A Word from Madusha Palliyage

We just received this message from Madusha, who filed papers to run for Fullerton city council last week but failed to qualify because a few of her signatures were invalid.

Hi! Friends of Fullerton and all Fullerton residents and everyone in my case. I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank all of the signers who signed my nomination papers. Although I had very enthusiastic signers from other cities and registered voters not from Fullerton. I learned the democratic 20 signatures are more important than outreach to the public to know how we could serve them and getting to know their concerns. I thank everyone for the feedback and will be reaching out to Fullerton residents so that their voices can be heard. I will publish my blog later on sometime.

For anyone who does not know me, I was brought up my whole life in a political environment which my father was a very involved public service official. I love law and wanted to be a lawyer. My father wanted a lawyer in the family. But things changed and I studied Business Administration, and started a computer manufacturing company and went in to computer services. We are the pioneers of underground data vault off site back up services. And started supply teas to major grocery stores which got halted due to the lack of resources and unable to keep up with the demand.

I have a passion to serve and a compassion to help. Though not perfect, I believe as a person I thought of serving the people and seeing how we could improve our city with the people who live and do business in Fullerton. I serve the Technology Working Group for the City of Fullerton and am involved in many things that I could serve.

Hearing that I want to run, someone from the church told me why I want to be a politician. His exact words were “Why you need to be a politician? You are a good person.” I thought about what he said. And I promise to serve without that politician frame of mind. That was what I wanted all along. Will I be successful with that frame of mind? I don’t know. I hope people who truly and honestly have the ability and the knowledge should be able to serve the good for the fellow men.

Again, thank you all. And sorry if I let down anyone in the process. I did not want to run for the 4 year seat even though I considered it but decided otherwise. I may consider running in two years or not. But running for the city council certainly was a heavy responsibility in my heart and I took it very seriously and with great passion to serve. But next time I know better to pay attention to that 20 democratic way of doing business and get those signatures before reaching out to my fellow people.

Madusha Palliyage

3 Replies to “A Word from Madusha Palliyage”

  1. Get twice as many signatures as they require.
    Turn them in early so you can be notified in time to collect additional signatures if some of them do not qualify.
    Better luck next time.

  2. “Why you need to be a politician? You are a good person.”

    I’ll bet nobody ever spoke those words to Doc HeeHaw.

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