Party Tonight For Ackerwoman; Thrown by – Ackerman

The Ackerman is hosting a reception to night “in honor of” the Ackerwoman, at the Summit House restaurant. Huh? Why?
It’s obviously related to the 72nd Assembly district campaign since the party is being held in Fullerton, instead of Irvine, which is where the Ackermans live. Maybe it’s really a fundraiser. Our invitation didn’t say.
This is an obvious South County political foray into Fullerton, and we don’t like it. So let’s get our act together and protest this carpetbagging Irvine political socialiteand send her and her pals back to South County!
Show up tonight (5:30) at the Summit House Restaurant at the SW corner of Bastanchury Rd. and State College to fight political carpetbagging in North Orange County. We’ll bring the signs! Let’s make this a “reception” she won’t forget!
Count me in!
What time?
We will be there too!
With the Angels on, doubt she will be getting a crowd at all anyways…but great work on getting a carpetbagging rally together.
You guys, you’re not very nice, I’m gonna tell!
“If you are going to take Vienna, take Vienna.”
Good to learn you all are intending to take Vienna.
Napolean: Go hang out with Celsceri the other Napolean. We’ve got serious business here.
FYI, you will want to park in the lower lot on the east side by the State College entrance. This is the city park parking lot which is open until sunset. There is also an entrance on the Bastanchury side (north) that we might want to cover. The South County people will likely be coming in off of State College after their long commute from Irvine. Locals might use the Bastanchury entrance.
she looks like something out of scary movie
Nimrod, stick to the issue, no personal attacks.
That was a good turn out. Lots of honks for support.
I was surprised that Fullerton PD showed up to “keep the peace”.
I saw a lot of big-money OC GOP people which means, her hubby still has lots of connection$.
12 people is a good turn-out? Of those 12, how many were the kids of the administrator? You can have whatever opinion you want on the issues, but claiming 12 people a “good turnout” is not accurate.
#13 – gee, who told you that?
BTW, Dave Lopez from KCAL stopped by and got some good shots, as well as information about Ackerwoman – including her phony address.
It was an hour well-spent.
Let’s see, Rod…I am just a guy in Fullerton, so I suppose I could have driven by and counted? I mean, I had to use my toes to get to 12, but I was able to manage without having to break out a spread sheet.
C’mon, just a guy in Fullerton, it took you three years to get through FJC. You would have had to take your shoes off.
I heard that the FPD was called in to bust some heads. I drove by and saw the cops quietly munching on donuts one block away.
Ooooo a donut joke. That’s original.
Actually, FPD was very professional as one would expect.
#13, stating the number of demonstrators as “12” IS accurate. Stating that it was a “good turnout” is an opinion, which has nothing to do with accuracy or precision.
IMO, 12 (or however many were there – I didn’t count) is a good turn out since the first posting about the event and the signs was at 11:40AM. That doesn’t exactly give anyone ample time to get the word out to true conservatives and round up people with the BALLS to stand up in public for what they believe in.
If you think that Ackerman should not be running because she didn’t/doesn’t live in the district, then you should have been holding a sign beside those 12 people. If you think she can and should run DESPITE the FACT that she DOES NOT live in Fullerton, then you contributing to her fraudulent campaign. The only difference between what Clinton did and what Ackerman did is that Clinton actually MOVED to her state BEFORE running for the Senate.
Right on Greg. That’s exactly how I see it. Even 12 people is a lot better than 0. Too bad just a guy in fullerton didn’t put his shoes back on and join the protest! (although I doubt he was anywhere near that intersection last night)
Yes, Rod, Fullerton is such a VAST city that it would have been very difficult to manage to come ALL the way over there, take off my sock (only one sock) and count.
Greg…to be quite honest, I would generally NOT be in favor of politicians of any stripe moving into a city/county/state/district simply to qualify for election…
…but the flip side is if you are confronted with a choice between a candidate you DISAGREE with that lives here, versus a candidate that you AGREE with that has to move-in to the district, then I think most would make the compromise and support the “carpetbagger”
Let’s be honest. The supporters of this website don’t like Linda Ackerman because of her politics (or who she is), not because she’s a “carpetbagger”. That’s just a label to hang on her to not support her. If Ackerman supported the principles that you (presumably) and others here support, then she would have your backing.
…and lastly (this time), considering this is a Fullerton based organization, and no one would really have to commute to get to the protest venue, I don’t think 12 could be considered a “good turnout” regardless of how you package it. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t worthwhile or a valid expression of political opinion.
…but really, just about anyone could scrape 12 people together including friends and family to protest just about anything.
“Let’s be honest. The supporters of this website don’t like Linda Ackerman because of her politics (or who she is), not because she’s a “carpetbagger”. That’s just a label to hang on her to not support her. If Ackerman supported the principles that you (presumably) and others here support, then she would have your backing.”
We don’t like Linda Ackerman because she doesn’t live in our district. Hers is a naked power grab by a power couple who are out of power. We have no idea what her “politics” are because she has no record. She is very cozy with the big business lobbies in Sacramento and that doesn’t bode well, either.
Ultimately, there’s just no there, there.
And that’s why we don’t like her. Carpetbagger is an apt label. And see, living in a district that you want to represent IS one of our principles. And “carpetbagger” is a whole helluva lot more accurate than “experienced businesswoman” or any of the other bullshit she’s peddling about herself.
So, Harpoon, if Linda Ackerman (or anyone else, for that matter) agreed w/ you on Redevelopment issues, and other Libertarian causes, didn’t “cozy” up to the big businesses in Sacramento, pro-small business, anti-tax increase, etc, etc, etc…BUT that person moved in from out of the area…you would NOT support that person?
You’d rather have a person you marginally agree with (or disagree the least with), but who lives here be your candidate?
If that’s the case, then so be it. But I have a sneaking suspicion that you would support this mythical candidate, even though they might be a “carpetbagger”.
This is my point all along. If we are going to be intellectually honest about why we support one candidate, and not another, then the paper tiger of “carpetbagger” is just a ruse to get attention. In the end, you (and others) don’t like her politics or her friends and issues.
But then again, that’s just my opinion…
Ok, JustAGuy, if you feel strongly about Ackerman as a good candidate (although I haven’t heard your reasons to support her and I know of no matters that she has voted on to gain any insight as to how she would vote except for her MWD experience where she raised rates by 25%) then put together a counter protest for her next Fullerton event.
IMO, she is a RINO. She says she is conservative however she is garnering a larger liberal following. This is because she (and her husband) really aren’t conservative at all.
Last night I got a call for her town hall conference-call meeting. When confronted on her carpet bagging she rambled on about how she raised her kids here, worshiped here, has doctors here… NONE OF WHICH MAKES HER A RESIDENT IN FULLERTON!!!
My question to her was this: “You said you will not vote to raise taxes but you did vote as a MWD director to raise our water rates which is a tax on Fullerton residents. Can you please clarify which taxes you will raise and those that you will not raise? ” The call screener put my on permanent hold.
Another caller pointed out that we have way too many laws which have raised our taxes. He asked her to repeal these laws. She skirted the question but did agree that we have passed way too many laws. I hate to point out the obvious, but it was her husband who spearheaded and wrestled to get a large number of these laws passed.
So, if she can claim to be a resident of Fullerton through association and claim to have experience in matters of the state through her association with her husbands groups, then she is exactly the sort of person we DO NOT WANT representing us in the cesspool know as Sacramento.
She has no policy on anything. Any policy she might state she has comes from her hubby and her handlers. I do not hate the woman, I hate the Sacramento culture she represents.
IMO, she has the mindset and handlers that got us into this mess. Now who is going to get us out?
Well reasoned post. First of all, I have never claimed to be a big (or even little) Ackerman supporter. I think you make some good claims in your post. However, Norby’s track record isn’t clean either.
One of my problems that I DO have with blog sites such as these is that all they seem to do is focus on the negative. I’m not saying we should all sit in a circle and sing songs together. There are some real differences in opinion.
However, 90+% (or more) of the traffic on this site is talking about how screwed up everyone else is, and very little about positive ideas. ANYONE can sit back in their easy chair and whine and moan about the state of things. It’s easy throwing out signs like “No Irvine Carpetbagger” and “No Jones” and “No everything”. THAT is my primary complaint.
Then when the admin says that the attacks shouldn’t get personal, and the front pages are filled with personal attacks on McKinley, Jones, “Fart Boy” and everyone else.
There is an expression in politics that says that it’s easy to be the party in opposition. You never have to DO anything or come up with anything. You can just be against everything. What does FFFF stand for? I know that’s not necessarily your place to answer, Greg, but I throw that out there.
I mean, c’mon…posting pictures because the admin doesn’t like the shape of the sidewalks?
I am probably as fed-up as you with the Sacramento politics and the games. However, I see us (generally conservative people) as resorting to the politics of the left when we become so intolerant, and ridiculing of anyone who dares have an opinion different than ours.
Anyway, rambling post. I apologize in advance. I appreciate your well thought out responses.
I think we have all been moved more to the center with these posts than opposing corners, at least I have.
I agree that sitting back and saying NO to this or that is easy. That is why I have repeatedly, though in different threads, noted why I think Norby is our best choice. I have tried to stay positive, but I also know that I have not been as kind as I might otherwise be simply because I, too, am caught up in this frenzy.
I knew the Ackerman’s well when they lived in Fullerton but lost touch when they moved away. I have attempted to contact Dick repeatedly regarding several state issues. He nor anyone from his office ever responded. Compare that with the Royce, Keller, Norby, DuVall, and several others who, at the very least, sent me a standard response letter.
I also agree that FFFF should ease up on the name-calling. However, it isn’t my blog and I think most of us can see the agenda.
I DO things by calling my elected officials, writing letter, attending hearings and meetings, and whatever else I can do to helpmake Fullerton a better place.
Maybe a topic for another thread, but conservatism and liberalism are not as far apart as some would like to think. I think we can have elements of both and still be a great city to live and work in. Which elements work, however, remains to be tested.