Redevelopment Hard at Work on South Raymond? Big Toy #1?
Supposedly the property is being sold out of a bankruptcy court to a Newport Beach developer for a song. According to the article the new owners are going to try to use the physical plant on an interim basis, until it can be demolished – and, presumably, redeveloped.

But redeveloped as what, and with whose money? In the article, the new owner makes no promises after “demolition.” Will the land remained zoned for industrial use? Maybe. Maybe not. Barbara didn’t ask.
We’re picking up the strong vibe of a big new toy for our redevelopment staff to play with that will provide job security and lots of new property tax increment. What kind of toy? Use your imagination. “Mixed Use” springs most readily to mind, although the site is a loser for commercial retail – which means the usual formula would be applied: lots of housing and some facade commercial just for appearances.

It seems pretty obvious that the Redevelopment expansion map-makers have had their eye on this site for some time. We wonder if discussions with redevelopment staff were going on before the City Council even voted for the Redevelopment expansion.
And we wonder what they are planning for us.
The Platinum Triangle reminds me of the old arcade classic, Rampage:
Seems like business is vacating a once promising town. Since Hughes and Hunts have left there are darn few of these good jobs left. Beckman Coulter is on its way out (a few hundred from over 3,000). Perhaps the city fathers should ask why.
The biggest mistake is to convert comercial property into retail — or worse — high density housing. It may be good for the sales tax base, but it takes a lot of retail to make up for the jobs created by companies that actually MAKE something.
Think anyone thought of that?
James, you’re right. People follow jobs. If they have to go to L.A. or Irvine to find work, how many will still want to live in Fullerton? When the price of gas goes back through the roof, say goodbye.