Yikes! How Dumb Does “Pam Keller’s Website” Think We Are?

Very, apparently. This morning The Harpoon published this funny post on Council woman Pam Keller’s upcoming fundraiser featuring a “Woodstock” theme here.
Not long after we got a comment from a someone calling him/herself “Pam Keller’s Website,” which was another source of merriment for some of our commenters. We assume this actually was from Pam’s campaign; not because the cyber-world isn’t full of impostors, but because the drivel was so inane that well, it just had the ring of truth to it.
The possibility of a developer contributing to Pam’s campaign fund caused “Website” to come a bit unglued. Here is the fun excerpt:
“I will PROTECT Fullerton from special interest developers that want to influence our future. I have not and will not accept developer contributions to get elected. I support vision and growth that is driven by the residents of Fullerton.”
Ah! The Vision thing! Won’t take money from developers? What, is she just selling out for free?
When confronted with direct questions about how Pam’s approval of “Jefferson Commons” and “Amerige Court” squared with the comment above, and asked just which Fullerton citizens “drove” those monstrosities forward, Website became even more ludicrous:
“The only ’special interest’ I intend to represent is you, your family and your neighbors. You can count on me to PLAN, PROTECT, PROVIDE and PRESERVE Fullerton!”

PLAN, PROTECT, PROVIDE, AND PRESERVE. Exclamation point! Empty verbal pabulum, especially given Keller’s track record of approving massive new development projects in Fullerton, and her support of Redevelopment expansion that is no doubt calculated to bring even more large development to the east and west sides of town. She just okayed negotiations to embark upon a big new housing project on Euclid, between Orangethorpe and Valencia!
What in the world is there in her actual record to support the notion that we can count on her to be anything but a guaranteed “yes” vote for any new massive development projects the City staff is promoting?
Dear Friends,
Now the work begins.
Thank you for your support!
Heh, heh.
Okay, Pam Keller’s Website. Just a bit of warning: with friends like us who needs….
Aw, you know how it goes.
And don’t forget to wear your helmet!
“The work begins”?? Get to work doing what? re-electing Pam Keller?
I sure hope Pam doesn’t think that garbage is going to fly anymore. Notice how nobody has explained or defended her unforgivable support for Amerige Court and The Jefferson Commons monsters? Come on, Pam, let’s hear it.
Okay, I’ll help define the campaign slogan:
PLAN (on more massive development), PROTECT (incompetent redevelopment staff), PROVIDE (for developers profits), and PRESERVE (my council seat).
Okay. Got it!
Mr Ex-Hippie, perhaps you would not be so frowny if you could enjoy one of my many pictures!
Join Team Keller!
Child abuse! Child abuse!
Yeah those kids need to be oufitted with helmets ASAP – just in case Keller’s ego falls on them.
I am not a “Mr.” And I am only “frowny” because Pam Keller robbed my trust and sold my neighbors and me out to a big developer.
A frenetic smile can only cover up so much.
Please tell us why Pam voted for the Amerige Court and the Jefferson Comons project and I may force myself into a wan, mirthless smile!
I support using redevelopment funds to help improve shopping centers and provide better access for residents. I would like to see a partnership between businesses, the Chamber of Commerce, labor organizations, and the City.
Can you tell us why you abuse the words “fiscal conservative” by trying to label yourself as such at a recent council meeting?
How about square the term “fiscal conservative” with your attempt to retroactively spike employee pensions last year by 25%? Had Nelson not blown your cover you would have bankrupted the city. The vote was scheduled for a year ago this week.
You don’t think we are just going to forget this stuff do you?
I will PRESERVE our high quality of life by supporting plans that solve our parking, traffic, pavement-management and other infrastructure problems but ensure that we maintain a fiscally responsible city government.
The California “Brown Act” strictly prohibits meetings of the City Council from being conducted in secret and provides for criminal penalties if the Act is violated. I am a staunch advocate of community input on Council decisions and believe in transparency in government decision-making. As the 8th woman elected and newest City Councilperson, I will work diligently to dispel any perception that “backroom” deal making occurs and will impress upon my colleagues the absolute necessity to do the same.
Please explain why you voted for Amerige Court and Jefferson Commons. Please explain which Fullerton Citizens “drove” that project. Please explain why more high-density projects “PRESERVES” our quality of life and does anything but make traffic WORSE!
“I will work diligently to dispel any perception that “backroom” deal making occurs and will impress upon my colleagues the absolute necessity to do the same.”
Pam, please explain your backroom deal making down at the County last week to buy off their opposition to you big-development enhancing Redevelopment expansion.
My God. The hypocrisy is breathtaking!
Pam Keller’s Web #5
Cute and smiling kids are just that. It’s your positions on the issues that matter.
Ms. PRESERVATION, how come the great big Hillcrest Park tear-up wasn’t reviewed by the Landmarks Commission? it’s Fullerton landmark #6, in case you didn’t know.
I won’t need to learn the job, I know the job. With my experience, I can be an effective City Councilwoman from the 1st day I take office.
A bunch of bloggers arguing with a campaign website? There’s always something new here.
As far as I can see there’s no arguing going on here, Travis. Website has decided to bombard us with campaign slogans. And I for one welcome it. It shows what an empty vessel this woman is and it’ll kick our numbers up!
Why did you vote for more on street parking the other night when there is a permit process in place for people with hardships?