The Founding Father of Fringe

Death of Socrates; Jacques Louis Davd, oil on canvas, 1787 (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Because Socrates was teaching others how to think for themselves, the Athenian government found him guilty of a crime and sentenced him to death. Things had been going badly in Athens, freedom of thought became a casualty.

8 Replies to “The Founding Father of Fringe”

  1. Admin, I certainly hope we are not developing a persecution complex here at FFFF.

    By the way, is The Harpoon coming back?

    1. The last I heard from The Harpoon, the fishing trawler he was on had developed a problem and was taking on water. I wished him well.

        1. Myself and two of my neighbors love the Harpoon and especially the way he “harpoons” people that need it.

          We have been thinking about his whereabouts and would like to help set up a rescue fund. What is the next step?

  2. Socrates was accused of corrupting the minds of Athenian youth. And recently I noticed a FFFF ad in the on line version of the Daily Titan!

    Maybe admin is right to worry!

  3. Cant you picture the Jerbal screaming from the crowd “stone him”.

    People thinking for themselves is a danger to the establishment and the mediocre minds that cling to it for their survival.

    1. Yes, Hollis, I can easily picture that.He’s always full of self-righteous indignation about some behavior or other – except when it comes to his pals like Tod Brown, Mike Carona, or Dick Ackerman. Then the green blinders go on.

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