Eeew. Hairball Soils Himself. Again.
Following the lead of the union lackeys at the completely fraudulent Voice of OC and the even more pathetic clowns at the Liberal OC, Hide and Seek Harry Sidhu, Man of A Thousand Addresses, lobbed a spitball at his fall opponent, 4th District Supervisor, Shawn Nelson. No doubt egged on by handlers Nick “Bullhorn” Berardino and “I Need A High Speed Rail” Cut Pringle, Sidhu put out a press release today attacking Nelson’s supposed hypocrisy for signing up for a County pension while he also touted signing of some bogus anti-pension pledge of his own concoction.
Of course Hairball never bothered to inform anybody that all full-time government employees have to sign up for a retirement plan in lieu of Social Security, and that the County presented Nelson, like all employees with two options: the 2.7 @ 55 formula or the idiotic 1.62 @ 65 plan, Berardino’s lame project that passes for pension reform, but that just rewards oldtimers.

Sidhu also failed to inform his poor, afflicted newsletter recipients that he too signed up for the City of Anaheim’s truly option 2.7 @ 55 gig, as reported by Chip Hanlon at the Red County blog.
Bad boy, Harry. Bad, bad boy. Clean up on aisle one.
Funny nick is having a cow about this since tom daly is on the county’s pension plan and gets ocea’s campaign contribution too.
Speaking of Tom Daly.
Did you all notice he pulled about 75% of the vote in the 4th District?
Aren’t you all glad to know how much pull you have in the district?
So what is Pam Keller doing these days?
Couldn’t tell you. I’m not a bunnycooker like you.
Yes, you can tell us: she’s still collaborating with the other boohoos. But that contract may very well end next year. Better put your shoulder pads back on.
Are you talking about Tom Daly for Supervisor? I recall him dropping out of that race a few hours before the county released his dirty records to the Friends.
Yep. FFFF knocked that guy right out of the race!
He did drop out of the race. He ran for Clerk-Recorder where he pulled about 75% of the vote in the 4th Supervisor District. Despite the 4F blogs endorsing his opponent.
BTW, Daly has the last laugh. Not only does Clerk have no term limits, it pays better than Supervisor.
You really showed him.
How’s that bunny tastin’ these days. We cook ’em good.
Daly’s life-long ambition was to be a supervisor. Not gonna happen!
I’m sure he’s doing is just fine at a higher rate of pay.
Ask you buddies about bunny taste. They’re the ones who are obsessed with her like dates who got stood up for the prom.
That Sidhu id pure gold. He issued his statement with his own “resolution.”
Here’s a thought:
I Hairball Sidhu do hereby renounce perjury and carpetbagging.
Harrish Babu Sidhu strikes again. Maybe he can put some more mosques around the 4th dist…
i recommend admin remove #9, that statement is so ignorant and wrong for many reasons, more racism on ffff
If we remove comments you ‘pugs accuse us of deleting comments!
What a dilemma!
Better break out that high school football gear, dude. we’re not done with Daly. Or Keller.
Better break out that high school football gear, dude. we’re not done with Daly. Or Keller.
Yeah. And we all saw just how many people were paying attention to you in the June primary. Daly pulled about 75% of the vote in the 4th District.
Meaning that no one cares about what inanities you are saying.
I thought Keller stated she wasn’t running. I’m thinking she could care less about your idiotic comments.
But good luck with that.
Why would I need HS football gear. It’s not like any of you can hit harder than a five year old.
BTW Joey.
Did you notice Nelson opted for the most lucrative pension option?
Guess he realized the pension system isn’t in all that bad a shape.
Or (more than likely) he played you like a Stradivarius as suckers getting you to support him.
maybe you should help harry with his campaign. he could use an interpreter…
What does this have to do with Nelson’s choice of retirement plans?
Is Sidhu less qualified because he speaks English with an accent?
Is he less American because of that?
Here’s a fun fact. Sidhu has spent his life creating jobs. Nelson has spent his life suing businesses.
Which one is better for the economy?
I’m sure you’ll have a rationalization.
Harrish has been creating minimum wage jobs for chicken cooks and burger flippers that will add to the epidemic of heart disease. Great accomplishment!
Nelson created high-paying professional jobs. Which do you think is better for the economy? Never mind; you’re a boohooer…
Nelson had to opt in no choice. What kind of an idiot would take a lesser plan at age 42, you?
Keller still gets to pretend she’s a teacher while gallivanting around town taking credit for other people’s work. When the School Board changes that contract will be open for discussion.
Strap up the gear!
Nelson had a choice for a 401(k) style plan that he and his followers believe should be the norm for all public employees. I agree that he is no idiot in that he campaigned on that issue, got you to support him, and then chose the one that best benefitted him, taxpayer be damned.
What does Keller’s job have to do with the choices Nelson made in his retirement option?
Do you have ADHD? I bet Keller could recommend a good instructor to help you with that malady.
Keller’s nuts, yes her nuts, are in a vise.
I liked Nelson. Now I have my doubts… But I still like him over the Magic Carptebagging Hide-and-Seek Hairball Harry Sidhu
Whew. For the second time.
Good thing Tom McClintock didn’t decide he wanted this seat. Watching conservatives bellyache about carpetbagging is a hoot and a half.
Tom McC is but one of the better examples of that double standard.
Tom McClintock? Now you’re really getting desperate. News flash: Nobody in Fullerton voted for carpetbagging McClintock in PLACER COUNTY!
Wow! A master of the obvious who completely missed the point.
None of us will ever have to worry about booking trips to Stockholm to watch you pick up any prizes.
That’s for sure.
Why won’t this hairball go away.
I was just polled AGAIN by his group.
Does he have infinite money or something?
Just. Go. Away.
How can you sell a piece of crap like Sidhu? Roll out all the ad men on Madison Avenue and they’ll tell you the same thing. You can’t. But we will be happy to take your money trying.
I hear Harrish’s wife is saying “no more money” and “I want to move back to our mansion” to him.
He will have a hell of a time raising any money to run against a sitting Supervisor.
He’s just become a joke now.
An Ode to Shawn half-Nelson: Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do
There once was a plucky Councilman from Fullerton,
Who delighted to preen and embellish his reputation;
He championed no new taxes, gave city spendthrifts tension,
But most preeminent;
Shawn half-Nelson became watchdog of out-of-control public employee pensions.
His candor often seemed dubious,
Matching his bad hair dye treatment;
But when it came time to decry millions of Fullerton funded dollars
To provide others’ retirement bliss,
Our Councilman Shawn half-Nelson’s ferocity was peerless,
Upon immediate ascension to higher office
In the County of OC
Our own Supervisor half-Nelson,
Perchance saw himself now free from FFFF’s prying eyeballs,
Done got himself a Gold Card pension relief!
OC Register expressed real outrage, shock and surprise
That its libertarian prestige and warm praise
Be wasted upon such a parvenu, Shawn half-Nelson, now half-crazed;
Upon his new post assuming, he certainly wasn’t slow
To take most lucrative pension benefit available to County public non-safety cowpokes.
Candidate half-Nelson campaigned up and down District 4
On conservative platform of pension program reform;
He loudly proclaimed fiscal austerity,
But one of first acts of office was to belittle his own campaign dirge:
To dispense with job luxuries and pension deserts.
Newest OC Supervisor, Shawn half-Nelson, Ran a one-issue campaign; Pension reform, pension reform, pension reform! He won primary election on strength of a personal pledge: No retroactive boost in pensions, OC tax payers, you I defend!
Our former Councilman, candidate, newfound Supe now stripped bare, Half-Nelson’s plausible deniability made visible, insincerity exposed for all to stare; To OC Register Editorial board he piously lamented, Richness of county’s current pension system for public non-safety workers, Be ended!
As Councilman, we Fullertonians watched Shawn half-Nelson trash Latinos, Disrespect colleagues, Welch on promises galore; Inappropriately recuse himself from controversial votes, But never could we imagine a more colossal campaign reversal, or bigger bore!
Shawn half-Nelson himself was quoted to say,
“County retirements shouldn’t have non-safety personnel retiring at the age of 55.
It’s absurd,” our half-man, half-snake continued to bray,
“These retirement programs shouldn’t be guaranteed by the tax payer. They should be defined contribution (similar to a 401K) and retirement at least after 60, if not 65.”
The news is out, party’s in suspension
Supervisor half-Nelson’s political Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do career may soon be in recession!
His holier-than-thou prognostications; Parliamentary forays, dismissive glowers; Credibility on pension reform, central focus of his abortive campaign, Is now in question.
It’s but human nature to be self-interested, But in Shawn half-Nelson’s numerous case, Time and time again, to put oneself over City, County, even GOP, Half-fraudulent personage, half-failed personal integrity And full hypocritical dope!
The Enabler
An Ode to Shawn half-Nelson: Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do
There once was a plucky Councilman from Fullerton,
Who delighted to preen and embellish his reputation;
He championed no new taxes, gave city spendthrifts tension,
But most preeminent;
Shawn half-Nelson became watchdog of out-of-control public employee pensions.
His candor often seemed dubious,
Matching his bad hair dye treatment;
But when it came time to decry millions of Fullerton funded dollars
To provide others’ retirement bliss,
Our Councilman Shawn half-Nelson’s ferocity was peerless,
Upon immediate ascension to higher office
In the County of OC
Our own Supervisor half-Nelson,
Perchance saw himself now free from FFFF’s prying eyeballs,
Done got himself a Gold Card pension relief!
OC Register expressed real outrage, shock and surprise
That its libertarian prestige and warm praise
Be wasted upon such a parvenu, Shawn half-Nelson, now half-crazed;
Upon his new post assuming, he certainly wasn’t slow
To take most lucrative pension benefit available to County public non-safety cowpokes.
Candidate half-Nelson campaigned up and down District 4
On conservative platform of pension program reform;
He loudly proclaimed fiscal austerity,
But one of first acts of office was to belittle his own campaign dirge:
To dispense with job luxuries and pension deserts.
Newest OC Supervisor, Shawn half-Nelson,
Ran a one-issue campaign;
Pension reform, pension reform, pension reform!
He won primary election on strength of a personal pledge:
No retroactive boost in pensions, OC tax payers, you I defend!
Our former Councilman, candidate, newfound Supe now stripped bare,
Half-Nelson’s plausible deniability made visible, insincerity exposed for all to stare;
To OC Register Editorial board he piously lamented, Richness of county’s current pension system for public non-safety workers, Be ended!
As Councilman, we Fullertonians watched Shawn half-Nelson trash Latinos, Disrespect colleagues, Welch on promises galore;
Inappropriately recuse himself from controversial votes,
But never could we imagine a more colossal campaign reversal, or bigger bore!
Shawn half-Nelson himself was quoted to say,
“County retirements shouldn’t have non-safety personnel retiring at the age of 55.
It’s absurd,” our half-man, half-snake continued to bray,
“These retirement programs shouldn’t be guaranteed by the tax payer. They should be defined contribution (similar to a 401K) and retirement at least after 60, if not 65.”
The news is out, party’s in suspension
Supervisor half-Nelson’s political Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do career may soon be in recession!
His holier-than-thou prognostications; Parliamentary forays, dismissive glowers;
Credibility on pension reform, central focus of his abortive campaign,
Is now in question.
It’s but human nature to be self-interested,
But in Shawn half-Nelson’s numerous case,
Time and time again, to put oneself over City, County, even GOP,
Half-fraudulent personage, half-failed personal integrity
And full hypocritical dope!
The Enabler