The Fullerton Collaborative Website Off Line

Where'd she go?
Where'd she go?

Well, you can give it a try. But as of 8/25/09 it doesn’t work anymore. Hopefully the proprietors will have it back on-line soon so that Fullertonians can see what the Collaborative is up to. In the meantime: 

Please try this site again later. If you still experience the problem, try contacting the Web site administrator.

Damn. This one doesn’t work, either. What’s going on around here? Transparency?

12 Replies to “The Fullerton Collaborative Website Off Line”

  1. This is not unusual. Websites are always being shut down. For retooling, updating, and things of that nature.

    You shouldn’t read too much into this.

  2. Sorry Chamber Star, Pam did not shut down two seperate websites in the middle of the night for “retooling”.

    This is evidence of complete panic over at Team Keller. Nice job, Shadow.

    1. Lots of “techie” sorts of people and compter geeks work in the middle of the night so this is not at all strange. I’m sure the sites will be up and running soon.

    1. The Keller website is accessible, but not the Collaborative. Let’s hope that if the Collaboratives site is being altered the Board approves the changes!

  3. It could have just been a coincidence, but the timing of the dissapearance with Shadow’s exposé last night was just too perfect. I still suspect panic.

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