Team Cuts; What Are Your Team’s Priorities?

What associations and organizations does the City of Fullerton support financially that should be cut before cutting a librarian, a police officer or a life guard? How much money does the city spend every year on contracts with lobbyists?
- Townsend Public Affairs
- Smith Dawson & Andrews
- Strategic Solutions
- Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee

Isn’t it time to examine some of these relationships and analyze their effectiveness?
The State is broke. Why would the city be paying for a lobbyist now?
What does Strategic Solutions have to do with Fullerton? The web site does not mention Fullerton as a client.
Willis, Item #15. I have no idea what they were hired to do.
Admin, those contracts were authorized 5 years ago. Do you mean to tell me that they are still in place? If so who is renewing them?
Interesting. I interviewed Mike Clesceri back when he was Mayor Pro Tem.
Who gave the shoeshine a boy a microphone?
Hmmm. Clesceri . . . recipient of a public employee retirement system permanent disability award at thirty nine years of age . . . resulting in a tax exempt pension which will likely be paid out for many more years than he was employed. Are these costs part of the “services” we taxpayers supposedly demand?