Chris Norby: Why I Support Bill Hunt for Sheriff

Four short years ago – 2006 – Bill Hunt challenged Sheriff Mike Carona’s re-election. Carona was well funded and had the backing of the entire OC political establishment – including me. That was my mistake. Our mistake. We already knew there were serious leadership issues in the Sheriff’s Department, serious enough to at least stay neutral. But we didn’t.

Three challengers received 49% of the votes, just a shy of forcing a November run-off. Of those three, Lieutenant Bill Hunt received by far the most votes. Give him credit for standing up and running, for taking an underfunded campaign without endorsements and nearly making it a 2-man run-off in November.

When Carona was forced to resign, I supported another candidate (Santa Ana Police Chief Walters) who had also nearly been elected – in 1998. I give my consideration and respect to those who want a job enough to actually place their name before the voters. Of the three current Sheriff’s candidates, only Hunt has actually received any votes in an election. The three votes our current Sheriff received came from the Supervisors who appointed her. Based on her subsequent performance, it is doubtful those three votes would still be there today.

A sheriff should protect people’s liberties – not restrict them. The current appointed Sheriff has arbitrarily revoked legally issued CCW permits of law-abiding citizens who did nothing to deserve such treatment.

A sheriff must face economic facts and work with the Board of Supervisors to adjust to revenue realities – not play a game of fiscal “chicken” and budget brinksmanship.

A sheriff must instill in staff a respect for elected decision-makers – not use security cameras to spy on them. They should respect citizens’ rights to voice their opinions – not use government-issued blackberries to belittle them in public meetings.

Bill Hunt understands this. He was there for us in 2006. He’s there now, again.

9 Replies to “Chris Norby: Why I Support Bill Hunt for Sheriff”

  1. Norby, why don’t you cop to your latest mistake as well — voting for Abel Maldonado for LG? That was your first significant act in the Assembly and you rewarded a lying Republican who violated a no taxes pledge to give us the largest tax increase in US history. What do you wish to extend the career of this turd?

    Why should we believe you now? Your judgment and conduct has been more than suspect in the past and you deserve to be doubted now. Maybe you’re just not cut out for this kind of work?

  2. To often in politics we never get any clarity from the officials with their experiences and decision making. This is a true representative of the people good for him for talking about this.

  3. Chris,
    Well said. According to some pundits, Hunt is an underdog. The reality is that Hunt is the only candidate to have received votes, worked in the OC jail, endorsed by the rank and file of deputies, and has real solutions for the numerous problems facing the department.

  4. Verbatim,

    Trying to cloud the issue? The fact is no one else other than FFFF is actually trying to get to the bottom of the Sheriff’s race. The OC Register has been bought off, Mauve County could care less to find the truth and that leaves the Dems…who are under the impression that when a rapist is 10 feet from your wife, or daughter and she could have a gun…..well dialing 911 is your best option!

    So I digress, are you trying to steer this discussion toward Norby’s admission of who is the better candidate to run the Department? Or are you another paid “guest” in the hopes of getting Hunter…I mean Carona elected again?


    Verbatim has a valid point on Maldonado but the LG job is useless so I can’t get too excited. It is a diversion but duly noted.

  6. Norby has the pick for Sheriff dialed in and it’s about time.

    Bill Hunt has grown immensely since his last race and the electorate has increasingly embraced his message of a constitutional Sheriff.

    Both Hunter and Hutchens are very nice people personally. But neither can extract themselves from the old law enforcement dogma – war on drugs mentality, us versus them, and we know best…

    The electorate have long memories and they will reward someone, like Bill Hunt, who stood up for what was right regardless of the outcome.

    Noby, a libertarian leaning Republican, was the start of the electorates move back towards conservatism and liberty. Bill Hunt is the next logical step towards that ideal.

  7. I do and I have met both numerous times.

    There is a distinction between candidates and the actual person when you get to know them.

    It is easy to personally eviscerate candidates but it takes well thought discourse, articulated cogently to discern between the better of the candidates policies and philosophies. This does not include Carona or Carona types. That man has some personal issues.

    We find in life that we may disagree with our neighbors on politics but it won’t stop us from going over and watching the superbowl and chow on BBQ at their house. If we didn’t, then life would get pretty lonely.

    Hearing the candidates speak about their vision, leadership styles, knowledge of the budget issues, and adherence to the constitution, is enough for me to choose Hunt for Sheriff.

    On another topic, Harry Siduh dodging debates is open season. Lying about your residence to include perjury and denying the electorate the right to question you in a public forum, is reprehensible and thus he should no longer be afforded the respect of congenial discourse.

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