Red County Blog Still Kicking Up Dust To Obscure OC Fair Monkey Business

Today Red County blogger Matt Cunningham ran true to form, wasting thousands of keystrokes on another weirdly irrelevant post about the OC Fair, once again failing to even mentioning the fact that Fair Board members met in secret to organize a “Foundation” to buy the Fair; that a few days later they voted to hire a “consultant” to lobby the Governor’s office to include beneficial language to a potential RFP ( paid for by the public); that the so-called consultant (not publicly chosen by the Board), Dick Ackerman, was legally barred from lobbying at the time; that the County Counsel, Nick Chrisos has written a letter to the State Attorney General’s office (a facsimile of which was posted on this site) questioning the above mentioned activities; and that the AG has dumped the business into the lap of OC DA Tony Rackauckas. All pretty interesting stuff, you would think, especially for a blog that’s supposed to be about OC politics.
In his latest post Cunningham claims to be neutral on the sale issue, but nobody is buying that load of horseshit. It’s clear he is up to his old misdirection routine – high-stepping for the OC Repuglicans at their very worst.
Searching Cunningham’s own blog archive reveals that he was himself a proud recipient of Fair Board largess, and that he brushed off the misfeasance of Board members who directed hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of free food, drink, and tickets to their pals – pals like Mike Carona, and even to small fry like Cunningham himself.
Is this the only reason Mr. Integrity has failed to even make mention of the funny stuff? Probably not given the fact that some GOP high rollers and Central Committee members are part of the backroom cabal that was obviously playing fast and loose with their authority. His man-crush Dick Ackerman is the “consultant” who seems to have been already hard at work getting the enabling language into the AB22, and who was then then hired to lobby Arnold to get preferential conditions into the RFP.
This fine paragon of virtue has based his little career on looking the other way while his buddies were misbehavin,’ but he can’t seem to understand why he is such an object of derision by so many people, and why some folks are just sick and tired of the Repuglican misrule in this County.
I would do a count-up to see how long it is until the Red County actually does an honest post on the Fair saga, but why bother? I already know it’ll never happen.
Joe, welcome to the blog as a writer. And thanks for telling it like it is. After the Ackermand defeat I was hoping some of these creeps would go away, at least for a while, but guess not!
Joe, don’t waste your time at that blog. You’ll never get anything but the propaganda Jerbal’s bosses assign to him. It’s just not worth the effort.
Can we get a new photo of this guy? That one is starting to make me sick.
#3, we were thinking the same thing.
I have posted several time at Matt’s jokey site and he edits them until he likes it by taking out any stuff about his buddies or against his way of thinking. If he disagrees with what you say, he won’t even post it. It simply vanishes! Look at Matt’s little disclaimer once you take the time and punch up your thought Matt decides has no value: “Your comment has been queued for moderation by site administrators and will be published after approval.” This should say IF MATT LIKES IT THEN IT WILL BE POSTED. What a jerk. Get over yourself you weenie.
I’ve given up getting a response from Matt on this issue when he was last on this blog chewing me out for being unfair to him…
He’s always been very adept at ignoring questions or comments that make him uncomfortable. I’d also mentioned on that thread that my comments don’t get approved at his site. But I think it all comes down to the fact that you can’t be both a paid political consultant and an honest journalist or blogger.
Here’s two facts you folks might find interesting, I’m still trying to work them into a good post (I’m becoming such a Johnny-One-Note over the Fair at OJ)
1. – the website-in-progress for the Fair Board members’ “foundation” which paid Dick to lobby to get the Fair sold to themselves – was registered by Scott Graves, the founder and president of Matt’s Red-faced County blog.
2. Helping explain WHY our OC legislators voted to sell our Fairgrounds (when legislators from everywhere else in the state fought tooth and nail to hang on to their state properties) – they were LIED TO. They were told, totally falsely, that the Costa Mesa City Council wanted the property sold and wanted to entrust it to “a nonprofit foundation.” Sources in the State Senate tell us this; I’m still getting documentation and more details. Obviously the lie was from Dick, who was in the pay of the “Foundation,” although they won’t say that. The FACT is Costa Mesa CC had voted twice (and now thrice) AGAINST selling the Fairgrounds.
The sheer reward of confounding the fond hopes and dreams of a gaggle of crooks and liars, and covering them with shame, is but one of many compelling reasons to Derail this Sale!
Vern, I did a post a bout the Scott Graves connection a week ago last Sunday:
The more one looks at Cunningham the less there is to see. However word on the street is that Lewis is bugging Norby for Tony B to back off the Jerb and his Red Bottomed Boys.
“Red Bottom Boys”
Now that’s pretty good. The Red Bottom Blog.
Vern, what’s funny (sad) about this clown is his attempt to write about anything he can think of so long as it avoids the obvious fact that shenanigans were going on. So he writes long-winded posts about the motives of the concessionaire, and turning the equestrian area into a parking lot. He ctiticizes pro property rights folks for advocating ballot box zoning, and Libertarians for not being libertarian: any irrelevant bullshit to avoid the embarrassing behavior of his pals.
It’s hard (impossible) to avoid the conclusion that he is deliberately running interference for these drones by coughing up a lot of static but still trying to somehow seem relevant.
That’s not gonna work.
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that.
You guys aren’t banning him are you? He just wrote me a long e-mail complaining about this comment of mine (a comment I also put on OJ). I asked him to post it as a comment here or on OJ so we can argue in public. We’ll see.
Sorry I forgot about your Fair Pie Post, Shadow, yeah, I did read that. Don’t forget to make your calls to Lou Correa today, Fringers! (714) 558-4400 – stop the tainted sale!
“He just wrote me a long e-mail complaining about this comment of mine (a comment I also put on OJ).”
Jesus, he harrangues you in private? He tried to get me to “give him a call” once on the lewis support of Daly and why he failed to blog about it. As if I wanted his hear his never ending bullshit instead of reading it.
Yeah, Joe — you wouldn’t want to take a chance on having your fantasy bubble popped!
Yes, Vern, and you responded with a long series of e-mails wanting to know why I hadn’t put my life on hold tro respond to some comment you wrote here reponding to a comment I had made.
Is being a narcissist part-and-parcel of being a nutter?
Nobody pays you Jerbal here, you don’t have to be a shill for them. Doesn’t it feel nice to say what you want for a change without being censored?
I have to admit, arguing with uninformed idiots like you isn’t very challenging.
It would be much more enjoyable if you were able to do more than trying to insult me with these fables you guys invent.
Yes, Vern, and you responded with a long series of e-mails wanting to know why I hadn’t put my life on hold tro respond to some comment you wrote here
Well, that’s not really how it was at all, Matt, but if you put it that way, it does make me sound like a self-important narcissist. Way to spin! But this was only this morning, so it’s easy to remember how it really happened.
It was actually an e-mail back and forth that YOU initiated. Your original e-mail (amusingly entitled, “Et tu, Vern?” – enjoyed the Brutus reference) consisted of four questions or complaints related to my comment #6 above.
First you took exception to my “Matt, as is his wont when questions or comments make him uncomfortable, does not respond..” and wanted examples. This habit of yours is something I’ve noticed over two years of observing and sparring with you, and I could provide endless examples. But I started with an example from two weeks ago, linked to above, which you still haven’t responded to. And eventually our e-mail exchange became a back and forth with you all “Why don’t you answer all my points” and me all “Well why don’t you first answer my points from two weeks ago.” I think it’s obvious you don’t want to say anything substantive about the Fair sale either here or at your place, and we can only guess at the reasons.
Your second thing was about my (and others’) difficulty commenting on your blog, you explained some technical difficulties and promised to try to make it easier, so I’ll take you at your word and be over there shortly.
Finally your last two gripes were “Since you are certain I have a conflict of interest, tell me who is paying me? Tell me what I have written that is dishonest?” and “So what? Scott hasn’t been actively involved with Red County for nearly a year, and has been pursuing other endeavors in the new media world.”
Maybe these two questions were ones you preferred to keep in private correspondence with me, rather than discussed here, among these fellow Republican activists who may be able to answer them quicker than me. But I do remember clearly your being a proud and unapologetic recipient of Fair Board largesse back during the 2007-8 heyday of concerts and lobster. (And I appreciated your frankness about that at least.)
I don’t know offhand who pays you as a consultant – is that public knowledge? But your Fair-related writings certainly skirt around all the “hinkiness” and corruption that characterize this whole Tainted Sale – skirt around it in the manner of the Compromised.
Well, while I’m pouring so many pixels into this comment you’ll never answer once you read it, I may as well throw in this too: The Foundation, formed (illegally) by the Fair Board to purchase and run the Fairgrounds, has FORTY members, and the only ones we know about are the six who are on the Board. This leaves a great head-scratching mystery over who the other 34 Foundation members are, and suspicions naturally devolve on those who publicly back the sale (whoops, NOBODY does that! – I mean, those who publicly grease the skids of the sale by first saying “It’s a done deal that can’t be stopped,” and now suddenly in unison, like you’re all saying now, “it won’t happen now, it’s doomed, everyone relax”)
Sorry, that paragraph grew like a tumor. Let me just ask, with the expectation of crickets: Are you one of the 34 secret members of the Fair Board and Events Center Foundation?
Of course he is. His buddies conjured all of this up so they can run the grounds. Wait until you see who is on this list…
When we get it, we need to publish this thing everywhere we can army.
Does anyone really thin Jerbal will respond and address this staright forward while answering honestly? Come on.
He just will see this and pretend he never came back to view this stuff. We know he does daily thoough.
“Matt, are you one of the 34 secret members of the Fair Board and Events Center Foundation?”
I’m waiting for one of you blowhards to post that as a comment.
Vern had a conniption about not being able to comment on my equestrian center post. I fixed the problem, and suddenly the urgency oozed away.
You clowns are all talk.
Well, well — another OJ blogger who posts the contents of private e-mail exchanges.
Vern, you asked several times for permission to post my e-mails, which I did not give.
So you did it anyway.
Nice to know you’re such a trustworthy fellow.
Oh brother! Now that nonsense? I went the extra mile asking your permission, and you never said yes or no. What the heck in the above do you object to others seeing?
Replying to #22:
Vern, I know this is hard to understand, but it’s the principle involved. If you didn’t think you needed permission, then why did you repeatedly ask for it?
Pure courtesy, bro.
“I don’t know offhand who pays you as a consultant – is that public knowledge? But your Fair-related writings certainly skirt around all the “hinkiness” and corruption that characterize this whole Tainted Sale – skirt around it in the manner of the Compromised”
The key phrase here being “I don’t know,” Vern.
You admit not knowing, and yet you claim I am blogging dishonestly because you speculate I am being paid by somebody to blog about something.
Quite a standard of proof you apply, Vern. You have no evidence to support any allegations you have made against me, but are ticked that I’m not prompt enough in responding to you.
Similarly, you claim — as fact — that the Foundation was formed illegally. Do you have evidence? Or is that merely your belief?
You claim, as fact, that Dick Ackerman has illegally lobbied for the Foundation. Do you have any evidence? Or is that, again, merely your opinion being misrepresented as fact?
My advice to you Vern: stop being so in love with talking, and try saying something substantive.
And just to put your paranoid mind at ease — I am not a member of the Foundation, and have absolutely no business or financial interest at stake in this OC Fair stuff. I just have a different point of view — something you are unable to grasp.
There was a paragraph before that. You loved getting all those freebies from the Fair Board, and boasted about it at the OJ (partly to get under Art’s skin.) These same folks who were so nice to you – for who knows how long – are now trying to railroad through a sale to themselves so they can again run things the way they like – and your blog, alone among prominent OC voices, sit nonjudgmentally to the side, merely poking fun at sale opponents.
You have worked for many OC Republicans, have you not? To think that none of them are involved in this, especially while observing your neutered coverage and commentary, is a real stretch.
I’m tired of talking about the Fair Board’s violations of Open Meetings laws while forming the Foundation, and Ackerman’s verbal gymnastics over his lobbying scandal. Yes I did read your dancing-on-the-head-of-a-pin post about how his lobbying wasn’t really lobbying if you define that down really narrowly and legalistically. Any sentient citizen would look at what Dick did and say that was lobbying. Especially after what we’ve heard from Jim Silva and one or two other sources (whom I will hopefully be at liberty to divulge soon.)
Good work answering the Foundation membership question. Better be telling the truth now! Father Paul can see you from up there!
I went to a couple of concerts for free, and ate at the Fair Board’s buffet a few times (despite Tony Saavreda’s breathless descriptions, it isn’t sumptuous fare).
I freely volunteered that information, unbidden — yet you routinely accuse my of lying, Vern.
And again, you insinuate I must not be on the up-and-up because I ma not marching in lock-step with everyone else on this issue.
Let me sum up my position briefly. If the OC Fair stayed the way it is, that would be just fine with me. At the same time, I don’t think there’d by any harm in having it operated by a non-profit instead of a state agency, and some advantages. I think the Foundation should be more open about its operations. I am against ballot box zoning. I think there is genuine grass roots opposition to selling the fair, but it is being exploited by a paid campaign being mounted by the OC Marketplace in order to preserve their government-granted monopoly.
“Yes I did read your dancing-on-the-head-of-a-pin post about how his lobbying wasn’t really lobbying if you define that down really narrowly and legalistically.”
“Narrowly and legalistically”? LOL! You’re accusing Ackerman of breaking the law — so I think the legal definition of lobbying is rather important here, don’t you?
you claim I am blogging dishonestly because you speculate I am being paid by somebody to blog about something.
No, I suspect you AVOID blogging about many issues that are uncomfortable or unflattering to folks who have hired you now or in the past, or folks who may in the future, or their friends, etc… There’s a lot of angles to consider for a consultant/blogger!
He lectures if you write anything he disagrees with…this is after he edits the comments or deletes them totally. If you want him and his blog on your side just go hire him or his wife, they will shill for you in a second.
it will be interesting to see who he is told to shill for, tom, lori or shawn. considering he only writes about his boyfriend tom, guess we already know the answer. guess its just whoever lewis gets paid to represent.
What would be really interesting is if any of you were able to do anything except make things up about me and present them as true.
If the universal retort from you ankle-biters is that to stamp your feet and claim anyone you dislike or disagree with must be getting paid to “shill,” that only shows how intellectually feeble you cranks are.
“Intellectually feeble” coming from someone who thinks Raymond Chandler is great literature! What a burn on us!
And you are even worse than the dishonest shill that you obviously are. You are boring and self-righteous. Off you go now – Ackerman is calling you in for your afternoon nap.
Raymond Chandler is great literature, Joe. Not that an ignoramus like you could appreciate that.
I know my being reasonable, logical, sane and informed is off-putting to you, because it represents a threat to the cozy fantasy world you inhabit, Joe. But you’ll just have to deal with it.
Uh, yeah, whatever you say Shakespeare.
“She was tall, and cool, like a tumbler of Lipton’s iced tea. And I was thirsty.”
What unadulterated drivel.
From that to “The Naked Gun” – not even a small step.
Come on, we see your site and can read in between the lines. You report on only the good news of your pals. You don’t touch the other news items or issues like the rest of the blogs.
We know everything is hand picked and edited in your (Ackerman, Probowlsky, Lewis, Flieschmann, etc.) best interest…or the best interest of who pays you to “blog them up.”
This makes you unreliable, a censored news source…and that’s fine. But don’t try and disguise it. We all know what you are…
[Cue “Twilight Zone” theme]
Darn! How did you know? You must be tapping the lines going into our deep mountain hideaway, where we conduct our secret meetings and orders are handed down!
But you haven’t figured out quite everything…if you print out a blog post, and hold it up to a mirror under a black light, you’ll be able to read that days secret messaging orders.
But sshhh! Keep it under your hat!
Right, good way of not answering. Act like it’s crazy. Of course it’s not a crazy question. There ARE 40 members, and we only know who six of them are.
And why wouldn’t you be, Matt Cunningham? 40 folks from the OC who liked the way things were going last year just fine, with the free concerts, lobster and perks. 40 folks who are more or less movers and shakers in the county and either cheer the sale or sit on their hands blandly while it juggernauts forward – would you be ashamed to be counted in that multitude? Not a crazy thought at all. You won’t say yes or no because the Servite priests would slap your knuckles with a rosary for lying outright. Or is it yes or no?
Yes, Vern, it is a crazy question. It is a paranoid question representing a paranoid view of OC politics.
Just like your comment above — you have no idea who these 40 people — or 34, or whatever number you think is correct at the moment you say it — are, and in the next breath you claim they are “more or less movers and shakers in the county.” Honestly, Vern — do you make even a minimal effort to ascertain even a fact or two before making these outlandish claims?
Even for a Mater Dei grad, this is a pretty low standard you’re setting.
*sigh* I was only showing that it is not an outlandish or paranoid thought that you could be one of them – it’s reasonable to think they would be the sort of people I described. You say you’re not, so for now I’ll take your word, not knowing you to ever out-and-out lie.
these 40 people — or 34, or whatever number you think is correct at the moment you say it
I notice more dumb things each time I re-read one of your comments. There are 40 members. We know who 6 of them are. There are 34 mystery members.
Matt, are you one of the 34 secret members of the Fair Board and Events Center Foundation?
I already answered that question. Sorry if I’m moving to fast for you guys.
OK, thanks.The answer is out now and available for all and forever. I think you have too much to lose to be deemed a liar.
No one is a more prolific reader of the FFFF blog than the Jerbal. You might as well let the Jerb post comments here since this is the only place people read what he has to say. Start a new column under “wind passing and other musings of the Jerb”
I posted here on the aftermath of the 72nd campaign that jerbie should have his own column here….”Droppings from the Jerbal”
Hey, SCR!
I see you’re still blogging on University of California time.
Not that these guys will mind, as long as it is aimed at me, then blogging on taxpayer time is OK.
Fleshmann news posting on the Flesh report……Jerbie to write a column from suite c (for commode) that he shares with Urell at Pacific Strategies in Orange. It will be called “Droppings with the Jerbal”. It will be a platform for his sage advice on the political landscape in the Red County. His writings will be inbetween his part time job as park ranger at Hart Park in his ranger outfit
Yep, it’s good to know that while UC fees are being hiked 35%, we’re getting our money’s worth from Schwarzenegger Centrist Republican taking time from the taxpayer’s work to insult me.
How’s the weather up north?
Matt’s bio on Pac Strategies info page:
“Respected for his talented and versatile wordsmithing, Matthew’s work has been published in leading print and online media, including national outlets such as the Fox Forum, and National Review Online, as well as virtually every major daily newspaper in California.”
Strange, FFFF was left off this prestigious list. We seem to get his thoughts and wordsmithing here daily.
Wordsmith on, brother! Keep up the great worsdmithing we expect of you! Do it in a versatile manner, do it talentedly. Just … do that WORDSMITHING you do.
Its probably in Lewis’ name anyhow, he’s the puppeteer.
EM, like your style. how’d you like to do some blog posting for FFFF?
good guess jerbie….sacramento is fine, I think….you need to talk again with your buddy gordon since your information is wrong… but that has never stopped you in the past…heading over to the circle for dinner…food is good in Orange….I certainly will bring my leftovers from the local mexican restaurant here in O-Town (sorry I wont name it since I dont want your droppings on the floor-health code violation you know-but I can think of a sandwich shop in Garden Grove where health code violations are no big deal) over to Hart Park. I will just look for the Jerb in his ranger suit.
“your buddy gordon?” I think you got that little detail wrong, SCR.
It wasn’t Thomas Gordon, boyo. He’s never said a word about you. It was Sean Mill who ratted you out, during Art Pedroza’s failed Santa Ana council race.
Sean called me and said he thought it was wrong for you to be blogging while working at your taxpayer-funded job. He said he was going to get your name from Art’s campaign report when it came out — he thought you had promised to contribute to Art’s campaign.
That was a little before Sean had fully kissed and made up with Pedroza. So don’t piss him off, or he might decide to reveal your identity.
Which Mexican restaurant are you going to? There are a couple in Old Towne.
And who calls it “O-Town”?
#49 SCR:
I laughed so damn hard after reading that comment I could not breathe. Hilarious.
Can someone with a sense of humor and some cut and paste skill please add the Jerbal photo (ya the one with the wiskers) to a park ranger?
It wasn’t Thomas Gordon, boyo. He’s never said a word about you. It was Sean Mill who ratted you out, during Art Pedroza’s failed Santa Ana council race
Told ya SCR. Gordon doesn’t even know who you are. But I gotta say you pick on Sean & Matt mercilessly. Mercilessly enough to create a bizarre and unholy alliance! (At least until the fracas at Norby’s party the other day.)
Vern had a conniption about not being able to comment on my equestrian center post. I fixed the problem, and suddenly the urgency oozed away
You are right, my urgency has OOOOZED away, at least for today, after all this fun. Like I just asked you via e-mail, Was it good for you too?
I’ll mosey over to your blog again tomorrow & see what you’ve done. Right now I’m actually excited to have come across a new strategy to derail the sale. Just met LA assemblyman Hector De La Torre at the 68th AD Dem potluck, he’s gonna get bipartisan with GOP fair champion Jim Silva, and… well, I’ll write all about it tomorrow.
From what I saw at Norbys, you and Sean Mill were good buddies…..inseparable from what I saw election night….As far as my identity goes, you are still a dumb little fryer (yes you are a little chicken) playing with the Servite Friars
jerbie is easy….a thin skinned little knucklehead who pretends to be a political wannabe…but he does hang out with the Fleshman and Urell. He has a vested interest in hanging with Urell…..he wears his black cassock and white surplus (altar boy vestments) in his office at Pacific Strategies in Suite C…….that is when he is not trolling around to dump his wannabe corrosive invective or doing his jerbie duties as park ranger at Hart Park…
hey Jerb….as far as O-Town….thats probably 25 years old…..keep trolling in Hart Park…hey jerb…forgot to ask you…how was your thanksgiving? Did Laura have to translate everything spoken in Spanish at your in-laws into jerbalenglish so that you could understand it?
Times have not changed for the Jerb….but his posting about orange juice blog comments is almost two years old….but keep looking jerbie especially for those nuts in Hart Park that you wish you had
You’re very creepy, SCR. And a coward, to boot.
You fit right in here.
taking a break from picking up your nuts at Hart Park I see? still wearing your park ranger outfit…….I am certain that Hollis’ wish to see the Jerb in his park ranger outfit will come to pass….and soon
Keep talking little fryer to the big Friar-Credo
Glad to hear that I fit in here…The problem that I have is trying to figure out why you are trolling here…..delusional paranoid birther that you are…
Say jerbie, you and Orly Taitz brother and sister? joined at the hip? or are you gnawing at Orly’s nuts?
an interesting thought for our fellow readers here at FFFF….thinking out loud, you call me creepy and and coward and that I fit right in here at FFFF. There is one difference between you and I. It is very easy. It is one of personal ethics. Though not an attorney, and not having a professional legal relationship with the case and its participants, you possessed legal documents that you posted on line that contained the names of victims of predator priests. To date you have never explained how you came to possess those documents.
Yes, it is one of personal ethics: you have none.
To our readers, who is creepy now???
To date you have never explained how you came to possess those documents.
Mr. Cunningham,
Do you have the integrity to address the above in a straightforward manner?
A demand for integrity from a denizen of this snakepit of anonymous vipers! What a laugh.
I don’t reveal sources.
Do you call them “sources” because reporter vernacular helps you ignore that what you did was not an exercise in journalism but in victimization?
I know who you are, now.
Oh no!
For the record, SCR tweaked Mill by going after Sal Tinajero. As Jerbal learned at Norby’s party, you don’t mess with Mill unless you want to be on the receiving end of a beat down.
Trust me though, SCR is not now on Mill’s radar. So he has nothing to worry about from him. It is Jerbal now who is going after his identity. Typical.
Sod off Jerbal! Why don’t you go back to your red spider-hole? No one here cares about what you have to say.
Incredible, one hell of a feud here.
Looks like the jerbal is scrambling to defend himself. Goto Red County, his site is dead with edited, censored, hand picked from bosses topics with ZERO comments.
Nobody likes a shill guy!!! Lets see you write about something you or the Hack John Lewis disagrees with.
His blogger Allan Bartlett did a post a while ago that made fun of that bozo idiot Hugh Hewitt. Bam! That post was yanked like shit through a goose!
Oh, you mean when Sean heaved his bulk within an inch of me, chirped “why don’t you make me!” over and over when I asked him to go away, kept challenging me to go outside to fight, and finally huffed “I’m going to break your neck!” before storming off to sulk with you and the rest of the ladies?
I relayed the above in a comment on your blog last night, Art — in which Sean was hypocritically lecturing on how wrong it is to try and intimidate people. Not surprisingly, you guys deleted it.
It’s was certainly edifying to learn that you and Sean believe in being physical thugs, in addition to being cyber-thugs.
Not that anyone of the ankle-biters would ever criticize that kind of behavior, or SCR’s weird, creepy comments about my extended family — or Art’s cyber-squatting on URLs incorporating the business or personal names of people he dislikes, linking them to NAMBLA, and then demanding money from his targets.
Outrage around here is parsed out very selectively, and friends of the Friends are exempt from it, no matter how nasty or disreputable their behavior.
“It’s was certainly edifying to learn that you and Sean believe in being physical thugs”
If someone pops off too often he should be prepared for physical rebuke. I am.
Anyway we’re at 71 comments. I believe a record is possible. Don’t stop!
I didn’t pop off. Sean waddled over to me of his own accord.
But I’ll give him this: he’s the only one of you ladies with the nerve to do so. The rest of you moved around the bar like a school of fish; I’m surprised you didn’t all go to the bathroom together.
I didn’t go. My wife wouldn’t let me. And I don’t drink.
first you criticize physical thugs and then you you criticize people because they didn’t have the nerve to disrupt Norby’s celebration by kicking your sorry little flat ass back to where ever it is you crawled in from. That sure sounds like a challenge to me.
Not a challenge, Tony. Just an observation. You didn’t even have the nerve to mouth the lies you tell about me to my face. And none of you cared enough about “disrupting” Norby’s party to do anything but laugh annd watch Sean’s adolescent attempt to physically intimidate me.
Interesting that you don’t think you would be able to communicate your feelings without “disrupting” what was already a loud celebration, or without resorting to violence. They have medication and counseling for those issues.
so you are saying that Urell, your commode mate in Suite C at Pacific Strategies (now that is innovative), is part of your extended family?
That would explain your defense of Urell, your possession of legal documents and subsequent on-line posting of the documents and publication of confidential transcripts of victims of priest sex abuse….
Are you sure that you dont have any monarch blood flowing thru your fryer veins??
As I am a good practicing Catholic, I know that you surely have a place already reserved for you in hell
thats a pretty good picture of you here at FFFF. With GI Joe standing over you….
I did see Jerbal droppings along Chapman Avenue this morning on my way to work….
Couldnt handle the mexican food I left for you at Hart Park, eh?
What is the Univ. of California policy on computer usage during work hours? Does it for the use of university property for hate speech, personal attacks, political advocacy and general creepiness?
I kept busy that night taking pictures of your receding hairline and your pal Fleischman looking like a doped out begger.
Face it. You are a widely disliked paid shill. You’re not a rodent, you’re a cockroach!
Is Sean Mill going to post your bankruptcies, too?
Oh no,
now Jerbie is wearing his wannabe lawyer hat. That explains his wearing the Western State University College of Law dress when he is crawling around Hart Park eating the grass…..
Hey Jerb, I hear there is a casting call for a remake of Caddyshack. They are looking for a jerbal dressed in his park ranger uniform. The plot involves you acting in a stealth manner (kind of what you do on RedCountyBlog-less posts) squirrelying around after the gophers at the local municipal park. There is free food (kind of like your experience at the OC Fair) and free dental work for your jerbal teeth.
You should think about it. After all its a tough economic environment now given the last 8 years of free market thinking
Keep the harassing cyber-stalking comments coming, SCR. Especially during work hours.
Actually, you should probably stop. You are on the taxpayer’s time, after all, using taxpayer-owned equipment.
Not that the allegedly anti-tax, libertarian watchdogs who run this blog really care.
With Jerbie’s trolling here, hopefully we will break 100 posts with great affection for Orange’s favorite resident rodent and 4F pal Jerbie Cunningham and keeper of the green grass at Hart Park.
Jerb, no spreading your droppings on Fullerton’s streets…better to do that in Irvine in the secret community that Ackerman lives in…I am certain that Jonny boy Fleshman can show you the way. But no youtube videos of you and Jonnyboy and the jerbal droppings posted here
“Don’t forget you are on payroll here, don’t think for yourself and delete anything negative about our employers”
Is there a red phone in your office that rings? How do you keep track of the people that pay you to BLOG THEM UP?
there is the JerbieCave in Orange where Jerbie lives. right next door is Hart Park where Jerbie works as a uniformed junior park ranger. In the JerbieCave is the JerbiePhone. This is all below ground for above it is the Pacific Strategies building.
All we need is the Jerbie Song
SCR: Thanks for this, it all makes sense now. Hilarious! The mental pictures are great!!!
I would like to have FFFF catch a JerbiePhone conversation on yanking a blog someone put up on red county.
I live on the other side of town from Hart Park, RZ.
OCRman, I could care less whether or not you like me, but it is amusing to read you slavishly gobbling up every spoonful of BS this clown ladles out for you.
Awesome wordsmithing there. Lots of big tricky words there for us to see. You are the man!
When was the last time Brown County even had 9 comments to a post, let alone 92?
I think calling for the Jerb to be slapped around a little at the next victory party would be completely appropriate.
so let me get this straight jerbie, you spent all day trying to track me down and all you got is someones initials….lol
and to boot they arent even mine….crawl back into the jerbiecave…lol
SCR aka “anonymous”:
Pretty pathetic bluff. Those are your initials. I know exactly who you are. Too bad these phony conservatives here on FFFF don’t care you spend your days cruising the blogs on the taxpayers dime.
Hey Cunningham, we’re up to 96 comments and you are still trying to kick up dust! Please tell us:
1) when, if ever, you are going to tell your poor ignorant reader(s) about the bad behavior of your pals on the Fair Board, and their lawyer Dick Ackerman;
2) and while you’re at it when you (true conservative – hah!) are going to announce your support for the conservative Republican for 4th District Supervisor.
See, Matt, we’re not real intersted in what our commenters do; we’re much more interested in getting responsible elected leadership.
You, on the other hand, seem to be perfectly willing to go for career Democratic politicians so long as it suits your pecuniary interests, or that of your creepy boss Lewis. And that’s just not very honest, now is it?
#96 we are all waiting to see if he answers here…
when i mention this stuff on the Brown Co. site they just get deleted.
Has anyone other than me noticed that Matt Cunningham answers to the name “Jerbal” now?
Ask a question such as “Hey Jerbal, I was wondering……..?” and he actually responds.
I know you’re all sitting there waiting for #99 so you can be 100. Well…
Jerbal has to response. After all, he wears his junior park ranger uniform when he works at Hart Park trolling for nuts that he doesnt have
Congrats on breaking 100