A Good Article, By George!

Although George Will can be stuffy and, well, fat-headed on occasion, there is nothing off the mark about his opinion piece in the Washington Post the other day about the Atlantic Yards eminent domain scandal occurring in Brooklyn, New York. Read it here.
Sounds kind of familiar, doesn’t it? Trumped up findings of blight that justify the creation of a government-as-developer zone. In Fullerton we have the proposed Redevelopment expansion – leveraged off a completely fraudulent finding of blight. There are no massive projects in the expansion area – yet, but the idea of securing property tax increment and using the expansion to extend the life of the existing Redevelopment project area foreshadows all sorts of problems with government overreach and the misdirection of public revenue.
“using the expansion to extend the life of the existing Redevelopment project area” ARE YOU TELLING US THIS IS WHAT RECENTLY HAPPENED IN FULLERTON?
That’s one giant scab that the Friends just ripped off, and I’m impressed. Do you accept donations?
No. This is what they tried to pull – and then FFFF sued them.
Looks like if they want to keep Redevelopment going in Fullerton they’re going to have to stick to removing real blight.
What do you mean ” There are no massive projects in the expansion area – yet”; without the expansion of the amended redevelopment area, the massive projects that are already on the books will be sunk, finis.