision on Item 9.

The January 5th meeting is to be canceled per Item 10 because there just isn’t anything for them to do. At least that’s what the staff report says.

Not on the forefront of our minds is who will serve on the Vector Control Board? Jones’ term is up. Can you imagine how he has been representing Fullerton at Board meetings? I would imagine he rambles on about…who knows what.

City staff has recommended several changes related to restrictive parking on public streets. Read Item 12 for details.

Lastly, look out for the December 15th meeting. There are a lot of topics which will likely bring a large turn out. Tentatively they are:

  • Annual Financial Report (A – City/RDA) & B – Airport Update
  • October Financials
  • Contract Renewals for Group Insurance Programs
  • Public Hearing – 5 Year Implementation Plan
  • Adopt Landscape Ordinance
  • Update Deferred Compensation Plan
  • Sewer Reconstruction Project 09/10 Carol/Magnolia Area
  • Public Hearing – Appeal – Encroachment Permit Denial
  • Presentation – Certificate of Appreciation – Dick Waltz
  • Closed Session – Property Negotiations – OC Flyers
  • Public Hearing – Parking Permit Fees
  • Adopt Ordinance – Permit Parking
  • Direct Appointments – Library
  • Public Hearing – Olson Housing Project
  • Contract Award – Raymond Grade Separation
  • RDA Annual Determination Re: Low & Moderate Housing
  • RDA FY 08/09 Annual Report
  • Signal Modification – Orangethorpe/Highland & Signing/Striping – Orangethorpe
  • Presentation – MWD Update

8 Replies to “On the Agenda: December 1st, 2009”

  1. Oh No! More millions wasted on the Union Pacific Trail scam. They’re moving west and leaving the poisoned park behind them!

    It’ll be interesting to see how much new contamination they bought west of Highland.

    1. Wouldn’t that pretty much make it a non-starter for anybody doling out grant money? Let’s hope somebody talks about contamination tomorrow night (although, of course they won’t).

  2. item #6 instead of fullerton parks and recreation spending a million plus taxpayer dollars to cut phase 2 of the union pacific trail, have that whale that works for fullerton’s parks and recreation at the richman community center cut a swath for free with her incredible bulk

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