When Big Developers Almost Trumped Childhood Obesity Prevention

Special Projects
The Fullerton Collaborative addresses the following problems: needs of at-risk youth and families; gang prevention; child safety issues; lack of health care access; childhood obesity and lack of fitness; racial divisiveness and isolation; poor educational performance.
Thus readeth the Fullerton Coollaborative’s website. So it was strange then (or not so strange, given her rather inconsistent adherence to principles), that Pam Keller supported moving a McDonald’s franchise right across the street from Fullerton High School.
Now just about everyone knows that purveyors of “fast food” are one of the prime contributors to adolescent obesity and “lack of fitness,” yet somehow the connection eluded Keller even though she’s paid by the Fullerton Collaborative (through the Fullerton School District) to supposedly do something about it in Fullerton.
Although she changed her vote at the last minute so as not to go down with the rapidly sinking S.S. Redevelopment Boondoggle, she was previously cheering (and voting for) an “upscale” Spanishified MickeyD’s that would “go with” the High School buildings across the street. It was all part of a grand bureaucratic scheme to build another massive apartment block in downtown Fullerton.
Apparently Pam Keller was more concerned about leaving her mark on Downtown Fullerton than on childrens mid-sections!

sharon quirk redux. wondered what uniquely qualified keller to make 6 million tax dollar decisions about fullerton’s downtown. first, she has a degree in child development, taught elementary school, proud member of the needlepoint guild, friends for the fox theatre, friends for fullerton museum and so on. what she lacks is knowledge about city planning, economics and ethics. I guess her optimistic smile won over those fullertonites who voted for positivity.
First she approved Amerige Court because someone promised her an ice cream shop, then she voted for to build a new McDonalds next to a high school. It seems as if noble Pam is easily corrupted by the sweetness of soft-serve.
Make that self-serve.
You people are all NUTS, Hello McDonalds is already There you IDIOTS, They were only going to move it 300-500 Feet. I really don’t believe thats going to stop those high school students from stuffing there faces anyway, they might get alittle more exercise where it presently is but thats about it. Pam is the #1 promoter of obesity prevention.
Uh huh. No point in letting the 300-500 foot distance get in the way. Way to much exercise there!
The #1 promoter of obesity prevention? Right. Right in front of the Hamburglar and Mayor McCheese.
pam fan, can you honestly say promoter of obesity prevention without laughing? forgive my prying, but pam fan do you write trivial grants that ultimately unduly burden the tax payer?