CSUF Going Way Out On Limb
We just received an e-mail from a young Friend, directing our attention to a story in the CSUF Daily Titan about the university trying to go ahead with the acquisition of the Hope University campus across Nutwood Avenue. We’ve been documenting the damage already done to mid-century architecture in the area and of course noting that the buildings on the Hope campus are architecturally significant – and would be demolished by CSUF.
According to the article funding would come from the sale of bonds. $30 million will be needed to close the deal. But of course the university employee cited says nothing about how the bonds are to be paid for. It seems that the school’s debt service ratio is already crappy – they’ve been spending like drunken sailors over there and their credit card is maxed out. Can anybody forget the debacle of the “University Heights” housing fiasco, here, and here? That didn’t help, either.
With the State budget cuts they’ve had to cut enrollment, and so student fee revenue is down.
And speaking of fees, it also seems as if the recent increases in fees and tuition have a lot of students pissed off, and using their dough to help swing future expansion that’s years off is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way.
So will the CS Chancellor’s office nix this massive added liability? Let’s hope so. CSUF President Milton is on clueless cruise control. Somebody needs to behave responsibly – and soon.
With an annual tax payer provided salary of $407,351.64, Charles Reed needs to take control and guide CSUF to fiscal responsibility. CSUF has been trying to obtain the Hope property for quite some time. Last year I had heard that CSUF hoped (no pun intended) to do a land swap. That wouldn’t be so bad but a bond, which almost always cost tax payers much more than the benefit for which they were issued, would be piss-poor planning.
You are well-informed. The campus is already over-extended and revenues are down.
Still, it’s another one of those “deals of a lifetime” that keep popping up at CSUF. The campus is going to try to slide this through the Chancellor’s office this summer.
Are these properties for sale on the open market?
as a CSUF alumni, CSUF needs to physically expand or resort to online degrees. This school is overcrowded
An article I read said that CSF was planning on retiring the bond with as little state money as possible–leasing the property back to Hope until they actually move was one route suggested to generate funds. It’s a prudent move to expand, considering the overcrowding and current wait list, but yes, it does seem extra shitty since tuition has gone up almost 50% in the past 5 years and so many classes have been closed recently. I’m really kind of on the fence about this because I can see both sides: Expanding for the future is a great benefit and market-wise it’s a good time to do it. On the other hand, increased prices and reduced benefits for customers (students) is a poor way to operate a business.
As a graduating student the school has become way to crowded because Gordon expanded to aggressively. He’s an arrogant fool who just cares about himself and his ranch
That would be OUR ranch.