The New Red Bottomed Voice Insults FFFF!
We’re used to insults flung at us from the non-fringers who talk a real good game, but who are basically all about feeling out and burrowing into whatever handy crevice will accommodate their abdominal bulk, six legs, and antennae.

So we take it in stride when the latest addition to the Red Bottomed blog, “Colony Rabble” took a little baby swing at us in the comment thread of her maiden post:
“I love Tom Daly to bits, and the fact that the nimrods at FFFF (how many F’s?) bag on him just makes me fight harder for him.”
Nimrods? Ouch. I think.
We really have no bone to pick with Colony Rabble. She “loves Daly to bits” which is just fine. She is clearly not a Repuglican, just a big time RINO. You fight on, girl! Work your tail off for Tom. You’ll probably end up working a lot harder than he will.

But why shouldn’t we “bag” on Tom Daly – a career politician with no evident ability other than political careerism? Is it really so bad to think we can do better? A lot better?
And it does seem pretty unusual that someone whom Matthew J. Cunningham agrees with on almost no issue he says he believes in, is suddenly blogging – just in time for the 4th District election. Well, color us suspicious. And so color, too, their own blogger Allan Bartlett, who is under the impression that his blog should stand for something. Silly Allan!

Administrator, it’s hard to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. Cunningham, Bartlett and the others of their ilk are not in your league. Keep the pressure coming, they are wilting and desperate.
Hold on there Panthera. You are confused.
Bartlett is good guy. He wants to clean up the repug apparatchicks in Party Central, and I’m all for that. He also supported Chris Norby when the Red Mob was heading for the Ackerman, Inc. money pot.
He’s a a stand up guy!
Poor Cynthia. She’s just being used as an attack dog against Lorri Galloway and as a shill for Daly.
I’ve known her for a while. She is not conservative at all. She was a big drum beater for Gail Eastman. And that’s okay. But for a blog pretending to be “center-right” RC just got a hard jerk to the left.
Administrator, upon further study I find I made a mistake. Bartlett is the real deal and should not be linked to Cunningham. I beg your and Bartlett’s forgiveness
#3, I’m glad you read further into Allan Bartletts comments/post. I don’t believe Allan is being paid to shill for anyone, but Cunningham is.
Fringe! Fringe!
I think I should be recognized as the real editorial director of this blog, since I determine most of the editorial coverage. It doesn’t take much to wind you guys up into spending mots of your time talking about me!
Fullerton Shadow: Contrary to your claim, I can think of one issue where Cynthia and I disagreed — that was on the SunCal/SOAR issue. But if you want to manufacture “facts” out of thin air…well, who is to stop you?
As for Tony “Admin” Bushala, maybe, someday, you’ll be able to tell your readers — and me — for whom I am being “paid to shill”. If someone owes me money, I’d sure like to know about it.
But you can’t, can you Tony? Honestly, does it not bother you to lie so blatantly?
I have to agree with Matt. So many of these posts are reactionary.
OH! Look at what Jubal….
OH! Look at what Art did!
OH! Look at the losers at LOC
I prefer actual content, instead of reading a post about a sentence in comment someone else made on another blog.
Let’s get serious. I don’t think anybody is really looking at what the losers at LiberalOC are doing.
Well then Steve, go to the other blogs, and God bless!
I go where I please, Sippy!
Steve you seem like a good kid, but please don’t criticize us for our technique. If you want to do a blog your way, go ahead. The cybersphere awaits.
Steve, it isn’t Jubal, it’s Jerbal.
Steve, we have some really good posts about Fullerton here, full of content, n’ stuff.
I have to admit, Jerb brings out the worst in everyone. I wonder why that is.
I agree, I dislike the personal attacks and I think many of these people would display moral fiber in person, but feel braver behind a keyboard. Looking forward to getting back to real NOC news instead of this personal bs.
Steve, “I prefer actual content”, WTF? I’ve read hundreds of post on this blog containing content that are real and funny issues to boot.
You are right, recently, some of the post have been about this Jerbal character and his obvious financial interest in blogging.
Go fuck yourself Steve. You are nothing more than a kiss/suck ass.
Go find a blog that you “prefer” like red county that you “agree with” that makes you happy since this one doesn’t, just a suggestion.
The only thing here that upsets me in this delirious rant of yours is that you insinuated that I’m a republican. How dare you???
“I determine most of the editorial coverage.”
Well let’s just say your behavior supporting the phony Ackerwoman campaign, looking the other way on the crooked Fair Board scam, and now the tacit support of Democrat Daly gives us fun topics for posts.
It’s also true that if you start cleaning up your act we will have less entertainment! Please – don’t go changing.
Well, maybe you can get “Colony Rabble” to do a post on abortion or gay marriage, or gun control, etc. I bet you won’t like the content.
Your own bloggers disagree with you.
Translation from weasely Shadow-speak: “I can’t back up me earlier claim, so now I’m retreating behind a smoke screen of pure speculation.”
Go on, you can say it: “I made it up. It wasn’t true. I didn’t know what I was talking about. Next time, I’ll try to have at least some facts in hands before fabricating an argument.”
There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?
Good grief, laddie man up: you say that I speculate as to Cynthia Wards positions on conservative issues (not my own, by the way). How do you know that I don’t know Cynthia personally? FYI we have met! You are speculating not me – and you’re doing it now to avoid the embarrassment your own bloggers are causing you.
But really, let’s make it easy on you.
Ward supports Daly for 4th District Supervisor. Do you? A simple question that can be answered without your usual torrent of weasel words.
If the answer is yes, than I’ll admit you and Cynthia have AT LEAST ONE POINT OF POLITICAL CONGRUENCY.
I’m starting to wish I had let Joe go to that party.
We’ll call you when we need something translated from Jerbalese into english. Until then hit the road. If I want to hear from a rambling idiot I can walk out in to the plaza between the County Building and the Clerk Recorders office and hit up a homeless guy.
“I can think of one issue where Cynthia and I disagreed — that was on the SunCal/SOAR issue.”
Ah! Therefore you must also agree with her undying affection for Tom Daly. Thanks for finally admitting it!
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
Steve Lopez:
Welcome to the Fringe!
But remember: dissent is not tolerated! Snap to and salute when the FFFF Illuminati hand down today’s party line, or you will be thrown up against the wall for being a counter-revolutionary!
Uh, yeah, right. The beacon of tolerance shines out. Somebody who edits and deletes comments he doesn’t like, and yet who has never had a single one of his lame-ass, dodgeball babblings deleted here.
Thrown up against the wall? Hell, we don’t even ban a turd like you!
Oh what fun! I guess if I am now a FFFF (how many F’s?) headline, I have made the big time as Gustavo claims. (By the way Mr. Bushala, I recall that your son and mine went to school together). What’s next? ABC reporting on what NBC just aired? This is where the nimrod thing originates. There’s no news in your news over here!
To answer your questions regarding why a red-blooded Republican girl would support Tom Daly, check the exchange between myself and Allen Bartlett, and see the post for yourself. Read things in full, in their context, instead of letting someone else tell you what to think about the edited excerpts they reproduce.
I support Tom Daly, and I am pretty sure Matt knew that before he invited me to Contribute. I also opposed Matt on the Anaheim Resort/SunCal nightmare, and I disagree with his stand on Prop 8. Ooh, maybe I am secretly a Dem. Good thing Dad’s dead already, this would kill him. I am not a closet leftie, and during the last Anaheim election I did back Eastman, a Republican-turned-Independent, against Matt’s uber-Dem Galloway. The reason I am all over the place with candidates is also addressed in that exchange at Red County so I will not go into it again here.
I agreed to Contribute to Red County because Matt allows all voices to post opinions (as long as they are civil). I think a true measure of a man (or woman) is to watch how they handle power, money, and opposition. I enjoy an environment where we can agree to disagree and still be reasonable with each other.
And before someone claims I am shilling, they had better produce copies of a paycheck, because I don’t get a nickel for any blogging or rabble rousing I participate in on any level. Yes, I do this for the pure unpaid fun of it. I am just that sick.
Merry Christmas.
“I support Tom Daly, and I am pretty sure Matt knew that before he invited me to Contribute. I also opposed Matt on the Anaheim Resort/SunCal nightmare, and I disagree with his stand on Prop 8.”
Jesus H., of course he knew you support Daly you ninny. That’s why he let you post on his blog. Are you that dense? By the way thanks for sharing another issue that you disagree with Cunningham on – Prop 8. He could only think of one issue that you disagree with, but of course he wasn’t trying real hard. Thanks for sharing.
The dots are now connected.
“I agreed to Contribute to Red County because Matt allows all voices to post opinions…”, sounds like Jerbal (or Daly, same thing) approached Colony Babble to “Contribute” with a capitol “C”. Crock of crap?
Not unless there’s a slimmer of hope (a job) say for Mr’s. Jerbie or maybe even Jerbie himself.
“Ooh, maybe I am secretly a Dem. Good thing Dad’s dead already, this would kill him.”
The apple did not fall far from the tree on this RINO.
…..Colony Babble to “Contribute” with a capital “C”. Crock of crap? Yes.
Hey Sippy, this isn’t even your post. Clearly my comments are directed at this post, which is a personal attack. So why don’t you take a break from being a know-it-all condescending douche and stop bitching about my comments here.
Much appreciated, thanks
Hey Stevie, when (if) you ever graduate from junior college, come see me. I’ll teach you how to express yourself.
In the meantime quit your snivelling little labia minor bitching about our blog.
Oh, Joe. Leave him alone.
Would somebody PLEASE tell these Red County RINO’s to go away and stay on their “hear a pin drop” blog? No attention there so they come here? Desperate maybe?
because nobody is looking in on jerbal’s brown county site. ackerman’s are in hawaii and lewis hasn’t told him what to write about next, without the traffic jerbal is hanging out here