Pam Keller Week Wrap-up

We’ve spent much of the week examining what we could find out about Pam Keller and her “Fullerton Collaborative.” As a Fullerton City Council member she has cast some votes that even some of her devoted supporters have found, well, mystifying. These include the gargantuan “Jefferson Commons” and the mammoth “Amerige Court” messes. Only a crappy economy has stalled these excrescences from going forward, although several historic, mid-century modern buildings have been destroyed to clear the land for Jefferson Commons.
Pam has made a great big deal about not taking developer’s money, and her 2006 campaign manifesto talks about protecting the citizens of Fullerton from the nasty developer special interests that want to “shape our future.” It still sounds like a lot of campaign drivel, but it was clearly intended to appeal to a certain profile voter – just the sort of voter who should now be appalled at those approved projects.
Our series started out with a giggle over her “Woodstock” fundraiser aimed at ex-hippies who could break out their ratty denims and tie-dye T shirts and kick in $1000 to be a “Jimi Hendrix Fan Club” member. The fact that the party nearly coincided with the one year anniversary of her vote to approve the Amerige Court project propelled the conversation in that direction.
The discussion took another turn when we also noticed that Keller’s Fullerton Collaborative is supposed to combat childhood obesity – so it seemed disconnected that she would vote to move a McDonald’s right across the street from Fullerton High; except that the move frees up land for another massive housing project!
The mention of the Collaborative began a look-see into that group. We discovered that Pam is an employee of the Fullerton School District – not the Collaborative, which is convenient – for her – since she can pursue her philanthropy on the public payroll. We remarked that the money that goes to pay the FSD for Pam’s services constitutes the majority of the Collaborative’s expenses, and that in 2007 it operated in the red.
We also discovered that the Collaborative website makes no mention of who its “donors” are, which is pretty weird for a charity and even weirder for people who donate to them; and this led to all sorts of unpleasant speculation about the possibility that private interests in Fullerton that have business with the City might be donating to the Collaborative.
As speculation mounted about the possibility that land developers might be donating to the Collaborative – developers like Steve Sheldon and the Pelican/Laing boys – we picked up a couple of other interesting tidbits, such as Fullerton City Departments being “members” of the Collaborative where their boss runs things (from FSD Trustee Minard Duncan); and then that Pam Keller attended the now infamous Newport Harbor drinkies boat ride and dinner hosted by Steve Sheldon for Sharon Quirk; a boat ride also attended by the Amerige Court developers who paid $1000 a piece for the privilege. Our Friends wondered if Sheldon gave Keller a freebie and whether that fact had been divulged anywhere.
Finally, FFFF blogmeister Travis Kiger issued a challenge for Pam to reveal who the donors to the Collaborative have been. And Pam responded by saying she would take it up with the Collaborative board (of which she is a member) at their meeting next month.
Well, that’s it so far. It’s been interesting digging into theses topics and others seem to be interested too: we have generated our highest visitor and page view numbers ever.
And rest assured, Friends, we won’t be letting go of this story any time soon, so stick around for the continuing saga!
Wow, busy week. I really want to hear more about the Sheldon cruise.
I hear there was a lot of love on that boat.
WOW! This smacks of the Obama shennanigans and ACORN and SEIU. Pam’s smiling for a reason!!!!
Thanks for your research and keep it coming. Pam’s reelection is coming and her deeds must be exposed!!
I suggest Pam comes clean with all her sources of income and disclose all names of those individuals and companies who “donated” money to the Collaborative (Pam).
Pulling her website down when she did raised a question in my mind about who’s giving money to the Collaborative (Pam).
Please, no more of that photo! As Dick Jones would say – Enough, enough for God’s sake!
So your all feeling pretty Smug over there aren’t you, well when this gets proven out that you have been wrong. PLEASE…PLEASE… be as persistent rectifying Pam’s name by backing her all the way for RE-ELECTION for next term.
Just as you have prematurely tried to take her down by assumptions and accusations.
PAM FAN, you seem very confident that Pam will be able to clear all of this up. You must have some inside information. Won’t you please share it with us and make it all go away?
I am very confident in Pam and the Fullerton Collaborative Board of Directors.
PAM FAN, I went back and read a lot of your comments on this site. Your lack of reading comprehension skills and knee-jerk support of anything related to Pam or her friends does not inspire confidence. I hope you are right, but I fear that you are naive.
Wreckless, Your unending persuit to PISS people off to try to gather information amuses
me. Not very professional on your part, I really
wonder what your long term goal is..To run for City Council????
#10, I’d vote for wreckless instead of the hypocrite Keller any day.
Thats what I thought you just have your own agenda and you say it is best for Fullerton when it is just a future Council position.
It’s all up to Keller. If she wants to let the public know who has been paying for her services she can do it any time. The IRS documents are public – so lets hope the money adds up. And let’s hope for her sake that there are no developers on that list, especially on projects that she has already voted on – Steve Sheldon or Pelican/Laing. But let’s not forget: JMI/Morgan Group and Chevron.
Thanks, PAM FAN, for revealing the Team Keller strategy: “oh, it’s just politics. They have their own candidate!”
Sorry, but that lame dodge won’t work. These posts have been about Pam Keller’s voting record and the propriety of her Collaborative’s sources of income.
There are probably a lot of people out there who can’t see a problem if it stares them in the face (and you FAN seem to be one of them) but there are people who want to know why Keller has voted for the projects she did – after prominsing to serve the people instead of developers. Can you get through your noggin, PAM FAN?
Pams voting record speaks loud and clear, she represents the hard working families in Fullerton.
TK, how exactly does she do that? Please give some examples.
And while you’re at it please explain how approving massive development projects with their huge corporate subsidies (enriching developers and screwing the rest of us) in any way represents “hard working families in Fullerton.”
Although I guess land developers are hard working, too right? And they throw such nice yacht parties! Yes, Pam’s record speaks loud and clear all right.
who or what supported these unethicals: pam keller, dick jones, sharon quirk? FFFF must have the incriminating facts on these people . Admin has enough savvy to know the difference between the truth and defamation of character. I am enjoying this political soap opera.
Pam brings people together and collaborates, even though you and your readers don’t like Jefferson Commons, Pam does and so do I.
The business’s that occupied those old office towers weren’t even a match to the much needed student housing project!
Jefferson Commons is not student housing. Legally, anybody will be able to rent there. Have fun bunking up with Fullerton’s weirdos.
Pam told me that it (Jefferson Commons) was student housing. She was either lied to or she was naive enough to fall for a trick to get her to vote for it along with Quirk. Doesn’t look good either way.
You and Pam were both fooled. The only difference is that one of you is charged with running a large city.
I will give FFFF $1000 if you NEVER use that picture again.
show me the $