What is “The Alliance for California’s Tomorrow”?

You’ve gotten a lot of junk mail from them lately, about the 72nd Assembly race, and mostly reprehensible attacks on Chris Norby. Never heard of this operation with the lame name? Don’t feel bad. Hardly anyone else has either. That’s because it doesn’t make anything, doesn’t stand for anything, and doesn’t even exist – except on paper. It is a political Independent Expenditure “Committee” that’s sole reason for existence is to funnel lobbyist money into political campaigns.
But let’s let Repuglican Bigmouth Jon Fleischman tell it:
“Just heard from Jim Nygren the consultant for the Alliance for California’s Tomorrow, the Sacramento insider crowd that is ponying up big-time to try and elect Linda Ackerman in AD 72.”
Jim Nygren. A political “consultant” who operates a slush fund for “insiders” to get one of their own in power. Redevelopment abusers, gambling interests, etc., etc. These are the real supporters of Team Ackerman. And boy, oh boy do they want their cardboard cutout up in Sacto. where they can put her to work over rigatoni with clam sauce at Spataro.
And check out Fleischman’s post: they’ve lined up the punch drunk Bankhead to provide testamonials for Linda Ackerman, the woman whose husband, Dick, famously coined the moniker “Blankhead”! One letter is meant for Reeps the other for Dems. Geez, they think of everything! But given Bankhead’s embarrassingly vacant performance on the council dais lately, one has to wonder if his support is worth much.

Now that I know that Auto-Cop Assassin Bankhead is so strongly in favor of Ackerman, I’m confident on a Norby victory.
allaince for california’s tomorrow is an alphabet soup agency/ clique that disguises little people with big egos. it does have a social-engineering ring to it. anything that ends in commission, council ,coalition or foundation is 99.99% just a small group of people who make a lot of commotion and no motion.
Hackerman camp is putting out some viciously mean hit pieces on Norby, hope Probolski and his cronies down in South County understand they are helping to go after a sitting Sup, and everyone is watching. Paybacks are a bitch…
Naw, Norby’s too nice. That’s why the slugs are going after him – because they know they can.
I’m shocked, shocked!
Stupid GOP crooks…
Just received letter endorsing Linda Ackerman from Mayor Don Bankhead, Valencia Drive address.. Can he use his official title, Mayor with a private address? He’s giving the impression that as Mayor of Fullerton he’;s endorsing Linda Ackerman for the WHOLE City.. Think someone’s legal team should look into this…
He can do that since he is the mayor. But really, does that impress anybody? To me seeing that nincompoop name reminds me of:
20 years of irresponsible and unacountable Rdevelopment boondoggles.
1993 Utility Tax.
Knee-jerk support for virtually every staff proposal.
Basque Yard debacle.
SRO disaster.
2000 Pension spike.
Need I go on?
Just give him his soup and let him go nighty-night.
Bankhead’s letter says that Ackerman is a “former member of the PTA”. Now that is quite an accomplishment!
Blankhead! That’s priceless. Way to go Dick Ackerman!
Urban Futures ponied up $2,000 for Ackerman today. Isn’t that the company that the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency hired to conjure up those false blight findings for it’s illegal expansion?
Philip Morris for $10,000 to hit Norby. This crap is why our State is out of control. The fricking lobbyist own these mfers. This stinks!